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. Legend .

. Your stranded in the middle of the desert, the life being leeched out of you. You drag your body along, and finally collapse. Your mind races, Is this the end? You think so. But from within your eyes sight, comes a door way. You rub your eyes, thinking its another mirage, but its not. You use all your strength and get 'pon your feet. The harsh sun beating down 'pon you. Finally your feet reach the burning hot sand as you take slow steps toward the door .

. The door seems to be rimmed with gold, a picture of an archangel 'pon it, the door itself silver. Below the angel lies a dragon's head, facing you. Your hand touches the cold hard metal of the door, as you slowly slide your hand downward to'ard the handle. You turn it, and in front of you stands that archangel 'pon the door, his wings flowing galiantly behind him, the silver sword at his side, and a silver dragon behind him, he reaches for you .

. You step back, but he pulls you in, his voice seeming to echo. You close your eyes, not wanting to see whats next, your eyes remained shut as he speaks. "I am Tyreal, guardian of the spirit gate, your body has left you, and your spirit remains. You are allowed, into the spirit realm." You open your eyes, and both Tyreal and the Dragon are gone, but your gaze ventures upward, stars cascade the night sky, then forward you look. A beautiful ocean lies ahead of you, and an island on the other side of it. You see a silver dragon over head, with Tyreal on the back of it. He lands at the edge of the water as you approach. He reaches out his hand. "Are you ready to take the step into the spirit world and start life anew? Into the land of Legends?" Its only you who can decide. Enter the land of the forbidden, 'pon wings of silver .

. Enter the Legend .