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...The Realm of Odditys ...

This homepage was proudly brought to you by the number 4 and the letter C ... Not to mention the sum of Pi, the square root of 1890 and the artistic talents of E (who equaled MC2)

I dont really have a point to my homepage... I hope you were'nt expecting one... I mean, I could have called it "Exciting feline companions and their overly priced station wagons" but it just wouldnt be right. I mean, what did the Felines ever do to us? Nothing. Well they could have, im not presumming that a Feline never did anything to you ... It could have possibly had to much to drink and ... well ... you do the math ... (I was never good at it, 3+2 always equaled 6 to me)

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*Art Corner for the blind*
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*A plea for Cows!*