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As of February 26, 2011, The Way… Series has been pulled from the internet. I ask that people with copies of the series do not distribute, archive, or otherwise make them available to others (this includes emailing copies around). I realize I have no way to stop this activity but I hope that, out of respect for me and the series, fans will respect my wishes.

I'm leaving the rest of the site up. All the supplemental material and artwork will remain accessible.


For those wondering why I pulled the series, the answer is simple and complex.


I started the series for three specific reasons:

1) I wanted to write something fun and frivolous that allowed me to let loose and not agonize over every comma, etc

2) I wanted to work on some writing problems and bad habits I knew I had

3) I had yet to find a Carter-fic that did everything I wanted to see, so I wrote it myself


Over a year, I wrote about 600k words (not accounting for Coda, which is a little over 100k, and was started after the one year anniversary). That’s a staggering amount of output, equivalent to six very long novels. I never knew I was capable of that and am very proud of my accomplishments.


A lot of feedback I received said I should leave fanfiction behind, go “professional,” and a few people suggested I adapt the series into an original work, partly because so much of it already way. I guess it created a seed of thought because I figured out a way to synthesize certain elements into an original project.


I pulled The Way for that reason. For the sake of future options, I can’t have the series on the Internet.


I’m forever thankful to all my readers and everyone who contacted me about the series.