Zorn-eleer Warren: About The Warren
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Zorn-eleer History

Hrair years ago, a pure white rabbit was born called Frostbite in a small yet powerful warren. He was a large, strong buck who longed to be an officer in the owsla, and when he grew older his wish was granted. He loved the warren and its rah, but he was only in the owsla for three months when disaster struck. The warren was infected with the white blindness. Most of the rabbits stopped running, including the rah. Frostbite led the few surviving rabbits away from the doomed place. They traveled for hrair days and nights until they found an ideal place for a warren on the edge of a wood. Frostbite took control of the warren as it was being created, and when everything was finished the rabbits agreed to make Frostbite the Chief Rabbit. He called it *Uthyhl, which means "The Beginning." It did not take long for Uthyhl grow into a fair-sized warren. It wasn't huge, but, still, it was considerably larger than Frostbite's old warren.

Frostbite made Primrose–a young, energetic buck –the Supreme Captain of Owsla. With a bit of training he became one of the most powerful rabbits in Uthyhl.

For several years Uthyhl continued to grow in size and strength until the winter came when they met *Hyaothilrah, a warren notorious for destroying smaller warrens and taking all survivors – if any – prisoner. Frostbite did not know of their reputation and attacked the warren when it refused to join their alliance. They lost the battle, but then it was Hyaothilrah turn to fight. They attacked Uthyhl quickly with great force, and the small warren never had a chance; Uthyhl was annihilated by the time the sun set.

Only two known survivors remained… One was Captain Primrose who fell unconscious from loss of blood after a rabbit attacked him from behind and bit into his throat. He was thought to be dead and woke among his fallen comrades' dead bodies hrair days after the battle. The other was Frithvao, a daughter of Frostbite and a visionary. She was only a kitten at the time of the battle and was overlooked when her hiding place was raided. Primrose cleaned up the warren and reestablished it as Zorn-eleer, which means "Death Winter." He and Frithvao are now the Chief Rabbits.

Now the only thing that remains to remind the Zorn-eleer rabbits of Uthyhl is the scar on Primrose's throat and two mounds of dirt not far from the burrows where the bodies of Frostbite and his mate lie marked by irises that grow in the fertile soil.

Recent Events

One warm, summer day a wounded buck made his way to Zorn-eleer. His name was Wolfsbane. Primrose and Frithvao soon learned that he came from a warren called *Hawk-Feather. He held the highest position next to the rah and lived a great life, but one day he got into an argument with the chief rabbit, Snowhill-rah, and out of his anger attacked and nearly killed him. He fled from the warren when he realized what he had done. The owsla tried to stop him, but he was able to throw them off and escape. Despite his past, Primrose made him the Supreme Captain of Owsla and Frithvao began to fall in love with him.

One day not long after, a very skilled tracker called Captain Nutmeg came to Zorn-eleer. She told Primrose that she was from Hawk-Feather and in search of Wolfsbane. She wanted to arrest him for what he did to Snowhill and bring him to trial. It was not difficult to see that their intentions were to sentence him to death. Primrose denied ever seeing such a rabbit. Captain Nutmeg left, but said that she would return with Snowhill. Wolfsbane offered to leave the warren, but Primrose refused. He wouldn't force him to leave the warren if he truly desired to stay. He was determined to find someway to counter the assault, if not stop it. While they were discussing the event Frithvao had one of her visions, but for the first time ever her dream was attacking her.

While they were in the Medical Burrow, Primrose expressed his feelings to Fawn, a lovely doe who was in love with him, and Frithvao heard something that shounded like another rabbit. She called out to it, and suddenly a young, silver buck ran out of his hiding place. He told them his name was Museisesshou and asked who they were and where he was. Frithvao wanted to leave before he could harm them, but Wolfsbane recognized his name and scent. He was from Hawk-Feather. Sesshou, as he liked to be referred to as, asked to be taken to rah. He explained that he was a wanderer who stayed in Hawk-Feather for a short time to rest. He saw Wolfsbane running from the owsla and later heard what happened. He considered it a great injustice and followed him, making sure he did not fall prey to elil while journeying to Zorn-eleer. He planned on staying in the warren for only a few days, but then he picked up the scent of another rabbit from Hawk-Feather. He heard what was transpiring, and offered to help them in the war if there was one. "Snowhill-rah should not be afraid. Wolfsbane is out of his warren. He has no right to destroy Zorn-eleer because he is here. I think it is very loyal of you to take him in under these circumstances. This warren will not be destroyed. I will be sure of that." The rabbits did not trust Sesshou, so Primrose appointed Hraray, a strong, black buck, Wolfsbane's bodyguard and asked Frithvao to watch Sesshou.

As time went, on the tension began to fade. After quite awhile the fateful day came. Captain Nutmeg returned to the warren with Snowhill-rah. While Wolfsbane hid from his pursuers, Primrose and Sesshou approached them. Primrose tried to remain casual, but Snowhill cut straight to the point and ordered them to return Wolfsbane to him or the consequences would be great. Sesshou spoke for Primrose saying Wolfsbane was not there - hoping Frostbite-rah would attack him so he could finish him off once and for all - and Primrose apologized and said that Nutmeg must have mistaken Sesshou's scent for Wolfsbane's. Snowhill recognized Sesshou, and told Primrose that he knew Wolfsbane was in the warren. He scratched Sesshou across the face for lying - giving him a crescent-shaped scar on his forehead - and told Primrose that next time he returned there would be a war. This was exactly what Sesshou was waiting for. He attacked Snowhill while Primrose tried to make sure Nutmeg did not interfere. They broke off barely worse off than before, and Snowhill and Nutmeg left. Primrose scolded Sesshou for attacking Snowhill, and Sesshou told him about his difficult past and why he despised Hawk-Feather warren. (*See Sesshou's Member's Page.)

Primrose-rah tried to remain cheerful and optimistic for his rabbits, but in truth he didn't know how it would be possible for them to win the war. That changed when they created an alliance with Arkwood, Frith-Hain, and Stonehold Warren. They were more than happy to assist in the war, and everything went smoothly save some tension between Sesshou and his younger half-brother, Kokoro, who he met in Arkwood. The three warrens came to Zorn-eleer and were ready for the attack.

It was a cold, December day when Snowhill began the war. The rabbits tried their best to fight off the Hawk-Feather rabbits while Sesshou and Wolfsbane went after Snowhill. Wolfsbane attacked Staghorn, a large buck that was acting as a bodyguard, while Sesshou went after Snowhill himself. It was a long, hard battle, but in the end both Hawk-Feather rabbits were defeated. Slowly the fighting began to cease when the rabbits learned that Snowhill was dead. The war was not over though. There was a betrayal, but despite what Primrose and Wolfsbane though Sesshou was not the traitor. Hraray attacked Frithvao and would've killed her if Wolfsbane did not attack him and rip out his throat. Hraray's lifeless body fell to the ground. The war was over. Despite their numerous wounds, Primrose, Wolfsbane, Sesshou, and Frithvao lived.

As time went on, the alliances between Zorn-eleer, Arkwood, Frith-hain, and Stonehold held strong. It did not take long for a new warren, Hawk-Feather, to join the circle.

The Storm in the Storm:
Wolfsbane and Staghorn

*Hyaothilrah, Uthyhl, Hawk-Feather, and NuInle are all NPC warrens, but may show up again in future story lines. If you would like to own a character that has come from one of these four warrens please send me an e-mail. (Yes, even from NuInle and Uthyhl. Even though they were destroyed there's no saying that some rabbits might have escaped death. ~_^)