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characters these were the ones that we decided on , Ford is a Troll Rouge , Zaphod is a undead Mage, Equina is a Tauran Druid, Goodlad is an Undead Rouge and Sardonyx is a Tauran Hunter. Last night I tried to sort out the Clan application which cost me 1 Gold and 10 silver but it has to be said I was a bit worse for wair and it was the early hours so the Clan name may change a bit and we might end up with something completely different.

Welcome to the Clan site of

<V v v v V>



Welcome to our site, this site is just a bit of fun for our Clan to put images and text on nothing to serious,

Brief information about our Clan

A group of use got the game just over 2 weeks ago and after a few hours online (LoL what home life ) have managed to reach various lvl’s 26 being the highest at the moment.We chose a variety of  Horde


Members :









These are the current or hopefully soon to be members of the VvvvV Clan.


Date 18/03/05

Last night the Clan finally got its act together the list was signed and the Clan was formed, Sardonyx,Equina + Zaphod made it to the wailing caves and unfortunately ran out of time before they could complete the quest but lvling and drops were kool.