Match #1
One on One Match
Ryan Shamrock vs. Nidia

"Bring Me To Life" by Evanescence blares over the PA system as the fans begin to cheer as the lucious blonde beauty, Ryan Shamrock, walks out from behind the titantron curtain. She stops on the top of the rampway and places her hands on her hips. She stares out into the audience as she raises her arm in the air and begins to wave to the fans. She then continues to make her way down the rampway to the ring. She gets to the ring and climbs up the steel stairs and enters the ring under the second rope. She walks to the middle of the ring and poses for the fans as she awaits the arrival of her opponent. Just then, her music stops playing as "Trailor Park" blasts over the PA system. The fans fill the arena with a chorus of boos as Nidia walks out from behind the titantron curtain. Nidia also stops on the top of the rampway. Chewing gum, she begins to play with her hair, twirling it around her fingers, staring down at the ring where Ryan Shamrock stands waiting in the ring. Nidia continues her way down the rampway to the ring. She gets to the ring as Ryan is practically inviting her in the ring. Nidia begins to slide in the ring, but Ryan tries to attack her.

The referee pushes Ryan away from the ropes and Nidia slides in the ring and starts the match up right away as she goes over to Ryan and hits her with a stiff hard right hand shot. Ryan retaliates by hitting Nidia with a right hand of her own. Nidia comes back and kicks Ryan in the midsection and follows it up with an uppercut! Ryan falls to the mat. Nidia picks Ryan up by the hair and irish whips her into the ropes. Off the ropes, Nidia takes Ryan down with a back elbow takedown. Nidia gets on the ground and begins to choke Ryan. The referee begins his 4 count. 1....2....3....4...The referee forces Nidia off Ryan. Nidia breaks the hold and gets up, picking Ryan up as well. Nidia irish whips Ryan into the ropes once again and this time off the ropes, Nidia takes Ryan down with a flapjack. Nidia turns Ryan over and goes for the pin. 1..2..Kickout by Ryan. Nidia gets up and bounces off the ropes and hits Ryan with a leg drop. Nidia goes for the cover once again. 1...2...Kickout once again by Ryan. Nidia gets up again andp icks Ryan up and begins to hit her with a few chops to the chest. Nidia has Ryan against the ropes as she irish whips her into the ropes, but turns her around right away and takes her down with a hard clothesline. Nidia goes for the cover one again. 1..2..Ryan yet again gets her sholder off the mat. Ryan is not giving up. Nidia picks her up again, but Ryan counters with a thumb to Nidia's eye! Nidia stumbles around as Ryan takes her down with a standing dropkick. Nidia goes to the mat as Ryan takes a few seconds to catch her breath. Ryan gets up, as does Nidia. Nidia goes to hit Ryan with a right hand shot, but Ryan blocks it and hits Nidka with a right hand shot. Nidia goes to hit Ryan once again, but Ryan blocks it once again and kicks Nidia in the midsection and bounces off the ropes and takes her down with a swinging neckbreaker. Ryan slowly gets up and picks Nidia up with her. Ryan kicks Nidia in the midsection and plants her with a DDT! Ryan turns Nidia over and goes for the pin. 1..2..Kickout by Nnidia. Ryan gets up and picks Nidia up with her and irish whips her into the ropes. Off the ropes, Ryan takes Nidia down with a monkey toss. Nidia is up right away as Ryan takes her down with yet another monkey toss. Ryan picks Nidia up and throws her into the corner. Ryan hits NIdia with a right hand and then picks her up and sets her up on the top turnbuckle. Ryan climbs the turnbuckles and sets Nidia up and takes her down with a SuperPlex!! Ryan rolls Nidia over and goes for the pin. 1..2..Kickout by Nidia at the last second. Ryan gets up and picks up Nidia's legs, and goes to lock her in the Figure Four Leg Lock but Nidia prevents it, pushing Ryan Shamrock away from her with her foot. In the process, Ryan bounces into the referee as he falls to the mat as well. Ryan turns around as Nidia quickly rolls her up. Forgetting that the referee is down, Nidia gets up and picks Ryan up and hits her with a scoop slam. Nidia goes to the corner and climbs up on the turnbuckle, attemping to hit Ryan with a moonsault, but what's this?! It's Trinity and Athena!! What are they doing out here?! They run down to the ring and climb up on the ring apron and they push Nidia off the top turnbuckle! They enter the ring and pick Nidia up and double irish whips her into the ropes and off the ropes, they take her down with a double back body drop. Athena exits the ring and grabs a chair. She folds it up and slides back in the ring. Trinity picks Nidia up as Athena pulls back and CRACK!! She smacks the chair across the face of Nidia! Nidia is busted open. Athena and Trinity exit the ring as Ryan crawls over and pins Nidia. The referee is finally coming to as he begins the count. 1.......2.......3! Ryan has won it! She has defeated Nidia!

Winner: Ryan Shamrock

After the match, Athena and Trinity have smiles on their faces as they enter the ring once again. They walk over and stand over Nidia's helpless body. Ryan Shamrock gets back up to her feet as she begins to celebrate her victory. Athena and Trinity both begni to stare at Ryan as her back is turned towards them. Trinity looks at Athena and motions her over to Ryan. Athena takes the chair and stands behind Ryan, waiting for her to turn around. As she does, CRACK! She hits Ryan in the face with the chair as well! Athena sets the chair in the middle of the ring and looks at Trinity. Trinity smirks as she walks over, and picks Ryan up off the ground. Trinity puts Ryan's head inbetween her legs, motioning for a powerbomb. Trinity lifts Ryan up in the air and slams her onto the steel chair! Athena and Trinity have left both Nidia and Ryan lying helplessly in the ring. What purpose did they have out here to begin with..?!

Match #2

Show or Go Match
Midajah vs. Pamela Paulshock vs. Elektra vs. Ivory vs. Looney Lane vs. Naughty-A

"Living Dead Girl" by Rob Zombie blasts over the PA system/ The fans begin to boo loudly as "The Dark Goddess" Midajah walks out from behind the titantron curtain. She stands on the top of the rampway and stares out into the audience. Midajah rolls her eyes, shakes her head and continues down the rampway to the ring. She gets to the ring and walks up the steel stairs. She bends over, and enters the ring under the top rope. She walks to the center of the ring. She raises her hands up in the air as the fans boo loudly. She laughs a bit as her music stops playing. Just then, "Lollirot" by Jack Off Jill blares over the PA system. The 20,000 plus fans in attendance here tonight jump to their feet and begin to scream and cheer as "The Blonde Bombshell" Pamela Paulshock walks out from behind the titantron curtain. She stop on the top of the rampway. She has a huge smile on her face as the fans continue to scream and cheer for her. She waves at the fans as she continues down the rampway. Walking down the rampway, she slaps a few of the fans hands. She gets to the ring and walks up the steel stairs. She enters the ring under the second rope. She walks to the center of the ring and raises her hands up in the air as the fans continue to scream for her. She smiles as her music stops playing. The fans continue to scream and cheer as "Tear Away" by Drowning Pool blares over the PA system. The cheers only get louder as 'The Shocking Diva' Elektra walks out from behind the titantron curtain. She walks straight down the rampway to the ring, sending smiles towards some of her fans. She gets to the ring and slides in. She kind of jogs in place, stretches a bit to get ready for this match. Her music stops playing as "Made Of Ivory" blasts over the PA system. The fans continue to scream and cheer as "Poison Ivory" Ivory hurries out onto the top of the rampway. Ivory taunts the crowd as they cheer for her. She walks down the rampway to the ring with a smile on her face. She gets to the ring and slides inside. Standing inside, she doesn't pay attention to anyone in the ring, obviously not caring who her opponents are tonight. She stretches a bit as well as her music stops playing. "I Think I'm Paranod" by Garbage blares over the PA system as some of the cheers turn into boos as "The Psycho Bitch" Looney Lane jumps out from behind the titantron curtain. She stops at the top of the rampway. The cameras focus on Looney's facial features. Looney has a sadistic kind of expression on her face as she slowly makes her way down the rampway to the ring. She gets down to the ring and hesitates entering. She stares at all of her opponents, apparently getting a good look at them. She squints a bit and walks over to the far corner. She steps up on the ring apron, and slowly slides in the ring. She stays down on her knees, staring at everyone else in the ring. Her music stops playing as "Sad But True" by Metallica blares over the PA system. The fans begin to scream and cheer once again as "The Naughty One" Naughty A struts out onto the top of the rampway. She stops on the top of the rampway, placing her hands on her hips. She circles around the arena, catching glimpses of some of the fans here tonight. She smiles and waves as she continues down the rampway to the ring. She gets to the ring andw alks up the steel stairs. She stands on the ring apron, hesitating a bit to enter the ring. She finally enters the ring under the second rope. Her music stops playing as the bell sounds.

The match starts out as a free for all. Total chaos inside the ring. Elektra takes Pamela by the hair and throws her to the outside of the ring. Elektra exits the ring and walks over to Pamela and picks her up, and irish whips her into the ring barricade. Elektra walks over to Pamela and starts kicking her in the midsection. She picks Pamela up by the hair and slaps her hard across the face. Pamela falls to a knee as Elektra picks her up once again by the hair and rolls her back inside the ring. Naughty A irish whips Looney Lane into the ropes and off the ropes, she takes Looney down with a back body drop. Naughty picks Looney up, but Looney counters with a rake to the eyes. Naughty stumbles around as Looney kicks her in the midsection. Looney takes Naughty's head, sets her up and takes her down with a hard neckberaker. Looney goes for the early cover. 1..2..Kickout by Naughty A. Looney gets up and picks Naughty up with her. Looney picks Naughty up and takes her down with a backbreaker. Looney has Naughty A on her knee. Looney presses down on Naughty's legs and pushes on Naughty's chin, applying a submission maneuver. Naughty looks to be in a lot of pain. Not letting Naughty tap out and give up, Ivory bounces off the ropes and hits Looney with a dropkick! Naughty falls off of Looney's knee. From behind, Midajah attacks Ivory, pushing her to the mat. Midajah starts to kick Ivory in the midsection. Midajah picks Ivory up and irish whips her into the ropes. Off the ropes, Midajah goes for a clothesline, but Ivory ducks and cirles around Midajah, wrapping her arms around her waist. Midajah tries to get Ivory off of her by hitting her with her elbow, but Ivory dodges it and takes Midajah and hits her with a German Suplex!! Ivory pins Midajah. 1..2..Naughty A stops the count. She kicks Ivory in the back. Ivory rolls off Midajah as Naughty goes and pins Midajah. 1..2..Kickout by Midajah. Naughty picks Midajah up. Elektra comes over to Naughty and helps her. They set Midajah up and takes her down with a double suplex! Elektra gets up and picks Midajah up and throws her in the corner. Elektra starts hitting Midajah with right forearms in the midsection. Naughty walks over and pushes Elektra out of the way and starts hitting Midajah with right hands of her own. Elektra walks over to Naughty and pushes her out of the way as well. Elektra starts kicking Midajah in the midsection. Naughty walks over and takes Elektra by the hair but Elektra pushes Naughty's hands out of the way, kicks her in the midsection and takes her down with a clothesline. Pamela Paulshock finally gets back to her feet, but gets taken down once again with a dropkick by Looney Lane. Looney picks Pamela up and irish whips her into the ropes. Looney turns, bounces off the opposite ropes and takes Pamela down with a swinging DDT! Pamela is down. Ivory gets up and comes up from behind Looney, turns her around and kicks her in the midsection. Ivory sets her up and takes her down with a Samoan Drop!! Looney is down! Midajah finally gets back to her feet and goes and picks Naughty up by the hair and throws her in the corner. Midajah kicks Naughty in the midsection and then picks her up, setting her on the top turnbuckle. Midajah climbs the turnbuckles, grabs Naughty A by the waist and takes her down with a Belly to Belly suplex off the top turnbuckle!! Midajah goes for the! Ivory stops the count, making sure that Midajah didn't win the match. Elektra gets up and walks over and picks Midajah up. Ivory and Elektra double irish whip Midajah into the ropes and off the ropes, they take her down with a double flapjack! Ivory picks Midajah up and throws her into the corner. Ivory takes Elektra and irish whips her into the corner and Elektra hits Midajah with a hard clothesline! Elektra irish whips Midajah towards Ivory and Ivory takes Midajah down with a powerslam! Ivory hooks the leg. 1..2..Elektra bounces off the ropes and hits the back of Ivory's head with a leg drop to stop the count. Elektra gets up and picks Ivory up and hits her with a chop to the chest. Elektra goes to kick Ivory in the midsection, but Ivory grabs onto Elektra's leg. Before Ivory can do anything though, Elektra takes Ivory down with an inzegurie!! Elektra goes for the cover. 1..2..Kickout by Ivory. Looney comes over and picks Elektra up and throws her to the outside of the ring. Looney picks Midajah up and throws her to the oustide of the ring, followed by Pamela and Naughty A! Looney has thrown four of her 5 opponents to the outside of the ring. She turns around and focuses on Ivory, slowly getting to her feet. Looney waits for Ivory to get to her feet, and when she does, Looney walks over to her, takes her head and hits her with a stiff right forearm shot. Ivory falls back to down on the mat. Looney quickly picks Ivory up, sets her up and takes her down with a snap suplex. Looney goes for the cover. 1..2..Kickout by Ivory. Looney gets up, picks Ivory up and irish whips her into the ropes. Off the ropes, Looney ducks down and before Ivory gets to her, she stops and kicks the chest of Looney! Looney stumbles back a bit as Ivory bounces off the ropes and tries to take Looney down with a clothesline, but Looney ducks, and turns around quick, kicks Ivory in the midsection, and throws her into the corner. Looney picks Ivory up and sets her up on the top turnbuckle. Looney climbs the turnbuckles, and sets Ivory up, looking for the Looney Tunes, but Ivory counters, punches Looney in the midsection, and pushes her off the turnbuckle. Ivory gains momentum by jumping off the top turnbuckle, hitting Looney with a leg drop! Ivory picks Looney up and irish whips her into the ropes. Off the ropes, Ivory kicks Looney in the midsection, sets ehr up and hits her with a Samoan Drop! It's over! ivory goes for the cover. 1..2..3!! Ivory wins the match!!

Winner: Ivory

Ivory's music begins to play over the PA system as the fans begin to cheer for her victory. Just then, Ivory's music stops playing as "My Time" blasts over the PA system. The fans' cheers turn into boos as the owner of the Women's Extreme Wrestling, Stephanie McMahon, walks out from behind the titantron curtain with a microphone in hand. She stops at the top of the rampway, ready to speak. Her music stops playing. She places the microphone to her mouth and begins to speak.

Stephanie McMahon: Ivory, congratulations on your victory here tonight, but what I have to say right now doesn't have anything to do with you. It does, however, have something to do with two women down by the ring right now? Who you might be asking? "The Dark Goddess" Midajah and "The Blonde Bombshell" Pamela Paulshock. Since I have hired the two of you, I have given you both a couple of opportunities, great opportunities at that, to make a name for yourself here in the WEW, and quite frankly, you haven't. You've failed to impress the fans. You've failed to impress the other athletes in the back, and you've failed to impress me. Midajah, Pamela, I have two words for you. You're Fired!!

Match #3

Second Round Tournament Match
Daffney Unger vs. Mona

Molly's theme music blasts over the PA system as the fans begin too boo loudly as the Pure and Wholesomeness Molly Holly walks out from behind the titantron curtain. No intention of wasting any time, she walks right down the rampway and heads to the ring. She gets to the ring and walks up the steel stairs and enters the ring. She walks to the center of the ring and turns, and stares at the titantron. Her music stops playing as "It's All Tears" by HIM blasts over the PA system as Daffney walks out from behind the titantron curtain. Not wanting to waste any time either, she walks straight down to the ring and slides in the ring. Before she can duke it out with Molly, the referee spreads the two ladies apart. He calls for the bell.

Molly and Daffney both lock up. Fighting to get the advantage, they back up to the corner. The referee breaks the two up. Molly, in the corner, charges out, going for a clothesline, but Daffney ducks and turns around and begins to hit Molly with stiff right hand shots to the face. Molly blocks a right hand and goes for a clothesline, but Daffney ducks again, turns around and kicks Molly in the midsection and irish whips her into the ropes. Off the ropes, Daffney takes Molly down with a drop toe hold. Daffney gets up and bounces off the ropes and dropkicks Molly in the face! Molly rolls on her back, holding her face, as Daffney gets up and goes for an early pinfall. 1..2..Kickout by Molly. Daffney gets up and picks Molly up and goes behind her, grabs her hair, sets her up and plants her with a Reverse DDT! Molly is down again as Daffney goes for the cover once again. 1..2..Kickout by Molly. Daffney gets up. She picks Molly up and begins to hit her with a few right hands to the midsection. Daffney backs Molly up in the corner once again. She takes Molly and irish whips her into the opposite corner hard. Molly crashes into the corner and with the impact, she falls to the mat immediately. Daffney walks over towards Molly. She picks her up and takes her to the corner. She starts hitting Molly with a few shoulder bocks to the midsection. Daffney then takes Molly out of the corner and sets her up. She hits her with a snap suplex. Daffney floats into the cover. 1..2..Kickout by Molly. Daffney gets up and picks Molly up with her. Daffney irish whips Molly into the ropes and off the ropes, Daffney kicks Molly in the midsection, grabs her head and puts it inbetween her legs. Daffney sets Molly up for a powerbomb. Daffney lifts her up. Molly, on Daffney's shoulders, manages to reverse the hold and she takes Daffney down with a deseration hurricanrana!! In the process, Molly hooks onto Daffney's leg and goes for the cover. 1..2..Kickout by Daffney. Molly gets up as Daffney gets up quick as well. Daffney turns around and goes to take Molly down with a clothesline, but Molly ducks, turns around and kicks Daffney in the midsection, sets her up and takes her down with a Russian Leg Sweep!! Molly gets up and picks Daffney up and irish whips her into the ropes. Off the ropes, Molly takes Daffney down with a powerslam! Molly hooks the leg once again. 1..2..Kickout by Daffney. Molly gets up and picks Daffney up. Molly hits Daffney with a hard right hand shot that causes Daffney to fall to the mat. Daffney gets up again as Molly takes her by the hair and throws her into the corner. Molly picks Daffney up and sets her on the top turnbuckle. Daffney stands up on the top turnbuckle as Molly walks over, grabs her and throws her off! Daffney crashes into the mat, holding her back, but not giving up as she gets up right away. Molly walks up to her and kicks her in the midsection, bounces off the opposite ropes and takes Daffney down with a knee lift! Molly walks over to the corner and climbs up the turnbuckles. Daffney rolls over and gets to her knees. She finally stands up as Molly jumps off the top turnbuckle and takes Daffney down with the Molly-Go-Round!! That's it. It has to be over! Molly hooks the leg. 1..2..3! Molly has won! She will be moving on to the third round of the World Title Tournament!!

Winner: Molly Holly

Match #4

Hardcore Elimination Match
Three left fight for I.C. Title at the PPV
Participants; Gail Kim, Chae, Debra, Riot, Jenna Jameson, Miss Delicious, Lana Star & Miss Jones

"I Do" by 3LW blasts over the PA system as the fans stand to their feet and begin to cheer loudly as "The Cute & Sexy Asian" Chae walks out from behind the titantron curtain. She stops at the top of the rampway and stares out into the audience. She sees the fans cheering for her, and that brings a smile to her face. She then continues down the rampway to the ring. She gets to the ring as she walks up the steel stairs. She enters the ring under the second rope and walks to the middle of the ring. She awaits for her opponents. Her music stops playing as Debra's WWE Theme music blasts over the PA system. The cheering fades away a bit as "The Queen Of Puppies" Debra walks out from behind the titantron curtain. She stops on the top of the rampway as well as she places her hands on her hips and smiles a wide smile, watching some of the fans boo her and some of the fans cheering her. She struts her stuff down the rampway. She gets to the ring and walks up the steel stairs, entering the rope under the second rope. She walks up to Chae, but turns and walks over to the ropes, and raises her hands up in the air. She turns around and stands there, staring at Chae. Her music stops playing as "Still Waiting" by Sum 41 blares over the PA system. The fans fill the arena with a chorus of boos as "The Unstoppable One" Riot walks out from behind the titantron curtain. Not bothering to stop at all, she makes her way down the rampway to the ring. Once she gets to the ring, she slides inside and stands up, staring at both Chae and Debra. Riot smirks at the looks of her competition thus far. She turns around as her music stops playing. "Scandalous" by Misteeq blares over the PA system. The fans begin to cheer and scream as "The Starr Of The Show" Lana Starr walks out from behind the titantron curtain. She stops at the top of the rampway. She waves to her fans out in the audience. She struts down the rampway with a huge smile on her face. She gets to the ring and begins to walk up the steel stairs. She enters the ring under the second rope. She gets in the ring and stands by a corner, staring at all three women in the ring. She rolls her eyes a bit as her music stops playing. "Get Naked" by Methods Of Mayhem blares over the PA system as the male fans in the audience scream and whistle as "The Heartbreaker" Jenna Jameson walks out from behind the titantron curtain, looking beautiful as always. She stops at the top of the rampway, with a hand on her hips. She watches as the male fans cheer her on. She smiles as she continues to make her way down the rampway to the ring. She gets to the ring, but instead of entering the ring, she walks around the ring, staring at each and every person in the ring right now, eyeing down her opponents. She makes her way around to the steel stairs, she walks up them and then seductively enters the ring under the second rope. She walks to the center of the ring, and then turns in a circle, once again, eyeing her opponents. Her music stops playing. "Hit The Floor" by Linkin Park blasts over the PA system as the fans begn too boo loudly. They continue to boo loudly as "The Ring Dominatrix" Gail Kim walks out from behind the titantron curtain. Not one to stop in her path, she walks straight down the rampway to the ring. She gets down to the ring and slides in the ring. She makes her way to the center of the ring and raises her hands up in the air as the fans boo louder for her. She puts her hands to her side as her music stops playing. Just then, "American Life" by Madonna blasts over the PA system. The fans continue to boo after Gail's entrace as "Simply Delicious" Miss Delicious walks out from behind the titantron curtain. She stops on the top of the rampway. She looks out into the crowd at all the booing fans of the WEW booing for her. She rolls her eyes as she continues to make her way down the rampway to the ring. She gets to the ring and also slides inside. With 7 women in the ring thus far, awaiting the 8th and final member, it is sure looking to be an all out brawl. "American Life" stops playing. Finally, "Miss Independed" by Kelly Clarkson blasts over the PA system. The fans continue to boo loudly as "The Sexy, Sassy, Classy Beauty" Miss Carmel Jones walks out from behind the titantron curtain. She struts down the rampway, her eyes glued to the ring. She stops by the ring and just stares inside, looking over her 7 opponents. She turns to her left and heads to the steel stairs, walking up them. She enters the ring. Her music stops playing as the intensity picks up.

All 8 women stand in the ring as the bell sounds. Gail Kim charges over at Debra and hits her with a right hand shot. Debra comes back and hits Gail with a right hand of her own. Gail retaliates and knees Debra in the midsection and throws her ouside the ring. Gail searches under the ring and pulls out a stop sign. She cracks the sign across Debra's back hard. Debra falls to the ground as she holds her back in pain. Gail drops the sign and picks Debra up. Gail irish whips her into the steel stairs! From inside the ring, Riot reaches over the top rope to the outside of the ring and grabs Gail's hair and pulls her up on the ring apron. Gail, however, gets the advantage and suplex's Riot to the outside of the ring. That had to hurt!! Gail picks Riot up and irish whips her into the steel pole! Riot falls to the mat immediately. Gail turns around and walks back over to Debra and picks her up and walks over to the the ring barricade and slams Debra's back hard against it! Debra falls to the ground right away as Gail picks her up immediately. Gail hits Debra with a right hand shot, and then kicks her in the midsection and plants her with a hard DDT on the outside!! Gail turns Debra over and goes for the cover. 1..2..3!!

--Debra Eliminated by Gail Kim--

Inside the ring, Miss Delicious has Lana Starr in the corner. Miss Delicious kicks Lana in the midsection and turns her around and begins to smash her head on the top turnbuckle repeatedly. Lana turns Miss Delicious around and irish whips her out of the corner, but turns her around right away and kicks her in the midsection and takes her down with a swinging neckbreaker! Lana exits the ring and looks under the ring and throws a steel chair, a trash can, trash can lid and a kendo stick inside of the ring. Lana then pulls out a table and sets it up on the outside of the ring. She slides back in the ring and picks up a trash can lid, but before she can hit Miss Delicious with it, Jenna Jameson comes up from behind, takes the trash can lid out of Lana's hands, turns her around and cracks the lid across her face!! Jenna drops the lid and shrugs a bit as she picks Miss Delicious up and takes her to the center of the ring, picks her up and hits her with a back breaker! Jenna stands up and goes over to Lana and picks her up and hits her with a chop to the chest and irish whips her into the ropes. Off the ropes, Jenna picks Lana up and hits her with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker! Jenna picks up the trash can and waits for Lana to get up. Lana does as Jenna puts the trach can on Lana. Jenna then picks up the kendo stick and hits the trash can with it! What an impact! Lana falls to the mat immediately as Jenna goes for the pin. 1..2..3!!

--Lana Starr Eliminated by Jenna Jameson--

Chae comes up from behind Jenna after she just pinned Lana and rolls her up! 1..Kickout by Jenna right away. Jenna gets up right away as does Chae, but they stop. Jenna stares at Chae, and smirks a bit. Chae doesn't know what to do, but smirk back. Jenna puts out her hand for Chae to shake. Chae shakes her hand. Is there an alliance here in this match?! Chae smiles and turns around, heading over to Miss Delicious, but Jenna's facial expression turns to anger as she grabs Chae's hair and pulls her down to the mat. Jenna picks Chae up and throws her into the corner. Jenna picks Chae up and sets her on the top turnbuckle. Jenna climbs the turnbuckles and sets her up for a hurricanrana and hits it! Chae's down. Jenna goes for the cover. 1..2..but no! Miss Delicious stops the pinfall, pulling Jenna's leg. Jenna gets up and turns towards Miss Delicious. Miss Delicious goes to hit Jenna with a right hand, but Jenna blocks it and takes Miss Delicious down with a hard clothesline! Jenna turns back towards Chae, still down in the ring. Jenna goes for the pinfall once again. 1..2..3!!

--Chae eliminated by Jenna Jameson--

Miss Jones exits the ring, getting away from Jenna Jameson and her destructive path. Miss Jones walks around the ring and picks the fallen Riot up. Jones hits Riot with a right hand and then takes her down with a snapmare. Miss Jones looks under the ring and takes out a sledge hammer! Miss Jones waits for Riot to get up. Riot does as Miss Jones goes to hit her with the sledge hammer, but Riot ducks, turns around and kicks Jones in the midsection. Jones drops the sledge hammer, which is picked up by Riot. Riot picks Jones up to where she is on her knees and Riot turns, signals, and smashes the sledge hammer in Jone's face!!! Jones is busted open. Riot has a huge smirk on her face, a job well done. But from behind comes Gail Kim whom attacks Riot from behind. Gail picks up Riot and runs and smashes her head on the steel stairs. Riot bounces off the stairs and falls to the ground. Gail picks Riot up and rolls her into the ring. Gail looks under the ring and pulls out a ladder! Gail sets the ladder in the ring and she slides in. Gail picks the ladder up and sets it in the corner. She picks Riot up and sets her in the corner, against the ladder. Gail steps back a bit and charges at the corner, hitting Riot with a shoulder block into the ladder! Riot falls to the mat. Gail turns her sideways and lays the ladder on top of her. Gail climbs up the turnbuckles, jumps off and hits The De-Tourniquet!!! Gail holds her leg a bit, but pushes the ladder off Riot and goes for the pin. 1..2..3!!

--Riot Eliminated by Gail Kim--

Miss Jones manages to get back to her feet, her face covered in her blood. She slides in the ring and walks over to Gail Kim and takes her by the hair and turns her around. Jones kicks Gail in the midsection and sets her up for a DDT, but Gail reverses it and hits Jones with a Northern Lights Suplex!! On the other side of the ring, Jenna has Miss Delicious on the outside of the ring right now. Jenna has Miss Delicious halfway up the rampway. Jenna kicks Miss Delicious in the midsection, sets her up and hits her with a snap suplex on the steel rampway! Jenna gets up and picks Miss Deliciious up and sets her on the table. Jenna enters the ring and walks over to Gail. What's this?! Jenna is whispering something in Gail's ear. Gail nods in obvious approval. Jenna walks over to the opposite ropes and stands there. Gail picks Miss Jones up and irish whips her towards Jenna. Jenna picks Jones up in a bench press position above her head, and then throws her on top of Miss Delicious on the table!! Miss Delicious and Miss Jones crash through the table! Jenna and Gail both exit the ring. Gail goes over to Jones and pins her as Jenna pins Miss Delicious. The referee counts both of the pinfalls. 1...2...3!!

--Miss Delicious Eliminated by Jenna Jameson; Miss Jones Eliminated by Gail Kim--

Now what?! There's only two people left. Jenna and Gail stand up and stare at each other. Just then, "My Time" blasts over the PA system as the fans begin to boo loudly as Stephanie McMahon walks out from behind the titantron curtain with a microphone in hand. Her music stops playing as the fans continue to boo loudly. Ignoring them, she begins to speak.

--Stephanie McMahon:-- Well well well. It seems as through a problem has created itself here. The rules of this match states that the last three people that are left in the ring, unpinned, would be the three that move on to the Pay Per View to fight in a Triple Threat Match for the WEW InterContinental Championship. But, as you see, we only have two left. Since Gail pinned Miss Jones at the same time that Jenna pinned Miss Delicious, there is only one solution to this problem. That solution being that I will choose the third person to wrestle against Gail and Jenna for the InterContinental Championship at the Pay Per View. But, who to choose? There are so many talented athletes on my WEW Roster that would fit in perfectly against the two of you. But only one surpasses them all. So Jenna, Gail, meet your third opponent for the Pay Per View!

Just then, "Stupid Girl" by Cold blares over the PA system as the fans begin to scream and cheer loudly. Could it be?! Yes! The return of Bobbi Billard! She walks out from behind the titantron curtain and standes next to Stephanie McMahon, waving to the fans as they continue to cheer for her! Bobbi is back, and will fight against Gail and Jenna for the WEW InterContinental Championship at the Pay Per View! Oh, what a match that is now going to be!!

¤ Torrie Interview/Molly Interruption ¤

Scene: The scene cuts to the backstage area where we see The Coach, and standing along side him is none other than Torrie Wilson! The fans begin to boo. Torrie has a smirk on her face. Coach begins to speak.

Jonathan Coachman: Torrie, we are just a few moments away from your match against your arch rival, Dawn Marie. Do you have any last comments or thoughts about Dawn and this match..?

Torrie Wilson: You know Coach, it's funny. I have been getting asked similar questions to that as of late. Questions like, "What do you really think about Dawn, Torrie"? Or "Do you really think you can beat Dawn Marie"? The fact of the matter, Coach, is that Dawn Marie has always been jealous of myself. So do I think I can beat Dawn? *Rolls Her Eyes* Of course. This match is going to be deja vu from the World Wrestling Entertainment..myself defeating Dawn Marie, as per usual.

Jonathan Coachman: Torrie, it seems as though you feel strongly about the idea that Dawn Marie is jealous of you. May I ask why..?

Torrie Wilson: Better question for you Coach. Do you even need to ask why?! Look at me. *Admires Herself* Is there anything NOT to be jealous of?! Absolutely not. But, one thing topped it off. Just put the icing on the cake, and that was when I got chosen to pose for Playboy. Dawn was completely hell bent that she didn't get the offer and the opportunity. *Shakes Head* Poor, poor Dawn Marie..

Scene: Just then, Torrie's interview is interrupted as the image of Molly Holly appears on the opposite side of Jonathan Coachman. Torrie stares at Molly, as Molly sends the same look back to her, before she begins to speak.

Molly Holly: Torrie, you disgust me! Have you no morals? I am disgusted with the vulgarity in which you display yourself here in the Women's Extreme Wrestling. Posing for Playboy? *Rolls Her Eyes* Completely disgusting.

Torrie Wilson: *Laughing* You know Molly, you are quite funny. Have you ever thought of going into a comedic field? Maybe you should give that a thought sometime. But I must wonder why you have targeted myself for posing for Playboy instead of Jenna Jameson, who is the epitome of "vulgar". Do you know what I think the reason is? I think you are just mad.

Molly Holly: Mad? *Eyes Widen* Well, if you know so much, why would I have any reason to be mad?

Torrie Wilson: Mad, because with that..*Motions Behind Molly*..fat ass of yours, you can't get any and that makes you want to criticise other people who can, like myself. *Shakes Head* You just wish you had an ass as picture perfect as mine.

Scene: Torrie turns around. She seductively bends over, and pulls down her miniscule shorts, revealing her picture perfect ass! The male fans cheer as Molly Holly looks on in disgust. Torrie stands back up and pulls her shorts back up. She turns towards Molly, waves, and walks off in the opposite direction as the scene fades..

¤ Chyna/Kat Scene ¤

Scene: The scene cuts to the backstage area where we see 'The 9th Wonder Of The World' Chyna in the backstage hallway. She walks up to the nearby vending machine. She walks up and sees WEW Newcomer, Naughty A, in front of her. Chyna stands behind her, but Naughty A turns around and looks at Chyna.

Naughty A: Oh, Chyna, hey. Um, if you want to, you can go ahead of me.

Chyna: Oh, thanks!

Scene: Just before Chyna puts the dollar bill in the machine, The Kat walks up to Chyna and begnis to stare her up and down. Kat begins to speak..

The Kat: Jeez Chyna, that is so typical of you. Just to butt in front of someone, not caring at all about what they think or what they want, but instead caring about yourself and only yourself just like the selfish little primadonna that you are.

Chyna: *Rolling Her Eyes* You know what I think your problem is Kat? I think your problem is the fact that I have, and always will, outshine you, and all you are destined to be is a lowly little sidekick for all eternity.

The Kat: *Kat Smirks, Nods Her Head A Bit, And Then Looks Up At Chyna* Oh yeah? Then why am I still in the WEW World Title Tournament, and you're not? I have been waiting to prove just who brought all of the attention to the team of Chyna and Kat. I have been waiting to prove that I wasn't just a sidekick, and I certainly am not now. I want to prove, above all else, that I am better than the self-proclaimed '9th Wonder Of The World'. I am challenging you to a match next week on Raw Chyna, but not just any ordinary match. I want to fight you in a Dumpster Match, so I can finally take out the trash one and for all!

Chyna: *Pushes The Button For Dasani Water, Bends Over And Picks It Up* Kat, I gladly accept. But, let it be known Kat that I don't consider you any kind of challenge whatsoever. See you next week on Raw Chynette, the true Chyna wannabe.

Scene: Chyna walks past Kat and heads to her locker room. Kat huffs a little, but then her smile returns as she murmurs..

The Kat: We'll just see about that.

Scene: The scene fades....

¤ Sable vs Sara Calloway ¤

Sara's music hits over the PA system as "The Baddest Bitch" Sara Callway walks out onto the stage. She stops on the top of the rampway and raises one of her hands up in the air, shades of The Undertaker. She walks down the rampway as the fans scream and cheer for her. Sara gets down to the ring and walks up the steel stairs. She enters the ring under the second rope. Sara centers herself in the ring, awaiting her opponent for tonight. Sara raises her hand up in the air once again as the fans continue to cheer. Sara's music fades away. Just then, Wildcat" blasts over the PA system and the fans begin to cheer their asses off. The loud noise is defeaning. Not a single person is sitting down in the arena. Walking out to the ring in a fine black leather outfit, Sable struts her way down the rampway to the ring. she has a huge smirk on her face. She gets down to the ring and seductively walks up the steel stairs. She walks on the ring apron, bends over and slowly enters the ring, causing the male fans to scream and whistle even louder for her. Sable stands in the ring, staring at Sara Calloway as her music stops playing. The referee calls for the bell and it is rung.

They begin to walk in a circle around each other, not at all breaking eye contact. Both have a lot to prove to theirselves in this match. After they both circle each other a few times, they lock up. Sara Calloway, however, easily gets the advantage over Sable, putting her in a headlock. Sable pushes on Sara and Sara is thrown into the ropes. Off the ropes, Sable goes for a clothesline, but Sara ducks. Sable turns around to catch a flying cross body by Sara!! Sara hooks the leg. 1..easy kickout by Sable. Sara lifts Sable up by her hair and this time, locks her in a sleeper hold. Sable, again, breaks the hold by delivering right elbows to the midsection of Sara. Sara releases the hold and as Sable stands up, Sara goes for a huge clothesline, but Sable ducks. Sable turns around and turns Sara around and begins to hit her with right hand shots to the face. Sable pushes Sara backwards and jumps, hitting Sara with a dropkick. Sara stumbles backwards a bit, nearly falling out of the ring, but instead, her arms get tangled up in the ropes. Sara is trapped in the ropes with no where to go. Sable walks over to Sara with a huge smirk on her face. She is up close to Sara. Sable bends over a bit and begins to run a finger slowly down the cheek of Sara. Sara struggles to get free, but to no avail. Sable stands straight up once again, with that same smirk on her face. She turns and faces to the left side of the arena. Sable turns to the right side of the arena. She then turns and faces Sara once more. Sable bends over again and begins to run a finger down the other cheek of Sara. Sable then takes her right hand, winds it up a little bit and CRACK! She smacks Sara across the face! Sara gets an angered look on her face and struggles once again to get free, but once again, to no avail. Sable chuckles a bit. The referee walks over to the ropes and begins to help Sara out of the ropes as Sable watches on. She waits for Sara to get loose. The referee finally gets Sara loose as she charges towards Sable with a head full of steam and takes her down with a huge spear, something that Sable wasn't expecting! Sara, on top of Sable at the moment, begins to hit Sable with left and right and left hand shots, one after another. The referee forces Sara off of Sable to let her get up. Sable gets up and as she does, Sara gets around the referee and takes Sable down once again! Sara begins to hit Sable with right hands once again, but finally, Sable rolls Sara over and begins to slap her across the face. Sable gets up and picks Sara up. She irish whips her into the ropes and off the ropes, Sable takes Sara down with a drop toe hold. Sable walks to the front of Sara and picks her up and throws her into the corner. Sable is looking great in this match. She walks over to the corner and begins to hit her with a few kneww shots to the midsection. Sable takes Sara out of the corner, walks her over to the center of the ring, picks her up and takes her down with a scoop slam! Sable goes for the pin, but only gets a one count as it is too early in the match. Sable stands up once again and stares at Sara down on the mat. Sable picks Sara up, but before she can do anything, Sara rakes Sable's eyes. Sable stumbles around as Sara takes her down with a snapmare takedown! Sara takes Sable by the hair and begins to smash the back of her head repeatedly down on the mat. Sable rolls onto her stomach as Sara gets up and picks her up with her. Sara hits Sable with a chop to the chest and kicks her in the midsection. Sara bounces off the opposite ropes and takes Sable down with a swinging neckbreaker! Sara goes for the cover. 1..2..Kickout by Sable. Sara, on her knees, makes her way up to her feet, grabbing Sable's hair. Sara throws Sable into the corner and begins to hit her with a few shoulder blocks to the midsection. Sara begins to unleash a head full of fury of right hand shots to Sable. Sara takes Sable out of the corner and takes her down with a huge clothesline! Sara drops to her knees once again and goes for the cover. 1..2..Kickout by Sable. Sable isn't going to give up. Sara gets a bit frustrated as she gets up and walks over to the corner. She takes the top turnbuckle cover off and throws it to the outside of the ring. Sara goes over and picks Sable up and hits her with a chop to the chest and takes her over to the corner. Sara tries to smash Sable's head into the uncovered turnbuckle, but Sable manages to block it. Sara tries it once again, but once again, Sable blocks it, and hits Sara a back elbow. Sara stumbles away from the corner. Sable spins around and sweeps Sara down to the mat. Sable grabs Sara's legs. She falls backwards, flining Sara up in the air and crashing down, face first, on the exposed turnbuckle!! That had to hurt. Sable gets up to her feet right away. Sara stumbles around and Sable sets her up, and takes her down with a Russian Leg Sweep! Sable goes for the cover.! Sara manages to find a way to get her shoulder up off the mat. Sable gets up, frustrated as she picks Sara up. Sable takes her to the center of the ring and puts her head inbetween her legs. Sable is calilng for the SableBomb. Sable tries to lift Sara up in the air, but Sara prevents it, causing Sable to drop Sara down on the mat. Sara got lucky there. Sable goes over to Sara and picks her up once again. Sable hits Sara with a hard right hand and irish whips her into the ropes, but Sara reverses it and sends Sable into the ropes. Off the ropes, Sara kicks Sable in the midsection. Sara puts Sable's head inbetween her legs and calls for the Last Ride. Sara picks Sable up and has her now on her shoulders. Before slamming her onto the mat, Sable counters somehow and takes Sara down with a hurricanrana! Sable gets up as Sara is down. Sable picks Sara up and drags her helpless body to the center of the ring. Sable places Sara's head once again inbetween her legs. Sable picks Sara up and slams her down with te SableBomb!!! Sable drops to her knees and goes for the cover. 1..2..3!! Sable has done it. Sable defeated Sara to move onto the next round in the World Title Tournament!!

Winner: Sable