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	At the age of 15, Wee Jas (goddess of death & magik) confronted him and
granted him powers over the element of flame. Ansharja accepted Wee Jas' offer and used
his new power to 'burn' the section of his brain that contained the memories of his
childhood. All he remembers now is that his childhood was something that was never
to be remembered.
	Wee Jas also granted Ansharja with the magical sword Mournblade. This sword
communicates with its wielder telepathically. The sword taints Yaki constantly, even
during his sleep (making him slightly insane at times). Mournblade lives off of 
the happy thoughts of it wielder, making Ansharja and extremely depressed young man. 
The sword takes up no space while holstered, and appears to be drawn from no were.
Despite all of the Mournblades setbacks Ansharja cannot bring himself to get rid of it.
	After aimlessly traveling the lands for two years, Ansharja broke down. He did
not know what to do with his life and sold himself to slavery. His new mistress
(Angelic) was very kind to him, she granted him with the powers to shape shift.
She also turned him vampire, making him look slightly demonic. She brought back
his self-esteem and Ansharja (for the first time) felt happy. He felt he could continue
his life on a happy note and Angelic let him free.
	It has not been long since his was freed, and already his sanity and
self-esteem have begun to break apart. He now owns slaves of his own, in a desperate
act to be content. He finds joy now in help abused and runaway slaves find proper
homes with good owners.
 	Not long ago he was killed by a loved one. During the travel of his soul to
his clone his god (Wee Jas) interrupted his life once again. She took his soul and
made him a Soul Reaver too collect mortal souls for her. He eventually collected
enough souls for Wee Jas and she let his soul travel to his clone.
	His depression as caught up with him once again. He has sold himself to
slavery in hopes a good beating will help him.


	You can contact Ansharja at Although if you add him
to you MSN Contacts list he may not accept you. (I try to keep my list clean)

