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Betas Have a Blast at The Beach Surfing the Waves of the Future

The Pageland Middle Jr. Beta Club took a trip to the South Carolina State Beta Club Convention December9-11. The students went swimming as soon as they arrived at the Landmark Resort in Myrtle Beach. Afterswimming for a hour, they returned to their rooms. Thursday was the day of the competitions. Thecompetitions varied from building the tallest tower using only straws and straight pins to cross stitching. Afterall the competitions were finished, it was time to eat lunch and go shopping. The students enjoyed eating atrestaurants such as the Hard Rock Cafe and Johnny Rockets at Broadway at the Beach. Then the club wentback to the hotel to get ready for a general session and a dance. At the beginning of the general session,president Darron Kirkley and other presidents from around the state went on stage to talk about their clubs.Then came a speaker and finally the dance. When the majority of the club was ready to leave, the group headed back to the hotel. The next day the competition winners were announced. Nikki Sims, an eighthgrader, won third place in the state in cross stitching. This entitled her to receive an invitation to the nationalconvention this summer. This is the second time the Pageland Middle Jr. Beta Club has gone to the stateconvention.

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