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A Little About Ole Runningbear

Osiyo and welcome to my little world of Native American style flute making. My name is Bob Egner AKA Runningbear I live in a little town in western Kentucky called Cadiz Kentucky with my beautiful wife Juanita. As you may have guessed by now I am of Native American descent my G/Grandmother on my mothers side and my GG/Grandmother on my fathers side were both Cherokee. I grew up in a little town in South East Kentucky called Corbin.

I spent most of my child hood fishing and hunting or just wandering through the woods and fields looking for arrow heads or other Indian artifacts. My mom and I lived 13 miles from town way back in the sticks and there was not a lot to do. I joined the Air Force when I was 18 years old and never went back to Corbin, Not to live there anyway.

After 8 years in the Air Force (2 years in Japan) I moved to Colorado and that became my home. But my roots kept calling me so I moved back to Western Kentucky in 1995 and I think that will be the last move ole Runningbear will make. I have spent the last 20 years of my life searching for my heritage. (Want to learn a little more about ole Runningbear go to It’s been a long hard job but worth ever minute of it. I have 3 lovely daughters and 1 son. Melissa Rogers who lives here in Cadiz, Debbie Calkins in Denver Colorado, Libby Davis in Semi Valley Calif. And Mike Egner my son who lives in Colby Kansas.I have 10 G/ children and 6 G/grand children ( so far ) I am now retired, Fighting cancer. And doing just fine. So now let’s get on with the flute making. Wado Runningbear

I started making NAStyle flutes 3 years ago Or I should say I was trying to make flutes I started out not knowing the first thing about making NAflutes,And I soon discovered I could make a lot of fire wood. I started searching the net to find HELP and I found it in a manual written by a gentelman in Arizona by the name of Keith Sanford. He called it the KI-E-TA manual of flute making So I ordered it, I got more information from the first 3 pages of that book than I did in all my searching of the net and ALL the other books and videos I had looked at, And I also got Keith along with the manual. He has always been there when I needed him all I had to do was call. And I got a good friend also. And now I must say I make a pretty darn good flute. One that I can sell and stand behind with a good guarantee. So if anyone out there wants to get started in a great hobby of NAFlute making save your self a lot of head aches and go to and get Keith's book You will be glad you did.

Now the best for last.

This is a very special Lady in my life. My best friend, My buddy, My Wife Juanita aka as Ladyrunningbear.

A special times in my life was when 2 of my good friends came to visit me in Kentucky. My mentor and good friend Keith (KI-E-TA)from Az. And I also had a visit from a good friend and fellow flute maker from Ohio Tom Cramer or as some know him by the name of WTdog or TIRED OLE MAN.

Ole Runningbear and KI-E-TA getting ready to do some serious flute playing.

Keith jammin' out

Tom Cramer(aka) WTdog and Ole Runningbear. Folks this guy is TALL!! I am standing and he is squatting down!!!!

This is John Ellis the owner of TURTLE MOUND FLUTES and my Cherokee Flute maker brother.
John Is that a Runningbear flute you are playing?

Cherokee Moons
Cherokee Moons
