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Here are my projects. I only currently have info on one.

Mind's I

Here are some screenshots. These are a bit old, and still have my previous working title on them. I've replaced the system set with a custom one of my own. Also some of the areas have been expanded.

A shot of the main cast, in full Atled Military garb.

Listening in on a private conversation.

I sincerely doubt that is a good situation.

Yep, a very bad situation.

Surrounded in a dark alley. Things just keep getting better, don't they?

A minigame with blobs. Based on mastermind.

The change party screen in action.

If the tacky RTP filled screen shots haven't completely turned you off to my game, you can download it here.

NOTE: All copies of the version that does not require the RTP have been removed, pending the next demo release. The remaining link may be down intermitently.

Download Mind's I Small Version(1.1 Megs-Requires RTP)