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Welcome to CORBETT Presents the Wonderful World of Ellis Dee Home Page. This page is the shits.

Ellis Dee's theme:

"As for me I've got scars
For every mile I've traveled so far
And some blood on my hands
Here I am
I got friends that I owe
I ain't namin' names cuz they know
Where they stand
Here I am
Here I am! Here I am! Here I am!"

I got me a Fearless Heart
Strong enough to get you through the scary part
It's been broken many times before
A Fearless Heart just comes back for more

Yeah Bee-Otch! Here I am, the coolest site on the World Wide Web today. Until now, this page hadn't been updated since 11 Jan 98, but we're tryin' to change that. Get Ellis Dee off of his lazy ass.

I need four walls around me to hold my life
To keep me from going astray
And a honky tonk angel to hold me tight
To keep me from slipping away

For those of you who have been here before, you know the kind of crazy shi-ate we got goin' on up in here. I'm gonna try to update this page once a week. If you visit this page and it doesn't look different, click on reload. If it still looks the same, it hasn't been updated. To be sure check the updated date after you hit reload. The updated date is the big flashing orange date located at the bottom, or near the bottom 3/4 whatever, of the page.

I cut you in, come on let's go for a fall
I cut you in, and you ain't leavin' at all
I cut you in, don't let it go to your head
I cut you in, part-time friend

If you're a virgin to the Wonderful World of Ellis Dee, don't be ashamed. We all gotta start somewhere. Better late than never. Feel free to browse around and check out all of the Chiily Ass Sites. Hey! that's what they're there for. Click on the links that have an Ellis Dee Head beside them and you will be allowed to travel even farther into the Wonderful World.

It's all just a dream, babe
A vacuumous scheme, babe
That sucks you into feeling like this

Please email comments and suggestions to . AND DO NOT LEAVE THIS PLACE WITHOUT SIGNING THE GUESTBOOK!!!

You can't run
You can't hide
No surprise
Close yo' eyes
Come with me

Well, here's what's up these days. Ellis Dee is now in college. Western Carolina University is now getting a taste of the Wonderful World. Needless to say, they want the little slacker son of a bitch out. There has already been one failed attempt at canceling his classes. Face it, there ain't no gettin' rid of him... I should know... I live with it everyday...

Hey, little girl, don't you know he's the devil, he's everything that I ain't
Hiding intentions of evil under the smile of a saint
All he's good for is getting in trouble and shifting his share of the blame
And some people swear he's my double and some even say we're the same
But the silver-tounged devil's got nothing to lose
And I'll only live 'till I die
We take our own chances and pay our own dues
The silver tounged devil and I

Ellis has been also been signing up to volunteer at various school functions and to donate money for others under the alias of Bob Jones. When the officials call "Bob" about his signing up, he acts like a smart ass with the people and tells them that he can do to help and what time he will show up. Of course, "Bob" never shows. I think there's a group of people waiting for their ride to the 5k run. Oh, well.

Put your hand on my head, baby
Do I have a temperature
I see people who are supposed to know better
Standin' around like furniture
There's a wall between you
And what you want you got to leap it
Tonight you got the power to take it
Tomorrow you won't have the power to keep it

Ah-ha... some more news. Ellis is starting a band... well he's trying like hell to. Ellis doesn't believe that it will ever get past the stage of practice, but does not particularly give a damn seeing as how he hates everyone in it. Here is a list of names Ellis wanted for the band:

The name chosen was Catapult... Ellis was voted down. But, anyway, here is the current line-up, complete with what each member plays:
Ellis Dee: lead vocals, songwriter, chicks
Jeff: bass, dildo, Brad, Jeff
John: electric guitar... or so he says
Brad: homeboy is crazy on the drums, also seconds as an instrument for Jeff

Ellis' plan is to create a huge scene in the middle of their first or second performance and go off on everyone before he leaves the stage and the band.

Fuck my enemies, fuck my foes
Damn these hoes, your steppin' on my toes
Back up off me, take your hands off me
Give me room to breathe
I'm not hearin' it, I'm not fearin' it
I'm up to my ears in it... bullshit!

This page is far from finshed, as I would like to add a page of pictures. The pics will be off Ellis and his friends, if you would like your picture included, send it to and I will try to find out how to get it up... the pic that is... onto my webpage. :) I would also like to add a page of Ellis Dee's lyrics. This will include lyrics to some of the songs that Ellis has written. I should also be updating the "Chilly Ass Links" as well, seeing as how some no longer exist and some I just don't give a damn about anymore and there are some I wanna add. This should be completed by the end of next week, as I will be in South Carolina, on Johns Island in Charleston, from Fri 3 Oct 98 through 6 Oct 98. There will also be a "Who is Ellis Dee?" page. I would also like to add some other shit, but I have no idea what. But you can bet your sweet ass they're gonna be cool.

Well, I don't dare close my eyes and I don't dare wink
Maybe in the next life I'll be able to hear myself think
Feel I'm talking to somebody but I just don't know who
Well, I try to get closer but I'm still a million miles from you
A TV Guide, a TV Guide
Great God Almighty it's a TV Guide

Actually, it's my guestbook, but close enough

Click here to see who the hell else has signed the guestbook.

Get your own nifty ass guestbook from the good folks at Guest World:
Guestbook by GuestWorld

Here are the kick ass companies who are still trying to figure why they're supporting CORBETT Presents the Wonderful World of Ellis Dee.
I guess it's just addictive.

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"Ode to Erskine"
Yo, yo, yo have y'all heard the word
Erskine is full of queers and nerds
It ain't right when guys is shakin' yo hands with a hard on
Shitty town ain't got nothin' but 2 gas stations and a tanning salon
And even when the years have passed and been swept away like broken glass
The fight song of this homeboy's class will be Erskine, suck my ass.

Ellis Dee

Updated Date Down Here
Last updated: 1 Oct 98

My Sweetheart

Now she's the kind a woman keep you comin' back for mo'
Got the kind of face you swear you seen someplace befo'
Well, it coulda' been yo' mamma, coulda' been a Mexican hoe
She's the devil I know
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Some Chilly Ass Sites

Page2- Sex, shit, religion, Ellis Dee, and other stuff that doesn't always make sense.
1) Get wasted away again in MARGARITAVILLE with Jimmy Buffett & the Coral Reefer Band
2) Chattin in da Cafe
3) Son of a Son of a Web Page
4) Muppets Kick Ass
6) Puppies on Prozac - Happy Puppy
7) DAC Home Page (to get the low down on DAC's X-rated CD click on Merchandise)

10) Journey's- The place to be if you wanna dress like a Gangsta Pimp Daddy, G!
