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Persona Name: Mina Grueber
Nickname: Meeny
Code name: Ink

Sex: Female
Age: 17
Classification: New Hellion

Birthplace: Buffalo, NY
Mother: Olga Grueber
Father: Karl Gruber

Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'6"
Weight/Build: 110 lbs, slim
Complexion: Caucasian

Mina was born to a loving family that flipped when she was discovered to be a mutant. So she was sent to her aunt's house, and from there bounced between family members before finally stumbling upon the New Hellions.

Personality: She's not evil, or crazy, or angry at the world. Just desperate.

Known mutant powers:
Desolidification: can change her body into a gel substance that can move or travel through cracks. She can desolidify parts of her body to work around a blast or attack. Her mass doesn't change.

Note: Her first name is pronounced MEE-na