
Base Attack: Adjusted Coordination

Base Defense: Adjusted Speed + 12 + odd levels Combat Maneuvers

Base Initiative: (Melee) Initiative + Even Levels Combat Maneuvers

(Missile) Initiative + Attentiveness Level

Your attack with a melee weapon is --

Base Attack + Weapon Style Level + Weapon Modifier + Any other modifier(shield, armor)

Your defense with a melee weapon is --

Base Defense + Weapon Modifier + Fighting Style Level Bonus + Any other modifier (shield, armor)

Your Initiative with a melee/missile weapon is --

Base Initiative + Fighting Style Level Bonus + Weapon Modifier + Any other modifier (armor)

Fighting Styles

There are basically THREE different fighting styles, each of which has its own strengths and weaknesses (see SKILLS for more details). There are other fighting styles in the World, but they are exotic and not commonly available.

Weapon: this style is the simplest; the character has learned to both attack and defend with his chosen Weapon category. +1 to both Attack and Defense per level, and it is assumed that Parrying is done with the Weapon. An attempt to damage or remove the weapon in combat may be Deflected by rolling skill level or less on a d12, if character has initiative (see Strike At Weapon; Combat Options).

Weapon and Shield: This style combines the use of a weapon to attack with a Shield for all parrying. ALL defense except for the Weapon's inherent Weapon modifier comes from the Shield; the character who uses this style is only skilled in attacking with a weapon and gets no plus to defense from skill without a Shield. +1 to Attack, + 2 to Defense per level, plus Shield modifiers. Shield also subtract from Attack score (see Things to Parry With). Shields deflect blows without damage if skill level or less is rolled on a d12.

Two Weapons: This style teaches the use of a weapon in the off hand which can be used for parrying purposes, as a Shield. However, it also teaches how to defend with a single weapon, so those proficient in this style can attack with either weapon and still receive their Two Weapons level to their Defense score. Those using this style can also choose to attack with both weapons, losing the use of the secondary weapon for defense, but effectively Swinging Twice for only -2 Attack/Defense instead of -4, with no plus to Fumble. If the secondary weapon is used to defend, twice the Two Weapons level is added for figuring defense (as with a Shield). There are no shield modifiers to Attack or Defense, only skill modifiers. Learning Two Weapons effectively trains a warrior to be ambidextrous at this skill only, so whether he is ambidextrous or not, he swings with either weapon at the same modifier. When swinging with each weapon, a warrior gets no advantage for Left handed. Left handed fighters will gain an advantage when swinging with their left hand and defending with their right.

Fighters with Two Weapons are treated as fighters with shields for purposes of Swinging at Weapon or Swinging at Shield. When using Two Weapons skill for defense, a fighter receives no extra bonus for Parrying (effectively, he/she can’t use the option).

Because a character using this skill is taught to be effectively ambidextrous with this technique, the Two Weapons taken have to be in the same Weapon category. Two Weapons is simply not taught using two widely differing weapons.

Those who wish to take Weapon and Shield or Two Weapons should check the Combat Equipment section for Attack and Defense modifiers, as well as the Skills section for Difficulties.

Weapon and Shield may be used with any 1-handed weapon, regardless of category. If using a weapon other than your main weapon, you lose one level, effectively, of Weapon and Shield, plus all defensive weapon modifiers--picking up a rapier won’t help you defensively if you are used to fighting with a battle axe. Remember that losing 1 level of Weapon and Shield effectively takes 2 off your Defense!

Basics of Combat

In combat, an attack is made by rolling a d30 and adding it to your melee attack score. If the total beats your opponent's defense you score a hit. If you beat your opponent's defense by 10, the poor sap has taken a critical hit, and the effects of the wound will be increased one level. If you nail him by 30, the wound goes up 2 levels. For example, Big Red Chewing-Gum swings at Bob the Blob. Poor Blobby has only a 22 defense, and Big Red's attack total is 32. Therefore, Big Red's damage against this pitiful quivering mass is increased by 1 level, meaning that whatever level of crit Blobby takes will become one level nastier. If Big Red had somehow managed to nail this incredibly slow gelatinous mass with a 52 total, Blobby's crit would have become two levels more severe, and he probably would be doing a great Elvis impersonation: fat and dead.

No number on a d30 guarantees an automatic hit; if you roll a 30 and this added to your attack still won't beat your opponent's defense, you don't hit. However, if a 30 is rolled, you may roll a d20 and add this number to your total; if a 20 is rolled on this d20, roll a d10 and add this total, etc. No normal attack may ever raise a hit more than two critical levels (see combat options).

Once engaged in combat, you will have several different options at your disposal. During each round of combat (six seconds, or 10 combat rounds to a minute), you may perform one or more combat options. This option may affect your attack and defense. Combat options are various and sundry maneuvers such as dodge or parry. Remember that a melee round is a full six seconds, and that when you attack or parry, whatever you're doing is treated as a stance you are taking as opposed to a particular action. If you dodge for instance, it is assumed you are frantically trying to duck the flurry of attacks coming from your opponent, not just ducking once.


There are two types of damage, physical and pain. Physical damage will be applied to the location that was hit (rolled on a d30), and represents such things as nasty cuts and horrible bruises. Pain affects the target as a whole, and is a single number that is a penalty to all actions for the person being hit. Physical damage comes in levels, representing the severity and size of the wound. A level 3 wound is smaller than a level 4 wound, but a small wound to the head will be more serious than the same size wound to the shoulder and will probably have greater pain effects.

Each weapon has a variable amount of points it will inflict represented by a dice roll and a modification (weapon damage). If a person is particularly large or strong, he or she will have a higher modification to the dice. Or a person could be small and weak, and could have a lower modification to the dice roll. For every point the character's might exceeds 6, he or she will do one point extra. For every point the character's might is less than 5 (4 for thrusting weapons), the character will do one point less. This does not apply to missile weapons. Bows depend upon the draw strength. For thrown weapons, use the same procedure as for melee weapons, but substitute coordination for might.

All weapons will have a maximum bonus. If your bonus exceeds the maximum bonus with the weapon, get a bigger weapon. Barring this, average the two to get your total bonus (you can only do so much damage with a knife).

When you hit, roll the weapon damage and subtract the armor protection the person is wearing. The remaining points are compared against the damage resistance of the hapless victim, as a fraction rounded down to the nearest quarter. So if your broadsword did 8 points of damage past the victim's armor, and he has a damage resistance of 15, you have done a level 2 hit (second quarter, or half of 15). Then roll location (d30), and see where the victim was hit. Note if that had been a critical hit, then the victim would take a level 3 hit.


For every action that you take, whether it's swinging a sword, running, or dodging for your life, there is a fatigue cost. Subtract the fatigue cost of the action or actions during the round from your exhaustion level. For every point your PC’s exhaustion level is below zero, you take an additional -1 (see Pain and Minuses, below). Upon reaching an increment of 5 below their Exhaustion Level, a character must make an immediate roll off of 1/2 Willpower vs. the amount below zero Exhaustion they currently are. If failed, they will immediately Recover (see Combat Options), taking a -10 to Attack and Defense and recovering 2 Exhaustion and doing nothing else that round. If the roll is failed by 10, the character immediately collapses, effectively incapacitated until they fully Recover all of their Exhaustion.

No character may ever, ever, EVER spend more than 3 exhaustion per round. NEVER. (Well, unless they’re over encumbered, or using the Breath Control skill. But that’s it. Otherwise, never.)

Weapons, armor, and shields will also tend to reduce your exhaustion level. The exhaustion penalty for armor is constant, however a stronger character can wear more armour without taking the same penalties. For every 5 a character's strength is above the armour's minimum strength requirement the character may reduce the armour's Coordination, Exhaustion, and Tactical Movement modifiers by 1. On the other hand, for every 2 a character's strength is below the equipment's strength requirement, the character may subtract 1 from his Coordination, Speed, Exhaustion, and Tactical Movement. These penalties also apply for weapons and shields, although one does not receive any sort of bonus for these.

Pain and Minuses

Virtually everything nasty has the effect of generating a minus. Wounds of different levels will give you minuses. Exhaustion and fatigue will give you minuses, as will being discouraged. Poisons and psionic attacks will give you minuses. When your character is suffering from minuses, he/she if performing below par. They must take the total of their minuses off of everything that they do that requires a dice roll--any skill roll off, any combat option, anything. Minuses also come off Initiative and Defense in combat.

The amount of minuses a person can deal with without collapsing is measured by their Pain Level. Whenever you accumulate enough penalties due to pain, exhaustion, or both that is equal to your pain level, or receive any one wound that has a pain penalty greater than or equal to half of your pain level, you must roll a d6. On a 1, you collapse to the ground incapacitated. On a 2, you collapse to your knees in agony, and next round you may perform no action (although you still have your defense). On a 3, you're stunned because of the pain, and while you're still standing and have your defense, you may do nothing next round. On a 4-6, you grimace and bear it. If you are at or over your pain resistance, any wound other than superficial will cause you to make the above roll. If at any time your minuses due to pain and exhaustion are greater than one and a half times your pain resistance you immediately collapse.


When a character takes damage, serious bleeding may result. The DM will tell you how much you are bleeding (a number usually from 1 to 5), and every round you keep a running total, adding the amount you are bleeding. For every 10 points, you suffer a -1, due to feeling weak and dizzy. This is treated as any normal pain minus (see above). If you're resting, you may halve the amount you are bleeding. Pain minuses accumulate by normal rounding, i.e., for every 5 points of bleeding you take, your minus rounds up to the next whole number. Thus, if you’ve bled 5 points, you are under a -1; if you’ve bled 15 points, you’re under a -2, etc.


After combat, shock can set in. A character will have to roll against shock any time they take in excess of a -10. There are two types of shock a severely hurt character can go into; minor shock, which will incapacitate the character for a few hours or days, and Death Shock, which the character can die from in a few hours in they fail their saving rolls. Shock is a serious matter, and the presence of a skilled medic or the Attribute Shock Resistant can be a lifesaver.

Instant Death

There are two things which can kill a character instantly. One is taking, from one source, 2x the character’s Pain Level in minuses at once. Fortunately, things that do such huge minuses all at once are relatively rare. The second thing which can kill a character instantly is an Instant Kill critical wound effect. Certain wounds in certain vital areas have a percentage chance of killing instantly; if the player rolls withing that chance, the character is instantly killed.


Initiative is speed and decisiveness in combat. When two opponents are facing each other, the one with the higher initiative will be able to see what his/her opponent is doing and react to it first. Generally, a long quick weapon will give a person a higher initiative.

Melee rounds are six seconds long, and each second in considered to be divided up into increments taking 6 Initiative. Thus, just for example, a character who has an initiative of 23 perceives and reacts 1/6th of a second faster that someone with an initiative of 22. Such fractions of a second can decide whole battles. A melee round is considered to begin at initiative 30, and to end at initiative -6. No matter how slow a character is, he is considered to be able to make one action per melee round; no matter how fast a character is, he cannot make a movement at higher than initiative 30. Initiatives higher than 30 are only used to measure relative reaction times.

Multiple actions are considered to take 10 initiative to make. Thus, with an initiative of 32, a character could swing 4 times in one melee; first at initiative 30, then at 20, then at 10, then at 0. He would have to declare all four swings at the start of the melee, and the modifiers would be awful, and he couldn't do it anyway because you are only allowed to spend 3 exhaustion per round, so never mind. But he could swing 3 times. Or he could parry at 30 and, if he rolled a successful return swing, swing back at 20, which might conceivably be before his opponent has swung in the first place. Thus, a high initiative makes Parrying, Swashbuckling, and Dodging more fun, too.

When a player's turn to declare his character's combat actions comes, he has 30 seconds to do so. If he fails to do so within 30 seconds, his character Guards for the round. (See Combat Options)

Multiple Opponents

When a person is fighting more than one opponent, certain special rules come into effect. If facing two opponents, attack and defense are -5 toward both, if facing three -10. Any person not faced is ignored. A character cannot put any kind of conscious, skilled defense to an opponent they are ignoring; such an opponent receives a defense equal to the character’s Adjusted Speed + 6. A character can only face, at most, three opponents; if there are more enemies than this facing them, they must ignore the fourth. However, it is difficult to get three or more opponents on one without crowding each other. Generally, they will fumble more often and get in each others way.

The above modifiers apply to initiative as well, but only after facing has declared. In other words, in a mass melee situation, characters must declare who they are facing in normal initiative sequence. Once facings have been declared, the above modifiers are vigorously applied to the silly bints where applicable, and the thusly modified initiatives are used for order of declaring attacks.

Missile Weapons

Attack: (Dexterity/2) + (2 x Level) + Weapon Bonus

Initiative: Initiative + Attentiveness level + Weapon Level + Weapon Bonus

The weapon bonus will depend on range to the target. Your missile weapon will have an Accuracy modifier, which adds directly to your Attack with it. It will also have a Range modifier, which will subtract from your Attack over distance.

To hit, roll a d30 and add your modified attack. If you beat the target's defense (based on range, movement, cover, etc.), you hit.

Initiative for missile fire is used for a person who is outside melee range to determine when his fire will affect the melee round; it is also useful during an exchange of missile fire to determine which missile hurler may act and perceive the intentions of the other(s) first. When the missile hits is another matter. Missile weapons hit their targets at an initiative modifier equal to their Range modifier (i.e., if you’re firing a longbow at a target 30 yards away, the arrow will hit at -6 to the Initiative it was fired. (Longbows are -2 per 10 yards, a very accurate weapon.)


Whenever you get hit and receive a level 1 or higher wound, you will receive a penalty based on pain effects and severity of the wound. These penalties are halved after 1 hour of rest. As for how long it takes to recover from what sort of wound, ask the DM. The DM now has a handy and wonderful Gary-chart which tells him quickly and painlessly how long it takes to heal from which kind and sort of wound. It's rilly simple, man.


Occasionally situations will arise or things will occur which the DM will judge would effect the PC’s morale. Most of these things will be negative... being tired, being bored, being trapped outside in rotten weather, being sexually enslaved by ogres, etc. Whenever such things occur, the DM, at his option, can call for a Morale roll. The PCs must then roll off 1/2 WP vs. a DM assigned difficulty (-5 to 10; -5 would be something like "rain for the sixth day in a row", while 10 would be "your lover is being tortured to death horribly because you screwed up and you have to watch" or "enslaved to demons"). If the PC makes the roll by 10, they are under no minuses. For every 2 less than 10 they make the roll by, (rounding up; i.e., if they lose the roll by 5, they effectively lost by 6) they are under a -1 to all rolls and values normally effected by minuses.

Leadership rolls to offset morale minuses are always against 6 + the original morale difficulty. If no adverse morale conditions exist, a Leadership roll vs. 12 can be made to improve morale for a specific activity (battle, contest, attempt to accomplish some difficult task, etc.); if successful, characters being led will gain a +1 per 2 the roll is made by (maximum +4), which will last for the duration of the activity. Leaders, unfortunately, receive only half the bonus their troops get.

Combat Options

NOTE: Each round, regardless of whether you make an attack or not, you MUST roll a d30 to check for Fumble.

Attack (1) Normal attack and defense. You may also attack with extra effort and increase your attack by +2 while decreasing your defense by -2, or you may defend with extra effort and raise your defense by +2 while decreasing your attack by -2. Each extra effort costs an extra point of exhaustion to perform and raises your fumble chance by +1.

Parry (1) +4 Defense. You may strike back on a 1-2 on a d6, 1-3 if you can parry with a shield, secondary weapon, cloak, or quarterstaff.

Dodge (2) +7 Defense to all opponents. If you choose this option, it is the only one you can do this turn. You may either disengage from any opponent who misses you, or strike back on a 1-2 on a d12, normally rolled as a 1 on a d6 (see Shoito under Special Training for exceptions).

Desperate Dodge (3) +10 Defense to all opponents. If you choose this option, it is the only option you may do this turn. Desperate Dodge gets you out of melee regardless of whether anyone hits you. You must then make a Swashbuckling roll-off against 10, +5 for each person who hit you, to avoid falling down.

Desperate Attack (3) -4 Attack, -8 Defense, +2 Fumble. This option indicates that your are putting everything into one desperate attack. If you hit, the level of the wound increases by one.

Charge (3) +3 Attack, -6 Defense, +3 Fumble. Like a Shield Bash, only with intent at striking your target with a weapon. If you hit with a Bashing or Slashing weapon, you inflict +1 level. If you hit with a thrusting weapon, you do +2 levels. If hit by these, you take the same effects. You may not charge someone you are already in melee with.

Close (1) -4 Attack, -6 Defense. If you hit, you enter Close Combat unless your opponent hits you for (your weight/20) points of damage. If you're hit by a thrusting weapon, your opponent automatically inflicts maximum damage. If you make it into Close Combat, a 1-2 on a d6 indicates that you also scored a hit for Close Combat damage. If you are using a thrusting weapon, you automatically inflict maximum damage. When you Close, your opponent always goes first.

Jump Opponent (2) -4 Attack, -10 Defense, +2 Fumble. Desperate attempt to enter close combat with opponent, ignoring his parry skills. If you hit, you enter Close Combat as under Jumping unless your opponent hits you for (your weight/10) points of damage. Any weapon which hits you rolls damage twice and inflicts the higher, thrusting weapons automatically moving up one crit level. Roll off (attackers might, +5 if charging) vs. (defenders might) on d10's. If attacker wins, the close combat goes to the ground. If you miss, make a swashbuckling roll-off vs. 10 to avoid falling down. When you choose this option, your opponent always goes first.

Strike at Weapon (1) -5 Attack. Your opponent must subtract his weapon and any parry modifier from his defense. If you hit, roll a d6:

* 1-2 you attempt to break opponent's weapon-- do damage, roll off total damage vs. opponent’s weapon strength. If you win the roll off, you crack his Weapon and he must subtract the amount you won by from his Weapon Strength. If you win by 5, his weapon is broken. Hitting his weapon by 10 will add 5 to your damage to it, hitting by 30 will add 10.

* 3-4 you attempt to disarm him -- Roll-off MNP vs. MNP

* 5-6 you get your choice of what to try.

A character with better initiative than her opponent may attempt to Deflect the Strike At Weapon. To do this, you must expend 1 exhaustion and your opponent does not have the -5 Attack modifier. If your opponent hits, you may attempt to Deflect the attack by rolling your Weapon level or less on a d12.

SPECIAL NOTE: To Strike At Weapon when an opponent uses a Shield or Cloak to Parry with, you must first engage his Weapon with a successful Bind, Flourish, or, if you use a Weapon, Parry modifier. You must then roll what you need to strike back (1-2 on a d6). You then choose to either attempt to break weapon or disarm.

Strike at Shield (1) -5 Attack. Your opponent must lower his defense by the amount his shield protects him. If you hit, you hit his shield. Thrusting weapons do 1/2 damage to a shield, axes and edged polearms do 1.5 times damage to the shield. Opponent may attempt to Deflect if she has initiative, as in Strike At Weapon above. However, if she attempts this, you do not have the -5 to your attack, and if her Deflection roll fails, you automatically do double damage to the shield.

Shield Bash (2) -6 Defense, +3 Fumble. Your opponent loses all parry bonuses against this attack. If you hit you make forceful contact with your opponent or his shield, trying to knock him over. If your opponent hits you with a thrusting weapon, he may roll damage twice and take the higher. If you hit your opponent, each rolls a d10 and adds it to their might. If you win that roll-off, your opponent is knocked to one side and must roll his Swashbuckling against (10 + your margin of victory) or fall. Charging adds +5 to your might roll, but if you lose, then you must roll Swashbuckling vs. (10 + margin of defeat) or fall. This attack may be done without a shield.

Fall Weeping To The Ground, No attack, 0 Defense. Try and evoke pity in an overwhelming foe. Never works on the River, but they’ll usually at least finish you off fast in disgust.

Flourish (2) Barely an attack, -5 Defense. You must allow your opponent to swing first, if he misses, you roll off your Flourish rating vs. his ACU + 2x Weapon level. If you win, he is considered to be Faked and Bound by Combat Position rules. You may attack in addition if you roll a 1-2 on a d6. +1 to Fumble.

Guard (0) Normal defense. You expend no exhaustion, and may make no other maneuvers whatsoever.

Pause (0) Normal attack and defense. Wait to see what your opponents are doing (only useful if they have a higher initiative). By doing this, you hold your own movement until (opponent’s initiative - 1). Their action will come first, but you at least get to see what it is and respond to it.

Rest (-1) -5 Attack and Defense. Get one (1) exhaustion point back and do nothing else, you rested.

Recover (-2) -10 Attack and Defense. Get two (2) exhaustion points back and do nothing else, you recovered.

Trip (1) -2 Attack, -4 Defense. Requires using either a Kick or Polearm attack. If a Trip attack hits, the target falls to his knees; if the Kick hits by 10, the target is prone. Trip will void a Desperate Dodge leaving combat if successful. If the Trip only results in knocking a Desperate Dodging target to their knees, the target must roll off Combat Position vs. 10 not to actually go prone. Trip may be combined with a Combat Maneuvers roll,, to cause your opponent to fall down the stairs, into the bear trap, off the deck, etc.

Combat Position Maneuvers (1) Normal Attack and Defense, +1 to Fumble. Choose one of the following moves. On any swashbuckling maneuver, your opponent goes first. If he hits you may not attempt the roll-off. You also get a chance to make a normal attack on a 1-2 on a d6. Roll off your swashbuckling rating vs. opponent's. If you win by 5 or more, the maneuver worked.

Bind Opponent will be at -5 attack and defense next round and may not dodge, parry, or desperate dodge. Opponents with shields may not make Deflection rolls when bound. Ha ha.

Fake Causes your opponent to completely misjudge his orientation in combat. Next round your opponent may not perform any action against you, although he will still have his full defense. If he dodges or desperate dodges, you still face his normal defense.

Force Fumble So badly befuddle your opponent that he must roll on the DMs dreaded Fumble Chart at the end of the round to see what horrible mischance you have suckered him into with your oh-so dazzling footwork.

Take Position You put your back to a terrain feature in such a way that only one opponent may attack you at one time. Not applicable in certain situations (completely open terrain). You must successfully roll off your Swashbuckling level against all of the opponents you wish to exclude, but you need not beat their totals by five. If you succeed, you may only be dislodged from your position by being successfully Swashbuckled (Bound, Faked, Driven, or Force Fumbled).

Drive Opponent Position yourself to force your opponent to approach you in a certain manner (over the hidden bear-pit) or shift your footwork to force your opponent to move in a direction you choose. Move your opponent up to one yard per 1 this Combat Maneuvers roll off wins by. Useful when fighting at the top of stairways, on a ship, on a flying carpet, etc.

Gaze of Death, no attack, no defense, no exhaustion cost. Drop all weapons, cross your arms, stand there and stare at your opponent, willing him to die. Roll off ½ WP vs. 1500 (20s may not be backed up). If WP roll off succeeds, opponent dies.

Aim for Location (0) +1 Fumble. You may aim for specific location on an opponent or for a weak or missing section of his armour. For each location there is a specific penalty associated with it (see chart below). If you miss when aiming, but would have hit had you not aimed, you may still hit a random location.

Head -10 1H Upper Arm -6 2H

Face -12 1H Lower Arm -6 1

Neck -12 2H Arm -4 2H

Head & Neck -8 2H Upper Leg -4 2L



Shoulder -6 2H Lower Leg -4 1L

Chest -4 3 Leg -2 2H

Stomach -4 3 Wing -4 2H

Torso -2 3 Aim Low-2 3L

Tail -6 2L Aim High-2 3H

Combat Option Summary

Option Attack Defense Exhaustion Fumble

Attack +0 +0 1 +0

Attack + +2 -2 2 +1

Attack - -2 +2 2 +1

Parry (1-2) +4 1 +0

Dodge (1) +7 2 +0

Desperate Dodge None +10 3 Swash vs. 5

Desperate Attack -4 -8 3 +2

Close -4 -6 1 +0

Jump Opponent -4 -10 2 +2

Flourish (1-2) -5 2 +1

Swashbuckling (1-2) +0 1 +1

Strike at Weapon -5 +0 1 +0

Strike at Shield -5 +0 1 +0

Shield Bash +0 -6 2 +3

Pause -2 -2 0 +0

Rest -5 -5 -1 +0

Recover -10 -10 -2 +0

Aim for Location (chart) +0 +0 +1

Swing Twice -4 -4 +1 +1

Swing Thrice -8 -8 +2 +2

Grab -2/-1 -2/-4 1 +0

Combat Modifiers

Description Att Def. Init. Swash Damage Fumble

Two Attacks -4 -4 +0 +0 +0 +1

Three Attacks -8 -8 +0 +0 +0 +2

On Knees -2 -4 -4 -4 -2 +2

Prone -4 -8 -8 -6 -3 +1

One Leg Disabled -1 -2 -2 -4 +0 +2

Opponent Below You +2 +2 +0 +0 +2 +0

Dark -2 -4 +0 +0 +0 +1

Very Dark -4 -8 +0 +0 +0 +3

Really Intensely Dark -6 -12 +0 +0 +0 +5

Blind -24 -24 +0 +0 +0 +15

Three On One -2 +0 +0 -2 +0 +1

Four On One -5 +0 +0 -5 +0 +3