The List of Names...

The list of known and suspected cheaters and glitchers!
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This is the public list of people who have been accused of, suspected, and convicted of using glitches, cheats, and other unfair methods to get ahead in Metal Gear Online. Below is the ever growing list of names of players reported upon by other players to have used cheats or glitches to gain ranks, scores, and points while others have had to work hard to get what they have. I vowed personally to one of the greatest MGO players in my opinion "SOLIDSNAKE" that I myself would never cheat to get ahead, and rightfully so, I have and am going to keep my word. I'm not the greatest player, but I'd rather loose respectfully than win dishonestly.
Submit a Cheater/Glitcher
  • Want to submit a cheater's name? E-mail it to us at or right away. We do require the username and reason of suspected cheating/glitching (basically what you observed) when it happened.
    Clearing your name and becoming a real player like the rest of us.
  • To be equally fair, I will listen to those whose name is on the cheater/glitcher list about how they can remove it and clear their reputation and name if they so see fit, HOWEVER should a reported cheater/glitcher's name be resubmitted at a later date or time they will be perminantly added to the list. Confirmed glitchers and cheaters will be in BOLD ITALIC text. These confirmed will be reported to Konami Gaming Inc. in Las Vegas, NV for excessive cheating using unauthorized methods of game play including usage of cheat devices and hardware tampering.
    List moved to new site.

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