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-=- -=-

-=- An aura of silence suddenly falls upon the forest around you. Not even the rustling leaves blown about by a distant breeze can be heard. You look around wondering what is happening, feeling suddenly lost on a path you once knew very well. The gentle breeze picks up, soon turning into a cold wind. After the wind dies, you find yourself in a very unfamiliar place. As you are looking around, out of the corner of your eye, you see a small something slowly approaching. In fear, you turn around, facing the shadow. As it moves closer, you can see it more cleary. A wolf. Adult, female. You can see her wiry muscles well beneath her blackened coat. She stops, keeping her head low to the ground, snarling slightly as she speaks. -=-

"I am Lyria SwiftPaw, Keeper of the Flame. On what business do you come?"

-=- Firey orbs narrow as she looks you over carefully, turning her head to the side. -=-

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