Every one your pack has to hunt once a week or they get a disaster
Wolf Vision

You walk along the trails you have known since your puppyhood, simply exploring. Suddenly, you notice another path you had not noticed before. You step along it, it is narrow and foliage is on either side of it, but the path it's self is dirt. You come to a place where you see three spaces. All of a sudden a beautiful wolf appears infront of you. She speaks. Hello, my name is Sadie. Welcome to the land of Wolf Vision. You turn your head, about to head back home, but the path is no longer there. Sadie sees this, and speaks again. I am afraid you may not return now, there is no way back. She motions toward the spaces you had noticed before. Each has a wolf standing in front of it, including Sadie. You must choose a path to follow, a life to live, she says, If you would like to be a light wolf, those of the kind and tender-hearted, go down the first path with Wildfire. The gray male dips his head to you in greeting. Should you be mean and cruel, the third space is for you, says Sadie. Amara glares at you with yellow eyes. If you cannot decide, head down the second with me. She stands, awaiting your answer. Which will you choose?




Watering Hole
Hidden Den
Forest Hills

Things To Do

Wishing Pond
Lone Males
Lovley Females
Dooms Day
Surprises and Disaters

