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1. Only wrestlers of an original nature will be considered within this federation. This mainly means NO WWF/WCW/ECW content, anything of this nature will be dismissed.
2. Keep your wrestler within his limits, meaning no super characters. No unbelievable wrestling attributes. Meaning a 700lbs, 7'10" that could perform moonsaults etc
3. You MUST partcipate in the X.C.W. RPs and character interaction is a must for your wrestler to stay within the  X.C.W active roster.That's not much to ask, is it? If you don't participate you'll be suspended from active roster until you do. If you still don't you'll be removed entirely.
4. No OOC postings on the Message board. Limited OOC remarks are allowed inside the Message Board but not on a regular basis.
5. Absolutely no complaining about wins, losses, etc. Everything happens for a greater purpose. Our matches are written to make everyone look great. Losses and run-ins are used to build heat and interest in feuds and angles. Everyone gets their spot to shine.. just not all at the same time.
6. Absolutely no roleplays will take place within the ring on the Message boards. To have an event RP you need to send it too me by 11 pm  the night before a card that means to have it on Mondays card  it MUST be sent to me by 11 pm on Sunday Night , . The Messsage boards are used for carrying RPing from card to card.
7. Do not use another handlers wrestler in your RP with out permission from that wrestler.
8. No racial jokes or comments of ANY kind. There are no warnings for this. Any racial comments and you will be kicked out.
9. Rules can be added and changed at any point in time.
 10.Each match as well as each Championship is worth a certain amount as follows

Lower Card Match- winner $5000.00 loser $2000.00

Mid Card Match-winner $7000.00 loser $3000.00

Main Event Match-Winner $10000.00 loser $5000.00

What Match you end up in is based on your wrestlers Proformance both in the ring and whatever Role Playing your doing on the Message Board meaning the more you make yourself  heard the better you'll do unless of course all you do is run off at the mouth just for something to do....those of ya that do keep this in mind it will not reflect very well on your career.

now as for the belts you will earn a set amount for each title defense depending on which belt you hold and will be as follow

Xtreme Hardcore Championship-$5000.00

World Heavyweight Championship-$4000.00

World Crusierweight Championship-$4000.00

Internet Championship-$3000.00

Xtreme Hardcore Tag Team Championship-$5000.00

World Tag Team Championship-$4000.00


I alone have the final say on any and all matters that the future Championship Council Makes including firings ,hiring ,suspensions,and title defenses.