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Pain vs. Vic Mayhem (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Hardcore)

Lisa Howards - This match is a Hardcore. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 285 pounds,, Pain!!! (crowd cheers)

loco by Coal Chamber begins to play as fog rises from the stage, the lights all go out, Then suddenly fireworks go off everywhere, the lights come on Pain stands in the middle of the ring

Lisa Howards - and his opponent, weighing in at 387 pounds, from LasVegas, Nevada, Vic Mayhem!!! (crowd boos)

I Think I have a Solution, We Let the World Fall to Mayhem." Boom Pyro's go off, As White Zombies, "El Phantasmo and the Chicken-Run Blast-O-Rama" Blares through the arena. Vic Mayhem walks to the ring, his eyes rolled in the back of his head. His long black hair cover his face.
Pain tests out the ropes.
David Cole checks Vic Mayhem's boots and knee pads.
(ding, ding, ding) Vic Mayhem is knocked down by Pain's massive superkick.
They . Pain sends Vic Mayhem to the corner of the ring.
Pain comes from behind and bulldogs Vic Mayhem.
Pain gets back to his feet.
Vic Mayhem runs at Pain and knocks them down with a Big Boot.
Vic Mayhem jumps and elbow smashes Pain.
Vic Mayhem climbs to his feet.
Pain gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Vic Mayhem.
Pain moves back to his feet.
Pain kicks Vic Mayhem in the stomach.
Vic Mayhem stands up.
Vic Mayhem nails Pain with a belly-to-back suplex.
Vic Mayhem sucks chants start in the crowd.
Vic Mayhem climbs to his feet.
Pain gets up.
Vic Mayhem places Pain on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex.
Vic Mayhem puts Pain in a reverse chin lock.
Referee David Cole is checking for a tap out.
... Vic Mayhem tightens the hold. ... Pain escapes.
Vic Mayhem jumps and elbow smashes the Pain.
Vic Mayhem gets back to his feet.
Pain moves back to his feet.
Pain punches Vic Mayhem in the head.
Vic Mayhem connects with a flying knee. Pain goes down.
Vic Mayhem jumps and elbow smashes the Pain.
Pain is driven into the the mat by Vic Mayhem with a diving elbow smash.
Vic Mayhem climbs to his feet.
Pain is back on his feet.
Pain uses a closed fist on Vic Mayhem.
Pain is taken back by Vic Mayhem's uppercut.
A flying shoulder block sends Pain to the the mat.
Pain is back on his feet.
Vic Mayhem kicks Pain in the back of the leg.
Vic Mayhem punches Pain in the head.
Pain is driven further into the the mat by Vic Mayhem with a diving elbow smash.
Pain climbs to his feet.
Vic Mayhem is knocked down by Pain's massive superkick.
Vic Mayhem gets up.
Vic Mayhem tries to even the match with a flying shoulder block.
Vic Mayhem gets back to his feet.
Pain is up again.
Vic Mayhem kicks Pain in the back of the leg.
Pain stands up.
Pain comes from behind and bulldogs Vic Mayhem.
Vic Mayhem gets up.
Vic Mayhem throws Pain to the ropes and nails him with a Big Boot.
Vic Mayhem jumps and elbow smashes the Pain.
Vic Mayhem is back on his feet.
Pain climbs to his feet.
Pain uses a running lariat to take Vic Mayhem down.
Pain goes for a spear but Vic Mayhem dodges the attack.
Pain kicks Vic Mayhem in the back.
Vic Mayhem stands up.
Vic Mayhem with an uppercut to Pain's chin.
Vic Mayhem takes Pain down with a knee.
Pain comes from behind and bulldogs Vic Mayhem.
Pain covers Vic Mayhem.
David Cole counts.
...1 ...2
Vic Mayhem escapes.
Vic Mayhem gets back to his feet.
Vic Mayhem uses a closed fist on Pain.
Vic Mayhem punches Pain in the head.
Vic Mayhem connects with a flying knee. Pain goes down.
Pain gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Vic Mayhem.
Vic Mayhem moves back to his feet.
Pain is up again.
Pain jumps from the top rope, chopping Vic Mayhem on the top of his head.
Vic Mayhem with a big chop to Pain.
Pain with a frankensteiner on Vic Mayhem.
Pain moves back to his feet.
Pain jumps off of the turnbuckle with a 450 splash on Vic Mayhem.
Pain is back on his feet.
Pain goes for a 450 splash but Vic Mayhem dodges the attack.
Vic Mayhem gets knock to the ground while Pain locks him in the chinlock deathlock submission.
The referee is checking the situation.
... (AHHHH!) ... Pain tightens the hold. ... Pain tightens the hold. ... Pain tightens the hold. Pain breaks the hold.
Vic Mayhem kicks Pain in the back.
Pain gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Vic Mayhem.
Vic Mayhem gets back to his feet.
Pain moves back to his feet.
Pain kicks Vic Mayhem in the back of the leg.
Vic Mayhem tries to even the match with a flying shoulder block.
Vic Mayhem is up again.
Now Pain standing.
Pain superkicks Vic Mayhem.
Vic Mayhem moves back to his feet.
Pain is taken back by Vic Mayhem's uppercut.
Pain punches Vic Mayhem in the head.
Pain comes from behind and bulldogs Vic Mayhem.
Pain gets up.
Pain punches Vic Mayhem repeatedly.
Pain with a huge fisherman brainbuster on Vic Mayhem.
Now Pain standing.
Vic Mayhem gets back to his feet.
Vic Mayhem runs at Pain and knocks him down with a Big Boot.
Pain is driven further into the the mat by Vic Mayhem with a diving elbow smash.
Pain gets back to his feet.
Pain superkicks Vic Mayhem.
Vic Mayhem takes Pain down with a knee.
Vic Mayhem jumps and elbow smashes the Pain.
Vic Mayhem is back on his feet.
Pain is up again.
Pain kicks Vic Mayhem in the stomach.
A flying shoulder block send Pain to the the mat.
Pain moves back to his feet.
Vic Mayhem kicks Pain in the back.
Pain gets back to his feet.
Pain trys for a pain killer but Vic Mayhem avoids it.
Pain uses a closed fist on Vic Mayhem.
Pain kicks Vic Mayhem in the back of the leg.
Vic Mayhem gets back to his feet.
Vic Mayhem throws Pain to the ropes and nails him with a Big Boot.
Pain is back on his feet.
Pain comes from behind and bulldogs Vic Mayhem.
Vic Mayhem climbs to his feet.
Vic Mayhem punches Pain in the head.
Vic Mayhem uppercuts Pain.
Vic Mayhem uppercuts Pain.
Vic Mayhem takes Pain down with a knee.
Pain gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Vic Mayhem.

Lisa Howards - Pain takes a diving elbow smash.

Pain gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Vic Mayhem.
Vic Mayhem is up again.
Pain climbs to his feet.
Pain whips Vic Mayhem into the corner and follows up with a huge splash.
Pain is taking the action to the ringside area.
Pain trys for a 450 splash but Vic Mayhem avoids it.
Vic Mayhem climbs to his feet.
Vic Mayhem throws Pain to the ropes and nails him with a Big Boot.
Pain superkicks Vic Mayhem.
A flying shoulder block sends Pain to the floor.
Now Vic Mayhem standing.
Pain moves back to his feet.
Pain punches Vic Mayhem in the head.
Pain superkicks Vic Mayhem.
Pain comes from behind and bulldogs Vic Mayhem.
Pain climbs to his feet.
Vic Mayhem puts Pain on the turnbuckle and executes a belly-to-belly superplex.
Vic Mayhem is back on his feet.
Vic Mayhem piledrives Pain.
Pain is back on his feet.
Pain kicks Vic Mayhem in the back.
Pain clotheslines Vic Mayhem.
Vic Mayhem punches Pain in the head.
Pain punches Vic Mayhem in the head.
Vic Mayhem kicks Pain in the back.
Pain is up again.
Pain superkicks Vic Mayhem.
Now Vic Mayhem standing.
Vic Mayhem runs at Pain and knocks him down with a Big Boot.
Vic Mayhem jumps and elbow smashes the lying Pain.
Vic Mayhem is back on his feet.
Pain climbs to his feet.
Pain uses a closed fist on Vic Mayhem.
Pain kicks Vic Mayhem in the back of the leg.
Vic Mayhem goes for a belly-to-back suplex but Pain dodges the attack.
Vic Mayhem slides back in the ring.
Vic Mayhem kicks Pain in the stomach.
Pain is driven further into the the mat by Vic Mayhem with a diving elbow smash.
Vic Mayhem climbs to his feet.
Pain stands up.
Pain comes from behind and bulldogs Vic Mayhem.
Pain is up again.
They . Pain sends Vic Mayhem to the corner of the ring.
Pain comes from behind and bulldogs Vic Mayhem.
Pain gets back to his feet.
Vic Mayhem is back on his feet.
Pain superkicks Vic Mayhem.
Pain clotheslines Vic Mayhem.
Pain climbs to the top turnbuckle, but Vic Mayhem grabs him from behind and applies the belly-to-back.
Vic Mayhem sucks chants start in the crowd.
Vic Mayhem is back on his feet.
Vic Mayhem applies a boston crab to Pain.
David Cole is checking for a tap out.
... ... Pain escapes.

Lisa Howards - OHHHHHHH So close!!!

They move to ringside.
Vic Mayhem swings a steel chair and hits Pain.
Pain is bleeding as a result.
Pain is up again.
Pain punches Vic Mayhem in the head.
A flying shoulder block sends Pain to the floor.
Vic Mayhem gets back to his feet.
Pain moves back to his feet.
Vic Mayhem connects with a flying knee. Pain goes down.
Now Pain standing.
Pain kicks Vic Mayhem in the back of the leg.
Pain clotheslines Vic Mayhem.
Pain kicks Vic Mayhem in the stomach.
Vic Mayhem is up again.
Vic Mayhem with an uppercut to Pain's chin.
Vic Mayhem uses a closed fist on Pain.
Vic Mayhem is knocked down by Pain's massive superkick.
Vic Mayhem gets back to his feet.
Vic Mayhem hits Pain with the belly-to-belly suplex.
Vic Mayhem is up again.
Pain gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Vic Mayhem.
Vic Mayhem climbs to his feet.
Vic Mayhem jumps and elbow smashes the Pain.
Vic Mayhem is up again.
Pain gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Vic Mayhem.
Vic Mayhem gets up.
Pain is back on his feet.
Pain uses a closed fist on Vic Mayhem.
Pain is taken back by Vic Mayhem's uppercut.
Vic Mayhem kicks Pain in the head with a big boot.
Pain gets up.
Pain is set up on the turnbuckle by Vic Mayhem. Vic Mayhem pulls off a beautiful belly-to-back superplex.
Vic Mayhem piledrives Pain.
Vic Mayhem uses a closed fist on Pain.
Vic Mayhem takes Pain down with a knee.
Pain gets up.
Vic Mayhem slides back in the ring.
Vic Mayhem puts Pain on the turnbuckle and executes a belly-to-belly superplex.
Vic Mayhem moves back to his feet.
Pain climbs to his feet.
Pain's chest turns red after a big chop by Vic Mayhem.
Vic Mayhem places Pain on the turnbuckle and executes the Vic's Solution Piledriver! Pain is down.
Vic Mayhem powerbombs Pain.
Referee David Cole makes the count.
...1 ...2 ...3

Lisa Howards - The winner of this match, Vic Mayhem!!!

Vic + 5,000 , Pain + 2,000

Tropical Punch vs. Morgan Maxwell vs. Shawn Jaxx (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Lisa Howards - This match is a Standard Match. Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 150 pounds, from Kingston, Jamacia , Tropical Punch!!! (crowd boos)

"Never Gonna Stop" by Rob Zombie blasts throughout the arena. Suddenly you see a man wearing a pair of Hawaiian shorts run down to the ring slide under the ropes. He jumps on the 2nd turnbuckle and raises his arms in the air!

Lisa Howards - The second in this three way match, weighing in at 200 pounds, from Beverly Hills , California accompanied by Viper, Morgan Maxwell!!! (crowd boos)

it's all about the benjemins by puff daddy starts to play over the arena speakers out walks morgan maxwell he is Followed by his Bodyguard Viper he steps into the ring.

Lisa Howards - And third, weighing in at 245 pounds, from Pelican Bay Penitentiary, Shawn Jaxx!!! (crowd boos )

Rape me by Nirvana begins to play, out walks a man wearing a hooded prison jacket, he enters the ring, removes the jacket and leans against the ropes waiting for the match to start

Tropical Punch turns around and moons Morgan Maxwell.
Morgan Maxwell looks at Shawn Jaxx and gives him a cocky smile.
Shawn Jaxx tests out the ropes.
(ring, ring, ring) Morgan Maxwell takes a slap to the face from Tropical Punch.
Morgan Maxwell pokes Tropical Punch in the eyes.
Morgan Maxwell gets hit with a back heel kick.
Tropical Punch hits a spinning crescent kick on Morgan Maxwell sending him to the mat.
Morgan Maxwell moves back to his feet.
Tropical Punch delivers a kick to the head of Morgan Maxwell.
Tropical Punch executes a jawbreaker on Morgan Maxwell.
Morgan Maxwell is back on his feet.
Morgan Maxwell picks up Tropical Punch and hits him with a Back Suplex.
Morgan Maxwell is back on his feet.
Morgan Maxwell sends Tropical Punch to ringside.
Viper punches Tropical Punch repeatedly.
They . Morgan Maxwell sends Tropical Punch to the corner of ring.
Morgan Maxwell gets hit with a back heel kick.
Tropical Punch clotheslines Morgan Maxwell.
Morgan Maxwell takes a slap to the face from Tropical Punch.
Tropical Punch delivers a kick to the head of Morgan Maxwell.
Morgan Maxwell jabs Tropical Punch.

Lisa Howards - Tropical Punch takes a jab.

Tropical Punch executes a jawbreaker on Morgan Maxwell.
Tropical Punch is back on his feet.
Morgan Maxwell climbs to his feet.
Shawn Jaxx goes for a atomic drop but Tropical Punch dodges the attack.
Thomas Knight - My God!! What a match!

Shawn Jaxx kicks Tropical Punch in the stomach.
Tropical Punch hits a spinning crescent kick on Shawn Jaxx sending him to the floor.
Tropical Punch holds his mouth after recieving an elbow smash to the face.
Shawn Jaxx kicks Tropical Punch in the head with a big boot.
They . Shawn Jaxx sends Tropical Punch to the corner of ringside.
Shawn Jaxx punches Tropical Punch in the head.
Tropical Punch holds his mouth after recieving an elbow smash to the face.
Shawn Jaxx kicks Tropical Punch in the stomach.
They . Shawn Jaxx sends Tropical Punch to the corner of ringside.
Shawn Jaxx punches Tropical Punch in the head.
Shawn Jaxx throws Tropical Punch to the ropes and nails them with a Big Boot.
Tropical Punch goes for a running lariat but Shawn Jaxx dodges the attack.
Tropical Punch kicks Shawn Jaxx in the head.
Tropical Punch punches Shawn Jaxx repeatedly.
Shawn Jaxx gets hit with a back heel kick.
Shawn Jaxx moves back to his feet.
Shawn Jaxx throws Tropical Punch to the ropes and nails them with a Big Boot.
Shawn Jaxx punches Tropical Punch repeatedly.
Tropical Punch slaps Shawn Jaxx in the face.
Tropical Punch hits a spinning crescent kick on Shawn Jaxx sending him to the floor.
They . Tropical Punch sends Shawn Jaxx to the corner of ringside.
Tropical Punch executes a jawbreaker on Shawn Jaxx.
Now Tropical Punch standing.
Tropical Punch clotheslines Shawn Jaxx.

Shawn Jaxx gets hit with a back heel kick.
Tropical Punch delivers a kick to the head of Shawn Jaxx.
Shawn Jaxx is back on his feet.
Morgan Maxwell goes for a atomic drop but Tropical Punch dodges the attack.
Viper clotheslines Tropical Punch.
Morgan Maxwell lifts Tropical Punch up and drops him on his knee.

Lisa Howards - Morgan Maxwell with a back breaker.

They . Viper sends Tropical Punch to the corner of ringside.
Morgan Maxwell sets Tropical Punch up DDTs him into the floor.
Morgan Maxwell clotheslines Tropical Punch.
Morgan Maxwell uppercuts Tropical Punch.
Tropical Punch gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Tropical Punch slaps Morgan Maxwell in the face.
Tropical Punch hits a spinning crescent kick on Morgan Maxwell sending him to the floor.
Now Morgan Maxwell standing.
Tropical Punch executes a jawbreaker on Morgan Maxwell.
Tropical Punch is back on his feet.
They . Tropical Punch sends Morgan Maxwell to the corner of ringside.
Tropical Punch hits a spinning crescent kick on Morgan Maxwell sending him to the floor.
Morgan Maxwell delivers a spine buster to Tropical Punch.
Morgan Maxwell sucks chants start in the crowd.
Shawn Jaxx sets Tropical Punch up DDTs him into the floor.
Shawn Jaxx sucks chants start in the crowd.

Lisa Howards - Nice power move by Shawn Jaxx.

Tropical Punch stands up.
Shawn Jaxx takes Tropical Punch into the ring.

Thomas Knight - What an outstanding match!

Shawn Jaxx punches Tropical Punch in the head.
Tropical Punch holds his mouth after recieving an elbow smash to the face.
Shawn Jaxx kicks Tropical Punch in the stomach.
Tropical Punch is back on his feet.
Shawn Jaxx punches Tropical Punch in the head.
Shawn Jaxx kicks Tropical Punch in the stomach.
Shawn Jaxx throws Tropical Punch to the ropes and nails them with a Big Boot.
Tropical Punch is back on his feet.
Tropical Punch uses a running lariat to take Shawn Jaxx down.
They . Tropical Punch sends Shawn Jaxx to the corner of the ring.
Shawn Jaxx takes a slap to the face from Tropical Punch.
Tropical Punch executes a jawbreaker on Shawn Jaxx.
Tropical Punch gets up.
Tropical Punch clotheslines Shawn Jaxx.
Shawn Jaxx elbow smashes Tropical Punch in the nose.
Tropical Punch delivers a kick to the head of Shawn Jaxx.

Thomas Knight - Tropical Punch with a kick to the head.

Shawn Jaxx is back on his feet.
Shawn Jaxx uses a closed fist on Tropical Punch.
Shawn Jaxx kicks Tropical Punch in the head with a big boot.
They . Shawn Jaxx sends Tropical Punch to the corner of the ring.
Shawn Jaxx elbow smashes Tropical Punch in the nose.
Shawn Jaxx kicks Tropical Punch in the back of the leg.

Lisa Howards - Tropical Punch takes a kick.

Shawn Jaxx clotheslines Tropical Punch.
Shawn Jaxx kicks Tropical Punch in the stomach.
Tropical Punch is up again.
Tropical Punch holds his mouth after recieving an elbow smash to the face.
Shawn Jaxx runs at Tropical Punch and knocks them down with a Big Boot.
Tropical Punch gets up.
Shawn Jaxx punches Tropical Punch in the head.
Tropical Punch uses a running lariat to take Shawn Jaxx down.
Tropical Punch sucks chants start in the crowd.
They . Tropical Punch sends Shawn Jaxx to the corner of the ring.
Shawn Jaxx punches Tropical Punch in the head.
Shawn Jaxx kicks Tropical Punch in the head with a big boot.
Shawn Jaxx clotheslines Tropical Punch.
Shawn Jaxx kicks Tropical Punch in the stomach.
Tropical Punch gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Shawn Jaxx uses a closed fist on Tropical Punch.
Shawn Jaxx elbow smashes Tropical Punch in the nose.
Shawn Jaxx kicks Tropical Punch in the stomach.
Shawn Jaxx punches Tropical Punch repeatedly.
Shawn Jaxx kicks Tropical Punch in the head with a big boot.
Shawn Jaxx punches Tropical Punch repeatedly.
Shawn Jaxx uses a closed fist on Tropical Punch.
Shawn Jaxx kicks Tropical Punch in the back of the leg.
Tropical Punch is up again.
Tropical Punch gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Tropical Punch uses a running lariat to take Shawn Jaxx down.
Shawn Jaxx gets back to his feet.
Tropical Punch applies a boston crab to Shawn Jaxx.
David Cole asks Shawn Jaxx if he quits.
... Shawn Jaxx trys to escape. ... ... ... (AHHHH!) Morgan Maxwell attacks Tropical Punch breaking the hold.
Tropical Punch uses a running lariat to take Shawn Jaxx down.
Tropical Punch goes for a power move but Shawn Jaxx dodges the attack.
Shawn Jaxx gets up.
Tropical Punch trys for a running lariat but Shawn Jaxx avoids it.
Shawn Jaxx gets hit with a back heel kick.
They . Tropical Punch sends Shawn Jaxx to the corner of the ring.
Tropical Punch delivers a kick to the head of Shawn Jaxx.
Shawn Jaxx is back on his feet.
Shawn Jaxx gets hit with a back heel kick.
Tropical Punch punches Shawn Jaxx repeatedly.
Tropical Punch slaps the face of Shawn Jaxx.
Shawn Jaxx throws Tropical Punch to the ropes and nails them with a Big Boot.
Shawn Jaxx punches Tropical Punch repeatedly.
Tropical Punch gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Shawn Jaxx throws Tropical Punch to the ropes and nails them with a Big Boot.
Tropical Punch gets up.
Tropical Punch executes a jawbreaker on Shawn Jaxx.
Tropical Punch gets back to his feet.
Shawn Jaxx stands up.
Shawn Jaxx dropkicks Tropical Punch to the knee.

Thomas Knight - Tropical Punch takes a dropkick.

Shawn Jaxx stands up.
Shawn Jaxx clotheslines Tropical Punch.
Shawn Jaxx kicks Tropical Punch in the back of the leg.
Tropical Punch is back on his feet.
Shawn Jaxx punches Tropical Punch in the head.
Tropical Punch hits a spinning crescent kick on Shawn Jaxx sending him to the mat.
Shawn Jaxx takes a slap to the face from Tropical Punch.
Shawn Jaxx gets hit with a back heel kick.
They . Tropical Punch sends Shawn Jaxx to the corner of the ring.
Tropical Punch kicks Shawn Jaxx in the head.
Tropical Punch punches Shawn Jaxx repeatedly.
Tropical Punch hits a spinning crescent kick on Shawn Jaxx sending him to the mat.
Shawn Jaxx is back on his feet.
Morgan Maxwell delivers a spine buster to Shawn Jaxx.
They . Viper sends Shawn Jaxx to the corner of the ring.
Morgan Maxwell clotheslines Shawn Jaxx.
Morgan Maxwell slaps Shawn Jaxx.
Shawn Jaxx runs at Morgan Maxwell and knocks them down with a Big Boot.
Shawn Jaxx kicks Morgan Maxwell in the back of the leg.
Morgan Maxwell gets up.
Shawn Jaxx uses a closed fist on Morgan Maxwell.
Shawn Jaxx elbow smashes Morgan Maxwell in the nose.
Morgan Maxwell hits Shawn Jaxx with an atomic drop.
Morgan Maxwell uppercuts Shawn Jaxx.
Morgan Maxwell pokes Shawn Jaxx in the eyes.
Morgan Maxwell jabs Shawn Jaxx.
Shawn Jaxx punches Morgan Maxwell in the head.
Shawn Jaxx runs at Morgan Maxwell and knocks them down with a Big Boot.
Morgan Maxwell gets back to his feet.
Morgan Maxwell holds his mouth after recieving an elbow smash to the face.
Shawn Jaxx kicks Morgan Maxwell in the back of the leg.
They . Shawn Jaxx sends Morgan Maxwell to the corner of the ring.
Shawn Jaxx uses a closed fist on Morgan Maxwell.
Morgan Maxwell lifts Shawn Jaxx and delivers a back breaker.
Morgan Maxwell sucks chants start in the crowd.
Morgan Maxwell suplexes Shawn Jaxx.
They . Viper sends Shawn Jaxx to the corner of the ring.
Morgan Maxwell punches Shawn Jaxx repeatedly.
Shawn Jaxx gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Morgan Maxwell slaps Shawn Jaxx.
Morgan Maxwell slaps Shawn Jaxx.
Shawn Jaxx kicks Morgan Maxwell in the stomach.
Morgan Maxwell gets back to his feet.
Shawn Jaxx gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Morgan Maxwell uppercuts Shawn Jaxx.
Morgan Maxwell jabs Shawn Jaxx.
Morgan Maxwell gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Morgan Maxwell pokes Shawn Jaxx in the eyes.
Morgan Maxwell uppercuts Shawn Jaxx.
Shawn Jaxx gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Tropical Punch uses a running lariat to take Morgan Maxwell down.
Now Morgan Maxwell standing.
Tropical Punch drags Morgan Maxwell to the floor.
Tropical Punch swings a Steel chair and hits Morgan Maxwell.
Morgan Maxwell is bleeding as a result.
Tropical Punch executes a jawbreaker on Morgan Maxwell.
Tropical Punch gets up.
Morgan Maxwell climbs to his feet.
Morgan Maxwell slaps Tropical Punch.
Tropical Punch delivers a kick to the head of Morgan Maxwell.

Thomas Knight - Tropical Punch with a kick to the head.

Tropical Punch slaps the face of Morgan Maxwell.

Lisa Howards - Tropical Punch executes a face slap.

Morgan Maxwell gets hit with a back heel kick.
Morgan Maxwell is back on his feet.
Tropical Punch hits a spinning crescent kick on Morgan Maxwell sending him to the floor.
Morgan Maxwell gets back to his feet.
Tropical Punch executes a jawbreaker on Morgan Maxwell.
Tropical Punch gets up.
Tropical Punch punches Morgan Maxwell repeatedly.
Tropical Punch executes a jawbreaker on Morgan Maxwell.
Now Tropical Punch standing.
Tropical Punch punches Morgan Maxwell repeatedly.
Tropical Punch delivers a kick to the head of Morgan Maxwell.

Morgan Maxwell climbs to his feet.
Tropical Punch slaps the face of Morgan Maxwell.
Tropical Punch hits a spinning crescent kick on Morgan Maxwell sending him to the floor.
They . Tropical Punch sends Morgan Maxwell to the corner of ringside.
Morgan Maxwell gets hit with a back heel kick.
Morgan Maxwell gets hit with a back heel kick.
Tropical Punch hits a spinning crescent kick on Morgan Maxwell sending him to the floor.
Morgan Maxwell is back on his feet.
Shawn Jaxx hits Tropical Punch with a hell raiser powerbomb on to the floor.

Lisa Howards - That Hell Raiser was very good.

Shawn Jaxx clotheslines Tropical Punch.
Shawn Jaxx runs at Tropical Punch and knocks them down with a Big Boot.
They . Shawn Jaxx sends Tropical Punch to the corner of ringside.
Shawn Jaxx kicks Tropical Punch in the head with a big boot.
Tropical Punch moves back to his feet.
Shawn Jaxx elbow smashes Tropical Punch in the nose.
Tropical Punch goes for a running lariat but Shawn Jaxx dodges the attack.
They head back into the ring.
Tropical Punch uses a running lariat to take Shawn Jaxx down.

Thomas Knight - running lariat!

Shawn Jaxx stands up.
Morgan Maxwell picks up Tropical Punch and hits him with a Back Suplex.
Morgan Maxwell sucks chants start in the crowd.
Morgan Maxwell stands up.
Morgan Maxwell covers Tropical Punch.
David Cole counts.
...1 ...2
Tropical Punch kicks out.
Tropical Punch climbs to his feet.
Viper punches Tropical Punch repeatedly.
Morgan Maxwell jabs Tropical Punch.

Lisa Howards - Morgan Maxwell executes a jab.

Tropical Punch executes a jawbreaker on Morgan Maxwell.
Now Tropical Punch standing.
Tropical Punch punches Morgan Maxwell repeatedly.
Tropical Punch delivers a kick to the head of Morgan Maxwell.

Thomas Knight - Tropical Punch with a kick to the head.

Tropical Punch slaps Morgan Maxwell in the face.
Morgan Maxwell pokes Tropical Punch in the eyes.
Tropical Punch gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Morgan Maxwell slaps Tropical Punch.
Morgan Maxwell pokes Tropical Punch in the eyes.
Morgan Maxwell uppercuts Tropical Punch.
Tropical Punch executes a jawbreaker on Morgan Maxwell.
Tropical Punch stands up.
Tropical Punch punches Morgan Maxwell repeatedly.
Morgan Maxwell gets hit with a back heel kick.
They . Tropical Punch sends Morgan Maxwell to the corner of the ring.
Morgan Maxwell picks up Tropical Punch and hits him with a Back Suplex.
Morgan Maxwell sends Tropical Punch to ringside.

Lisa Howards - Blood is all over ringside.

Shawn Jaxx dropkicks Morgan Maxwell to the knee.
Shawn Jaxx punches Morgan Maxwell repeatedly.
Morgan Maxwell jabs Shawn Jaxx.
Shawn Jaxx punches Morgan Maxwell in the head.
Morgan Maxwell jabs Shawn Jaxx.
Shawn Jaxx kicks Morgan Maxwell in the back of the leg.
Shawn Jaxx punches Morgan Maxwell repeatedly.
Morgan Maxwell hits Shawn Jaxx with an atomic drop.
Morgan Maxwell goes for a power move but Shawn Jaxx dodges the attack.
Shawn Jaxx gets back to his feet.
Morgan Maxwell lifts Shawn Jaxx into the air and delivers a spine buster.
Morgan Maxwell sucks chants start in the crowd.
Morgan Maxwell trys for a power move but Shawn Jaxx avoids it.
Viper clotheslines Shawn Jaxx.
They lockup. Morgan Maxwell sends Shawn Jaxx to the corner of ringside.
Shawn Jaxx gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
They head back into the ring.
Morgan Maxwell slaps Shawn Jaxx.
Morgan Maxwell pokes Shawn Jaxx in the eyes.
Morgan Maxwell sets Shawn Jaxx and then Delivers The Money Shot hitting Shawn Jaxx square in the jaw.
Morgan Maxwell covers Shawn Jaxx.
David Cole counts.
...1 ...2 ...3

Thomas Knight - We've got ourselves a winner!

Lisa Howards - The winner of this match, Morgan Maxwell!!!

Maxwell + $5000 TP +$2000 Shawn Jaxx +$2000


Dez Facture vs. Tyrant (World Crusierweight ) gimmick (Ladder Match)

Lisa Howards - This match is a Ladder Match for the World Crusierweight title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 207 pounds, from ??? he holds the World Crusierweight title belt, Dez Facture!!!

"Nailed INSIDE MY HEAD," The arena fills with smoke an the lights go out, as Mudvayne can be heard throughout the arena. Pyros shoot out like lighting some hits the ring and from the pryo that hit the ring rises Dez Facture, he runs to each trunbuckle hands rasied as the crowd cheers

Lisa Howards - and his opponent, weighing in at 160 pounds, from London, England, Tyrant!!! (crowd boos *****)

The arena goes dark ,strobes come on everywhere out walk Tyrant with his right Arm in the Air he looks out at the fans with disgust in his eyes as they boo him, he walks too the ring stands in the center and runs his thumb across his throat
Dez Facture walks around the ring.
David Cole checks Tyrant's boots and knee pads.
(ding, ding, ding) Dez Facture dropkicks Tyrant to the knee.
Dez Facture climbs to his feet.
Dez Facture gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face.

Lisa Howards - flying forearm!

Tyrant kicks Dez Facture in the back of the leg with a vicious shin kick.
Tyrant stands up.
Dez Facture moves back to his feet.
Dez Facture runs at Tyrant and Hits him With a Big Clothesline.
Dez Facture grabs Tyrant's head and DDT's him on the mat.
Dez Facture gets up.
Dez Facture kicks Tyrant in the mid-section.
Dez Facture is speared by Tyrant.
Tyrant sucks chants start in the crowd.
Tyrant is back on his feet.
Dez Facture moves back to his feet.
Dez Facture jabs Tyrant.
Tyrant superkicks Dez Facture.
Tyrant kicks Dez Facture in the back of the leg with a vicious shin kick.
Tyrant kicks Dez Facture in the back of the leg with a vicious shin kick.
Tyrant kicks Dez Facture in the back of the leg with a vicious shin kick.
Tyrant stands up.
Dez Facture stands up.
Dez Facture uppercuts Tyrant.
Tyrant uses a closed fist on Dez Facture.
Dez Facture goes for a tilt-a-whirl piledriver but Tyrant dodges the attack.
Tyrant gets hit with a Crescent Kick.
Dez Facture punches Tyrant repeatedly.
Dez Facture uppercuts Tyrant.
Dez Facture jabs Tyrant.

Lisa Howards - Dez Facture with a jab.

Tyrant uppercuts Dez Facture.
Dez Facture grabs Tyrant's head and DDT's him on the mat.
Tyrant gets back to his feet.
Tyrant gets hit with a Crescent Kick.
Tyrant is up again.
Dez Facture executes a diving reverse DDT on Tyrant.

Thomas Knight - That diving reverse DDT was very good.

Dez Facture is back on his feet.
They lockup. Dez Facture sends Tyrant to the corner of the ring.
Dez Facture kicks Tyrant in the mid-section.
Dez Facture runs at Tyrant and Hits him With a Big Clothesline.
Tyrant moves back to his feet.
Dez Facture gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face.
Dez Facture stands up.
Tyrant punches Dez Facture in the head.
Dez Facture dropkicks Tyrant to the knee.
Now Dez Facture standing.
Dez Facture clotheslines Tyrant.
Dez Facture uppercuts Tyrant.
Tyrant trys for a fireman's carry into flapjack but Dez Facture avoids it.
Tyrant and Dez Facture go to the floor toward the ladder.
Tyrant uppercuts Dez Facture.
Tyrant superkicks Dez Facture.
Dez Facture kicks Tyrant in the mid-section.
Tyrant gets hit with a Crescent Kick.
Tyrant uses a closed fist on Dez Facture.
Tyrant uppercuts Dez Facture.
Dez Facture executes the brain buster on Tyrant.
Dez Facture stands up.
Tyrant moves back to his feet.
Dez Facture swings a chair and hits Tyrant.
Tyrant picks Dez Facture up in a fireman's carry and flapjacks him.
Tyrant is back on his feet.
Dez Facture executes a diving reverse DDT on Tyrant.
Now Dez Facture standing.
Dez Facture and Tyrant move into the ring taking the ladder.
They lockup. Dez Facture sends Tyrant to the corner of the ring with the ladder.
Tyrant superkicks Dez Facture.
Now Dez Facture standing.
Dez Facture gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face.
Dez Facture runs at Tyrant and Hits him With a Big Clothesline.
Dez Facture punches Tyrant repeatedly.
Dez Facture dropkicks Tyrant to the knee.
Dez Facture gets back to his feet.
Dez Facture knocks Tyrant out with a tilt-a-whirl piledriver.

Lisa Howards - If Dez Facture keeps using moves like that tilt-a-whirl piledriver he could win the match!

Dez Facture goes up the ladder.
Tyrant dropkicks the ladder sending Dez Facture to the mat.
Tyrant stands up.
Tyrant superkicks Dez Facture.
Tyrant kicks Dez Facture in the back of the leg with a vicious shin kick.
Tyrant kicks Dez Facture in the back of the leg with a vicious shin kick.
Tyrant gets back to his feet.
Now Dez Facture standing.
Dez Facture executes the brain buster on Tyrant.
Tyrant gets up.
Dez Facture jabs Tyrant.
Dez Facture grabs Tyrant's head and DDT's him on the the ladder.
Dez Facture gets back to his feet.
Dez Facture clotheslines Tyrant.
Dez Facture starts to climb the ladder.
Dez Facture takes another step!
Dez Facture moves closer to the top.
Dez Facture climbs to the top step.
Dez Facture grabs the prise!!

Lisa Howards - The winner of this match, and still World Crusierweight champion, Dez Facture!!!

Dez + $10000 tyrant +$3000 
Tyrone Bridgeton vs. Xzavier (Internet ) gimmick (Parking Lot Match)

Lisa Howards - This match is a Parking Lot Match for the Internet title. On his way to Parking Lot at this time, weighing in at 300 pounds, from Mobile, Alabama he holds the Internet title belt, Tyrone Bridgeton!!! (crowd cheers *******)

Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd sounds across the arena, out walks "Goliath", Tyrone Bridgeton and makes his way to the ring.

Lisa Howards - and his opponent, weighing in at 240 pounds, from parts unknown, Xzavier!!! (crowd cheers ***********)

The arena goes black, a heart monitor can be heard ... beep ..beep ..beep each time all the lights flash on, but red. At the entranceway you see Xzavier. Then the heart sound flatlines...."A Violent Reaction" by American Headcharge erupts, "GO!" is screamed then Xzavier runs to the ring.

Tyrone Bridgeton tests out the ropes.
Xzavier looks at Tyrone Bridgeton and flips him off.
(ring, ring, ring) Tyrone Bridgeton jabs Xzavier.
Tyrone Bridgeton hits him with a back fist.
Tyrone Bridgeton punches Xzavier in the head.
Tyrone Bridgeton delivers a kick to the head of Xzavier.
Xzavier moves back to his feet.
Xzavier uses a snap mare takeover on Tyrone Bridgeton.
Xzavier grabs Tyrone Bridgeton's arm, drops to the asphalt and throws Tyrone Bridgeton to the asphalt.
Xzavier punches Tyrone Bridgeton repeatedly.
Xzavier grabs Tyrone Bridgeton's head and runs up the turnbuckles executing a spinning DDT.
Xzavier stands up.
Xzavier yells "Scream Muther Fucker!" Tyrone Bridgeton is nail with an armbar takedown.
David Cole asks Tyrone Bridgeton if he quits.
... ... ... Tyrone Bridgeton is fighting the hold. ... Xzavier tightens the hold. Xzavier breaks the hold.
Xzavier kicks Tyrone Bridgeton in the head.
Tyrone Bridgeton gets up.
Tyrone Bridgeton punches Xzavier in the gut.
Tyrone Bridgeton with a headbutt on Xzavier.
Tyrone Bridgeton kicks Xzavier in the head.
Xzavier is back on his feet.
Xzavier grabs Tyrone Bridgeton and knee's Tyrone Bridgeton in the groin.
Xzavier clotheslines Tyrone Bridgeton.
Tyrone Bridgeton bounces Xzavier off the ropes and hits him with a backdrop.
Tyrone Bridgeton chants start.
Tyrone Bridgeton hits him with a back fist.
Xzavier comes from behind and bulldogs Tyrone Bridgeton.
Xzavier stands up.
They lockup. Xzavier sends Tyrone Bridgeton to the corner of Parking Lot.
Tyrone Bridgeton punches Xzavier in the gut.
Xzavier comes from behind and bulldogs Tyrone Bridgeton.
Xzavier gets up.
Tyrone Bridgeton climbs to his feet.
Xzavier kicks Tyrone Bridgeton in the back of the leg, causing Tyrone Bridgeton to wince in pain.

Lisa Howards - Tyrone Bridgeton takes a kick.

They lockup. Xzavier sends Tyrone Bridgeton to the corner of Parking Lot.
Xzavier delivers a spine buster to Tyrone Bridgeton.
Xzavier goes for a pin.
David Cole counts the pin.
...1 ...2
Tyrone Bridgeton kicks out.
Xzavier delivers a kick to the head of Tyrone Bridgeton.
Xzavier punches Tyrone Bridgeton repeatedly.
Xzavier grabs Tyrone Bridgeton's arm, drops to the asphalt and throws Tyrone Bridgeton to the asphalt.
Xzavier climbs to his feet.
Tyrone Bridgeton climbs to his feet.
Xzavier executes a piledriver on Tyrone Bridgeton.
Xzavier chants start.

Lisa Howards - My God!! What a match!

Xzavier flies at Tyrone Bridgeton and nails Tyrone Bridgeton with the guillotine leg drop.
Xzavier covers Tyrone Bridgeton.
Referee David Cole makes the count.
...1 ...2
Tyrone Bridgeton escapes.
Tyrone Bridgeton gets back to his feet.
Xzavier uses a snap mare takeover on Tyrone Bridgeton.
Tyrone Bridgeton climbs to his feet.
Tyrone Bridgeton punches Xzavier in the head.
Tyrone Bridgeton uppercuts Xzavier.
Tyrone Bridgeton gets caught with an elbowsmash to the neck by Xzavier.
Xzavier executes a spinning DDT, planting Tyrone Bridgeton's head in the asphalt.
Xzavier chants start.
Xzavier clotheslines Tyrone Bridgeton.
Xzavier grabs Tyrone Bridgeton and knee's Tyrone Bridgeton in the groin.
Tyrone Bridgeton moves back to his feet.
Tyrone Bridgeton jabs Xzavier.
Tyrone Bridgeton with a headbutt on Xzavier.
Xzavier gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Tyrone Bridgeton hits him with a back fist.
Xzavier comes from behind and bulldogs Tyrone Bridgeton.
Xzavier gets back to his feet.
Tyrone Bridgeton climbs to his feet.
Xzavier kicks Tyrone Bridgeton in the back of the leg, causing Tyrone Bridgeton to wince in pain.
Xzavier covers Tyrone Bridgeton hooking the leg.
David Cole counts the pin.
...1 ...2
Tyrone Bridgeton kicks out.

Thomas Knight - Not even close!

Tyrone Bridgeton is up again.
Xzavier grabs Tyrone Bridgeton's head and DDT's him on the asphalt.
Xzavier climbs to his feet.
Xzavier yell "Scream Muther Fucker!" Tyrone Bridgeton is nail with an armbar takedown.
Referee David Cole is checking for a tap out.
... ... (AHHHH!) ... Tyrone Bridgeton is fighting the hold. Xzavier breaks the hold.
Xzavier clotheslines Tyrone Bridgeton.
Xzavier punches Tyrone Bridgeton repeatedly.
Tyrone Bridgeton with a headbutt on Xzavier.
Tyrone Bridgeton punches Xzavier in the gut.
Tyrone Bridgeton kicks Xzavier in the head.

Lisa Howards - Xzavier takes a kick to the head.

Xzavier comes from behind and bulldogs Tyrone Bridgeton.
Tyrone Bridgeton gets back to his feet.
Tyrone Bridgeton with a headbutt on Xzavier.
Tyrone Bridgeton jabs Xzavier.
Xzavier gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Xzavier does a vicious kick into the stomach of Tyrone Bridgeton.
Xzavier chops Tyrone Bridgeton across the chest, leaving a welt rising from the hit.
Xzavier gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Xzavier is nearly speared in half by Tyrone Bridgeton.
Xzavier grabs Tyrone Bridgeton's head and runs up the turnbuckles executing a spinning DDT.
Xzavier chants start.
Xzavier gets up.
Xzavier jumps to the 2nd turnbuckle, forwardflippin over and grabbing Tyrone Bridgeton's head nailing a Stunner
Xzavier chants start.
Xzavier dropkicks Tyrone Bridgeton.
Xzavier chants start.
Xzavier stands up.
Tyrone Bridgeton is back on his feet.
Tyrone Bridgeton body slams Xzavier.
Tyrone Bridgeton stomps Xzavier's head.
Tyrone Bridgeton covers Xzavier.

Lisa Howards - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Xzavier.

Xzavier climbs to his feet.
Xzavier delivers a kick to the head of Tyrone Bridgeton.
Xzavier sizes up Tyrone Bridgeton and nails them in the face with an Elbow Smash!
Tyrone Bridgeton kicks Xzavier in the head.
Xzavier stands up.
Xzavier goes for a spinning DDT but Tyrone Bridgeton dodges the attack.
Xzavier grabs Tyrone Bridgeton and knee's Tyrone Bridgeton in the groin.
Xzavier clotheslines Tyrone Bridgeton.
Xzavier kicks Tyrone Bridgeton in the head.
Tyrone Bridgeton gets back to his feet.
Tyrone Bridgeton body slams Xzavier.
Tyrone Bridgeton puts Xzavier in the torture rack.
Referee David Cole is checking for a tap out.
... ... (AHHHH!) ... Xzavier is fighting the hold. Xzavier escapes.
Tyrone Bridgeton sets Xzavier up DDTs him into the asphalt.

Lisa Howards - Good power move by Tyrone Bridgeton.

Tyrone Bridgeton goes for a pin.
David Cole counts the pin.
...1 ...2
Xzavier escapes.
Tyrone Bridgeton with a powerful choke lift on Xzavier.
Tyrone Bridgeton chants start.
Xzavier gets back to his feet.
Xzavier grabs Tyrone Bridgeton's head and runs up the turnbuckles executing a spinning DDT.
Xzavier punches Tyrone Bridgeton repeatedly.
Xzavier dropkicks Tyrone Bridgeton.
Xzavier chants start.
Xzavier punches Tyrone Bridgeton repeatedly.
Xzavier grabs Tyrone Bridgeton's head and runs up the turnbuckles executing a bull dog takedown.
Xzavier chants start.
Xzavier is up again.
Xzavier executes the Stunner on Tyrone Bridgeton.
Xzavier goes for a pin.
Referee David Cole makes the count.
...1 ...2 ...3

Thomas Knight - Xzavier has won the match!

Lisa Howards - The winner of this match, and new Internet champion, Xzavier!!!

Xzavier +$7000 Tyrone +$3000

Donovan Dread vs. Vas Sagin (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Hardcore)

Lisa Howards - This match is a Hardcore. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 145 pounds, from Siberia, USSR, Donovan Dread!!!

"Do to the graphic nature of this program listener discretion is advised." Edge Crusher bye Fear factor can be heard throughout the Arena. A man stands in the entranceway; he is in black jeans and black combat boots. His chiseled torso and muscular arms are covered with tattoos. It is the Assassin

Lisa Howards - and his opponent, weighing in at 227 pounds, from St. Petersburg, Russia, Vas Sagin!!! (crowd cheers )

No Shelter Here By Rage against the Machine Start's to play over the loudspeakers out walks Vas Sagin the Crowd Cheers ,He shakes the Fans Hands as he walks down to the ring where he shakes hands with the ref and goes and sit's on the top turnbuckle waiting for the Match too start.

Assassin tests out the ropes while waiting for the match to start.
Vas Sagin checks out the ropesthe ring.

(the bell rings) Vas Sagin is nailed with a right hook punch by Assassin.
Assassin gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Vas Sagin hits a spinning crescent kick on Assassin sending him to the the mat.
They lockup. Vas Sagin sends Donovan Dread to the corner of the ring.
Vas Sagin uppercuts Assassin.
Donovan Dread dropkicks Vas Sagin.
Assassin climbs to his feet.
Donovan Dread is nailed witha right hook punch by Vas Sagin.
Vas Sagin connects with a flying knee. Donovan Dread goes down.
Donovan Dread is back on his feet.
Assassin trys for a Siberian clutch slam but Vas Sagin avoids it.
Assassin with a headbutt on Vas Sagin.
Vas Sagin kicks Assassin in the back of the leg with a vicious shin kick.
Assassin gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Donovan Dread kicks Vas Sagin in the head.
They lockup. Assassin sends Vas Sagin to the corner of the ring.
Assassin dropkicks Vas Sagin to the knee.
Assassin is up again.
Assassin punches Vas Sagin repeatedly.
Assassin kicks Vas Sagin in the back of the leg causing him to limp in pain.
Vas Sagin takes Assassin down with a knee.
Now Assassin standing.
Assassin punches Vas Sagin in the gut.
Vas Sagin gets elbowed to his midsection by Donovan Dread.
Vas Sagin gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face from Donovan Dread.
Vas Sagin gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Assassin.
Vas Sagin lifts Donovan Dread up and drops him on his knee.
Donovan Dread moves back to his feet.
Vas Sagin hits a spinning crescent kick on Assassin sending him to the the mat.
Donovan Dread is up again.
Vas Sagin uppercuts Donovan Dread.
Assassin kicks Vas Sagin in the back of the leg causing him to limp in pain.
Donovan Dread is nailed witha right hook punch by Vas Sagin.
Vas Sagin kicks Assassin in the back of the leg with a vicious shin kick.
Assassin delivers a kick to the head of Vas Sagin.
Donovan Dread punches Vas Sagin repeatedly.
Vas Sagin kicks Donovan Dread in the back of the leg with a vicious shin kick.
Assassin goes for a spine buster but Vas Sagin dodges the attack.
Donovan Dread goes for a figure four.
The referee is checking the situation.
... ... ... Vas Sagin trys to escape. ... Vas Sagin escapes.

Lisa Howards - Assassin almost won the match!

Donovan Dread trys for a running lariat but Vas Sagin avoids it.
Vas Sagin goes for a running lariat but Donovan Dread dodges the attack.
Vas Sagin puts Donovan Dread in the Ankle Lock Submission. Donovan Dread is is bad pain!
David Cole asks Donovan Dread if he quits.
... Donovan Dread is fighting the hold. ... Donovan Dread is fighting the hold. ... Vas Sagin tightens the hold. ... Vas Sagin tightens the hold. Vas Sagin breaks the hold.
Assassin is nearly speared in half by Vas Sagin.
Vas Sagin is in the corner in a 3 point stance. As Assassin is getting up Vas Sagin tackles Assassin.
Vas Sagin gets back to his feet.
Vas Sagin punches Assassin repeatedly.
Vas Sagin connects with a flying knee. Assassin goes down.
Assassin gets back to his feet.
Vas Sagin uppercuts Assassin.
Vas Sagin gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Assassin.
Donovan Dread punches Vas Sagin repeatedly.
Vas Sagin gets elbowed to his midsection by Donovan Dread.
Vas Sagin gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face from Assassin.
Donovan Dread gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Assassin is nailed witha right hook punch by Vas Sagin.
Vas Sagin is nearly speared in half by Donovan Dread.
Vas Sagin is back on his feet.
Vas Sagin uses a running Clothesline to take Assassin down.
Vas Sagin is taking the action to the ringside area.
Vas Sagin goes for a 3 point stance charge but Donovan Dread dodges the attack.
Vas Sagin swings a barbwire bat and hits Donovan Dread.
Donovan Dread is bleeding as a result.
Donovan Dread is back on his feet.
Assassin dropkicks Vas Sagin.
Donovan Dread gets up.
Vas Sagin hits a spinning crescent kick on Assassin sending him to the floor.
Assassin is back on his feet.
Assassin dropkicks Vas Sagin to the knee.
Donovan Dread gets back to his feet.
Donovan Dread punches Vas Sagin repeatedly.
Donovan Dread is nailed witha right hook punch by Vas Sagin.
Assassin punches Vas Sagin in the gut.
Vas Sagin is nailed with a right hook punch by Assassin.
Vas Sagin kicks Donovan Dread in the back of the leg with a vicious shin kick.
Assassin with a headbutt on Vas Sagin.
Vas Sagin gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face from Donovan Dread.
Assassin is nearly speared in half by Vas Sagin.
Vas Sagin trys for a 3 point stance charge but Assassin avoids it.
Assassin climbs to his feet.
Assassin punches Vas Sagin in the gut.
Donovan Dread dropkicks Vas Sagin.
Assassin moves back to his feet.
Now Vas Sagin standing.
Donovan Dread gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Donovan Dread kicks Vas Sagin in the back of the leg causing him to limp in pain.
Assassin delivers a kick to the head of Vas Sagin.
Assassin clotheslines Vas Sagin.
Vas Sagin uppercuts Donovan Dread.
Vas Sagin hits a spinning crescent kick on Assassin sending him to the floor.
Assassin stands up.
Donovan Dread with a headbutt on Vas Sagin.
Vas Sagin takes Assassin down with a knee.
Assassin climbs to his feet.
Vas Sagin is nailed with a right hook punch by Donovan Dread.
Vas Sagin trys for a back breaker but Donovan Dread avoids it.
Vas Sagin hits a spinning crescent kick on Donovan Dread sending him to the floor.
Vas Sagin connects with a flying knee. Donovan Dread goes down.
Vas Sagin punches Donovan Dread repeatedly.
Assassin dropkicks Vas Sagin to the knee.
Vas Sagin climbs to his feet.
Donovan Dread gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Vas Sagin gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Donovan Dread.
Assassin clotheslines Vas Sagin.
Vas Sagin kicks Assassin in the back of the leg with a vicious shin kick.
Assassin is nailed witha right hook punch by Vas Sagin.
Vas Sagin uppercuts Assassin.
Vas Sagin takes Donovan Dread down with a knee.
Donovan Dread climbs to his feet.
Vas Sagin lifts Assassin and delivers a back breaker.
Now Assassin standing.
Vas Sagin uses a running Clothesline to take Assassin down.
Vas Sagin swings 2x4 and hits Assassin.
Assassin is bleeding as a result.
Assassin moves back to his feet.
Vas Sagin gets elbowed to his midsection by Assassin.
Donovan Dread dropkicks Vas Sagin.
Donovan Dread moves back to his feet.
Vas Sagin moves back to his feet.
Assassin is nailed witha right hook punch by Vas Sagin.
Vas Sagin hits a spinning crescent kick on Assassin sending him to the floor.
They lockup. Vas Sagin sends Assassin to the corner of ringside.
Vas Sagin gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face from Assassin.
Vas Sagin kicks Assassin in the back of the leg with a vicious shin kick.
Vas Sagin uppercuts Assassin.
Donovan Dread gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Vas Sagin hits a spinning crescent kick on Assassin sending him to the floor.
Donovan Dread hits Vas Sagin with the belly-to-belly suplex.
Assassin is up again.

Thomas Knight - I wish every match could be like this!

Vas Sagin climbs to his feet.
Assassin gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Donovan Dread with a headbutt on Vas Sagin.
Vas Sagin gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Donovan Dread.
Donovan Dread punches Vas Sagin repeatedly.
Assassin dropkicks Vas Sagin to the knee.
Donovan Dread is back on his feet.
Vas Sagin connects with a flying knee. Assassin goes down.
Now Assassin standing.
Vas Sagin uppercuts Donovan Dread.
Donovan Dread delivers a kick to the head of Vas Sagin.
Donovan Dread clotheslines Vas Sagin.
Vas Sagin gets elbowed to his midsection by Donovan Dread.
Assassin kicks Vas Sagin in the back of the leg causing him to limp in pain.
Assassin is nearly speared in half by Vas Sagin.
Vas Sagin chants start.
Donovan Dread is up again.
Donovan Dread punches Vas Sagin in the gut.
Vas Sagin kicks Assassin in the back of the leg with a vicious shin kick.
Vas Sagin is nailed with a right hook punch by Donovan Dread.
Assassin is nailed witha right hook punch by Vas Sagin.
Donovan Dread dropkicks Vas Sagin to the knee.
Assassin gets back to his feet.
Vas Sagin gets back to his feet.
Donovan Dread punches Vas Sagin in the gut.
Assassin is nailed witha right hook punch by Vas Sagin.
Assassin delivers a kick to the head of Vas Sagin.
Assassin punches Vas Sagin repeatedly.
Vas Sagin kicks Assassin in the back of the leg with a vicious shin kick.
Vas Sagin takes Assassin down with a knee.
Donovan Dread uses a running lariat to take Vas Sagin down.
Donovan Dread suplexes Vas Sagin.
Vas Sagin stands up.
Vas Sagin is nailed with a right hook punch by Assassin.
Vas Sagin hits a spinning crescent kick on Donovan Dread sending him to the floor.
Assassin is up again.
Assassin with a headbutt on Vas Sagin.
Assassin kicks Vas Sagin in the back of the leg causing him to limp in pain.
Assassin dropkicks Vas Sagin.
Donovan Dread clotheslines Vas Sagin.
Donovan Dread gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Vas Sagin uppercuts Assassin.
Vas Sagin gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Donovan Dread.
They lockup. Assassin sends Vas Sagin to the corner of ringside.
Vas Sagin gets elbowed to his midsection by Assassin.
Vas Sagin gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face from Assassin.
Vas Sagin gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face from Donovan Dread.
Vas Sagin gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Donovan Dread.
They lockup. Donovan Dread sends Vas Sagin to the corner of ringside.
Vas Sagin is nearly speared in half by Assassin.
Assassin sets Vas Sagin up DDTs him into the floor.
Donovan Dread slides back in the ring.
Assassin sets Vas Sagin up DDTs him into the the mat.
Donovan Dread piledrives Vas Sagin.
Donovan Dread and Vas Sagin move out to the floor.
Assassin swings 2x4 and hits Vas Sagin.
Vas Sagin is bleeding as a result.
Assassin punches Vas Sagin repeatedly.
Donovan Dread gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.
Vas Sagin is nailed with a right hook punch by Assassin.
Vas Sagin gets elbowed to his midsection by Assassin.
Vas Sagin kicks Donovan Dread in the back of the leg with a vicious shin kick.
Vas Sagin takes Assassin down with a knee.
Donovan Dread dropkicks Vas Sagin to the knee.
Donovan Dread clotheslines Vas Sagin.
Assassin punches Vas Sagin in the gut.
Assassin delivers a kick to the head of Vas Sagin.
Vas Sagin stands up.
Donovan Dread kicks Vas Sagin in the back of the leg causing him to limp in pain.
Donovan Dread with a headbutt on Vas Sagin.
Vas Sagin gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face from Donovan Dread.
Vas Sagin gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Assassin.
Vas Sagin uses a running Clothesline to take Donovan Dread down.
Vas Sagin slides back in the ring.
Vas Sagin is in the corner in a 3 point stance. As Assassin is getting up Vas Sagin tackles Assassin.
Now Assassin standing.
Assassin dropkicks Vas Sagin.
Donovan Dread is up again.
Donovan Dread is nearly speared in half by Vas Sagin.
Vas Sagin is in the corner in a 3 point stance. As Donovan Dread is getting up Vas Sagin tackles Assassin.
Vas Sagin clotheslines Assassin.
Vas Sagin chants start.
Vas Sagin lifts Assassin and delivers a back breaker.
Assassin is grabbed by Vas Sagin in the Dragon Sleeper hold!
David Cole asks Assassin if he quits.
... ... Vas Sagin tightens the hold. ... Assassin is fighting the hold. ... Assassin is fighting the hold. ... Assassin trys to escape. ... Vas Sagin tightens the hold. ... Assassin is fighting the hold. ... ... Assassin is fighting the hold. ... Assassin taps out.

Lisa Howards - The winner of this match, Vas Sagin!!!

Vas +$7000 Dread +$3000

Master P vs. Simon Fenix (World Heavyweight ) gimmick (No Holds Barred Match)

Lisa Howards - This match is a No Holds Barred Match for the World Heavyweight title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 250 pounds, from New York City, New York he holds the World Heavyweight title belt, Master P!!! (crowd cheers ***)

Master P comes to the ring.

Lisa Howards - and his opponent, weighing in at 255 pounds, from Boston, Mass, Simon Fenix!!!

"No Rain" by Blind Melon begins to play, out walks Simon fenix in his white take top, blue jeans, and his Red Sox hat on backwards. He makes his way to the ring, stretching and flexing readying himself for the match
Master P tests out the ropes.
David Cole checks Simon Fenix's boots and knee pads.
(ring, ring, ring) Master P runs at Simon Fenix and clotheslines him.
Simon Fenix gets back to his feet.
Simon Fenix uses a closed fist on Master P.
Simon Fenix is nailed with a right hook punch by Master P.
Simon Fenix punches Master P in the head.
Simon Fenix kicks Master P in the head with a big boot.
Now Master P standing.
Master P hits a spinning crescent kick on Simon Fenix sending him to the mat.
They lockup. Master P sends Simon Fenix to the corner of the ring.
Simon Fenix uppercuts Master P.
Simon Fenix kicks Master P in the head with a big boot.
Master P gets up.
Simon Fenix punches Master P in the head.
Master P lifts Simon Fenix and delivers a pendulum back breaker.
Master P chants start.
Master P punches Simon Fenix repeatedly.

Lisa Howards - weak move!

Master P with a quick left jab at Simon Fenix.
Simon Fenix uppercuts Master P.
Simon Fenix runs at Master P and knocks them down with a Big Boot.
Simon Fenix grabs Master P and applies an arm wrench.
Now Master P standing.
Master P runs at Simon Fenix and clotheslines him.

Lisa Howards - Simon Fenix takes a clothesline.

Simon Fenix uppercuts Master P.
Simon Fenix uses a closed fist on Master P.
Master P sidesteps Simon Fenix and executes a diving reverse DDT.
Master P climbs to his feet.
Master P goes for a pin.
David Cole counts.
...1 ...2
Simon Fenix escapes.

Thomas Knight - We almost had a winner.

Master P drags Simon Fenix to the floor.

Lisa Howards - Simon Fenix will have to watch out for weapons at ringside.

David Cole starts the count (.1)
Master P cuts Simon Fenix with a blade.
Simon Fenix is bleeding as a result.
Simon Fenix is nailed with a right hook punch by Master P.
Simon Fenix uppercuts Master P.
Simon Fenix uses a closed fist on Master P.
They fight into the aisle.
Master P and Simon Fenix move back to ringside.
Master P takes Simon Fenix into the ring.
Master P hits a spinning crescent kick on Simon Fenix sending him to the mat.
Simon Fenix stands up.
Simon Fenix runs at Master P and knocks them down with a Big Boot.
Simon Fenix covers Master P hooking the leg.
David Cole counts the pin.
Master P kicks out.
Simon Fenix punches Master P in the head.

Lisa Howards - Simon Fenix with a punch.

Simon Fenix uppercuts Master P.
Simon Fenix kicks Master P in the head with a big boot.
Master P moves back to his feet.
Simon Fenix trys for a Oklahoma Slam but Master P avoids it.
Simon Fenix body slams Master P.
Simon Fenix applies an arm wrench to Master P.
Simon Fenix applies an arm wrench to Master P.
Master P gets up.
Master P with a quick left jab at Simon Fenix.
Master P runs at Simon Fenix and clotheslines him.
They lockup. Master P sends Simon Fenix to the corner of the ring.
Master P hits a spinning crescent kick on Simon Fenix sending him to the mat.
They lockup. Master P sends Simon Fenix to the corner of the ring.
Simon Fenix uppercuts Master P.
Simon Fenix is nailed with a right hook punch by Master P.

Lisa Howards - Simon Fenix takes a right hook.

Simon Fenix punches Master P in the head.
Simon Fenix kicks Master P in the head with a big boot.
Simon Fenix applies an arm wrench to Master P.
Simon Fenix grabs Master P and applies an arm wrench.
Master P is back on his feet.
Master P lifts Simon Fenix and delivers a pendulum back breaker.
They lockup. Master P sends Simon Fenix to the corner of the ring.
Master P with a quick left jab at Simon Fenix.
Simon Fenix punches Master P in the head.
Master P runs at Simon Fenix and clotheslines him.
They lockup. Master P sends Simon Fenix to the corner of the ring.
Simon Fenix uppercuts Master P.
Simon Fenix throws Master P to the ropes and nails them with a Big Boot.
Master P is up again.
Master P hits a spinning crescent kick on Simon Fenix sending him to the mat.
Master P punches Simon Fenix repeatedly.

Thomas Knight - Simon Fenix takes a weak move.

Simon Fenix is nailed with a right hook punch by Master P.
Simon Fenix goes for a Oklahoma Slam but Master P dodges the attack.
Simon Fenix uppercuts Master P.
Simon Fenix punches Master P in the head.
Simon Fenix kicks Master P in the head with a big boot.
Now Master P standing.
Simon Fenix throws Master P to the ropes and nails them with a Big Boot.
Master P gets back to his feet.
Master P with a quick left jab at Simon Fenix.
Simon Fenix uppercuts Master P.
Simon Fenix uses a closed fist on Master P.
Simon Fenix goes for a body slam but Master P dodges the attack.
Simon Fenix locks Master P's arm and in the reverse arm Submission.
David Cole is checking for a tap out.
... ... Simon Fenix tightens the hold. ... Master P is fighting the hold. Master P escapes.

Lisa Howards - That was almost the end of the match right there!

Master P grabs Simon Fenix and throws them several yards across the mat.
Simon Fenix climbs to his feet.
Master P goes for a diving reverse DDT but Simon Fenix dodges the attack.
Master P hits a spinning crescent kick on Simon Fenix sending him to the mat.
Simon Fenix uppercuts Master P.
Master P with a quick left jab at Simon Fenix.
Master P runs at Simon Fenix and clotheslines him.
Master P clotheslines Simon Fenix.

Lisa Howards - weak move!

Simon Fenix runs at Master P and knocks them down with a Big Boot.
Simon Fenix punches Master P in the head.
Simon Fenix is nailed with a right hook punch by Master P.
Simon Fenix is nailed with a right hook punch by Master P.
Simon Fenix runs at Master P and knocks them down with a Big Boot.
Master P stands up.
Master P runs at Simon Fenix and clotheslines him.
Simon Fenix stands up.
Master P gets hit with an Oklahoma Slam by Simon Fenix.
Simon Fenix gets back to his feet.
Master P climbs to his feet.
Simon Fenix punches Master P in the head.
Master P hits a spinning crescent kick on Simon Fenix sending him to the mat.
Simon Fenix stands up.
Simon Fenix uppercuts Master P.
Simon Fenix uppercuts Master P.
Master P with a quick left jab at Simon Fenix.
Master P hits a spinning crescent kick on Simon Fenix sending him to the mat.
Simon Fenix punches Master P in the head.
Simon Fenix is nailed with a right hook punch by Master P.
Simon Fenix kicks Master P in the head with a big boot.
Simon Fenix grabs Master P and applies an arm wrench.
Simon Fenix covers Master P hooking the leg.
David Cole counts the pin.
...1 ...2
Master P escapes.

Lisa Howards - Simon Fenix should have known better than to try for a pin at this point in the match.

Master P is back on his feet.
Master P gets hit with an Oklahoma Slam by Simon Fenix.
Simon Fenix is up again.
Master P climbs to his feet.
Master P runs at Simon Fenix and clotheslines him.
Simon Fenix gets back to his feet.
Simon Fenix uses a closed fist on Master P.
Master P with a quick left jab at Simon Fenix.
Master P runs at Simon Fenix and clotheslines him.
They lockup. Master P sends Simon Fenix to the corner of the ring.
Simon Fenix kicks Master P in the head with a big boot.
Now Master P standing.
Master P hits a spinning crescent kick on Simon Fenix sending him to the mat.

Thomas Knight - Master P executes a spinning crescent kick.

Master P punches Simon Fenix repeatedly.
Simon Fenix uppercuts Master P.
Simon Fenix is nailed with a right hook punch by Master P.
Simon Fenix goes for a body slam but Master P dodges the attack.
Master P delivers a Spinning Bitch Break to Simon Fenix.
Master P chants start.
Master P sends Simon Fenix into David Cole he goes down.
Master P looks at Tyrant.
Master P sends Simon Fenix into David Cole he goes down.
Simon Fenix is nailed with a right hook punch by Master P.
Master P hits a spinning crescent kick on Simon Fenix sending him to the mat.
Dez Facture and Donovan Dread run to ringside.
Dez Facture slides in the ring.
Dez Facture suplexes Simon Fenix.
Dez Facture punches Simon Fenix repeatedly.
Master P unties and takes off the turnbuckle padding.
Donovan Dread hits Tyrant from behind with a dropkick.
Now Tyrant standing.
Tyrant superkicks Donovan Dread.
Tyrant kicks Donovan Dread in the back of the leg with a vicious shin kick.
Tyrant stands up.
Donovan Dread gets back to his feet.
Tyrant gets elbowed to his midsection by Assassin.
Tyrant gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face from Donovan Dread.
Tyrant is nailed with a right hook punch by Donovan Dread.
Tyrant uses a closed fist on Donovan Dread.
Assassin gives Tyrant the Siberian clutch slam onto the concrete.

Lisa Howards - The ringside is covered with blood from Tyrant.

Tyrant is up again.
Donovan Dread delivers a spine buster to Tyrant.
Donovan Dread slides in the ring.
Donovan Dread throws Simon Fenix into exposed turnbuckle.
Simon Fenix staggers backward with blood running down his face.
Assassin suplexes Simon Fenix.
Donovan Dread kicks Simon Fenix.
Dez Facture kicks Simon Fenix.
Donovan Dread and Dez Facture sets Simon Fenix up double DDT him head first into the mat.

Tyrant slides in the ring with a chair.
Tryant swings the chair and hits Donovan Dread.
Dez Facture is speared by Tyrant.
Tyrant punches Dez Facture in the mouth.
Dez Facture climbs to his feet.
Dez Facture is speared by Tyrant.
Tyrant gets up.
Simon Fenix grabs the chair and staggers to his feet.
Master P drops to the mat and rolls out of the ring.
Simon Fenix swings the chair and hits Donovan Dread as he starts to stand.

Thomas Knight - This is how wrestling should be!

Lisa Howards - Hell NO! This is how Hardcore wrestling should be!

Thomas Knight - I stand corrected! Glad I hired you!

Simon Fenix swings the chair and hits Dez Fracture.
Assassin starts to get up but is kicked in the jaw by Tyrant.
Dez Fracture staggers to his feet.
Dez Facture is speared by Tyrant.
Dez Facture picked up and irished whiped to the exposed turnbuckle.
Simon Fenix runs and nearly takes Dez Fracture head off with a chairshot Dez falls down and is not moving!

Master P executes a diving reverse DDT on Simon Fenix.
Master P is in the corner in a 3 point stance.
As Simon Fenix is getting up Master P tackles Simon Fenix.
Master P moves back to his feet.
Master P spinning Pimpdrives Simon Fenix head first into the mat.
Master P covers Simon Fenix.
David Cole counts.
...1 ...2 ...3

Lisa Howards - The winner of this match, and New World Heavyweight champion, Master P!!!

Black Knight & Tyrant Slide into the ring as Master P and Donovan Dread celebrate in the middle of the ring,

Thomas 'Black' Knight runs at Master P and knocks him down with a Big Boot to the back of his head, Tyrant superkicks Donovan Dread in the head

Lisa Howards- The Boss has lost it again he and Tyrant are destroying Master P and Donovan

Black Knight and Tyrant Double powerbombs Donovan to the outside. Black Knight sets Master P on the top rope and Powerbombs Master P to the floor both apper to be knocked out.

EMT's run too ringside too check out dread,master p and dez who are all lying on the floor,Tyrant and Black Knight help Simon up.

Black Knight stands in the middle of the ring with a mic,So Master P what was that you were saying??...You know this Attacking here and there is getting tired really quick you think you can walk into the XCW and take over???I don't think so you wanna Fuck around lets Fuck around just remember that belt may be  around your waist but it ultimently MY Belt and I will take it from you anytime I feel like it....It's time for the XCW to defend ourself's....Told ya Master P be careful what you wish for as for you other two I'm not sure what your deal is but your involved in over your heads you have no idea what you've gotten into!

Master P +$10000  Simon +$5000

X.C.W-Xtreme Championship Wrestling
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