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Hiya everyone!!! This is my little dedication to people who let me take their pictures!!
Some pics have been given to me from friends, but that's only a couple.

NOTE: I just started this page on May/3/99, so there will be LOTS more pics coming in soon!
PS if any of the pics are messed up, don't ask me why... 'cus I don't know.

2nd NOTE: I would like to thank my wonderful grandparents of whom I love very much who let me use their scanner while they visited to scan all these pics and many more!


This is a picture of me before going to our end-of-year dance.

This is my friend Ashley who lives nearby.

This is Ash and Me.

Isn't this a funky pic??? *L* That's Ash, me, and our friend Nat.

That's my friend Lacey with her friend, and bro Larry.

That's a pic of 2 guys in my grade. Aaron, and Steve.

That's a couple days after the dance when my bestest lil bud Kayla came to visit me. We used to be neighbors, but then I moved and it really sucked having to leave them all, but I met lots of cool people here.

There's Kayla again. Just got to love her ;)

This pic was taken of Kayla and I in Ashley's bedroom...crazy eh? It's not quite like that now.

This is a REALLY neat-o place in Newfoundland. I went there with My friend Melissa, Natalie, and their families when I visited last summer. Nat's bro Anthony in on the side of the pic. I'm in the little falls.

This is Melissa and Nat in our friend at Matthew's house. Aren't they neat?? Yes they are! :)

This is what us Newfies do in the summer... J/K but Iceberg Fishing is on of the more interesting ways of spending a day!!! There's Anthony and Nat in the water. Icebergs taste good you know!

That's my grade picture taken at a camp, May '97. Most of the friends I left behind :(

Here's a buncha pics of people when they were younger... including myself (my oh my...)

Hee hee. That's me when I was a wee little one.

That's me @ age 3.

Um, well, what can I say... I was born to be weird. (I went to school in that...)

An umbrella... and me.

Awww, ain't that the sweetest pic in the world? They're my bros, Steven and Alexander when they were cute... (ooops, I mean when they were younger.. *L*)

Guess who that is! It's ASHIE!!! :)

And guess who this is??? It's ROBYN!!!!!

Cotton Eye Joe by The Rednecks was probably the song of my grade 8 time at EMS. (This song should be playing now). That's when I was first introduced to it and I've been dancing to it ever since. :) Yeehaw!!!