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Welcome to one of the biggest Werewolf the Apocalypse, Werewolf the Wild West, and Werewolf the Dark Ages Chronicle Sites. Here you will find some rules and regulations to the three chronicles amongst this website created by "Cornell" Jess Burkes.

Character Sheets N'Stuff

Garou Character Sheet ~Werewolves~
Corax Character Sheet ~WereRaven
Kitsune Character Sheet ~WereFoxes~
Gurahl Character Sheet ~WereBears~
Mokole Character Sheet ~WereAlligators~
Nuwisha Character Sheet ~WereCoyote~
Baset Character Sheet ~WereCats~
Ratkin Character Sheet ~WereRats~
Ananasi Character Sheet ~WereSpiders~
Vampire Character Sheet
Mage Character Sheet
Hunter Character Sheet
Mummy Character Sheet

These Character Sheets provided were created and designed by White Wolf Publishing and are owned by White Wolf. I am posting only the main sheets to the changing breeds and what not, if you want depth info on the tribes, clans, wyrm, and what not please visit White Wolf and then enter the downloads and character sheets section.

Buisness's N'Stuff

Club Luna ~Stridesville~
The Lucas Morman Assassin Agency ~Stridesville~
Bar of Revelations ~Boston~

Chronicles N'Stuff

Caern of Nexus City
Rage Across Egypt
<BGSOUND SRC="changing_breeds.wav" LOOP="-1">

Technical Stuff

Auspices and Delerium
Forms and Breeds
The Garou Litany
Basic Information