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The Non-Robertionists Page

Last updated on December 31, 2002

hello peeps, its tha last day of '02, i wish i could say that this waz a good year, but it really wasnt, i got my reasons, so hopefully '03 will make up for my misfortunes

i bet ur wondering how the Non-Robertionists were created, and im gonna tell you...
first, the "Robert" waz contributed from me...Robert...u get it??
from there, it went to "Roberto,"contributed by Tamy
then, it went to "Robertio," the i added by mike
then, it went to "Robertion" n added by marissa
then, mike added the ist to make "Robertionist"
and to make it as long as possible, we all added the non, to make...
The Non-Robertionists!!

Christmas thoughts, see journal


Thought: CHICKEN!!!!
Second Thought: so bored...

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