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Pics Of Meh Friends

heres another pic of hkl and is he doing to my car!!that sick bastard!!

heres sum sexy ladies, frm left to right in tha black bg: phuong, marissa, and liz, u kno marissa, tha otha co-founder of The Non-Robertionists!

heres so mo lovely ladies, frm left to right its chocobo christine and other Co-founder tamy

best friends

here we are, tha original triads, theres batman, hkl and me frm left to right, and yes, to tha far right, it is...tha first triad fish van!!

and now heres a pic of meh otha good friend mike with his masterpiece, mike is also one of the co-creators of the Non-Robertionists
if you wanna check out his page, jus click on tha link

aite, they here, tha pics from halloween...

here anissa n' charles, and be prepared, in most of the next few pics w/ charles in em, his mouth is open very wide, and i think i kno y...

and now on to anissa, hkl (who has a boner right now, yea he does, look at that facial expression), and the best scenario eric acuario

herre's sum mo pur-tee grls, deres kryselle, a stupid krn, and lydia (jp grace ;P)

aite, here we r, tha 3 lonely ones, wonderin' if it's a wise choice to go to Caboda, cuz its all scurry n' shit, which it kinda was, walkin' around it almost pitch black...and since kryselle told me it waz bad to piss on a tree, cuz ghosts will come after u if u do, and of course she tells me this after i take a leak...

now look at these 2, first they start out as just friends (left) to best buddies in tha whole wide world!!(right)(yea...they're gay)...

u already kno these pple, so im not gonna write down ne more names...

awww...look at tha happy couple, doesnt it make u sick??

heres me n anissa up at time, ya kno, tha spot nowadays

heres a pic of tha boyz n' me at tha spot, yes yes, we are sexy beasts

and heres the entire group at anissa house on halloween, rn't we just one big happy group

and yes, we gotta finish it off w/ charles and his open mouth


*Production of film*

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