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A few verses in nadsat

(Na means that it has been paraphrased)

1N. And all the earth had odin goloss and odin yahzick.

2Na. As moodges moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and they
2Nb. made it their domy mesto.

3Na. And they skazzed odin to another, "Itty to, let us make bricks, and
3Nb. burn them dobby." And they had brick for stone, and cal they had
3Nc. for mortar.

4Na. And they skazzed, "Itty to, let us build us a city, and a tower,
4Nb. whose top will itty up as high as bog and all his angels; and let us
4Nc. make a bolshy eemya for ourselves and not be scattered over the litso
4Nd. of the whole earth."

5Na. And the Lord Bog came down to viddy the city and the tower, which the
5Nb. children of moodges builded.

6Na. And the Lord skazzed, "Viddy, they are all odin lewdies and have all
6Nb. odin yahzick; and this they nachinat to do: and now nothing will
6Nc. be kept from them, which they have imagined to do.

7Na. Itty to, let us itty down and make their yahzick shoom, so they will
7Nb. not pony odin another."

8Na. So the Lord Bog sent them abroad upon the litso of the earth; and
8Nb. they ookadetted off building the city.

9Na. So the eemya of it is Babel, because there the Lord Bog and all
9Nb. his angels took away the meaning of all yahzicks; and from there
9Nc. the Lord sent them away over all the litso of the earth.