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Name: Alex Williams
Code Name: Meltdown
Classification: New Hellions
Age: 17

Father: Thomas Williams (Deceased)
Mother: Serena Williams (Deceased)

Height: 5'10"
Hair: Long Black
Eyes: Light Green (Changes colors depending on what power he is using)
Weight: 169
Characteristics: Muscular built

Alex and his twin sister Alexis were born to a drug addict in a shelter. They lived in a couple of Shelter homes with their mother. One day his mother his mother left and never returned. And the two of them was shipped off to orphanage where Alex quickly became the orphanage bully. He took out his frustration and anger out on the other kids. One day, one of the men working at the orphanage rapped his sister. In anger he used his powers for the first time, he killed the man by melting him to death. He made the man suffer by doing it body part by body part as he explored his new powers.

After learning his sister also had powers, the two left the orphanage and tracked down their father who Alex killed for abandoning them from birth. After living off the streets and becoming a minor thief to feed himself and his sister, Marcus Shaw found him and invited him to become a pawn for him.

He told him he wouldn't come unless his sister came with him and they left to live with the Hellfire Club Mansion. When Sebastian Shaw wanted to start a New Hellions group, he was one of the first he recruited.

Personality: Alex is an angry person. This anger consumes him in everything he does. The only person that he trusts and will even listen to for half a second is his twin sister, Alexis. He enjoys killing almost as much as he enjoy torturing people. He is quick, and sharp tongued. He has no fear of any thing or any one and will jump in the middle of any fight.

He is what you mobsters would call their strong-arm guy. He is also a bossy guy who likes to push people around and tell people what to do. He loves being a mutant and thinks that anyone that's not a mutant are useless.

But behind all this, he holds a deep love and affection for his sister and he will do anything to protect her.

Energy Conversion: He possesses the ability to draw in energy and transform it into useable forms. He can channel this energy into several Power Stunts that duplicate other powers

  • Heat Generation
  • Light Generation
  • Plasma Generation
  • Radio Generation
  • Hard-Radiation Generation
  • Note: At this time, he has only been able to generate two forms of energy. Hard-Radiation and Plasma. Though he is still trying to learn to do other forms.

    Energy Sponge: The ability to absorb energy from any source, to include humans. This energy can be stored and released or harmlessly dissipated. The affects on humans is that they feel drained and tired. If he takes to much energy from a person, he could kill them due to the fact that their heart will stop.
    Note: At this time he is only able to hold the energy for a short time and will need to release it or it will burn him out. He is unable to harmlessly dissipate the energy yet and at this time can only use this power in conjunction with Energy Conversion.

    Energy Detection: The ability to perceive any energy sources.

    Berserker: Ignore stuns, pains & has resistance to mind control when in a berserker stage. Only until his enemies are dead or if his sister talks to him can he come out of it.

    Fighting Skills: He is a trained Martial Artist.