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Disciplines are the supernatural powers all vampires posses to some degree or another, powers which separate them from mortals. A strong human can lift as much as a strong vampire; however, if the vampire also possesses the Discipline Potence, her effective power is increased dramatically.

The origin of these "mystical" powers is a mystery to almost all vampires. Normally, Kindred simply accept the Disciplines as yet another indication of how they are superior to all other creatures that walk the earth. Whatever their source, Disciplines are integral to a vampire's existence.


These are basic disciplines described in Whitewolf's main books. For more exotic disciplines, try these two sites, who archive original disciplines created by other storytellers & players.

Vampire WWW Disciplines
Vampire Disciplines at BJ Zanzibar's

Animalism: Animalism allows empathy with and power over the animal world, as well as the animal within, and embodies the Beast which lurks within the soul of every Cainite. Those with Animalism can understand and soothe the passions of animals and control the actions of such creatures by touching the heart of the beast within them all. Vampires lacking this Discipline or skill of Animal Ken can seem offensive to animals, or beasts are distinctly uncomfortable around the undead and will do all they can to move away.

  1. Sweet Whispers: Establishes telepathic contact with an animal. Can give it simple commands, in the form of a request, it is considered "a favor" not control over the animal. Range to establish contact is eye contact.
  2. The Beckoning: Summons any species of animal that is in the area, for example cats, rats etc. If there are none of the desired subject within range, you get none, and have to start over with a different species. They are under no obligation to heed your commands once they have arrived.
  3. Song of Serenity: Can be used on animals or humans, calms "the beast within" basically depriving them of the will to fight or resist. Can't be used on other vampires.
  4. Sharing of Spirits: Vampire's spirit enters into an animal, allowing you to control actions, see through it's eyes etc. The vampire's own body becomes unconscious and motionless.
  5. Drawing out the Beast: User can induce a berserker rage in man or animal, or induce frenzy in another vampire. They, of course, get a dice roll to resist.

Auspex: This Discipline is one of extrasensory awareness, empathy and perception. Those with this Discipline tend to be strongly affected by environmental phenomena, beauty. Loud noises can be very disturbing.

  1. Heightened Senses: While engaged, all senses become sharper, difficulty varies depending on circumstances.
  2. Aura Perception: One can perceive the auras of other beings, detecting their moods, identities, and levels of hostility as well as recognizing vampires. Obfuscate automatically resists this power.
  3. The Spirit 's Touch: One can pick up an object you can get information on it, level of information is based on number of successes (roll of perception + empathy). Race, sex, aura, how owner came to possess it, sometimes what was done in the last moments object was used, of last person holding the item.
  4. Telepathy: Detect the surface thoughts of other people or vampires.
  5. Psychic Projection: Astral projection, the spirit travels freely while the body remains unconscious.

Celerity: This Discipline explains the superior quickness of a vampire. We are using the slightly modified version of Celerity by Corey Rose. The following revisions to Celerity are not new. They are the LARP versions converted to Storyteller rules. Most of the powers are considered 'reactionary,' meaning vampires may use them without too much thought; they just do it instinctively. As such, they do not require an Action to perform, and any Blood costs do not count towards characters' maximum Blood Points/turn (as per their generation).

  1. Celerity: By spending a point of Blood, the kindred may dodge/parry any attack he is aware of without having to split his Dice Pool up. This is a reactionary power, and may be used any time the vampire is being attacked.
  2. Alacrity: By spending a point of Blood, the kindred may move at tremendous speed. He may opt to go First during the turn, regardless of what he rolled for initiative that turn. This is a reactionary power, and may be used at anytime, if the vampire has not yet had his action, allowing him to take it then.
  3. Swiftness: This is the most famous part of Celerity: multiple actions. By spending a point of Blood, the kindred may take one extra Action this turn. Only one point may be spent this way. This is reactionary, and may be used any time during the turn after your regular Action.
  4. Rapidity: This is like Swiftness, but lets you take 2 extra Actions. The cost is still only one BP.
  5. Fleetness: This is like Swiftness, but lets you take 3 extra Actions. The cost is still only one BP.

Dominate: This Discipline reflects the mystical ability of vampires to influence the minds and actions of others. Dominate is an aspect of the power of the mind and the will. It affects the judgment and mental functioning of the target, not the emotions. Dominate always requires eye contact with the subject in order for it to be employed, and this is why it is referred to as The Piercing Gaze

  1. Command of the Wearied Mind: Allows user to issue a one word command that will be obeyed instantly (target rolls to resist).
  2. Mesmerize: Plant a posthypnotic suggestion in a subject's mind, along with a trigger that will cause them to take the suggested action when that trigger occurs.
  3. The Forgetful Mind: Create or remove memories from the subject. Removing them is slightly more difficult, as it is not actually removed, just locked away, and will eventually resurface.
  4. Conditioning: Condition a specific individual so that they can no longer resist your domination. This is done over a period of weeks or months, determined by storyteller. After that, they will automatically be susceptible to your domination effects.
  5. Possession: Allows one to possess and control another person's body. Cannot be used on other Kindred.

Fortitude: Fortitude describes a type of supernatural toughness and vigor which allows Kindred extra advantages in resisting the harm to which their kind is especially vulnerable. All vampires have a powerful constitution, and are able to shrug off the injury inflicted by guns and weapons of all sorts. However, most are very susceptible to sunlight and fire, and are easily harmed by them. There are not different powers for extra dots, the dots are used as more points used for soaking etc.

Obfuscate: Kindred with this Discipline excel at hiding among and away from crowds.

  1. Cloak of Shadows: This allows you to hide in shadows. You must be able to actually get anyone watching you at the time to lose sight of you for this to engage, otherwise they can still see you.
  2. Unseen Presence: You can make yourself vanish, as above, but they will even forget you were there.
  3. Mask of the Thousand Faces: This allows one to change one's appearance, People simply think you look like somebody else, though your appearance is, in fact, unaltered.
  4. Vanish from Mind s Eye: This allows one to vanish, even in plain sight. They may also forget they saw you at all.
  5. Cloak the Gathering: This allows the level one power to be extended to others. Should any of the character's break the cover, only they will be seen, if the caster breaks, all will be exposed.

Potence: This Discipline defines the superior strength that vampires possess. This additional physical might allows great feats to be accomplished, far beyond what a normal mortal would be able to perform. Potence allows vampires to jump and leap greater distances, lift greater weights, and inflict greater harm upon objects and individuals when they are punched or hit.

Presence: A vampire with the Presence Discipline is exceptionally attractive and appealing to others. People want to be around the vampire, to bask in the brilliant light he sheds.

  1. Awe: People are fascinated by and drawn to you.
  2. Dread Gaze: By baring your teeth and hissing, you may drive mortals into a terrified state in which attempt to flee, cower in fear, etc.
  3. Entrancement: You can persuade someone to help you. They will not knowingly endanger themselves, they are not dominated, they simply wish to help you.
  4. Summon: A person the user knows or has at least met once, can be called from near or far. Should your roll succeed (charisma + suberterfuge), over the target's willpower, they will not resist.
  5. Majesty: Everyone notices you when you walk into a room. People are so much in awe of you, that they will not challenge you. This, of course, may be resisted.

Protean: This Discipline allows a vampire to transform either her entire body or part of her body into something inhuman. The vampire can thus grow claws, turn into a bat, meld into the earth or transform into mist.

  1. Gleam of the Red Eyes: You see perfectly in darkness.
  2. Wolf Claws: Claws extend from one's fingers, and can cause aggravated damage.
  3. Earth Meld: You can sink into the ground, thereby protecting yourself from sunlight.
  4. Shadow of the Beast: One can transform into either a wolf or a bat.
  5. Form of Mist: One's form becomes mist.

Quietus: This discipline is a useful one for assassins. It was perfected by the Assasamite.

  1. Silence of Death: With this power the vampire creates a zone of silence around them in a 20" radius. Any sound that originates outside the silence is unaffected.
  2. Weakness: with the touch of a hand and spend 1 blood point. Reduce foe's stamina by 1 point. roll is willpower roll vs. stamina+fortitude of target.
  3. Disease: willpower vs. willpower reduce dexterity or strength of target. get.
  4. Blood Agony: The blood of the vampire coats a weapon, for every blood point you spend you can do that many points of aggravated damage. 1 point of aggravated damage is dealt per time.
  5. Taste of Death: The vampire spits blood at his foe, doing aggravated damage. It does 2 dice of aggravated damage per blood point expended. Spitting range is Potence+strength x 10" feet.

Thaumaturgy: Few Kindred are able to practice the rigorous discipline of Thaumaturgy. This is the practice of blood magic, and is largely the province of the Tremere Clan, who created it and guard its secrets jealously..

A guide to Thaumaturgy contains tons of wonderful information regarding how to use Thaumaturgy, it's paths and rituals. The guys who wrote it have contributed greatly to this field, at least equally with the knowledge available in the original Whitewolf books.

  1. Taste for Blood: Allows user to determines how much blood is left in a Kindred or mortal, how recently a Kindred has fed, and the approximate generation of a vampire. Target must be touched.
  2. Blood Rage: When touching another Kindred, you can cause them to use blood, whether or not they want to. Of course, they still have the benefit of the blood point they have used.
  3. Blood of Potency: Allows user to to effectively manipulate their own blood to temporarily lower their generation.
  4. Theft of Vitae: This allows the user to drain the blood pools of others into one's own system from a distance. This requires an intelligence + medicine difficult 6. The number of successes determines the number of blood points obtained.
  5. Cauldron of Blood: User is able to cause other's blood to boil. This will kill humans and destroys bloodpoints from vampires.

Paths and rituals will be added at the discretion of the storyteller.
