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Falling Stars
Sunday, 29 June 2003
Fallen Angels, Fallen Dreams, and Fallen Hearts
Well all is not well in the world of meeh. Trissa was put through alot yesterday by some jackass who'll remain nameless *cough*Bryan!*cough* She asked him if whatever they did the night of his party would ever grow into something more, he said "I don't think so." Then that evening (which was last night btw) Trissa came over to spend the night with me and Aimee. Trissa had "something" face and we talked to her on how her night went. Obviously it didn't go so well. The next thing I know, she's in my room, crying in the dark. *sniffle* I don't like seeing my friends so down in the dumps. I couldn't find the right words to say to her, but I will...eventually. That girl has experienced things that I haven't, so its hard to say "yeah I know...I've been there" if you haven't. Well, I guess this ends this entry for a bit, I'm hungry and my stomach won't let me type any more. Adieu to my fans, you are always in my heart.

Posted by rpg2/xxdawn_cartierxx at 10:05 AM PDT
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Friday, 27 June 2003
Karynne, A Kiss, and Mixed Feelings
Yay. Welcome to the world of Karynne. *waves little flags with a "K" on them* I guess I can start off the beginning of my blog to catch everyone up on this soap opera I live. Here are the main characters. Me- Self Explanatory Trissa- My best friend Aimee- My other best friend Bryan- friend(me believes that he likes Trissa but nothing has been said yet!) Andrew- friend (I need to have a LONG chat with that boy!) Albie- friend/ex-boyfriend (I can talk to him about ALMOST everything.) Venus- friend (a crazy lil asian that runs around calling me Sae-Chan. O.O;) So here is episode one (pilot episode) of When Karynne's Mind Switches Realities. ^_^; On Saturday I attended Bryan's birthday bash thingy that eventually turned into a sleepover. Andrew, Trissa, and a few more people were there as well. As the day went on, there were chats, balloon ambushes, and sick sad cuddling moments while watching movies. Trissa and Bryan have been playing friends w/ privileges lately so of course THEY snuggled. Then me and Andrew had a cuddle moment while we watched *thinks* there were too many movies that were seen so I can't think of any, bleh. Me and him kissed and well one thing ALMOST led to another. Let's just say there was some groping of female objects. The next morning me and Trissa headed home and we chatted about our "experiences" and found out that they were actually 98% identical!! ((Crazy ne??)) Everything cooled down between the 4 of us (me, Trissa, Bryan, and Drew) and we went on with our daily lives. Then this Wednesday, feelings were changed. ((Note: Me and Andrew aren't going out or anything so I don't know what to really call our relationship as of yet.)) This Wednesday there was a bonfire at the Coronado Fire Pits and the mini gang just gathered together to get sunburned to tell ya the truth. All of a sudden I felt a sense of jealousy within me when I saw Andrew walk away and be rude to me the whole time we were at the beach. I wanted to cry from this harsh treatment, but I was a big girl and held my tears back. As the night approached, I stole Trissa's cell phone (hee hee) and called Aimee (since she wasn't able to come), and told her of my dilemma. She felt my pain and gave me her sympathy. As I talked to Aimee (wasting Trissa's battery in the process), I let Trissa and Bryan get closer and have "bonding time". Hopefully that will turn out great. As for right now, I'm lost and don't know how to react. I guess I'm at the verge of screaming and taking out a small city with a shotgun, or to stay in my room sketching out my anger with stick people. Anyways, I must end this now before I go on to write too much. I always remember that tomorrow is always a new day.

Posted by rpg2/xxdawn_cartierxx at 5:18 PM PDT
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