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Vrondis_eyes timeline
Sunday, 16 January 2005
All the pretty colours! MWAHAHA!
Mood:  mischievious
Characters: Kali, Lightning.

Kali puts dye in the shampoo, and people's hair changes colour! Pranksta!

Posted by rpg2/vrondis_eyes at 3:37 PM EADT
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Wednesday, 22 December 2004
Mood:  accident prone
Characters: Skyla, Lightning, Kevin, Tam.

Skyla taking another weapons class! Not a very big turnout! Good though. She says that she might try to train them all in some different weapons than what they're used to.

Posted by rpg2/vrondis_eyes at 11:11 AM EADT
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...Back to the usual business...
Mood:  flirty
Characters: Nath, Tam, Kali

Nath (now with a lovely blue cast on his arm) tries to pull a bit of a joke on Tam. Tam pulls him out from behind the bush though, and the two get talking. Nath gives him a quick tour, and they continue to talk for a while.
Nath warns Tam about Kali, and then Kali herself comes up!
She is just as cold as ever, yet surprisingly smiles as Nath as she leaves. Are these two secretely friends! Lol. Does Kali have friends?! Its like a sitcom!

Posted by rpg2/vrondis_eyes at 11:05 AM EADT
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Mood:  a-ok
Characters: Macaria, Kevin.

Macaria has just finished Equitation with Kamali, her Companion.
Kevin goes into the stable, fuming.Macaria talks cheerfully to him.
Kevin talks to her, but not very Willingly. His Companion warns her Companion that being friends with him would not be the best idea.

Posted by rpg2/vrondis_eyes at 10:39 AM EADT
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Calling all angels
Mood:  hug me
Characters: Brightsky, Kali

Sort of an interview thing - Kali talks to Brightsky about how long she's been at the Collegium, and about her gift, etc.

Posted by rpg2/vrondis_eyes at 10:29 AM EADT
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Making a start
Mood:  don't ask
Characters: Shawn, Lightning, Skyla.

Skyla meets new bardic trainee Shawn, and Lightning also comes to say HI! Skyla tells him some stuff abut the Collegium, finds him his room and gives him books and stuff.

Posted by rpg2/vrondis_eyes at 10:18 AM EADT
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At the market (sort of continuation to 'a restless evil')
Mood:  amorous
Characters: Dayus, Cassandor, Laqueta.

Dayus is shopping at the market, and meets up with Laqueta and Cassandor. Laqueta does his shopping for him.
They go and havbe a drink and something to eat and promise to take Cassandor to see the Collegium. This is just what Cassandor wants.

Posted by rpg2/vrondis_eyes at 10:15 AM EADT
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A bit of history... (ATTN ALL history class)
Mood:  chillin'
Characters: Kali, Kevin, Cymidei, Laqueta, Macaria, Kin.

Kali takes a history class.
She talks to Kevin at the beginning, and speaks Hardornian (?) fluently. She seems not to want anyone else to know, however.
Laqueta strolls in late, then is scared when she finds out that Kali is the teacher that she walked in late on. Then Macaria arrived. Then Kin came in late too. They all had their excuses, but Kali didn't really accept any of them.
Kin asked Cymidei for a rundown on what she's missed in the lesson. Kali gives them a tongue-lashing.
The class talks about Queen Selenay.

Posted by rpg2/vrondis_eyes at 9:57 AM EADT
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Tuesday, 21 December 2004
Off out into the wide world
Mood:  crushed out
Nath and Shyra, both now full healers, go off together to where Nath has been, in a place near Evendim.
On the way they meet a group of Bandits who want Nath, and are almost defeated until Kali randomly turns up and helps them. They defeat the bandits, and return back to the Collegium.

Posted by rpg2/vrondis_eyes at 3:50 PM EADT
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Little silence
Characters: Lucan, Dayus, Kin, Laqueta

Lucan can't speak normally, only through mindspeech.
She is being bullied by some blues (a boy named Phil).
Dayus comes to save her. The blues run away.
Kin arrives, and Dayus explains to her what happened.
Laqueta joins, just for fun, and takes them to see the Blue Dean, Aline. (NPC)
They go and find Phil, and He is reprimanded! YEW!

Posted by rpg2/vrondis_eyes at 3:48 PM EADT
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