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Wyld Chyld

Personal Information:

Background Information

There are very few people in the land that would know her, by listening and watching she knows many people by name only. She was the last to take care of her dearest friend Sabir DarksBane in her dying days in another land. Wyld saw how badly Sabir felt after leaving her home and most of her family behind, how broken the womans spirit had been when she let her land and family down. Wyld vowed to rebuild Sabir's dream the best she could when she finally laid the womans body to rest and now she has searches for the perfect place to try to make good on her vow. She realizes that it will be a hard task, but she hopes that she can do so in the memory of the woman that helped her so long ago.


She doesn't claim much in the way of abilities, but having spent much time with Sabir she knows many secrets that she indeed keeps to herself. Being the daughter of a shifter, she has the ability to change shape into that of a rather elegant black panther. As for other abilities she is basically a quiet person, however she takes the things she sees and hears and makes unique poetry. She wouldn't necessarily be considered a minstrel (more along the lines of a bard), but she hides very well within the shadows and this makes her true occupation one of mystery to the naked eye.

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