Complete Skill Description List for the World of Otara

Prerequisite Skills are shown in [italics] and Bonuses shown in ()

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    Ancient Languages: A character can read, write, and speak an ancient form of a language he already knows. The language must be still spoken in a modern form. To learn an ancient language, the character must be literate. An unknown/lost Ancient Language can be learned but at a lower skill percentage. [Literacy]
    Base Skill: 25/15+5% per level of experience.
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    Calligraphy: The ability to produce beautiful letters using a Brush or Quill, ink and paper with great skill and legibility. Traditionally, any person of culture and education, especially a noble, is expected to be able to produce gorgeous ideograms. Calligraphy is a skill almost as necessary as literacy for traditionalists.
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.
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    Cryptography: Skill in recognizing, designing, and cracking secret codes and messages. The character must study the code for two hours to attempt to break it successfully. A failed roll means the individual must study the code for an additional two hours before he can try to break it again. The character may attempt to break the code sooner, after only 10 minutes of study, but suffers a penalty of -30% [Literacy]
    Base Skill: 15+5% per level of experience.
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    Diplomacy: Knowledge and skill in the finer points of protocol, oratory, and negotiation. Individuals with this skill are often found as ambassadors, Mercantile Representatives, public officials and so forth.
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.
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    Flag Signalling: Ships at sea on Otara, have developed a "language" based on the display of colored flags. Those with this skill can read and compose messages, as well as be able to recognize banners, ensigns, pennants and standards used to communicate ship's origins and status. Communicating basic naval messages ("Turn to starboard." "Do you have any fresh water to spare?" or "Beware! Pirates sighted to the northeast!") are easy for anyone with 2nd level, or better, expertise. However, non-naval messages, including names (Sir Bertrand, Teradryn) or messages related to other subjects (magic, money or religion), are more time consuming, and more difficult to compose or decipher. Since each ship usually displays banners showing their nationality and other information, those with this skill have the chance of identifying a fake (pirates often fly false flags). In addition to the common signal code (used by every seafaring nation), certain navies and merchant companies have developed their own secret systems of communicating.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Language: Characters with a language skill can understand and speak in a language other than their own native tongue. Language is one of the few skills that can be selected repeatedly in order to select several different languages. Each selection gives the character knowledge of a different language and costs one skill selection each time.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Law: This skill covers the laws and system of Justice for select kingdoms of the World. Law is another of the few skills that can be selected repeatedly in order to select several different Kingdoms. Each selection gives the character knowledge of a different Kingdom's Legal structure and costs one skill selection each time.
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.
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    Linguistics: This is the study of the principles on which languages are based. A linguist can identify an obscure language from a snatch ofspeech or writing, given enough time. [Literacy]
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Lip Reading: The character knows how to interpret the spoken word through the movement of the mouth. Characters can observe targets from a distance and understand what they are saying. The target's mouth must be in line of sight and cannot be obstructed by anything. If the moving lips are partially obscured the GM should apply a penalty he/she thinks is appropriate to the situation. This type of art requires the character to speak the language he is attempting to lip read and to have a 80% proficiency or above in that language. Characters must also select this skill in relation to their common tongue first. Other languages selected after this will count as a new skill and must meet the 80% proficiency requirement.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Literacy: The written word is valuable on the world of Otara, yet, sadly, the majority of the world's population can not read or write. Those who are literate will typically be members of the elite aristocracy, Clergy or military. Like the language skill, the character may be able to read and write several different languages, but each language counts as a separate skill selection. Gives a +5% to most Lore Skills.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Public Speaking: Training in the quality of sound, tone, pitch enunciation, clarity, and pace in speaking to the public, loudly and distinctly. Also includes the practice of good enticing storytelling and composition of the spoken word. Optional: Seeing how the M.A. stat would have a bearing on this skill a GM may allow a bonus to this skill based on a high M.A., using the trust/intimidate bonus divided by 5.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Sign Language: Regardless of whether it was developed as a standard language for trade or as a means of communication, due to a lack of hearing or vocal ability, sign languages have a common basis in their standard signs, but a difference in source languages and alphabets. If a character chooses to learn a sign language, the specific language or source of the language must also be given. For every 10 words (or letters, for spelled out words)(doubled for every 5% over 50%)"signed," the sender of the sign language must roll to successfully transmit the message. Likewise, the interpreter must also roll versus their skill in sign for every batch of 10 words (doubled for every 5% over 50%). A failed roll on either end means a misunderstanding. (+10% to Drow Sign Language)
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Drow Sign Language: Although similar to the Sign Language Skill, Drow Sign is very different in that it uses not just jestures but also posture, eye movements and body movements. For every 5 words (or letters, for spelled out words)(doubled for every 5% over 50%) "signed," the sender of the sign language must roll to successfully transmit the message. Likewise, the interpreter must also roll versus their skill in sign for every batch of 5 words (doubled for every 5% over 50%). A failed roll on either end means a misunderstanding. (+10% to Sign Language) [Language Drow]
    Base Skill: 15+5% per level of experience.
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    Writing: The ability to write prose (stories, poems, or journalistically (reports, studies, news). Taking the skill twice indicates a professional quality and gets a bonus of +10%. Selecting it once, indicates a talented amateur. A failed roll means an awkward and poorly written work that is boring and/or difficult to understand. Try again. [Literacy]
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

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Note: Characters can attain professional quality by selecting thesame domestic skill twice. Add a one time bonus of +10% and note thatthe end result is of superior quality.
    Appraisal: Using a small magnifying glass a skilled appraiser can identify types of gems and give a rough value. If a success is under 15% then the value is exact. In addition, any check under 10% results in the noticing of magical properties. (see Decipher Magical Properties for how to find out what they are). Gems can only be appraised once per person.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Barbering: Skill in cutting and styling hair, shaving and trimming beards. A failed roll means the end result is not as desired. (Too short, not even, ugly, etc.)
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Bartering/Haggling: A character with this Skillcan Barter or haggle over cash, service, and to capture a better deal. In a cash transaction, a successfulresult allows the character to purchase an itemfor 10% less or sell one for 10% more than the goingrate. In a simple barter transaction, a successful rollimproves the perceived value of the character's goodsby 10%. In a service transaction, a successful check provides thecharacter 10% more than the going rate for his services.The GM should require players to roleplay thebargaining session to gain the benefits of this skill
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Blacksmithing: Blacksmithing is the ability to work metal in a forge, to build horseshoes, tools, metal pieces, etc. Character will know the basics of different (low grade) metals and will be able to work them into a variety of forms. If the character chooses this skill TWICE, then it becomes metallurgy. The character then has all the abilities of the blacksmith, but has a more comprehensive knowledge of high-tech alloys, metal composites, etc. If the character also has Armorer, add a one time bonus of +15% to Blacksmithing
    Base Skill: 10+5% per level of experience.
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    Branding: The techniques and methods for tethering, controlling and marking, or "branding," animals. A brand is a mark burned on the skin to identify and show ownership of an animal - typically used on horses and cattle, sometimes on humanoids and slaves. This skill also includes a basic knowledge of common and notable insignias and emblems.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Breed Dogs: The first percentile number indicates the art of raising, breeding, taming and training domestic and wild canines, as well as knowledge about canines in general. The second percentile number is used to attempt to tame a wild canine, teach a dog tricks, or to train the animal for a specific task like tracking, retrieving, pointing, herding animals, attack on command, and so on. A failed roll means that the animal refuses to learn that particular trick or specialty.
    Base Skill: 40/20+5% per level of experience.
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    Brewing/Vinting: Is the making of fermented alcoholic beverages from grains or fruits. This specifically includes brandy, rum, and whiskey, champagnes or fine wines, wine, mead, ale, beer and moonshine. The first percentile number indicates the chance of success (a failed roll means a ruined batch of booze). The second indicates the quality of the brew the higher the number rolled the tastier the drink. (+5% to Holistic Medicine)
    Base Skill: 20/30+5% per level of experience.
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    Cook: Skill in selecting, planning and preparing meals. A cooking roll failure means that the cooked food is either inedible (burnt!) or distasteful.
    Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.
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    Dance: A practiced skill in the art of dance. The percentile number indicates the relative skill and quality of the dancer. NOTE: Characters with an extremely high Physical Prowess (P.P.) will get a bonus in their dance proficiency: P.P. 15 - 20: +5%, 20 - 25: +10%, 26 or higher: + 15% (+1 to P.P.)
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Deep Sea Fishing: Although similar to Freshwater fishing, the methods involved are very different. Smaller fish are generally caught using a variety of different nets in quantity (4d6 fish at a time.) For bigger fish (50 pounds and up,) special tackle is required, which is actually attached to the ship. Those with this skill have a basic knowledge of the most common fish, and know the proper techniques for preparation and cooking (some fish have poison glands or quills that must be removed prior to cooking.) For line fishing, roll once every hour, but once every ten minutes for net fishing. May be taken twice to denote professional quality. Note: While someone with Freshwater Fishing skill can catch and cook fish while on ship, using the usual techniques, they ll catch only the smaller fish, and they ll only roll for success once per hour. Also, they won t have the knowledge involved in identifying which are edible, or the details of how a specific fish should be prepared. +5% if the identify sea life skill is known.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Drawing- Pencil/Ink/Chalk: This skill includes a basic rudimentary knowledge of drawing techniques and tools (specifically pencils, chalk, pastels, and ink). A person with this skill is able to put on to paper images that reflect his/her moods, thought, what he sees and so on. A successful roll under the skill proficiency indicates a successful drawing; meaning it clearly reflects the idea, description, or feeling that it was meant to convey. Only an extremely high skill proficiency (89% or higher) reflects a better than average quality.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Economics: This is the study of money, exchange and banking. An economist could answer questions about investment, economic policies, etcetera. He could also predict local effects of economic changes the introduction of new materials or techniques, the destruction of a merchant house, and similar situations [Mathematics: Basic]
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Flint Working: The ability to chip flint and obsidian into useful tools. The character can recognize useful rocks and knows how to locate flint and obsidian in the wild. Actually making useful tools, like blades, needles, and arrowheads is incredibly difficult. Even experts will waste a lot of stone before creating exactly what they want
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Food Preservation: Knowledge in the preparation of foods for storage and later consumption. Includes canning fresh fruit and vegetables, making jams and honey, drying fruit, vegetables and herbs, drying meat and fish, plus various smoking, salting and pickling methods.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Fresh Water Fishing: The fundamental methods and enjoyment of fresh water fishing. Areas of knowledge include the use of lures, baits, poles, hooks, and lines, as well as the cleaning and preparation of fish for eating. Also includes a basic knowledge of freshwater fish, turtles and amphibians, their habits and taste. Roll once every 20 minutes to see if a fish is successfully captured. A failed roll means it slips off the hook and escapes or it is much too small to clean and eat.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Games: Characters may pick this skill repeatedly, one for each game they wish to be proficient in. Games can be anything from ping pong to chess or go. Characters will know all the basic rules, many strategies, and will be able to be competitive players.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Gardening: This skill offers a basic understanding of plant care and garden design. It can be both the ability to grow enough food to eat well, and/or the skill at creating beautiful, decorative gardens (with plants and rocks) that create a feeling of tranquility and harmony with nature.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Gem Cutting: The ability to evaluate and cut gemstones. The monetary value of a gemstone can be determined by a thorough examination where any flaws, chips or imperfections will be observed. In addition, the character can cut gemstones to increase their value or cut one stone into several smaller ones. When a cutting roll is failed the stone is damaged, which decreases its value. However, the stone can be cut again to repair the flaw; although the stone will be smaller and of lesser value than the original. [Gemology]
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    General Maintenance/Repair: Not everyone can be a blacksmithor a carpenter, but many are good with their hands and capable of doingsatisfactory repairs on simple mechanisms, gears, pulleys, wheels, andso on. General repair/maintenance skill includes: sharpening blades/weapons, sewing tears in sails and clothes (it may not look pretty, butdoes the job), replace a wagon wheel, repair furniture, paint, varnish,and assist in basic woodworking, and even do minor patchwork on armor(restores 2D6 S.D.C.).Roll once to see whether the character can figure out what's broken,what must be done to fix it, and whether it's beyond his meager abilities.Roll again to determine success or failure in making the actual repair.If failure, the player may try again. Reduce skill proficiency by half if the item is extremelycomplex.
    Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.
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    Herding: The techniques and methods of leading, directing and controlling herd animals in a contained and orderly fashion. Also includes keeping animals calm, basic care and feeding, how to recognize disease and illness, assist with birthing, how to survive and regain control of a stampede, gather strays, how best to pen and corral livestock, mend fences, etc.
    Base Skill: 20+5% per level of experience.
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    Hunting: The skill of killing and preparing an animal for food. Adds the following bonuses to the appropriate skills: +2% prowl, +5 tracking, +5 skin/prepare animal hides, +5 wilderness survival, and +5 to cook the catch only.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Identify Plants/Fruits: Training in the recognition of the manydifferent types of wild plants and vegetation and where they grow. Theemphasis is placed on edible, herbal, and poisonous plants.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Leather Working: The character is skilled at tanning and preserving animal hides. Usually this skill is combined with tailor to enable the character to make leather goods such as clothing, capes, bags, boots, saddles, saddle bags, tack and harness for horses and even leather armour. If this is done the character can fully repair, and make modifications to leather armour. May be taken twice to denote professional quality. Bonuses: +5% for Sew/Tailor and Skin/Prepare Animal Hides
    Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.
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    Lore: Farm: Knowledge of the planting, producing and harvesting of various crops of the world of Otara. It includes intimate knowledge of the life cycle of the specific crops and the ability to research into developing non-magical means of increasing yield, survivability or palatability of the crops.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Lore: Flora: This skill is not to be confused with the science of botany in which the character can farm, and identify and grow plants. Flora lore is knowledge of myths and legends about real and mythological plants, roots, and herbs. It also includes a very basic knowledge of how to grow and care for plants, where notable plants (usually poisonous or medicinal/herbal) and mythical plants are said to be found. Adds a bonus of +2% to the skills of botany, holistic medicine and faerie lore.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Massage: Is a treatment and practice of manipulation of the soft body tissues with physical, functional, i.e. medical/therapeutical, and in some cases emotional purposes and goals. There are many beneficial effects of massage, including pain relief, and stress reduction.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Meditation: Involves engaging the mind and body so that the body remains motionless, but without fatigue or pain and the mind stays in a clear, calm and rested state. While meditating a character recovers ISP and other internal resources at an accelerated rate. Although it is not a substitute for sleeping, characters will usually feel alert and refreshed after any period of meditation. When in a meditative state the character is, at a subconscious level, well aware of what is happening in the environment and can instantly leave the meditation position with no combat penalties.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Paint: The character is familiar with the tools and techniques of painting. Types of paints included are oil, acrylic, and watercolour. A successful roll under the skill proficiency indicates a successful drawing; meaning it clearly reflects the idea, description, or feeling that it was meant to convey. Only an extremely high skill proficiency (89% or higher) reflects a better than average quality.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Play Musical Instrument: The character has learned to play a particular musical instrument with a fair amount of skill. The sound is generally pleasant (except when a bad roll is made). Note that each specific instrument requires the selection of this skill. For example: a character who can play the guitar, violin, and flute must select the play musical instrument skill three different times.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Pottery: The craft of making pots, vases, mugs, china, and other items made of clay on a potter s wheel and baked in a kiln. The character can also paint and glaze their constructions at their skill level. If the person has the art skill at a higher percentage then it is used instead. Failure indicates a ruined pot or a terrible paint job. May be taken twice to denote professional quality.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Rope Works: This is a skill that takes into account the various needs and uses of rope. The character knows a variety of ways to tie knots, the advantages to various types of ropes and cords, their tensile strength and how to weave/make rope. A failed roll to tie a knot means that it is loose and sloppy and easy to untie, slip out of, or likely to unravel or snap when strained. Characters bound/tied by this character are 10% to escape/slip knots.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Sculpt/Whittle: The art of molding or carving a three dimensional figure, object or design out of clay, stone or wood. The percentile number indicates the quality of technique and appearance. Taking the skill twice indicates professional quality.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Sew: Practiced skill with needles and thread to mend clothing, addpatches, replace buttons, and do minor alterations, as well as cut andsew simple patterns. This is not a tailoring ability, but can become tailoringif the player selects this skill twice.(Gives +5% to Weaving)
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Sing: The simple ability to read music and carry a pleasant tune. Ofprofessional quality if selected twice.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Smithing: Jewelry: Jewelry smithing is the ability to work precious metals such as gold and silver, to create rings, pendants and other fine pieces of jewelry. Character will know how to set gems into metal settings as well as how to create fine chain and other fancy metal work for jewelry.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Tailor: An advanced sewing skill. The character knows methods and construction for high quality, professional level clothing (Gives +5% to Weaving).
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.
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    Weaving: Practiced skill of creating garments, tapestries, and draperies from wool or cotton. The weaver requires a spinning apparatus and a loom. This skill only represents the character s ability to weave, not raise/grow the sources of their raw material. Bonus: +5% if the sew skill is known.
    Base Skill: 20+5% per level of experience.

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    Assassination Techniques: This skill includes the ability to calculate drop and wind resistance when firing a weapon from long ranges. On a successful roll, the character gains +3 to strike and automatically hits the enemy at a key place in the head or heart and counts as a point blank shot. On an unsuccessful roll, the character is 3 to strike and normal damage is inflicted. Each use of this skill counts as a melee attack.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Binding: This is the practiced art of knot making and binding. Characters will know the best way to tie someone/thing down tightly and securely. The character will know a wide array of knots, the abilities of each one, and when each one should be used. Anyone tied up in this manner will find it nearly impossible to escape (-15% for escape artists.) This skill also adds a one time bonus of +5% to climbing since superior knots are used.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Bluff/Fast Talk: The ability to smooth talk oneself out of danger or potentially embarrassing situations, and the ability to come up with a completely bullshit explanation for any occurrence. This is the art of making lame-ass excuses and being able to get away with it.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Climbing/Scale Walls: Knowledge of the tools and techniques forclimbing up sheer surfaces, be they natural mountains or man-made.Players should roll once for every 20 feet (6.1 m) of a vertical climb. Ifthe roll fails, it means he is losing his grip; however, every "skilled"climber gets a chance to regain his grip, roll again. Two consecutivefailed rolls means the character falls
    Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.
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    Concealment: The practiced ability to hide small items on one'sbody or in hand, usually by continually moving it around from hand tohand or place to place unnoticed. Objects must be no larger than 14inches in height or length, and six inches in width. The weight must alsobe 10 pounds or less (4.5 kg). The smaller and lighter the object, such asa knife, gem, key, credit card, etc., the easier it is to conceal (add a bonusof +5%). Larger items, such as a book, scroll, club, statue, or similarlylarge or heavy object, are more difficult to conceal on one's personfor obvious reasons
    Base Skill: 20+5% per level of experience.
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    Detect Ambush: Training which develops an eye for spotting locations and terrains suitable for ambushes and being ambushed. It also provides a rudimentary knowledge of guerrilla tactics used by the enemy.(+5% to Guerrilla Warfare)
    Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.
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    Detect Concealment/Traps: This is a skill which enables the individual to spot and recognize camouflage, concealed structures, buildings, shelters, and caches of equipment, as well as concealed traps. Detecting a trap enables the character to avoid or safely "spring" it without injury to himself or those around him. He cannot otherwise deactivate or reset traps. Reduce the character's skill by half when looking for secret doors and compartments.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Disarm/Set Traps: Training in the design and application of traps used in anti-personnel and defense tactics. With readily available materials and simple tools, including shovels, knives, sticks, wire and rope, the character can build fiendish traps. Other traps can be used as alarms, or even as diversions to distract the enemy while the character escapes.The greatest drawback of traps lies in the amount of time required to prepare them. It can take hours to prepare rock slides, large pits, etc., even with magic. But this time can be shortened with help from others, as only one character needs the skill, in order to successfully direct others in the traps construction. Ingeniously prepared traps can, and often do, shift the advantage of a battle to the side that prepared the field for combat. Also allows character to spring a trap without injury to himself or those around him and preserve it for reactivation if it is not a one time trap.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Disguise: The character knows how to apply make-up, wigs, skin putty, dyes, and other special effects in order to alter or conceal his true appearance or that of somebody else. The ability to disguise oneself is different than impersonation (see below). Reduce the character's skill by half when he tries to determine whether or not somebody else is wearing a disguise.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Escape Artist: The methods, principles, and tricks of escape artists. Includes muscle control (tensing and relaxing muscles), flexing and popping joints, knowledge of knots, and the ability to conceal small objects on the person. The character can try slipping out of handcuffs, chains, ropes, straightjackets, etc. Note: Picking locks is a separate and distinct skill. To escape from locked chains and manacles, the character must have the lock pick skill as well. Note that an escape artist does NOT need to see the knots, locks or manacles that hold him. Escapes and lock picking can be done by touch and/or sound as well as sight.

    Time Restrictions and Penalties:Although the sleight of hand skill provides added skill and nimbleness of hands, the character is still restricted by time and the odds against him. The following penalties apply whenever the character tries to pick a lock or escape his bonds. They generally reflect the complexity and difficulty of the job. In some cases, more than one penalty may apply. For Example: The character may be handcuffed, arms and legs/feet tied, and then locked in a chest (total darkness,) for a cumulative penalty of 25%. ALL penalties are cumulative. Note: ALL the locks and vaults may be of the highest quality and supposedly unpickable; however they are not super sophisticated. A failed skill roll means that the time has been spent in a futile attempt. Try again! The same attempt by any character other than the stage magician will take tree times as longEscape and Pick Lock Penalties

    • -0% Rope and typical knots: 1 melee
    • -5% Rope and superior knots: 1d4 melees
    • -0% Key padlock: 1d4 melees
    • -5% Combination Padlock: 1d6 melees
    • -15% Security combination lock: 2d6 melees
    • -5% Typical door key lock: 1d4 melees
    • -10% Security door key lock: 2d4 melees
    • -5% Any standard key lock (doors, chests, etc.): 1d6 melees
    • -5% Handcuffs: 1d4 melees
    • -20% Straightjacket: 2d4 melees
    • -15% Jail cell door: 2d6 melees
    • -25% Lack of proper tools; use inferior/improvised tools, like a pin or buckle.
    • -50% No tools at all.
    • -10% Total darkness

    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Forgery: The techniques of making false copies of official documents, signatures, passports, I.D.s, wax seals, and other printed or hand made documents, crests, or seals. The forger must have an original copy to work from (or have total recall) in order to make an accurate copy. Literacy in one or more languages is a plus, otherwise the character is making a visual copy with no understanding of what the document says and is -15% on his skill roll. [Literacy or Art/Drawing over 75%]
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Impersonate/Imitate Voice: The ability to imitate the voice, accent and expressions of another person or regional dialect. This skill is common among thieves and assassins, as well as demons and other villains. The first number indicates the character's ability to change his voice and imitate accents, inflections and expressions from other regions. A successful roll means he has disguised his normal/true speaking voice and accent, and convincingly sounds like he is from another region or part of the world. The second number indicates the character's ability to accurately imitate the voice, inflections and attitude of a specific person! This is much more difficult, and the character will either need to know the person being imitated very well, or have spent hours studying him/her. Impersonation Note: When combined with the disguise and intelligence skills, the character is able to completely impersonate a specific person or person of a particular occupation (soldier, knight, wizard, priest, etc.). This is likely to include knowledge of the subject being impersonated, military procedure, dress, heraldry/rank, and will usually require speaking the language fluently. This means the character can convincingly impersonate a general type of person/soldier/advisor with an accurate disguise, proper action, and language. A failed roll means some element of the impersonation is flawed, most likely some incorrect behavior or character trait, or lack of information about the person being impersonated ("Tell me again what you said that night," etc.). Such "holes" will give the character away sooner or later. Thus, the longer a character remains under the eyes of others, the more likely that something will happen to reveal the character is an impostor. This is fun to role-play, so take advantage of it.
    Base Skill: 36/16+5% per level of experience.
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    Intelligence: This is specific training in the practices and principles of recognizing and analyzing sources of information about the enemy, observation techniques, counterintelligence measures and proper procedure. This includes the practical assessment of sights and sounds, estimation of ranges, what to report, handling prisoners of war, and handling captured documents and equipment (tagging and reporting to group leader or proper authority). This means the character will be able to accurately estimate distances, the number of enemies, direction, purpose, and assess the importance of specific information. Further intelligence training includes a working knowledge of indigenous guerilla warfare, enemy practices, appearance, and current activities. This enables the character to recognize suspicious activity as guerilla actions and identify guerilla operatives and spies. For Example: A particular type or design of a booby trap, weapon, armor, mode of travel, or method of operation may be indicative of a particular race (wolfen, ogre, goblin, etc.) or a particular group of bandits active in the area. It may be up to the character to confirm the existence of the enemy and their strength, numbers, and current location. Another area of training made available to intelligence is the identification of enemy troops, officers, and foreign advisors. This means the character learns the many distinguishing ranks and marks that identify specific military units, special forces, groups, gangs, and leaders of the enemy. Such identification can pinpoint and confirm enemy operations, goals, and movement, as well as confirm outside intervention/aid. Note: A failed roll in any of the areas of intelligence means that evidence is inconclusive, or that the character has incorrectly assessed the information/situation and is uncertain. A failed roll involving individual clues may mean the character has dismissed it entirely as being meaningless (G.M.s use your discretion).
    Base Skill: 45+5% per level of experience.
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    Interrogation: This skill is common among policemen,intelligence officers, and assassins/spies/bounty hunters. The characterknows the techniques to get information from (typically unwilling) subjects.This includes such old methods as "good cop, bad cop" (one interrogatoris threatening and intimidating, the other is sympathetic andfriendly), deceiving and misleading the subject into giving away information,and similar methods. The character also can judge if the subjectis lying (the game master might assess bonuses and penalties dependingon how good a liar the subject is, and/or on the victim's M.E., M.A. andP.B; the higher any or each of these, the more convincing the lies). Thisskill also includes some basic knowledge on methods of torture, frombasic tactics like depriving the subject of sleep, to the old "medieval"instruments, and drugs. Note: Only evil characters will engage in tortureroutinely.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Lie Detection: is the skill of determining whether someone is practicing deception. Activities of the body not easily controlled by the conscious mind are compared under different circumstances. Usually this involves asking the subject control questions where the answers are known to the examiner and comparing them to questions where the answers are not known.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Lip Reading: The character knows how to interpret the spoken word through the movement of the mouth. Characters can observe targets from a distance and understand what they are saying. The target's mouth must be in line of sight and cannot be obstructed by anything. If the moving lips are partially obscured the GM should apply a penalty he/she thinks is appropriate to the situation. This type of art requires the character to speak the language he is attempting to lip read and to have a 80% proficiency or above in that language. Characters must also select this skill in relation to their common tongue first. Other languages selected after this will count as a new skill and must meet the 80% proficiency requirement. Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Palming: Simply the ability to pick up and seemingly make a smallobject, such as a coin, key, playing card, dagger, etc., disappear by concealingit in one's hand. Adds a bonus of +5% to the pick pocket andcardsharp skills.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Pick Locks: The character knows the methods and tools for picking/opening key and basic tumbler type locks. The character can also try to deactivate a trap, if he knows about it in advance, but does so at half his normal lock picking skill ability. It takes 1D6 melee rounds for each attempt to pick a lock. A failed roll means the lock holds; try again. A second failed roll means that the lock is beyond the character's present skill level and cannot be opened! The character can try again after a week or so but at -10% (psyched out). He can try again at full skill proficiency after reaching a new level of experience. The character can try to deactivate traps without triggering them at half his normal skill ability.
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.
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    Pick Pockets: An ability to remove items form a person without their being aware of it. If a pick pocket attempt fails, the item has NOT been removed and there is a 67% likelihood of the intended victim recognizing the intent of the action. The character can try to deactivate traps without triggering them at one third his normal skill ability.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Prowl: This skill helps the character to move with stealth; quietly,slowly, and carefully. Techniques include balance and footing, shortsteps, pacing, body positioning, prone positions for low visibility, andcrawling. A failed prowl roll means that the character has been seen orheard. If the prowl roll is successful, then the character is not seen orheard and may make a sneak attack or spy.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Psychological Warfare: This is the art of manipulating the mind to get the desired reaction from the victim. The character could attempt to say or do something to influence a target with the end-result of the victim doing something the character intended. Characters with the same skill may make counter-rolls when someone makes a failed attempt to manipulate them. A successful roll would simply tell them that they noticed something suspicious in the saboteurs approach. It is suggested that the GM perform these type of rolls for the players (as they should not be aware of any weird going-ons unless the roll succeeds and even then it is limited) and announce nothing unless the roll is successful. [Psychology]
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Seduction: This skill involves considerable practice and experience in this difficult game of con artistry. This character will have studied extensively the nature of the fe/male mind (and anatomy) so as to understand how to best seduce a potential sexual partner. Though this skill may be useful to prostitutes, massagers, and even psychologists, it is mainly used as a deceptive ploy to gather information from someone when they are at their weakest. Intended targets will not necessarily be turned into putty, even if the roll is successful. The GM should take all mitigating circumstances into account when tabulating bonuses and penalties. If the victim suspects that he is being manipulated and resists, then there is almost no chance of success. (Also consider sexual orientation and compatibility.)
    Base Skill: MA+PB +5% per level of experience.
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    Sign Language: Regardless of whether it was developed as a standard language for trade or as a means of communication, due to a lack of hearing or vocal ability, sign languages have a common basis in their standard signs, but a difference in source languages and alphabets. If a character chooses to learn a sign language, the specific language or source of the language must also be given. For every 10 words (or letters, for spelled out words)(doubled for every 5% over 50%)"signed," the sender of the sign language must roll to successfully transmit the message. Likewise, the interpreter must also roll versus their skill in sign for every batch of 10 words (doubled for every 5% over 50%). A failed roll on either end means a misunderstanding. (+10% to Drow Sign Language)
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Sleight of Hand: This skill counts as two skills. A skill that involves the manual dexterity of hand and finger manipulation to perform certain feats. One of the tricks or gimmicks, of sleight of hand is to distract the observer(s) with one hand and palm or otherwise manipulate an item with the other hand. Techniques include hand positioning, tensing, and popping joints in and out.(+4% to Card Sharp, +5% to Palming, Pick Pockets and Concealment)
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Smuggling: A skill in sneaking goods or persons past a point where prohibited, such as out of a building, into a prison, or across an international border, in violation of the law or other rules
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Sniper: This skill represents special training in long-range bow and arrow attacks and marksmanship. Any type of long-range bow (300 Foot/91.4 m range or better) can be used for sniping. [W.P. with Archery type] Base Skill: Adds a bonus of +2 to strike on a carefully aimed shot counts as two arrow shots.
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    Streetwise: This skill instills an understanding of the darker side ofcity life and the scoundrels who roam those streets. The streetwise characterwill be able to recognize gang members and bandits by their actionsand philosophies, gang colors (emblems and clothing that denotemembership to a particular organization), gang symbols and mannerisms,and dangerous locations and gangland haunts. The individual willalso recognize a potential brawl situation, assess a bandit or gang member'srank/power in the organization, and know some of the hangouts,modes of operation, practices, ethics, and perhaps even notorious criminalleaders of the more infamous gangs.This skill also includes the ability to recognize and locate fences,pawnshops, drugs and arms dealers, thieves and thieves' guilds, thugsfor hire, places of ill repute, and similar criminal and illegal outfits.(Gives +15% to Research)
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Surveillance: The study of the operation, methods, and techniques used in surveillance and taking a strategic position. Including the use of common magic items, magic potions, and magic scrolls/spells. This skill also includes the art of tailing, or following someone without being noticed, and includes stake-out procedures and some basic stealth practices (same as prowl). A failed surveillance roll indicates that the tail was spotted and the subject of surveillance is aware of being followed/observed. Bonuses: +5% to recognize others in disguise, and +5% on the following skills (if known): disguise, detect ambush and imitate voices/impersonation.
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.
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    Torture Methods: Training in the questioning and torture of prisoners, this skill includes placing wood under fingernails, use of the rack, and a very general knowledge of medical procedures (+5% to First Aid, Interrogation.) Three successful rolls will extract a bit of information, but three consecutive, unsuccessful checks will result in death of the prisoner (with no save)! All patients will die after 3d4 days of intense torture (around 8 rolls can be made every day.)[Biology]
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Tracking: Visual tracking is the identification of tracks, and following the path of men or animals by the signs they leave on the ground and vegetation. Tracking is a precise art, requiring much practice. The skill includes the evaluation of tracks, indicating whether the person being tracked is loaded down with equipment, running, moving slowly (by measuring the space between steps), and so on. By this means, the tracker can estimate the person's rate of movement, apparent direction, the number of persons in the party, and whether the person knows he is being followed. Other methods of tracking require recognizing other telltale signs, such as blood and other stains, broken and displaced vegetation, overturned rocks, waste, litter (such as bits of clothing, empty bottles, butts or ash from cigars or pipes, food scraps and bones, wrappers, soiled bandages and signs of a campfire), and even odors carried by the wind. Likewise, the tracks of riding animals and wagons can reveal much, such as the size and type of the animal or wagon, the weight of its load, speed, direction, etc. Counter-Tracking techniques are also known, such as covering one's trail, misdirection, parallel trails, avoiding obvious pitfalls like littering and so on. A failed roll means that the signs are inconclusive, vague or misleading. Additional signs must be found to verify or clarify (roll again). Three consecutive failed rolls means the tracker has completely lost the trail. Roll once every 40 yards/meters when following a trail, unless it is very obvious (like a caravan of wagons, or company of soldiers/120+ troops). Characters attempting to follow a skilled tracker who is deliberately trying to conceal his trail suffer a penalty of -25% to stay on him. However, the character engaged in counter-tracking techniques travels at slow speeds, about half that of a casual rate of speed (or 1/4 his maximum speed).
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience for both the tracking and counter-tracking abilities.
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    Use/Recognize Poison: People with this skill are trained in theuse of poisons and toxins of all types. This includes the use and preparationsof poison from plants, roots, mushrooms, animals and insectvenom, and other deadly substances, as well as antidotes. Types of poisonsinclude ingestive (must be eaten), contact (is absorbed through theskin) or blood (enters the bloodstream by cut or injection). The use ofpoison can be dangerous. The first percentile number indicates the successratio of using and administering poison carefully and properly. Ifthe person fails to make his success ratio, there is a 1-30% chance ofhaving inflicted himself (is an antidote handy?). The second number indicatesthe character's ability to recognize food, drink or items that havebeen poisoned. Add +4% if the character also knows holistic medicine. Restriction: Onlycharacters of an evil and anarchist alignment can use poison to inflictbodily harm on others. Also note that many poisons inflict damage andcause ailments and pain, but do not automatically or instantly kill thevictim.
    Base Skill: 35/25+5% per level of experience.
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    Ventriloquism: The practiced ability to throw one's voice. This canbe used to create the illusion of not speaking while making a voice orverbal noise appear to be coming from someone something else, such asa puppet, a tree, box, chair, etc. Maximum range is 10 feet (3 m) away.A failed roll means the voice is not well thrown or the ventriloquist'smouth is seen moving, so the trick does not work
    Base Skill: 20+5% per level of experience.

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    Armour/Weapons Decoration: This skill allows one to lavishly decorate weapons and armor with intricate engravings, gemstones and plating of precious metal. With the proper materials the value of a weapon or suit of armor can be increased by 50 to 100 percent. This skill also enables the character to patch and restore up to 10 S.D.C. points on soft armor and 20 S.D.C. of chain, scale, and plate armor.
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.
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    Armourer: This is the ability to maintain, fix, modify, and repair most body armour and armour plating. With this skill, a character will be able to repair damaged armour, as well as create armour from raw materials. Armour can be modified to have more S.D.C. than it had originally, but at -30%. Even then, the armor will slow down the wearer tremendously. The character can, however, repair damaged armour and patch holes.(Gives +15% to Blacksmithing)
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.
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    Blacksmithing: Blacksmithing is the ability to work metal in a forge, to build horseshoes, tools, metal pieces, etc. Character will know the basics of different (low grade) metals and will be able to work them into a variety of forms. If the character chooses this skill TWICE, then it becomes metallurgy. The character then has all the abilities of the blacksmith, but has a more comprehensive knowledge of high-tech alloys, metal composites, etc. If the character also has Armorer, add a one time bonus of +15% to Blacksmithing
    Base Skill: 10+5% per level of experience.
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    Building Construction: Knowledge in the methods for building houses bridges, towers, etc. This includes knowing what building materials should be used, knowing how to set frames, what tools and techniques are approprate, and accurately reading architectural plans to build some sort of structure. Will also know how to use most construction equipment, drill holes, etc. Note: Having the Armourer skill will enable him to build structures out of metals as well as wood. [Carpentry, Masonry, Plumbing]
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Candle Making: Characters with this skill will be able to produce their own candle wax for the purpose of candle making. It is also possible to create specialty candles with this skill, with penalties appropriate to the complexity of the job. May be taken twice to denote professional quality.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Carpentry: A fundamental knowledge of working with wood. The character knows how to prepare, treat, and preserve wood, recognize quality craftsmanship, can repair damage wood and wood items, and build chests, chairs, tables, cabinets, houses, etc.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Cobbler: Skill in repairing, mending, treating, and making shoes.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Fashion Tools/Weapons: Useful tools and weapons can be constructed from readily available material. These crude items are usually made from wood, stone, vines and bones, and include making a simple wood and/or stone hammer, club, and shovel, pick, fishing hook, bone needle, wooden stake, torch, rope, string, fishing line, simple flute, blow gun, staff, wooden spear, bola, throwing stick, arrow, short bow, stone knife, spear and axe head made from chipped stone. The ability to fashion tools is a source of pride for jungle tribesman and wilderness folk. An unsuccessful roll results in a product that is completely useless, try again. It generally takes about 1d4 hours to make a small simple item and 2d4+1 to make a larger, more elaborate item like a stone axe, spear with a stone head, short bow, etc.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    General Maintenance/Repair: Not everyone can be a blacksmithor a carpenter, but many are good with their hands and capable of doingsatisfactory repairs on simple mechanisms, gears, pulleys, wheels, andso on. General repair/maintenance skill includes: sharpening blades/weapons, sewing tears in sails and clothes (it may not look pretty, butdoes the job), replace a wagon wheel, repair furniture, paint, varnish,and assist in basic woodworking, and even do minor patchwork on armor(restores 2D6 S.D.C.).Roll once to see whether the character can figure out what's broken,what must be done to fix it, and whether it's beyond his meager abilities.Roll again to determine success or failure in making the actual repair.If failure, the player may try again. Reduce skill proficiency by half if the item is extremelycomplex.
    Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.
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    Glassworking: Skill in making objects out of glass, by blowing air into hot glass. Can make tubes, vases, glasses, etc. In conjunction with the art skill, the glass working will be of superior artistic quality.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Locksmith: the study of lock designs and the ability to repair, build, modify and open locks. It usually takes 1d4 melees to open a lock.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Logging: Knowledge of the equipment, the techniques and systems used in logging/clear cutting forests for the purpose of treating and selling the wood. The character will know the basic methods for choosing trees/forests, cutting down a tree, or a group of trees, the maintenance and use of logging equipment (saws, climbing gear, etc.), a general knowledge of the value of different varieties of trees and an understanding of how to treat/store wood.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Masonry: A rudimentary understanding of the principles of bricklayingand stone construction. The percentile number indicates the successratio of recognizing deterioration, improper construction, theintended purpose of construction, styles of masonry, approximate age orperiod of construction, identify dwarven and human construction, andgeneral data about mason guilds. The character can also mend masonryand assist in construction and demolitions. The masonry skill adds a bonus of +5% to locatesecret compartments when both skills are known.
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.
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    Metallurgy: This is the science of separating metals from their ores and preparing them for use by smelting, refining, etc. Study includes the behaviour and properties of metallic, ceramic, and composite materials (observe mechanical, thermal, electrical and chemical behaviour.) This also includes brazing, extraction of metals from areas; fabrication and joining processes (metal alloys) and the use of tools, equipment and methods.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Mining: The ability to locate mineral deposits or areas where they are likely to be found, excavate the land and separate ores. The person also has the knowledge to successfully dig a mine, pan for gold, and/or direct a mining operation. The actual finds, costs, and actual profits of a mining project should be determined by the GM. Remember that most mining operations are guess-work and yield nothing or very little.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Plumbing: Knowledge of how to fix blocked drains, leaky faucets, add tubing/plumbing to a network, connect systems to main drains/local sewage systems. Also knows the basics of water management systems, water pumps and water towers, etc.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.

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    Alchemy: Throughout human history, there have been legends about powerful magicians turning lead into gold, or spending their lives trying. Though this may be the most famous, there are thousands of reports, stories, and myths about people using chemicals and strange combinations of plants to produce a powerful physical change in a substance. This skill includes hundreds of accounts, and volumes of stories about formulae and procedures for various elixirs and potions. To actually carry out the procedures in these myths is another affair, though. The master of this ancient art of manipulation has spent years learning which combinations of materials to use in accomplishing their goals. Characters with this skill have the knowledge and skill to change lead into gold and other strange, bizarre feats. (Frequently at substantial cost)
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Astrology: The study of the stars and other celestial bodies, their movements, positions, cycles, alignments and interrelations with the earth, each other and the effects on destinies of people and animals.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Fasting: The ability to go for long periods of time without food. So long as the character has sufficient water, two weeks without food will be pretty easy. After that the character will have to roll under the skill to avoid becoming weakened or sick.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Identify Runes: Runes are the written language of an ancient, long dead people. The symbols themselves (similar to wards) are magic. Rune symbols and power runes emit magic energies. Taking this skill teaches the character some idea of what runes look like, but they cannot read them.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Identify Wards: This skill enables the character to recognize whether a symbol is a real magic ward, rune or warning. This does not give them the ability to read them. Only identify true symbols.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Language: Mystic: This is the secret language of the mage. Only those versed in mystic knowledge ever learn this skill. This is the most common language that spell magic is cased in. This lets mage s hide key words from common folk with ease. Be aware this is not the only language known to magic users, some are even rarer with only a few dozen mage s in the Megaverse knowing it.[Man of Magic OCC]
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Literacy: Mystic: This is the ability to read and write the letters, numbers and symbols used in the mystic language.[Man of Magic OCC]
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Lore: Demons/Devils: This is the study of demonic creatures,supernatural fiends and known monsters throughout the ages andaround the world. It includes the beliefs of ancient and primitive cultures,demons, devils, gargoyles, their known habits, appearance, weaknesses,strengths, powers, and abilities, as well as possession, places of magic,places of reputed demonic habitation or attraction, and legends. Themaster of this lore may be able to identify a particular type of entityby hearing its description, or a description of its actions, seeing adrawing or footprint, or by how it acted, killed, or the exhibition of itspowers
    Base Skill: 20+5% per level of experience.
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    Lore: Faerie Folk: This skill is effectively the same as the previousdemon and monster lore skill, except that the emphasis of thestudy is on faerie folk. Since as long as anybody can remember, faerieshave existed. Their playful antics, pranks, magic foods and mischief arelegendary around the world. This area of lore provides the characterwith an in-depth knowledge of faerie folk, their ways, magic, magicfoods, practices, rituals, favorite pranks, likely places of encounter (wildernessareas, ley lines and nexus points), methods of thwarting theirmagic and keeping them at bay, and how to survive an encounter withthem (with minimal damage). Faerie folk include faeries, sprites, pixies,brownies, spriggans, nymphs, leprechauns, bogies, toad stools, pucks,kelpies, mermaids, merrows, goblins, and a handful of other creaturesof magic.
    Base Skill: 20+5% per level of experience.
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    Lore: Geomancy/Ley Lines: Geomancy or Ley Lines: A study of ley lines, burialmounds, places of power, megaliths, and geomancy beliefs, past andpresent. Geomancy and ley lines are the belief that certain places onearth are polarized with an unknown energy or forces that can heal,cause paranormal phenomena, attract supernatural forces, or open dimensionalgateways. The study includes "known" locations of suchplaces, as well as the many theories behind them and the legacy of legends,mysteries, disappearances and dangers linked to each. The skillwill provide the character with insight about the areas and enablehim/her to recognize specific, known places of power, as well as to recognizeunknown megalithic markers of these revered or feared places.[Literacy]
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Lore: Magic: This area of study provides general information about magic, magic items of myth and legend, and creatures of magic (such as dragons, sphinxes, etc.) as well as the understanding of the principles of magic, to recognise ritual paraphernalia and symbols, utter incantations accurately, distinguish genuine esoteric items from fake, etc.
    The character also knows/recognises the main types of magic being used on the world. Likewise, the character is likely to know about legendary and renowned magic items, weapons, places and legends.
    Although the character cannot read runes or mystic symbols, he should be able to recognise whether the symbol is a real magic ward, rune, circle, or warning.
    Anyone with this skill can learn to cast magic spells from either the Wizards spell list or the Wizards cantrip list (see the tables below for the amount of spells and the casting limits for non practitioners of magic). They do not start with any spell knowledge but may be taught spells. The chance to learn a spell is equal to the character's Lore: Magic skill percentage and must be successful for each spell or cantrip learned. Unless the character is a practitioner of magic there is a 0% chance of the character converting a scroll for spell knowledge. Non-Mage characters are limited as to the power level of the spell being learned (see table 1)[Literacy]Listed Bonuses: Recognise magic wards runes and circles: 15+5% per level of experiance. Recognise Enchantment: i.e. people under charms and curse, magic items, etc.: 10+5% per level of experiance.

    Non-Practioner Limits Tables
    Table 1Table 2
    I.Q.# of spells (cantrip/spell)allowed to be learnedMaximum level of spell allowed to be learnedP.E.Number of spells (cantrips/spells) able to be cast per day
    6 or less0/0none6 or less0/0
    28 or higher12/6sixth28 or higher12/6
    Note: The numbers represent either cantrips or spells that can be learned NOT bothNote: The numbers represent either cantrips or spells that can be cast NOT both
    Base Skill: 25+2% per level of experiance for Non-Practitioners of Magic, or 60+5% per level of experiance for Practitioners of Magic.
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    Lore: Old Ones/Chaos: By personal observation or through a description of traits and combat the character can recognize the signs/presence of Chaos and Chaos infected organisms/area. The character also has a good understanding of the Old Ones and how they affected the world as well as how chaos is linked to the Old Ones. A success roll indicates whether the character accurately remembers the information about the subject. A failed roll means he is flustered and either can t remember or recalls the wrong information.[Literacy]
    Base Skill: 10+5% per level of experience.
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    Lore: Religion: A comprehensive study of the world's religions,past and present, their beliefs, rituals, holy places, pantheons of deitiesand supernatural creatures (demons, spirits, angels), stories of creation,myths and legends. The skill will help the character recognize specificrituals, their purpose, the deity(s), icons, and similar information. Aplayer may choose six specific religions (pantheons, churches, sects orcults) in which he has this knowledge. Selecting the skill a second timeenables the character to select an additional six religions or pantheons.The percentile number indicates the degree of knowledge one has abouta particular religion and his ability to remember it.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Lore: Ritual: This skill enables a character to recognize and even construct rituals, of both Mystic and religious nature as well as more mundane nature. The character can identify the origins of given rituals and can speculate on the use of ritual paraphernalia and how it would pertain to any given ritual work. A success means positive identification. A failed roll means he is flustered and either can t remember or recalls the wrong information.[Literacy]
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Lore: Undead/Darklife: By personal observation or through a description of traits and combat the character can recognize all types of undead and the signs/presence of necromancy. The character also knows the origins of most types of the undead, including automations, banshees, corpse creatures, dark life, ghouls/nasu, mares, maxpary, shamblers, mummies, specters, syvans, vampires, yema, and zombies. A success roll indicates whether the character accurately remembers the information about them. A failed roll means he is flustered and either can t remember or recalls the wrong information.
    Base Skill: 20+5% per level of experience.
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    Lore: Witch: This skill enables a character to recognize the handiwork, enchantment, rituals, and influence of witchcraft. He or she can also positively identify a witch by physical examination, recognize the evil familiar, and to tell whether it is an animal or demon. The character also knos about pacts, basic abilites, weaknesses and similar data about witches. Roll to recognize witches, familiars, rituals, or enchantment. A success means positive identification. A failed roll means inconclusive evidence, which may mean the suspect may be the innocent.
    Base Skill: 20+5% per level of experience.
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    Meditation: Involves engaging the mind and body so that the body remains motionless, but without fatigue or pain and the mind stays in a clear, calm and rested state. While meditating a character recovers ISP and other internal resources at an accelerated rate. Although it is not a substitute for sleeping, characters will usually feel alert and refreshed after any period of meditation. When in a meditative state the character is, at a subconscious level, well aware of what is happening in the environment and can instantly leave the meditation position with no combat penalties.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Mystic Herbology: Ability to identify, produce and harvest useful or harmful plants, as pertaining to Magical and religious use and to use such materials in a proper fashion.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Philosophy: The study of the processes governing thought and conduct. Areas can include aesthetics; ethics, logic, metaphysics and so on.
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.
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    Research: Training in the use of methods, techniques, and locations for finding information. This skill is helpful in locating information about people, places and things. The GM will ultimately regulate the availability of accessible, known information regarding a particular subject. In some cases, there may be a ton of history and information, while in others, very little or nothing at all (which may reveal something by its sheer lack of info.) The research skill simply gives characters access to available data. ANY CHARACTER CAN ASK QUESTIONS AND DO RESEARCH! However, the research skill will reduce the amount of time by half and the character is trained to notice relevant data that an untrained character is liable to overlook. Thus, for the truly mysterious, secret or difficult or hushed up bits of information, including addresses, obscure and suppressed data. Also note that having the Streetwise skill is strongly recommended, as it puts the character in touch with the appropriate people (+15% bonus with Streetwise)[Literacy]
    Base Skill: 60+5% per level of experience.
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    Writing: The ability to write prose (stories, poems, or journalistically (reports, studies, news). Taking the skill twice indicates a professional quality and gets a bonus of +10%. Selecting it once, indicates a talented amateur. A failed roll means an awkward and poorly written work that is boring and/or difficult to understand. Try again. [Literacy]
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

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    Acupressure: Acupressure involves placing physical pressure by hand, elbow, or with the aid of various devices on different acupuncture points on the surface of the body to releive pain, etc. Taking this skill also give one the benefits of Pressure Point Control Techniques-Military.[Biology]
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Animal Husbandry: This area of study provides the character witha knowledge of the care, feeding, breeding, reproduction, treatment andbehavior of domestic animals. This includes cattle, sheep, goats, horses,ducks, chickens, and similar creatures (see horsemanship for breedinghorses). The percentile number indicates the degree of knowledge andskill one has about animals and their care. Reduce the skill ability byhalf when caring for captive or injured wild animals.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Biology: Basic understanding of anatomy, physiology, reproduction,animal behavior, how to identify and classify new organisms, and thelocation, identification and function of known internal organs in manand many humanoids, monsters and animals. The character can alsoperform autopsies and remove and preserve specimens.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Brewing/Vinting: Is the making of fermented alcoholic beverages from grains or fruits. This specifically includes brandy, rum, and whiskey, champagnes or fine wines, wine, mead, ale, beer and moonshine. The first percentile number indicates the chance of success (a failed roll means a ruined batch of booze). The second indicates the quality of the brew the higher the number rolled the tastier the drink. (+5% to Holistic Medicine)
    Base Skill: 20/30+5% per level of experience.
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    Dentistry:Take care of and treat the teeth and associated oral structures. Dentists are concerned with tooth decay, diseases of the supporting structures (such as gums,) faulty positioning of the teeth, and tooth replacements, as well as prevention of these problems. Specialized fields of dentistry include orthodontics (corrective dentistry) and periodontics (treatment of gum disease, such as gingivitis.) A failed roll means that the teeth are not cleaned properly, or the root canal was not done correctly, or braces were improperly placed. Note: Specializing in a specific type of Dentistry such as orthodontics, will add +15% to the skill, but the overall Dentistry skill stays the same. The skill would be listed like this Dentist/Orthodontics: 40%/55% You cannot choose a specialty until 2nd level.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Diagnosis: This doctor of medicine is a specialist in diagnosing the causes of disease and illness. By selecting this skill the Medical Doctor increases treatment of their patients by +10%.[Medical Doctor]
    Base Skill:25+5% per level of experience.
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    Field Surgery: This skill reflects training in emergency, lifesaving surgical procedures that can be performed in the field to keep critically wounded characters alive. Given the proper tools, the surgeon can perform amputations, suture torn arteries, check internal bleeding, cauterize wounds, and give blood transfusions. Field expedient surgery is a dangerous proposition that too often results in the death of the patient. Because of the risk involved, field surgery is attempted only when it is the only chance the wounded character has for survival! If the operation is successful, the patient lives and can be evacuated to a hospital, but a failed roll results in the immediate death of the patient.[Medical Doctor]
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    First Aid: Rudimentary medical treatment which includes how tostop bleeding, bandage wounds, administer CPR/artificial respiration,and the treatment of fevers, rashes, minor burns and minor cuts, bruisesand injury.
    Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.
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    Herb Lore: Ability to identify, produce and harvest useful or harmful plants, and to use such materials to concoct simple medicines(adds +5% to Mystic Herbology)
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.
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    Holistic Medicine: Training in the recognition, preparation, and applicationof natural medicines usually made from plants and their parts(roots, leaves, fruit). The holistic doctor is basically a natural pharmacistand naturalist who creates drugs from vegetation and studies commonailments. The character can find and use plants to create salves,balms, ointments, and lotions to soothe burns, boils, rashes, and insectbites, and reduce swelling, as well as create local anesthetics, and toheal wounds faster (twice as quick as normal). Potions and tonics arecreated to settle upset stomachs, reduce pain, negate poison, and inducedrowsiness or hallucinations. The individual can also make alcohol,herbal poisons (hemlock and mandrake for example), and antidotes forherbal poisons.The student of herbology also has a good knowledge of plant lore,when and where to find healing plants, edible fruit, berries, roots, andbark, as well as how to use and/or avoid dangerous flora. The charactercan also preserve foods and knows how to set and mend bones, bandagecuts, stop bleeding and suture cuts.Note: Plants are seasonal and the right root or leaf may not be readilyavailable at certain times of the year/season, or may be found exclusivelyin remote regions or distant places. Game Masters should use acertain amount of common sense and drama with this skill. The first percentage number is theherbologist's ability to accurately diagnose the problem. The secondpercentage number is the healer's skill at successfully treating the problemwith herbs and make healing teas, tonics and salves. A failed rollmeans the treatment or concoction did not work. Modifiers: -10% totreat disease, infection, and poison, -20% to treat internal injuries, -15%to cauterize, -10% to treat monster races (wolfen, ogres, trolls, etc.); cannot perform surgery or amputation. Bonus:This skill provides a bonus of +10% to the brewing and preservefood skills.
    Base Skill: 30/20+5% per level of experience.
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    Medical Doctor: The Medical Doctor of Otara is aprimitive version of our own modern, medical doctor. The character is trained with a knowledge of anatomy and a basic understanding of infection, the symptoms of disease and biology (also see holisticmedicine). Areas of training include: medical disciplines, code of ethics, physiology(muscle, tissue/skin, bones, respiratory system, blood, body fluids),basic pathology (disease, its structure and function; very limitedcompared to modern medicine), rudimentary pharmacology (use, reaction,and interaction of common herbs, ointments and potions), andtechniques and methods of data collection. The first percentagenumber is the Doctor's ability to accurately diagnose the problem.The second percentage number is the doctor's skill at successfully treatingthe problem. Modifiers: -20% to treat disease, -15% to treat internalinjuries and infection, -15% to amputate and cauterize, -10% to treatmonster races (wolfen, ogres, trolls, etc.).Reduce skill ability by half when trying to use or negate poisons andherbs (not applicable if holistic medicine is known). [Biology, Math: Advanced, Literacy, Writing]
    Base Skill: 60/50+5% per level of experience.
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    Midwiving: the art of assisting a woman through childbirth. Characters with this skill generally strive to help women have a healthy pregnancy and natural birth experience. Midwives are also primary care givers providing general women's health care. Midwives are trained to recognize and deal with deviations from the norm. Midwives refer to healers when a woman requires care beyond their areas of expertise.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Nursing: Character is highly trained in the care of the sick and injured. Skills include: CPR, First Aid, the administering of drugs, and medication; fundamental use of common medical instruments and tools, knowledge of hospital and clinical procedure, and a working knowledge of anatomy and physiology (enabling them to recognize/interpret any symptoms of disease, drugs and laboratory tests.)[Math: advanced, Literacy, and Writing]
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Psychology: Science or study of the thought processes and behaviour of humans and other animals in their interaction with their environment. Psychologists study sensory perception, emotion and motivation, problem solving, use of language and other mental tasks group interaction, adjustment to social and physical environment, and the normal and abnormal development of these processes. The file is closely allied with such disciplines as anthropology and sociology in its concerns with social and environmental influences on behaviour physics in its treatment of vision, hearing, and touch; and biology in the study of physiological basis of behaviour.
    Psychology encompasses a very broad range of specialties and approaches including behaviorism; gestalt; neropsychology, which studies the interaction of brain function and behaviour; and clinical psychological problems. The psychology skill provides the character with a complete, broad understanding of the principles, practices and theories of psychology. Thus, s/he will recognize abnormal behaviour (phobias, psychoses, obsessions, neuroses, etc.,) stress and exhaustion, as well as suggest a therapy. The character will also be able to recognize the use/presence of unnatural influences, such as drugs, hypnosis and other mind control (like magic, psionics and possession.) A failed roll means that an abnormality has not been recognized or that an incorrect judgment has been made.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Surgery: Surgery includes the precision use of knives and scalpels for medicalpurposes, sewing cuts closed, removing warts and growths, deliveringbabies (by C-section if necessary), realigning and set broken bones, amputatinglimbs, cauterizing wounds, surgically removing foreign objects(i.e. arrows, etc.), stopping bleeding, surgically stop internal bleeding,repair internal injuries, and the general treatment of wounds and disease. The first percentagenumber is the surgeon's ability to accurately diagnose the problem.The second percentage number is the surgeon's skill at successfully treatingthe problem. [Medical Doctor]
    Base Skill: 30/20+5% per level of experience.
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    Veterinary Science/Animal Healing: This is the ability to care for a sick or wounded animal. The character is trained with a knowledge of anatomy as it pertains to animals and a basic understanding of infection, the symptoms of disease and biology (also see holisticmedicine). Areas of training include: medical disciplines, physiology(muscle, tissue/skin, bones, respiratory system, blood, body fluids),basic pathology (disease, its structure and function; very limitedcompared to modern medicine), rudimentary pharmacology (use, reaction,and interaction of common herbs, ointments and potions), andtechniques and methods of data collection. Modifiers: +5% if the animal knows andtrusts you; -10% or worse if the animal is of an unfamiliar type.
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.

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    Armour Identification: Characters with this skill can identify all different types and origins of armour as well as the weak points and strong points of each. The character can identify amours related to different time periods and the cultures that used them.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Armour/Weapons Decoration: This skill allows one to lavishly decorate weapons and armor with intricate engravings, gemstones and plating of precious metal. With the proper materials the value of a weapon or suit of armor can be increased by 50 to 100 percent. This skill also enables the character to patch and restore up to 10 S.D.C. points on soft armor and 20 S.D.C. of chain, scale, and plate armor.
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.
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    Armourer: This is the ability to maintain, fix, modify, and repair most body armour and armour plating. With this skill, a character will be able to repair damaged armour, as well as create armour from raw materials. Armour can be modified to have more S.D.C. than it had originally, but at -30%. Even then, the armor will slow down the wearer tremendously. The character can, however, repair damaged armour and patch holes.(Gives +15% to Blacksmithing)
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.
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    Blind Fighting: The skill of fighting in conditions of poor or no light. The character only suffers half the normal penalties for fighting in complete darkness or when blinded, and only suffers the normal penalties of blindness when fighting under starlight. Also when dealing with invisible opponents, the character only suffers the normal penalties. To receive these benefits the player must roll under the blind fighting skill percentage. Also the character has a chance of detecting the presence of an invisible creature, equal to half the skill proficiency.
    Base Skill: 20+5% per level of experience.
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    Camouflage: The skill of concealing a fixed base position, campsite,wagon, crates, siege weapons, equipment or individual, using naturalor artificial materials. A fair amount of time is involved in thepreparation of a large position. Large nets, rope, cut branches and underbrushare used most often in camouflage. This skill is also used toconceal traps. Sounds or odors coming from the place of concealment will negate even the best camouflage and lead enemies right to it.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Cartography: The methods and abilities needed for accurate map making and map reading. Inclues a basic undertanding of geology, estimation of distances, and the use of advanced sensors for gaging altitude, distance, depths, etc. Characters will be able to make extremely accurate land and underwater maps, including topography, prevailing wind/currents, terrain type and all other pertinent geographic information. Also includes the ability to accurately read and interpret a map, adding +10% to navigation skills when this skill and a map are present. [Literacy]
    Base Skill: 55+5% per level of experience.
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    Climbing/Scale Walls: Knowledge of the tools and techniques forclimbing up sheer surfaces, be they natural mountains or man-made.Players should roll once for every 20 feet (6.1 m) of a vertical climb. Ifthe roll fails, it means he is losing his grip; however, every "skilled"climber gets a chance to regain his grip, roll again. Two consecutivefailed rolls means the character falls
    Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.
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    Detect Ambush: Training which develops an eye for spotting locations and terrains suitable for ambushes and being ambushed. It also provides a rudimentary knowledge of guerrilla tactics used by the enemy.(+5% to Guerrilla Warfare)
    Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.
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    Falconry: The art of training and handling falcons, and other birdsof prey. The use of these animals is much more limited than many fantasygamers would believe. Falcons were used specifically for the entertainmentof the rich and hunting game fowl. A standard hunt wouldentail a game bird, such as a quail, pheasant, duck, etc., being flushedout into the air by dogs, and the falcon released to strike it down.Players take note! For game purposes, let us presume that theseavian predators can be trained to pursue and attack any, visible, flyingfoe or target, strike down other birds, and return it to its master. Let usfurther suppose that they can be trained to strike at any "moving" targetthat they are directed at. This means a falcon could be sent to fly in theface of an opponent and slash at him with its claws for up to two attacksper melee round before returning to its master or flying into the sky.These trained birds respond to hand signals and whistles. They aretrained to strike and return, little more. Under no circumstance can thesebirds fly alongside its master or follow even simple instructions thisis a dumb bird, not a dog with wings.Note: Falcons or any uncaged bird cannot be taken into undergrounddwellings or inside buildings without panicking. This is one reasonthey are always blinded with a leather hood. Another reason is thatthey instinctively attack any small, moving prey and are easily startled.Furthermore, it is impossible to engage in combat with a falcon onone's wrist or shoulder without injuring the falcon or oneself.Trainers must roll two out of three successful rolls to succceed intraining their bird. Failure means that the animal cannot be broken ofbad habits and training is a general failure.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Field Armourer: This is a version of an assistant blacksmith. A competent field armorer can maintain,fix, and modify body armor (a successful roll and 1D4 hours ofwork with a blacksmith facility restores 30% of lost S.D.C.). In addition,the field armorer can patch holes in armor or metal pots, make arrowsand arrowheads, sharpen blades/weapons, and make horseshoesand basic metal items (including nails, spikes, chain links, simple rings,and horseshoes). He can also deactivate, reset and fix simple traps (rollfor each attempt).[Armourer]
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Forced March: Practiced training in uniform marching with a fullfield pack and weapons. The marching is done at an even pace andrhythm that enables the marchers to cover great distances on foot at afaster than normal pace. Increase the normal physical endurance rate asto how long an activity like marching can be maintained by five times;applicable only to forced marches/travelling. Maximum speed on aforced march is roughly 60% of one's speed attribute and enables alarge group of dozens to hundreds of soldiers to travel at the same consistentpace; suitable for everybody in the group (never less than aspeed of 8). Likewise, this skill trains soldiers to make coordinatedcharges and maneuvers, including spear runs, spear and shield placement,and so on.(Adds +1d4 P.E.)
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Fortifications: This is the skill of designing and building defensive fortifications. If provided with the time and materials, the character can greatly increase the defensive value of natural terrain with murderous defenses that include obstacles to impede movement and protective structures to shield friendly forces from enemy fire. The character is trained to prepare mine fields, barbed wire, tank obstacles, tanglefoot wire, booby traps, trenches, tank ditches, foxholes/shell scrapes, reinforced earthen walls, bunker complexes, tunnel systems and similar defensive constructions.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Guerrilla Warfare: is the unconventional warfare and combat with which small group combatants (usually civilians) useing mobile tactics (ambushes, raids, etc) to combat a larger, less mobile formal army. The guerrilla army uses defense (draw enemy forces to terrain unsuited to them) and mobility (advantage and surprise) in attacking vulnerable targets in enemy territory. They tend to use small-scale raids, ambushes and attacks. Guerrilla operations typically include a variety of attacks on transportation routes, individual groups of police or military, installations and structures, economic enterprises, and targeted civilians. Attacking in small groups, using camouflage and often captured weapons of that enemy, the guerrilla force can constantly keep pressure on its foes and diminish its numbers, while still allowing escape with relatively few casualties. The intention of such attacks is not only military but political, aiming to demoralize target populations or governments, or goading an overreaction that forces the population to take sides for or against the guerrillas.Whatever the particular tactic used, the guerrilla primarily lives to fight another day, and to expand or preserve his forces and political support, not capture or holding specific blocks of territory as a conventional force would.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Heraldry: The heraldry skill is really two-fold. First, it offers political knowledgeregarding ruling governments/powers, kingdoms and royal families.The heraldry symbols are often .genealogical and political stampsthat can reveal a great deal to those familiar with world politics and politicalintrigue. Such emblems can reveal at a glance what kingdom thewearer represents, his royal family, social status, reputation, militarystrength, wealth, etc.The second is the ability to correctly create (or devise) or blazon aheraldic mark in accordance to the rules of the land and court. Punishmentfor stealing or forgery of another's insignia can be quite severe,and can lead to lengthy imprisonment, torture, or death at the hands ofan irate noble, knight or royalty.The first number indicates the character's ability to recognize and interpret the politicalsignificance of a coat of arms (as described above). The second numberindicates the character's ability to recognize whether the emblem is correctlyemblazoned, as well as to make a proper coat of arms himself (asdescribed below). Add a +5% bonus if the character also has the intelligenceskill.
    The Arms of a Realm and its monarch are the same and one. Sucharms are called "Arms of Dominion." As these are the arms of the livingsymbol of a people, new dynasties abandon their family arms andassume those of the realm. Arms of Dominion mark the public authorityof the crown and must not be used by private citizens.Occasionally, dynasties retain family arms and combine them withThe Arms of Dominion. This is more often done by those given one ofthe following:
    1. Large Territorial Fiefs
    2. Positions at Institution
    3. Appointments (chamberlain, butler, etc.)
    In cases of disputes, the king would give authority to the Lord HighConstable and/or the Earl Marshall to judge such matters. Aside fromthe army, who may bear the kingdom's arms, only the king's heralds, inthe performance of their duties, or sometimes greater nobles, wear theirmaster's coat.Family Crests: A noble/knight in full armor is unrecognizable, soeach wears a badge, coat, flag, etc., by which he can be identified asfriend or foe. When it is a coat/cloak worn over one's armor, it is calledhis "Coat of Arms." This identifying decoration or emblem is also frequentlydisplayed upon banners, wall hangings, shields and horsecloths.The rules of Heraldry are simple:
    1. No two men in the same region can wear the exact same coat ofarms (as these are personal symbols, marking an owner's possessionsand rank).
    2. Even a legitimate son cannot wear his father's "arms," but mustput a mark upon it, altering it slightly. Upon the father's death, the eldest son inherits the father's coat of arms from him. Younger sons andtheir descendants have to make some sort of permanent change at thistime; this is called differenceing.
      • Changing Colors
      • Changing colors to metal and metals to color.
      • Adding a new device/emblems or border or both.
      • Any combination of the above.
    3. Illegitimate offspring must have a special mark of difference or anentirely new coat alluding to their sire's.
    Daughters and wives are allowedto wear their father's coats when they marry. They place theirarms besides their husbands on his shield (this is called impaling).If a son wishes to use his mother's "arms" without modification, hemust also take her surname or he must "quarter his shield"; equally exhibitingthe arms its owner has inherited.If no sons are born, daughters become heir to the arms, which can beplaced in the middle of their husband's shield. This is called Escutcheonof Pretense.If a man had several daughters but no son, then all his grandchildrencould eventually quarter his arms with their father's. The shield may bequartered (evenly) indefinitely.
    Base Skill: 20+5% per level of experience.
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    Intelligence: This is specific training in the practices and principles of recognizing and analyzing sources of information about the enemy, observation techniques, counterintelligence measures and proper procedure. This includes the practical assessment of sights and sounds, estimation of ranges, what to report, handling prisoners of war, and handling captured documents and equipment (tagging and reporting to group leader or proper authority). This means the character will be able to accurately estimate distances, the number of enemies, direction, purpose, and assess the importance of specific information. Further intelligence training includes a working knowledge of indigenous guerilla warfare, enemy practices, appearance, and current activities. This enables the character to recognize suspicious activity as guerilla actions and identify guerilla operatives and spies. For Example: A particular type or design of a booby trap, weapon, armor, mode of travel, or method of operation may be indicative of a particular race (wolfen, ogre, goblin, etc.) or a particular group of bandits active in the area. It may be up to the character to confirm the existence of the enemy and their strength, numbers, and current location. Another area of training made available to intelligence is the identification of enemy troops, officers, and foreign advisors. This means the character learns the many distinguishing ranks and marks that identify specific military units, special forces, groups, gangs, and leaders of the enemy. Such identification can pinpoint and confirm enemy operations, goals, and movement, as well as confirm outside intervention/aid. Note: A failed roll in any of the areas of intelligence means that evidence is inconclusive, or that the character has incorrectly assessed the information/situation and is uncertain. A failed roll involving individual clues may mean the character has dismissed it entirely as being meaningless (G.M.s use your discretion).
    Base Skill: 45+5% per level of experience.
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    Interrogation: This skill is common among policemen,intelligence officers, and assassins/spies/bounty hunters. The characterknows the techniques to get information from (typically unwilling) subjects.This includes such old methods as "good cop, bad cop" (one interrogatoris threatening and intimidating, the other is sympathetic andfriendly), deceiving and misleading the subject into giving away information,and similar methods. The character also can judge if the subjectis lying (the game master might assess bonuses and penalties dependingon how good a liar the subject is, and/or on the victim's M.E., M.A. andP.B; the higher any or each of these, the more convincing the lies). Thisskill also includes some basic knowledge on methods of torture, frombasic tactics like depriving the subject of sleep, to the old "medieval"instruments, and drugs. Note: Only evil characters will engage in tortureroutinely.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Land Navigation: This skill enables the person to stay on course while traveling over land by means of observation. It includes mentally marking/recognizing geographic landmarks, estimating distance and movement, recognizing sounds, night travel, and other navigational tricks. The player should roll once for approximately every three miles traveled. A failed roll means the character is drifting off course; 2d10x100 yards/meters. Consecutive failed rolls means the individual does not realize that he s off course and continues in the wrong direction. Note: A group of average men can cover about five miles an hour at a brisk, but relaxed, pace through grassland, along dirt roads or pavement. Travel through dense forest or jungle at a cautious pace, with eyes open for danger, is about one mile an hour. Heavy rain or snow, fog, swamps, etc., will also reduce speed.
    Base Skill: 60+5% per level of experience.
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    Leadership: Leadership is the ability of an individual to set rules for others and lead from the front as well as the ability of an individual to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organizations of which they are members.
    Base Skill: 60+5% per level of experience.
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    Military Etiquette: This skill grants a basic understanding of theway the military works, including basic rules of behavior (when to salute,how to address superiors/subalterns, etc.), common routines, basicmilitary procedures, standard issue weapons, common attack and defenseformations, the chain of command and how to deal with militarybureaucracy, who to contact to get things done, and other useful information.
    Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.
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    Military History: This is an Advanced historical knowledge of the known worldwith a Military Focus. The base skill percentageindicates the approximate degree of information the character haslearned or can remember.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Pressure Point Control Techniques: Combat This is a relatively simple, reliable system of pressure point manipulation designed to aid the officer in apprehending and controlling a suspect with minimal use of force. In game terms it acts as a supplement to the character s Hand to Hand skill, similar to Boxing or Wrestling. It is available only as a Scholastic or 2 Other skills, and should ideally be restricted to characters with a law enforcement/security or Martial Arts background.
    • +2 to Hold/Lock, Pin/Incapacitate, or Entangle (This bonus applies both to the initial attack/defense and to subsequent attempts to maintain or break the hold.) If the character does not posses one or more of the above attacks, the training includes an Entangle attack.
    • Knockout/Stun on Natural 20 (if the character already has a Knockout/Stun attack from Hand to Hand, Boxing, etc. reduce the target number by one. (i.e. knockout on 18-20 goes to knockout on 17-20).
    • Knockdown attack using basic pressure points, the character numbs the opponent s leg briefly; just long enough to force them to fall. May be performed with a kick or with a blunt weapon (commonly a nightstick or similar instrument.) Does normal damage for the application method and the opponent loses initiative and one attack. Requires a called shot. Maintain Balance rolls are at +5 vs. a knockdown kick of this type.
    • Disarm punch using basic pressure points, the character numbs the opponent s arm briefly; just long enough to cause them to drop their weapon or other carried object. Does the character s normal punch damage (1d4 or higher) and acts as a disarm attack. The disarm punch takes two attacks. As with the Knockdown kick a called shot is required; lower rolls do normal damage but do not cause the Disarm effect. At the GM s option the disarm punch may be used to force opponents to break locks, holds and similar attacks as well
    • +1 to save vs. pain
    • +1d6 S.D.C.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Recognize Weapons Quality: The ability to determine the level of a weapon s quality, including craftsmanship, weight, balance, edge, metal strength and so on. The character can also recognize if the weapon is crafted by a dwarf, kobold or other master weapon smiths, and if it may have bonuses to strike, parry or damage, or other special (magic) properties. Although the person may be able to tell that a weapon is superbly crafted, with bonuses, it is impossible to determine exactly what these bonuses are until used in combat or intense practice. Reduce the skill ability by if the item is not actually handled (seen but not touched/examined.)
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Repelling: Ths is a specialized, rope climbing skill used in scaling walls,towers, and cliff facings. For game purposes, rappelling will include ascendingand descending climbs. Base Skill in rappelling:
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Sapping: Skill in digging a tunnel to bring down castles or other fortifications. Used when the fortification is not built on solid rock, a tunnel is excavated under the outer defenses to provide access into the fortification or to collapse the walls. The tunnel is supported by temporary wooden props as the digging progresses and once the excavation is complete the wall or tower being undermined would be collapsed by filling the excavation with combustible material that, when lit, would burn away the props leaving the structure above unsupported and thus liable to collapse.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Scouting: The ability to infiltrate wilderness regions and avoid detection by adversaries, in order to study and obtain information on such factors as terrain, road or trail conditions, the general status of an opponent s fortifications or defenses, the movement and/or condition of troops or groups of creatures, and the availability of food, water, or other natural resources.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Siege Engineer: This is the knowledge of designing, repairing and properly using siege weapons. This is reflected by the first percentile number. With the proper siege weapons, the character can direct a siege against a castle or fort. The second percentage is the character s skill in countering a siege by anticipating an opponent s stragegies and tactics. A successful roll indicates that the constrction, repair, siege or counter tactics meets with positive results. A failed roll results in problems that lead to failure.
    Base Skill: 25/15+5% per level of experience.
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    Sniper: This skill represents special training in long-range bow and arrow attacks and marksmanship. Any type of long-range bow (300 Foot/91.4 m range or better) can be used for sniping. [W.P. with Archery type]
    Base Skill: Adds a bonus of +2 to strike on a carefully aimed shot counts as two arrow shots.
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    Spelunking: The art and practice of exploring caves. Unskilled characters wandering about in a large series of natural caverns have about the same chance of survival as unskilled climbers attempting to scale a major mountain without guidance.
    Base Skill: 55+5% per level of experience.
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    Surveillance: The study of the operation, methods, and techniques used in surveillance and taking a strategic position. Including the use of common magic items, magic potions, and magic scrolls/spells. This skill also includes the art of tailing, or following someone without being noticed, and includes stake-out procedures and some basic stealth practices (same as prowl). A failed surveillance roll indicates that the tail was spotted and the subject of surveillance is aware of being followed/observed. Bonuses: +5% to recognize others in disguise, and +5% on the following skills (if known): disguise, detect ambush and imitate voices/impersonation.
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.
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    Tactics: This is part of the training given to combat soldiers and officers, and includes a basic understanding of the military doctrine of the army in question, including preferred methods of fighting (on both a small scale engagement or a full battle,) do s and don ts, guerrilla warfare, and other basic military methods. A successful roll will reveal some hints as to the best way to approach a potential combat or military situation, like recognizing potential attack/retreat areas, getting good fields of fire, recognizing a good location for a crossfire or booby trap, etc.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Tracking: Visual tracking is the identification of tracks, and following the path of men or animals by the signs they leave on the ground and vegetation. Tracking is a precise art, requiring much practice. The skill includes the evaluation of tracks, indicating whether the person being tracked is loaded down with equipment, running, moving slowly (by measuring the space between steps), and so on. By this means, the tracker can estimate the person's rate of movement, apparent direction, the number of persons in the party, and whether the person knows he is being followed. Other methods of tracking require recognizing other telltale signs, such as blood and other stains, broken and displaced vegetation, overturned rocks, waste, litter (such as bits of clothing, empty bottles, butts or ash from cigars or pipes, food scraps and bones, wrappers, soiled bandages and signs of a campfire), and even odors carried by the wind. Likewise, the tracks of riding animals and wagons can reveal much, such as the size and type of the animal or wagon, the weight of its load, speed, direction, etc. Counter-Tracking techniques are also known, such as covering one's trail, misdirection, parallel trails, avoiding obvious pitfalls like littering and so on. A failed roll means that the signs are inconclusive, vague or misleading. Additional signs must be found to verify or clarify (roll again). Three consecutive failed rolls means the tracker has completely lost the trail. Roll once every 40 yards/meters when following a trail, unless it is very obvious (like a caravan of wagons, or company of soldiers/120+ troops). Characters attempting to follow a skilled tracker who is deliberately trying to conceal his trail suffer a penalty of -25% to stay on him. However, the character engaged in counter-tracking techniques travels at slow speeds, about half that of a casual rate of speed (or 1/4 his maximum speed).
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience for both the tracking and counter-tracking abilities.
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    Urban Warfare: The urban warfare skill is divided into two parts, a house-to-house combat skill with a percentage, and a special sniping skill that provides weapon bonuses.The character learns how to set traps inside buildings without causing major damage, house to house combat, information on whether they should leave houses standing or tear them down. Also included in this skill is the training in sniping specific people that may be concealed in a crowd or holding a hostage as a human shield. In these cases the skill can come in pretty handy. Adds +1 to strike with a range weapon every 3 levels.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Wilderness Survival: Techniques for getting water, food, shelter, and help when stranded in wilderness regions: forests, deserts, mountains, etc. Characters without this skill will not be able to stay healthy for more than a few days in the wilderness after their supplies run out. Note: this skill must be taken seperately for each terrain type.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

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    Astronomy/Navigation: The ability to navigate, from the study of the stars and other celestial bodies, their movements, positions, cycles, alignments, and interrelations, with the earth and each other (including magical worlds, the ebb and flow of mystic energy along ley lines.) Training includes reading maps and following landmarks, and the use of navigational equipment. Includes land, water and air (where appropriate) navigation, as well as piloting by the stars and instruments alone. This ability is ideal for sailors. A failed roll means the navigator is off course.
    • 2d6 miles when traveling on foot
    • 1d6x10 miles when traveling by animal
    • 2d4x10 when using a boat or flying
    A blown roll also results in an improper direction; roll 1d8 for the true course, starting with North-East as 1 and going clockwise through the major compass points, rerolling a result of the direction that is the one actually desired.Roll the error distance and direction once for every hour that one travels after the failed check. If using a landmark, etc. for navigation, making the next chance at 10% can discover the error. If using direction only as the guide, the roll is at normal level to discover the error. If the roll fails, but is still under the normal skill roll in either case, then the navigator is now following a parallel course (off by the distance in error) to the desired one. A second or later consecutive totally failed roll compounds the original deviation resulting in a new random course roll.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Boat Building: This skill enables the character to build a variety of rafts, small rowboats, large flatbed boats, and canoes. A small raft (two man) can be made within 1d6+1 hours if the lumber or other suitable materials and tools are readily available. A large raft will take about 4d6 hours a canoe 2d6 days, rowboat 4d4 days, large flatbed 1d4x10 days. Time is doubled or tripled if trees must be cut down and wood prepared. Of course, the time can be reduced if several knowledgeable people are working on the construction. A failed skill roll means the boat has leaks. Trying to patch it will require 4d4 hours.[Carpentry]
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Cartography: The methods and abilities needed for accurate map making and map reading. Inclues a basic undertanding of geology, estimation of distances, and the use of advanced sensors for gaging altitude, distance, depths, etc. Characters will be able to make extremely accurate land and underwater maps, including topography, prevailing wind/currents, terrain type and all other pertinent geographic information. Also includes the ability to accurately read and interpret a map, adding +10% to navigation skills when this skill and a map are present. [Navigation, Literacy]
    Base Skill: 55+5% per level of experience.
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    Castaway/Shipwreck Survival: Surviving without a ship at sea is a specialized skill, since the seas of most worlds are quite hostile. Those with this skill know how to avoid being sucked down with a sinking ship, how to select and assemble the best driftwood and scrap for a raft and how to float without exerting themselves (not the same as swimming) for hours at a time. Once the survivor has something to hold onto, it becomes possible to survive for days at a time, but only if you know how to get fresh water (from fish, certain types of seaweed and condensation of dew on cool surfaces,) as well as how to keep from being attacked or eaten by sea predators. Characters without this skill, or without help from someone else who has the skill will likely perish immediately, or within hours. Note: that once on land, even the tiniest island, the skill Wilderness Survival takes over.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Deep Sea Fishing: Although similar to Freshwater fishing, the methods involved are very different. Smaller fish are generally caught using a variety of different nets in quantity (4d6 fish at a time.) For bigger fish (50 pounds and up,) special tackle is required, which is actually attached to the ship. Those with this skill have a basic knowledge of the most common fish, and know the proper techniques for preparation and cooking (some fish have poison glands or quills that must be removed prior to cooking.) For line fishing, roll once every hour, but once every ten minutes for net fishing. May be taken twice to denote professional quality. Note: While someone with Freshwater Fishing skill can catch and cook fish while on ship, using the usual techniques, they ll catch only the smaller fish, and they ll only roll for success once per hour. Also, they won t have the knowledge involved in identifying which are edible, or the details of how a specific fish should be prepared. +5% if the identify sea life skill is known.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Flag Signalling: Ships at sea on Otara, have developed a "language" based on the display of colored flags. Those with this skill can read and compose messages, as well as be able to recognize banners, ensigns, pennants and standards used to communicate ship's origins and status. Communicating basic naval messages ("Turn to starboard." "Do you have any fresh water to spare?" or "Beware! Pirates sighted to the northeast!") are easy for anyone with 2nd level, or better, expertise. However, non-naval messages, including names (Sir Bertrand, Teradryn) or messages related to other subjects (magic, money or religion), are more time consuming, and more difficult to compose or decipher. Since each ship usually displays banners showing their nationality and other information, those with this skill have the chance of identifying a fake (pirates often fly false flags). In addition to the common signal code (used by every seafaring nation), certain navies and merchant companies have developed their own secret systems of communicating
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    General Maintenance/Repair: Not everyone can be a blacksmithor a carpenter, but many are good with their hands and capable of doingsatisfactory repairs on simple mechanisms, gears, pulleys, wheels, andso on. General repair/maintenance skill includes: sharpening blades/weapons, sewing tears in sails and clothes (it may not look pretty, butdoes the job), replace a wagon wheel, repair furniture, paint, varnish,and assist in basic woodworking, and even do minor patchwork on armor(restores 2D6 S.D.C.).Roll once to see whether the character can figure out what's broken,what must be done to fix it, and whether it's beyond his meager abilities.Roll again to determine success or failure in making the actual repair.If failure, the player may try again. Reduce skill proficiency by half if the item is extremelycomplex.
    Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.
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    Identify Sea Life: Characters with this skill can identify all different kinds of fish, squid, octopus, shellfish, turtles, sea mammals (whales, dolphins, seals) and sea monsters, as well as seaweed, sponges and even swarms of tiny life forms (such as krill, the food source for many whales,) and the different one-celled organisms that give off a visible glow at night. Even more importantly, the character can recognize habitats, or water and weather conditions, that signal the presence of certain kinds of sea life. For example, the character can attempt to determine what kind of fish are feeding below the ship, or what giant schools are traveling nearby, based on the appearance of certain predators such as knowing where to find tuna when certain dolphins are sighted. Includes a knowledge of which sea life is edible, useful as healing herbs, or poisonous. Another important bit of knowledge is being able to identify which barnacles, shipworms and mollusks (which live on the hull under the waterline) are harmless, and which are immediately threatening.(+5% to Deep Sea Fishing)
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Lore: Sea: Knowledge regarding the myths and legends of the oceans and seas of the known world, including the edge of the world, sea monsters, sea creatures and aquatic people, ghost ships, and general knowledge about marine animals and whether or not they are dangerous to humanoids.
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.
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    Naval History: This is an Advanced historical knowledge of the known worldwith a Naval Focus. The base skill percentageindicates the approximate degree of information the character haslearned or can remember.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Naval Tactics: A basic understanding of the military doctrine of the navy in question and the naval military in general. It includes preferred methods of fighting (on both small scale engagements or full battles,) seaman do s and don ts, ship weapon systems, ship and naval armour recognition, naval combat, strategies and tactics, and other basic naval procedures, military methods and operations.In combat, a successful tactics roll will reveal the obvious and/or some hints as to the best way to approach a potential combat situation (like recognizing a potential attack, the best way to impair or scuttle a ship, ideal targets, evasive maneuvers, etc.) Otherwise a successful roll will determine an accurate recognition of a naval vessel, use or reading of naval weapon system, proper execution of a naval tactic or maneuver, and proper procedure.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Rope Works: This is a skill that takes into account the various needs and uses of rope. The character knows a variety of ways to tie knots, the advantages to various types of ropes and cords, their tensile strength and how to weave/make rope. A failed roll to tie a knot means that it is loose and sloppy and easy to untie, slip out of, or likely to unravel or snap when strained. Characters bound/tied by this character are 10% to escape/slip knots.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Rowing: Knowledge of rowed vessels as well as the terms and principles of rowing. May be taken twice to denote professional quality.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Sail making: Sail making is a craft rich in tradition and functional beauty. It gives the character skills in the crafting of Storm foresails, trysails, and mainsails as well as how to rig them.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Sailing: Knowledge about sailing vessels, large and small, as well as the terms and principles of sailing. May be taken twice to denote professional quality.
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.
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    Seamanship: Most sailors don t really need to know how to sail, they just need to be able to follow orders when it comes to belaying, hauling, dropping or trimming sail, which means they need to know the difference between a crossjack, a mizzen mast, a fore lower top gallant and a hundred other names for specific sails, ropes, masts and cross-masts. The skill also includes being able to judge, evaluate and repair sails, rope and rigging (every sailor has to be handy with a needle and thread, as well as knowing how to braid rope.) Also involves the basics of ship cleaning and maintenance, as well as how to skillfully operate the pumps needed to remove the water that collects in the bilge.[Sew/Tailor]
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Shipwright: Like an army s field Armourer, the shipwright has the necessary skills of a naval mechanic, carpenter and blacksmith needed to repair ships at sea. After any storm or battle, numerous repairs are needed and even in peaceful calm waters a ship s structure should be continuously maintained. Another task of the shipwright, one that is never finished, is directing the applicaion of pitch (usually made from pine sap) to keep the cracks between the boards waterproof. Repairing weapons, armour and other emtal objects also falls among the shipwight s responsibilities. A shipwright can make finished objects out of wood (such as belaying pins, preplacment spars or boards) and metal (nails, chain,etc.) gives a +5% to both required skills. [Carpentry, Blacksmith]
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Swimming: The rudimentary skill of keeping afloat, diving, swimmingand lifesaving techniques. The percentile number indicates theoverall quality of form as well as skill of execution. A character canswim a distance equal to 3x his P.S. in yards/meters per melee round 1(15 seconds). This pace can be maintained for a total of minutes equal]to his P.E./endurance.
    Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.

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    Acting/Impersonation: This is simply the skill of pretending, convincingly, to be someone else. This involves the process in memorizing lines and being able to recite them with some type of conviction. It also enables a person to impersonate another person. This means the person must have a rudimentary (if not comprehensive) knowledge of the person or general type of personnel that he is impersonating. This is likely to include a knowledge of enemy/subject of impersonation, military procedure, dress, command, rank, and will usually require speaking the language fluently. This means the character can convincingly impersonate a general type of person/soldier/advisor by accurate disguise, proper action and language.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Clowning: The profession of the clown is an ancient one. Clowning is more than just a costume and makeup, although learning to wear the makeup is a difficult and time consuming process. Clowns take on very special character (as if the character were role-playing someone entirely different.) Note that clowns, in most fantasy worlds are not considered funny (although they do get laughs.) Their acts, skits and play are all ancient routines (called mystery plays, ) the meanings of which are often totally lost in the history of a forgotten time. Note: all clowns are members of the clowning guild, no ifs ands, or buts. False clowns, those without guild authority are often hunted down and killed, usually by assassins, but royal agents of a few kingdoms are known to have been involved, at one time or another, in the slaying of pretend clowns. +5% for Acting, Disguise, and History
    Base Skill: 20+5% per level of experience.
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    Contortionist: The ability to temporarily dislocate bones from joint, fold and bend the body to fit into extremely small areas or through spaces normally too tiny for a normal person can fold into a two foot ball and flatten self to four inches. Adds +5 to Escape Artist and +2 to roll with punch or fall.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Dance: A practiced skill in the art of dance. The percentile number indicates the relative skill and quality of the dancer. NOTE: Characters with an extremely high Physical Prowess (P.P.) will get a bonus in their dance proficiency: P.P. 15 - 20: +5%, 20 - 25: +10%, 26 or higher: + 15% (+1 to P.P.)
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Hypnosis: is a trance-like state that resembles sleep but is induced by a person whose suggestions are readily accepted by the subject. The hypnotist will use calming techniques designed to relax the subject by suggesting that their limbs are going limp, eyelids are getting heavy, etc. Relaxation is not a key factor, however, as hypnosis can be induced during vigorous exercise. Hypnotic susceptibility is a measurable amount of responsiveness that one can have to hypnosis. Not all people can be hypnotized, but about 10% of people respond exceptionally well. There is a common claim that no one can be hypnotized against his will. The counter-claim given by many hypnotists is that while it is not possible make someone do anything against his will, it is possible to change what it is that he wishes to do. This lowering in inhibitions is called disinhibition and can sometimes be found in the hypnotized subject and leads him to performing acts that he would normally consider socially unacceptable or simply would not do otherwise.
    Base Skill: 20+5% per level of experience.
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    Impersonate/Imitate Voice: Character can, with practice, attempt to imitate the voice, accent and expressions of another person.
    Base Skill: 36/16+5% per level of experience.
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    Jesting: The medieval equivalent to a comedian is more than just a teller of jokes. The jester literally play the fool, in that the object is to make oneself look like an idiot. On a physical level this involves being able to trip over their own feet, look incredibly clumsy, and take pratfalls (all without seriously injuring oneself.) The jests themselves are verbal jokes, part of conversations that a jester may have with himself, or with others (usually while pretending to be someone else.) The idea is to always have the humour on two levels, the overt funny stuff that even the most ignorant observer will find funny, and a more sophisticated, biting, sardonic humour that only those in the know will understand. Jesters also know how to create jokes, put together comedy scenes, and assemble situation comedies. Traditionally jesters wear foppish clothing that is a mix of mismatched colours and patterns. Most successful jesters are considered to be wise counselors, and are respected for being the only member of a court who can tell the monarch that he is acting like an idiot without getting himself beaten, killed or imprisoned. This is usually done by playacting at being monarch and exaggerating any foolish or wrongheaded moves or decisions (while funny, this is not usually done in public, but privately.) +5% if the Acting skill is known.
    Base Skill: 28+5% per level of experience.
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    Juggling: The ability to toss "up" a number of objects, such as balls,clubs, knives, lit torches, and almost any small objects, and keep themcontinuously in the air with fast hand movements. It is used for the entertainmentof others and to develop greater hand-eye coordination; +1on initiative roll.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Mime: The artful combination of two other skills, prowl and sign language, to create a form of silent entertainment. Characters who choose the mime skill must first select both prowl and sign language. The percentile number indicates the overall quality and acting/portrayal of the mime.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Play Musical Instrument: The character has learned to play a particular musical instrument with a fair amount of skill. The sound is generally pleasant (except when a bad roll is made). Note that each specific instrument requires the selection of this skill. For example: a character who can play the guitar, violin, and flute must select the play musical instrument skill three different times.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Public Speaking: Training in the quality of sound, tone, pitch enunciation, clarity, and pace in speaking to the public, loudly and distinctly. Also includes the practice of good enticing storytelling and composition of the spoken word. Optional: Seeing how the M.A. stat would have a bearing on this skill a GM may allow a bonus to this skill based on a high M.A., using the trust/intimidate bonus divided by 5.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Sing: The simple ability to read music and carry a pleasant tune. Ofprofessional quality if selected twice.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Sleight of Hand: This skill counts as two skills. A skill that involves the manual dexterity of hand and finger manipulation to perform certain feats. One of the tricks or gimmicks, of sleight of hand is to distract the observer(s) with one hand and palm or otherwise manipulate an item with the other hand. Techniques include hand positioning, tensing, and popping joints in and out.(+4% to Card Sharp, +5% to Palming, Pick Pockets and Concealment)
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Stage Carpentry/Assembly: A quick and dirty version of the carpentry skill, items constructed with this skill are designed to look good enough from 10 feet but usually aren t designed to last more than a few shows before having to be broken down.
    Base Skill: 20+5% per level of experience.
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    Tumbling: This skill builds and strengthens the body for feats of strength, endurance and agility. Abilities include a variety of gymnastic type rolls, leaps, tumbles, falls, cartwheels, somersaults, and hand stand type exercises. These differ from the acrobat in that they are performed on the ground and involve rigorous exhibitions of speed and strength involving elaborate tumbles, back-flips, body throws, and so on.Sense of Balance is the ability to maintain grip, hold or footing, 20+5 per level of experience.Body Throw: while usually used on a cooperative partner, this judo-type flip can be used on an opponent, doing 1d6 damage, plus the victim loses initiative and one attack that melee Note: the tumbler must be weaponless, using both hands to grab his opponent and throw/flip him to the ground..Back Flip and Somersault: +4 to dodge quickly by flipping out of harm s way or over one s opponent. Always ends in a tumble and crouched stance. Like all dodges, it takes the place of one attack that melee. However, because the tumbler has flipped a fairly great distance, the attacker also loses one attack, as he must turn around or lunge forward to renew his attack 40+5% per level of experience.Stilt Walk: To construct and walk on stilts. A failed roll means a fall off the stilts (roll every 15 feet walked.) 50+5% per level of experience.Pole Vault: 8 feet for every other level of experience. Failure means only half the intended height is achieved, or the tumbler has vaulted into a wall or other solid object (2d4 dam). Will always land in a tumbling roll unhurt, when successful. 50+5% per level of experience.Leaps: 5ft long plus one foot every other level, 4ft high plus one foot every three levels+2 roll with punch/fall, +2 P.S., +1P.E. and +2d4 S.D.C.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Ventriloquism: The practiced ability to throw one's voice. This canbe used to create the illusion of not speaking while making a voice orverbal noise appear to be coming from someone something else, such asa puppet, a tree, box, chair, etc. Maximum range is 10 feet (3 m) away.A failed roll means the voice is not well thrown or the ventriloquist'smouth is seen moving, so the trick does not work
    Base Skill: 20+5% per level of experience.
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    Writing Music: The practiced study of musical arrangements, lyrics, rhythm, aesthetic consideration and creativity. The writing will be competent and pleasant to listen to, but the skill must be taken twice for the writing to be of professional quality. Add a one time bonus of 15% if this is done.
    Base Skill: 15+5% per level of experience.

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Special Note: One of the unique aspects of this RPG system is that the player can build and increase his or her character's physical attributes (P.S., P.P., P.E., Spd., S.D.C.) by selecting physical skills that will build and develop the body's muscles and endurance. ALL attribute and skill bonuses are accumulative. However, a specific physical skill may only be chosen once, including hand to hand combat skills. There are several major kinds of fighting techniques available to the characters. Boxing and wrestling adds to the techniques and power of a specific hand to hand training. Note: Characters without combat training start with only one hand to hand attack per melee round, but get a second attack at level one, six and twelve.
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    Acrobatics: Aerial feats of agility and strength, such as walking a tightrope, high wire, trapeze, and stunts performed above ground. Other physical abilities include rolls, somersaults, leaps, and falls. Provides all of the following:
    • Automatically gets climb/rappel skill; +5% to rappel.
    • 40%+5% per level Sense of balance
    • 30%+3% per level Walk tightrope or high wire
    • 30%+5% per level Back flip
    • +1 to roll with punch, fall or impact.
    • +1 to P.S.
    • +1 to P.P.
    • +1 to P.E.
    • +1D6 to S.D.C.
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    Arm Wrestling: In order to beat the other guy in an Arm Wrestling competition you have to beat the other guy's roll three times in a row. The first successful roll steadies the grip, second tilts the arm down, and the third slams the enemy's hand to the table Roll d20. High roll wins, ties mean no advantage for either side. Every three points of P.S. above 16 counts as a +1 bonus to win at arm wrestling. Furthermore, a character with the arm wrestling skill gets an additional +1 bonus at 1st, 5th, 10th and 15th levels. Note: Counts as two skill selections for most OCC s (GM s call for who can take it as a single skill slot.)
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    Blind Fighting: The skill of fighting in conditions of poor or no light. The character only suffers half the normal penalties for fighting in complete darkness or when blinded, and only suffers the normal penalties of blindness when fighting under starlight. Also when dealing with invisible opponents, the character only suffers the normal penalties. To receive these benefits the player must roll under the blind fighting skill percentage. Also the character has a chance of detecting the presence of an invisible creature, equal to half the skill proficiency.
    Base Skill: 20+5% per level of experience.
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    BodyBuilding/Weight Lifting: The building of muscle tone andbody strength through weight lifting and exercise. Provides the following:
    • +2 to P.S.
    • +10 on S.D.C.
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    Boxing: The classic art of fighting with fists. Training helps buildthe body and reflexes. Skilled boxers will automatically knockout opponentson a roll of a natural twenty. The victim of a knockout will remainunconscious for 1D4 melees rounds. Unlike normal knockout/stun, theplayer with the boxing skill does not have to announce that he is tryingto knockout his opponent before making a roll to strike. The followingbonuses are provided:
    • +One additional attack per melee round.
    • +2 to parry and dodge.
    • +1 to roll with punch or fall.
    • +2 to P.S.
    • +3D6 on S.D.C.
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    Climbing/Scale Walls: Knowledge of the tools and techniques forclimbing up sheer surfaces, be they natural mountains or man-made.Players should roll once for every 20 feet (6.1 m) of a vertical climb. Ifthe roll fails, it means he is losing his grip; however, every "skilled"climber gets a chance to regain his grip, roll again. Two consecutivefailed rolls means the character falls
    Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.
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    Fencing: The ancient art of Hand to Hand Weapons are learned from fencing teachers. This includes not only Olympic-style fencing with foil, epee or saber, but also Kendo and other weapons. Adds a bonus of +1 to strike and parry when combined with W.P. Sword.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Forced March: Practiced training in uniform marching with a fullfield pack and weapons. The marching is done at an even pace andrhythm that enables the marchers to cover great distances on foot at afaster than normal pace. Increase the normal physical endurance rate asto how long an activity like marching can be maintained by five times;applicable only to forced marches/travelling. Maximum speed on aforced march is roughly 60% of one's speed attribute and enables alarge group of dozens to hundreds of soldiers to travel at the same consistentpace; suitable for everybody in the group (never less than aspeed of 8). Likewise, this skill trains soldiers to make coordinatedcharges and maneuvers, including spear runs, spear and shield placement,and so on.(Adds +1d4 P.E.)
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    General Athletics: Training in, and enjoyment of, vigorous exertionfor competitive sports, exercises, and contests of strength, endurance,and agility. Provides the following bonuses:
    • +1 to roll with punch or fall.
    • +1 to P.S.
    • +1D6 to Spd.
    • +2D4 to S.D.C.
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    Gymnastics: Learning to do falls, rolls, tumbles, cartwheels, somersaultsand to work the parallel bars and rings. This sport builds great upperbody strength, grace, and balance. Provides all of the following:
    • Automatically gets climb/rappel skill.
    • Kick attack at first level; does 2D6 damage.
    • 30%+5% per level Sense of balance
    • 30%+3% per level Work parallel bars & rings
    • 40%+5% per level Back flip and somersault
    • +2 bonus to roll with punch, fall or impact.
    • +1 P.S.
    • +1 to P.P.
    • +2 to P.E.
    • +2D6 to S.D.C.
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    Hand-to-Hand Combat: Assassin: This is an advanced form of combat withan emphasis on immobilizing or killing one's opponent quickly. Typically,the character must be evil or anarchist to select this skill.
    1Starts with one attack per melee round and +2 to strike.
    2Two additional attacks per melee round.
    3+3 to roll with punch/fall/impact and +3 to pull punch.
    4+4 to damage and disarm.
    5One additional attack per melee round.
    6+3 to parry and dodge, and body flip/throw.
    7Knockout/stun on an unmodified roll of 17-20.
    8One additional attack per melee round.
    9Kick attacks: Karate style kick (does 2D4 damage) and any two of choice, except jump kicks.
    10Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 19 or 20.
    11+2 to strike.
    12Death Blow on a roll of a natural 20 (if desired).
    13One additional attack per melee round.
    14+2 to damage.
    15+2 to strike.

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    Hand-to-Hand Combat: Basic: Provides elementary fighting techniques andmethods of attack and self-defense as taught in military basic training orin self-defense classes.
    1Starts with two attacks per melee round. +2 to roll with punch/fall/impact, +2 to pull punch.
    2+2 to parry and dodge.
    3Kick attacks: Karate style kick does 2D4 damage or Snap Kick 1D6 damage.
    4One additional attack per melee.
    5+1 to strike.
    6Critical Strike on natural 19 or 20 (double damage).
    7+2 to damage.
    8Body Throw/Flip.
    9One additional attack per melee.
    10An additional +2 to pull punch and roll with impact.
    11An additional +1 to parry and dodge.
    12An additional +1 to strike.
    13Critical strike or knockout from behind.
    14An additional +2 to damage.
    15One additional attack per melee.

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    Hand-to-Hand Combat: Expert: An advanced form of self-defense and unarmedcombat usually taught to commandos.
    1Starts with two attacks per melee round. +2 to roll with punch/fall/impact, +2 to pull punch.
    2+3 to parry and dodge.
    3+2 to strike.
    4One additional attack per melee round.
    5Kick attacks: Karate style kick does 2D4 damage and any two of choice.
    6Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20.
    7Paired weapons.
    8Body throw/flip and disarm.
    9One additional attack per melee.
    10+3 to damage and an additional +2 to pull punch.
    11Knockout/stun on an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20.
    12An additional +2 to parry and dodge.
    13Critical strike (triple damage) or knockout from behind.
    14One additional attack per melee round.
    15Death Blow on a roll of a natural 20 (if desired).

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    Hand-to-Hand Combat: Martial Arts: This is a form of extensive combattraining that teaches advanced hand to hand combat, often learned froman early age (similar to oriental fighting regimens like karate, kung-fu,etc.). Martial arts training is typically limited to monks, palladins and ahandful of other men at arms O.C.C.s.
    1Starts with two attacks per melee round. +3 to roll with punch/fall/impact, and +3 to pull punch.
    2+3 to parry and dodge, +2 to strike, and disarm.
    3Kick attacks: Karate style kick (does 2D4 damage) and any four of choice, except jump kicks.
    4One additional attack per melee round.
    5Jump kicks (all).
    6Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20.
    7Paired weapons.
    8Leap attack (critical strike).
    9One additional attack per melee.
    10Body throw/flip and +1 on initiative.
    11An additional +4 to damage.
    12An additional +2 to parry and dodge.
    13Knockout/stun on an unmodified roll of 18, 19, or 20.
    14One additional attack per melee round.
    15Death Blow on a roll of a natural 20 (if desired).

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    Juggling: The ability to toss "up" a number of objects, such as balls,clubs, knives, lit torches, and almost any small objects, and keep themcontinuously in the air with fast hand movements. It is used for the entertainmentof others and to develop greater hand-eye coordination; +1on initiative roll.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Kick Boxing:Art of fighting with hands and feet with an emphasis on kicking. Skilled kickboxers automatically knockout opponents with kicks or punches with natural 20. Victim is knocked out for 1d10 melees. Character doesn t need to call for knockout. May add the following strikes to the usual list of available hand to hand attacks: Roundhouse, Axe Kick, Elbow, Forearm, and Knee. The following bonuses are added:
    • +2d6 dam
    • +1 to strike/parry
    • +1 attack/melee
    • +1 to P.P.
    • +1 to P.E.
    • +1d8 to S.D.C.
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    Prowl: This skill helps the character to move with stealth; quietly,slowly, and carefully. Techniques include balance and footing, shortsteps, pacing, body positioning, prone positions for low visibility, andcrawling. A failed prowl roll means that the character has been seen orheard. If the prowl roll is successful, then the character is not seen orheard and may make a sneak attack or spy.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Repelling: Ths is a specialized, rope climbing skill used in scaling walls,towers, and cliff facings. For game purposes, rappelling will include ascendingand descending climbs.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Running: A routine of running and exercise to build running speedand endurance. Provides the following:
    • +1 to P.E.
    • 4D4 to Spd
    • 1D6 to S.D.C.
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    Skiing: Includes cross country and downhill skiing.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Spelunking: The art and practice of exploring caves. Unskilled characters wandering about in a large series of natural caverns have about the same chance of survival as unskilled climbers attempting to scale a major mountain without guidance.
    Base Skill: 55+5% per level of experience.
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    Swimming: The rudimentary skill of keeping afloat, diving, swimmingand lifesaving techniques. The percentile number indicates theoverall quality of form as well as skill of execution. A character canswim a distance equal to 3x his P.S. in yards/meters per melee round 1(15 seconds). This pace can be maintained for a total of minutes equal]to his P.E./endurance.
    Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.
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    Tumbling: This skill builds and strengthens the body for feats of strength, endurance and agility. Abilities include a variety of gymnastic type rolls, leaps, tumbles, falls, cartwheels, somersaults, and hand stand type exercises. These differ from the acrobat in that they are performed on the ground and involve rigorous exhibitions of speed and strength involving elaborate tumbles, back-flips, body throws, and so on.Sense of Balance is the ability to maintain grip, hold or footing, 20+5 per level of experience.Body Throw: while usually used on a cooperative partner, this judo-type flip can be used on an opponent, doing 1d6 damage, plus the victim loses initiative and one attack that melee Note: the tumbler must be weaponless, using both hands to grab his opponent and throw/flip him to the ground..Back Flip and Somersault: +4 to dodge quickly by flipping out of harm s way or over one s opponent. Always ends in a tumble and crouched stance. Like all dodges, it takes the place of one attack that melee. However, because the tumbler has flipped a fairly great distance, the attacker also loses one attack, as he must turn around or lunge forward to renew his attack 40+5% per level of experience.Stilt Walk: To construct and walk on stilts. A failed roll means a fall off the stilts (roll every 15 feet walked.) 50+5% per level of experience.Pole Vault: 8 feet for every other level of experience. Failure means only half the intended height is achieved, or the tumbler has vaulted into a wall or other solid object (2d4 dam). Will always land in a tumbling roll unhurt, when successful. 50+5% per level of experience.Leaps: 5ft long plus one foot every other level, 4ft high plus one foot every three levels+2 roll with punch/fall, +2 P.S., +1P.E. and +2d4 S.D.C.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Wrestling:Wrestling is more of a sport than a combat skill, but it jdoes provide some useful combat moves and bonuses.Wrestling Special Moves:
    1. Body block/tackle does 1D4 damage (double if the wrestler is 8 to12 feet/2.4 to 3.6 m tall, and 3D6 damage if larger). The opponent mustdodge or parry (push away/deflect attacker) to avoid being knockeddown. If knocked down, the opponent loses one melee attack/action andinitiative for the rest of that round.
    2. Pin/incapacitate on a natural roll of 18, 19, or 20. This means thatthe wrestler can hold his opponent in such a way that his opponent cannotphysically attack or move. However, the character who is using the"pin" hold cannot attack or move without releasing his opponent.
    3. Crush/squeeze does 1D4 damage per squeeze attack (double damageif 8 to 12 feet/2.4 to 3.6 m tall, and 3D6 damage if larger). Each"squeeze" counts as one melee action/attack.
    Wrestling Bonuses:
    • +1 to roll with punch, fall or impact.
    • +1 to P.S.
    • +4D6 to S.D.C.
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    Yoga: A relaxed, slow, constant routine of stretching exercises. Beneficial no matter what martial art you do, or even if you just want to relax. By stretching and opening channels in the body, Yoga has been described as a massage for the inside of the body. A character with this skill will double his flexibility and receives the following benefits:
    • +1PP
    • +1 MA
    • +1 Balance
    • 2d6 ISP
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    Appraisal: Using a small magnifying glass a skilled appraiser can identify types of gems and give a rough value. If a success is under 15% then the value is exact. In addition, any check under 10% results in the noticing of magical properties. (see Decipher Magical Properties for how to find out what they are). Gems can only be appraised once per person.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Bartering/Haggling: A character with this Skillcan Barter or haggle over cash, service, and to capture a better deal. In a cash transaction, a successfulresult allows the character to purchase an itemfor 10% less or sell one for 10% more than the goingrate. In a simple barter transaction, a successful rollimproves the perceived value of the character's goodsby 10%. In a service transaction, a successful check provides thecharacter 10% more than the going rate for his services.The GM should require players to roleplay thebargaining session to gain the benefits of this skill
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Begging: Although learned as a monk, this skill can be particularly useful either as a disguise, or to collect emergency money when things are desperate. The base skill determines the chance of collecting a donation from each passerby. And on a crowded street it could be pretty lucrative. The amount of money depends on the economy of the area where the begging is taking place.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Bluff/Fast Talk: The ability to smooth talk oneself out of danger or potentially embarrassing situations, and the ability to come up with a completely bullshit explanation for any occurrence. This is the art of making lame-ass excuses and being able to get away with it.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Bribery: This persuasion skill is used when a player character attempts to bribe an NPC who can always refuse the deal. Use of this skill is resolved as an opposed toll, both characters make skill rolls and the character with the higher roll gets the better part of the deal. Now there are several factors that play in this, the alignment of the character and also their disposition. There are also penalties for talking to certain alignments. For instance a Diabolical character is easier to bribe than a Scrupulous character. Also, take into consideration the disposition such as being gung-ho, shy or likes to take chances. This will make a PC or NPC despite their alignment take or offer higher or lower bribes.
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.
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    Cardsharp: A skill that involves the manual dexterity of hand andfinger manipulation to perform tricks, palming, and other gimmicks ofsleight of hand with playing cards. This includes dealing from the bottomor middle of the deck, stacking a deck (to the cardsharp's favor),hiding cards up the sleeve (and elsewhere), fancy and impressive methodsof shuffling and dealing the cards, as well as card counting and understandingthe odds. A failed roll means the character has fumbled thetrick or was too obvious and is caught cheating! Add +4% if the character also has the palming or Sleight of Hand skill.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Con: A character uses his Con skill to persuade an NPC to do something that isn t in the NPC s best interest. Con can involve reasoned argument and false logic, or simply throwing a verbal smoke screen to get the target to hesitate. Sometimes it can take the form of a bargain Do this for me and I ll do that for you but in a Con, the conner has no intention of fulfilling his/her part of the bargain. Note: you can not make an NPC do something that is against their alignment. When a character makes a con attempt, determine a difficulty number for the attempt, depending on how likely the target is to believe the player character (all penalties are accumulative):
    • Very Easy (your own grandmother)-0% Any situations in between may be +/-5% that is up to the GM and/or the other players
    • Easy (a na ve teenager)- 10%. Any situations in between may be +/-5% that is up to the GM and/or the other players
    • Moderate (an infantry guard who doesn t have orders preventing it)-20%. Any situations in between may be +/-5% that is up to the GM and/or the other players
    • Difficult (Town guard/police)- 30% Any situations in between may be +/-5% that is up to the GM and/or the other players
    • Very Difficult (Guardsmen with orders to the contrary)-40%. Any situations in between may be +/-5% that is up to the GM and/or the other playersWhether the target has a particular reason to trust or like the character (+0%), or distrust/dislike him (-10% if they hate the other character.)
    Whether what they are asked to do is particularly risky, dangerous or costly (-10% for risking their lives.) If the character s roll is higher than the victim s roll his target does what he wants. You can use the number rolled as an indication of the degree of success; if it s much higher than the victims (at least twice as much,) the victim may volunteer additional help, and may never realize she has been had. If it s close, the victim may do as asked then realize she has been duped as the player character walks away. Note: Royal Guard and characters above level 12 cannot be conned.
    Base Skill: 15+5% per level of experience.
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    Concealment: The practiced ability to hide small items on one'sbody or in hand, usually by continually moving it around from hand tohand or place to place unnoticed. Objects must be no larger than 14inches in height or length, and six inches in width. The weight must alsobe 10 pounds or less (4.5 kg). The smaller and lighter the object, such asa knife, gem, key, credit card, etc., the easier it is to conceal (add a bonusof +5%). Larger items, such as a book, scroll, club, statue, or similarlylarge or heavy object, are more difficult to conceal on one's personfor obvious reasons
    Base Skill: 20+5% per level of experience.
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    Contacts: This skill measures how well that character knows the people around hm. It can also be used to make connections between objects and people who are particularly associated with them.The base percentage of this skill is a character s chance of having heard of a character before. If the person in question is from the same city/town or in the same occupation as the character making the roll, this base percentage is doubled. 1/10 of the base percentage is the character s chance of personally knowing the person mentioned.To give an example, Greenleaf, a ship builder from Arethane notices a distinctively designed transport vessel moving near his ship. His contacts skill is 14% but because particular ships are associated with their pilots and he is a pilot as well he doubles it to 28% before he rolls the dice. He gets an 02, less than 1/10th of his skill, and recognizes the ship as belonging to an old business associate. They dock and the associate introduces his new mage, Silverhand originally from Rhyanne. Greenleaf rolls against his base 14% because he is not a mage, nor from Rhyanne and the result of 45% shows that he has never heard of Silverhand before (too bad, because Silverhand is a dangerous psychotic.)
    Base Skill: 5+3% per level of experience.
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    Disarm/Set Traps: Training in the design and application of traps used in anti-personnel and defense tactics. With readily available materials and simple tools, including shovels, knives, sticks, wire and rope, the character can build fiendish traps. Other traps can be used as alarms, or even as diversions to distract the enemy while the character escapes.The greatest drawback of traps lies in the amount of time required to prepare them. It can take hours to prepare rock slides, large pits, etc., even with magic. But this time can be shortened with help from others, as only one character needs the skill, in order to successfully direct others in the traps construction. Ingeniously prepared traps can, and often do, shift the advantage of a battle to the side that prepared the field for combat. Also allows character to spring a trap without injury to himself or those around him and preserve it for reactivation if it is not a one time trap.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Drugs: This skill gives the character the ability to recognize characters addicted to drugs, street corner pushers, big time dealers, drug smugglers, juicers, Japes, and undercover agents looking to bust dealers. Similarly, the character has a good idea what drugs cost, how to use them and where to buy them (even if he doesn t use them himself.) the character also knows most of the street names of common drugs, recognizes the drug when he sees it and knows the general effects and dangers it represents. He can also recognize the symptoms in others and can guess what drug a user may be high on with reasonable accuracy.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Forgery: The techniques of making false copies of official documents,signatures, passports, I.D.s, wax seals, and other printed or handmade documents, crests, or seals. The forger must have an original copyto work from (or have total recall) in order to make an accurate copy.Literacy in one or more languages is a plus, otherwise the character ismaking a visual copy with no understanding of what the document saysand is -15% on his skill roll. [Literacy or Art/Drawing over 75%]
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Gambling: This skill enables the character to skillfully play in several games of chance. The character knows the rules for 1d4 games, plus an additional game for every 2 points of the character s IQ (round up.) In addition to rules, the character understands the theories of mathematical odds (+5 bonus to math skill,) some basic strategies and tactics for winning consistently, when to hold them, fold them, etc.This also includes the other side of gambling in which the character is skilled at cheating in games of chance. (Or spotting cheaters.) Including knowledge of dirty tricks such as counting cards, how to use marked cards, using trick/loaded dice, stacking the deck, sleight of hand tricks to hide cards up sleeves or in the palm of the hand, dealing from the bottom of the deck, and other cheats. (Must half sleight of hand or palming for the latter two.)A successful roll does not mean the character wins automatically, but correctly understands all the risks and odds involved, and will win more consistently than someone who is gambling randomly.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    General Knowledge/Trivia: Knowledge of random facts and pieces of information generally considered useless, but that could one day come in handy.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Hide: Make a hide skill roll when a character tries to hide himself or to camouflage something, If no one is actively looking for or trying to find the hiding character determine the difficulty and apply the correct penalty for the attempt. (All penalties are accumulative)
    • Very Easy: (hiding in a prepared shelter of tree limbs and leaves in the middle of the forest) - 0%. Any situations in between may be +/- 5% that is up to the GM and/or the players.
    • Easy: (hiding from a patrol in a canyon) 10%. Any situations in between may be +/- 5% that is up to the GM and/or the players.
    • Moderate: (hiding in a doorway in the streets of a city) 20%. Any situations in between may be +/- 5% that is up to the GM and/or the players.
    • Difficult: (Hiding behind a large tree while a patrol is searching for you) 30%. Any situations in between may be +/- 5% that is up to the GM and/or the players.
    • Very Difficult: (Hiding in the middle of the wastelands with no shelter for miles around) 40%. Any situations in between may be +/- 5% that is up to the GM and/or the players.
    If someone is searching for the hider, use the hide roll like a dodge (including all penalties) that is, the hider s die roll matched against the searcher s die roll accounting for all penalties. Whomever has the higher roll wins that particular battle.
    Base Skill: 20+5% per level of experience.
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    Intimidation: Intimidation is a criminal attempt to threaten by speaking or acting in a dominating manner, often with the goal of making a person or people do what the intimidator wants. Intimidation may be manifested in such manner as physical contacts, glowering countenance, emotional manipulation, verbal abuse, purposeful embarrassment and/or actual physical assault
    Base Skill: 15+5% per level of experience.
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    Locate Secret Comp. /Doors: Vaguely similar to the espionageskill of detect concealment, this skill focuses specifically on findingand opening trap doors and secret compartments constructed withinbuildings and furniture. The character is familiar with all standard typesof trap doors, hidden floor and ceiling panels, secret rooms, and secretpassages, as well as the usual methods of opening them. This gives thecharacter a solid idea of where such secret doors are most likely to befound, how to identify and access them, and their typical constructionand design. This knowledge also includes finding secret compartmentsconcealed and built into furniture, boxes, toys, the heel of a boot, clothing,and other objects. It takes about 2D4+6 minutes to properly searchthe walls and floors of a 10 foot (3 m) square area or any one piece offurniture or object. Roll once to locate and again to open it. Add a bonus of +5% if the characteralso knows carpentry and another +5% if he has the general repair orfield armorer skill. Reduce this skill by half when trying to detectcamouflage and other forms of concealment. Also reduce by half if anattempt is made to deactivate or safely trigger a trap.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Locksmith: the study of lock designs and the ability to repair, build, modify and open locks. It usually takes 1d4 melees to open a lock.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Palming: Simply the ability to pick up and seemingly make a smallobject, such as a coin, key, playing card, dagger, etc., disappear by concealingit in one's hand. Adds a bonus of +5% to the pick pocket andcardsharp skills.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Pick Locks: The character knows the methods and tools for picking/opening key and basic tumbler type locks. The character can also try to deactivate a trap, if he knows about it in advance, but does so at half his normal lock picking skill ability. It takes 1D6 melee rounds for each attempt to pick a lock. A failed roll means the lock holds; try again. A second failed roll means that the lock is beyond the character's present skill level and cannot be opened! The character can try again after a week or so but at -10% (psyched out). He can try again at full skill proficiency after reaching a new level of experience. The character can try to deactivate traps without triggering them at half his normal skill ability.
    Base Skill: 35+5%
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    Pick Pockets: An ability to remove items form a person without their being aware of it. If a pick pocket attempt fails, the item has NOT been removed and there is a 67% likelihood of the intended victim recognizing the intent of the action. The character can try to deactivate traps without triggering them at one third his normal skill ability.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Prowl: This skill helps the character to move with stealth; quietly,slowly, and carefully. Techniques include balance and footing, shortsteps, pacing, body positioning, prone positions for low visibility, andcrawling. A failed prowl roll means that the character has been seen orheard. If the prowl roll is successful, then the character is not seen orheard and may make a sneak attack or spy.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Smuggling: A skill in sneaking goods or persons past a point where prohibited, such as out of a building, into a prison, or across an international border, in violation of the law or other rules
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Streetwise: This skill instills an understanding of the darker side ofcity life and the scoundrels who roam those streets. The streetwise characterwill be able to recognize gang members and bandits by their actionsand philosophies, gang colors (emblems and clothing that denotemembership to a particular organization), gang symbols and mannerisms,and dangerous locations and gangland haunts. The individual willalso recognize a potential brawl situation, assess a bandit or gang member'srank/power in the organization, and know some of the hangouts,modes of operation, practices, ethics, and perhaps even notorious criminalleaders of the more infamous gangs.This skill also includes the ability to recognize and locate fences,pawnshops, drugs and arms dealers, thieves and thieves' guilds, thugsfor hire, places of ill repute, and similar criminal and illegal outfits.(Gives +15% to Research)
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Urban Survival: Like Wilderness Survival for cities, this skill differs from streetwise in the fact that you know more than the illegal parts of the city. You know how to survive on minimal amounts of money, know where the best restaurants, where the cops are, how the city is run, etc.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Use/Recognize Poison: People with this skill are trained in theuse of poisons and toxins of all types. This includes the use and preparationsof poison from plants, roots, mushrooms, animals and insectvenom, and other deadly substances, as well as antidotes. Types of poisonsinclude ingestive (must be eaten), contact (is absorbed through theskin) or blood (enters the bloodstream by cut or injection). The use ofpoison can be dangerous. The first percentile number indicates the successratio of using and administering poison carefully and properly. Ifthe person fails to make his success ratio, there is a 1-30% chance ofhaving inflicted himself (is an antidote handy?). The second number indicatesthe character's ability to recognize food, drink or items that havebeen poisoned. Add +4% if the character also knows holistic medicine. Restriction: Onlycharacters of an evil and anarchist alignment can use poison to inflictbodily harm on others. Also note that many poisons inflict damage andcause ailments and pain, but do not automatically or instantly kill thevictim.
    Base Skill: 35/20+5% per level of experience.
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    Ventriloquism: The practiced ability to throw one's voice. This canbe used to create the illusion of not speaking while making a voice orverbal noise appear to be coming from someone something else, such asa puppet, a tree, box, chair, etc. Maximum range is 10 feet (3 m) away.A failed roll means the voice is not well thrown or the ventriloquist'smouth is seen moving, so the trick does not work
    Base Skill: 20+5% per level of experience.

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    Animal Husbandry: This area of study provides the character witha knowledge of the care, feeding, breeding, reproduction, treatment andbehavior of domestic animals. This includes cattle, sheep, goats, horses,ducks, chickens, and similar creatures (see horsemanship for breedinghorses). The percentile number indicates the degree of knowledge andskill one has about animals and their care. Reduce the skill ability byhalf when caring for captive or injured wild animals.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Animal Training: Used to train animals and trainable monsters. Use a 1/10th roll if the animal is generally considered untrainable (i.e. cats).
    Base Skill: 20+5% per level of experience.
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    Architecture: is the art and science of designing buildings and structures. This encompasses all the practical matters of site, of materials and their limitations and of human capability. The second concern is "articulation"; the building must work and must please and suit the needs of those who use it. The third concern of the architect is aesthetics, both of proportion and of ornament.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Area Knowledge: Characters must specify what area they have knowledge about. The smaller the area, the greater the knowledge. i.e. Knowledge of a kingdom will give a general overview of their customs policies, imports/exports, etc. while a knowledge of a specific area of the city will give specific details of hiding places, escape routes, safe houses, etc.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Armour/Weapons Decoration: This skill allows one to lavishly decorate weapons and armor with intricate engravings, gemstones and plating of precious metal. With the proper materials the value of a weapon or suit of armor can be increased by 50 to 100 percent. This skill also enables the character to patch and restore up to 10 S.D.C. points on soft armor and 20 S.D.C. of chain, scale, and plate armor.
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.
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    Armourer: This is the ability to maintain, fix, modify, and repair most body armour and armour plating. With this skill, a character will be able to repair damaged armour, as well as create armour from raw materials. Armour can be modified to have more S.D.C. than it had originally, but at -30%. Even then, the armor will slow down the wearer tremendously. The character can, however, repair damaged armour and patch holes.(Gives +15% to Blacksmithing)
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.
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    Art: The ability to draw or point or sculpt or do craft-work. Scholastic (OCC) art training indicates a professional quality, while a secondary skill indicates a talented amateur. This skill gives a general overview of several different arts (Adds a +10% bonus to other art related skills, such as paint, draw sculpt...)
    Base Skill: 15+5% per level of experience.
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    Blacksmithing: Blacksmithing is the ability to work metal in a forge, to build horseshoes, tools, metal pieces, etc. Character will know the basics of different (low grade) metals and will be able to work them into a variety of forms. If the character chooses this skill TWICE, then it becomes metallurgy. The character then has all the abilities of the blacksmith, but has a more comprehensive knowledge of high-tech alloys, metal composites, etc. If the character also has Armorer, add a one time bonus of +15% to Blacksmithing
    Base Skill: 10+5% per level of experience.
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    Boat Building: This skill enables the character to build a variety of rafts, small rowboats, large flatbed boats, and canoes. A small raft (two man) can be made within 1d6+1 hours if the lumber or other suitable materials and tools are readily available. A large raft will take about 4d6 hours a canoe 2d6 days, rowboat 4d4 days, large flatbed 1d4x10 days. Time is doubled or tripled if trees must be cut down and wood prepared. Of course, the time can be reduced if several knowledgeable people are working on the construction. A failed skill roll means the boat has leaks. Trying to patch it will require 4d4 hours.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Book Binding: Book Binding represents the character's expertise in the intricate art of creating books, whether through traditional manual methods or modern automated processes. This skill encompasses the entire process, from assembling paper sheets to crafting aesthetically pleasing covers. Book Binding is a meticulous trade that demands a keen eye for detail, precision, and a blend of various craftsmanship skills. The character proficient in Book Binding is adept at measuring, cutting, gluing, and intricately combining elements from paper making, textile and leather-working crafts, model making, and graphic design. They can design and cut pages, assemble them into paper sheets, and execute various binding techniques. Characters with Book Binding may be found working as artisans, contributing to the creation of unique tomes, or employed in publishing houses. The skill reflects both the artistic passion of an individual craftsman and the efficiency of a professional. The character is not just a bookbinder but a custodian of knowledge, understanding the importance of preserving and presenting information in a captivating manner.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Bowyer/Fletcher: The ability to construct or repair bows and arrows from raw materials. Repairing a bow greatly increases the likelihood it will break again, causing injury to the user and possibly those nearby. Every shot with a repaired bow has a 1 in 6 chance of the bow shattering. User takes damage of 1d6+PS bonus (automatically), roll to strike for nearby characters to take 1d6 dam as well from flying bits.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Breed Dogs: The first percentile number indicates the art of raising, breeding, taming and training domestic and wild canines, as well as knowledge about canines in general. The second percentile number is used to attempt to tame a wild canine, teach a dog tricks, or to train the animal for a specific task like tracking, retrieving, pointing, herding animals, attack on command, and so on. A failed roll means that the animal refuses to learn that particular trick or specialty.
    Base Skill: 40/20+5% per level of experience.
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    Brewing/Vinting: Is the making of fermented alcoholic beverages from grains or fruits. This specifically includes brandy, rum, and whiskey, champagnes or fine wines, wine, mead, ale, beer and moonshine. The first percentile number indicates the chance of success (a failed roll means a ruined batch of booze). The second indicates the quality of the brew the higher the number rolled the tastier the drink. (+5% to Holistic Medicine)
    Base Skill: 20/30+5% per level of experience.
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    Building Construction: Knowledge in the methods for building houses bridges, towers, etc. This includes knowing what building materials should be used, knowing how to set frames, what tools and techniques are approprate, and accurately reading architectural plans to build some sort of structure. Will also know how to use most construction equipment, drill holes, etc. Note: Having the Armourer skill will enable him to build structures out of metals as well as wood. [Carpentry, Masonry, Plumbing]
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Candle Making: Characters with this skill will be able to produce their own candle wax for the purpose of candle making. It is also possible to create specialty candles with this skill, with penalties appropriate to the complexity of the job. May be taken twice to denote professional quality.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Carpentry: A fundamental knowledge of working with wood. The character knows how to prepare, treat, and preserve wood, recognize quality craftsmanship, can repair damage wood and wood items, and build chests, chairs, tables, cabinets, houses, etc.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Cobbler: Skill in repairing, mending, treating, and making shoes.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Court Etiquette: Should a nobleman not take this skill they obtain it automatically at 20+3 per level beginning at level 2. Conversely they gain a +10% bonus if they take this skill consciously. A fundamental understanding of the manners of lords, ladies, and other royal figures is provided by this skill. This would extend to include the proper titles used in addressing people of importance, correct introductions of oneself, and the basic functions of court procedures. Several times to call for rolls include filibustering, visiting another country s leaders, and when attending an exclusive ceremony.(Gives +5% to Diplomacy Skill)
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Crafting: Crafting is actually a number of separate skills. It allows you to make an item of the appropriated type and the skill depends on the complexity of the item to be created. The price of the item is determined by how long it takes to make and the cost of the raw materials. In some cases the fabricate spell can be used to achieve the result of a crafting skill, however for the item to have any quality to it the character must know the basics of making the item in the first place.
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.
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    Criminology: This is the study of crime and the criminal mind. A criminologist would use his skill to find and interpret clues, guess how criminals might behave, et cetera. Though this skill is not the same as Streetwise, the GM may allow a Streetwise roll instead in certain situations - especially to predict or outguess a criminal.[Law]
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.
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    Diplomacy: Knowledge and skill in the finer points of protocol, oratory, and negotiation. Individuals with this skill are often found as ambassadors, Mercantile Representatives, public officials and so forth.
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.
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    Falconry: The art of training and handling falcons, and other birdsof prey. The use of these animals is much more limited than many fantasygamers would believe. Falcons were used specifically for the entertainmentof the rich and hunting game fowl. A standard hunt wouldentail a game bird, such as a quail, pheasant, duck, etc., being flushedout into the air by dogs, and the falcon released to strike it down.Players take note! For game purposes, let us presume that theseavian predators can be trained to pursue and attack any, visible, flyingfoe or target, strike down other birds, and return it to its master. Let usfurther suppose that they can be trained to strike at any "moving" targetthat they are directed at. This means a falcon could be sent to fly in theface of an opponent and slash at him with its claws for up to two attacksper melee round before returning to its master or flying into the sky.These trained birds respond to hand signals and whistles. They aretrained to strike and return, little more. Under no circumstance can thesebirds fly alongside its master or follow even simple instructions thisis a dumb bird, not a dog with wings.Note: Falcons or any uncaged bird cannot be taken into undergrounddwellings or inside buildings without panicking. This is one reasonthey are always blinded with a leather hood. Another reason is thatthey instinctively attack any small, moving prey and are easily startled.Furthermore, it is impossible to engage in combat with a falcon onone's wrist or shoulder without injuring the falcon or oneself.Trainers must roll two out of three successful rolls to succceed intraining their bird. Failure means that the animal cannot be broken ofbad habits and training is a general failure.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Gemology: Skill in identifying and appraising the value of preciousmetals (silver, gold, etc.) and stones (jade, ruby, sapphire, diamond,etc.). This ability also enables the person to identify fakes, but at a penaltyof -10%. A failed roll means the character cannot tell whether ornot the item is fake or real, or its value is grossly under or overestimated.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    General Maintenance/Repair: Not everyone can be a blacksmith or a carpenter, but many are good with their hands and capable of doing satisfactory repairs on simple mechanisms, gears, pulleys, wheels, and so on. General repair/maintenance skill includes: sharpening blades/weapons, sewing tears in sails and clothes (it may not look pretty, but does the job), replace a wagon wheel, repair furniture, paint, varnish, and assist in basic woodworking, and even do minor patchwork on armour (restores 2D6 S.D.C.). Roll once to see whether the character can figure out what's broken, what must be done to fix it, and whether it's beyond his meager abilities. Roll again to determine success or failure in making the actual repair. If failure, the player may try again. Reduce skill proficiency by half if the item is extremely complex.
    Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.
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    General Knowledge/Trivia: Knowledge of random facts and pieces of information generally considered useless, but that could one day come in handy.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Heraldry: The heraldry skill is really two-fold. First, it offers political knowledgeregarding ruling governments/powers, kingdoms and royal families.The heraldry symbols are often .genealogical and political stampsthat can reveal a great deal to those familiar with world politics and politicalintrigue. Such emblems can reveal at a glance what kingdom thewearer represents, his royal family, social status, reputation, militarystrength, wealth, etc.The second is the ability to correctly create (or devise) or blazon aheraldic mark in accordance to the rules of the land and court. Punishmentfor stealing or forgery of another's insignia can be quite severe,and can lead to lengthy imprisonment, torture, or death at the hands ofan irate noble, knight or royalty.The first number indicates the character's ability to recognize and interpret the politicalsignificance of a coat of arms (as described above). The second numberindicates the character's ability to recognize whether the emblem is correctlyemblazoned, as well as to make a proper coat of arms himself (asdescribed below). Add a +5% bonus if the character also has the intelligenceskill.
    The Arms of a Realm and its monarch are the same and one. Sucharms are called "Arms of Dominion." As these are the arms of the livingsymbol of a people, new dynasties abandon their family arms andassume those of the realm. Arms of Dominion mark the public authorityof the crown and must not be used by private citizens.Occasionally, dynasties retain family arms and combine them withThe Arms of Dominion. This is more often done by those given one ofthe following:
    1. Large Territorial Fiefs
    2. Positions at Institution
    3. Appointments (chamberlain, butler, etc.)
    In cases of disputes, the king would give authority to the Lord HighConstable and/or the Earl Marshall to judge such matters. Aside fromthe army, who may bear the kingdom's arms, only the king's heralds, inthe performance of their duties, or sometimes greater nobles, wear theirmaster's coat.Family Crests: A noble/knight in full armor is unrecognizable, soeach wears a badge, coat, flag, etc., by which he can be identified asfriend or foe. When it is a coat/cloak worn over one's armor, it is calledhis "Coat of Arms." This identifying decoration or emblem is also frequentlydisplayed upon banners, wall hangings, shields and horsecloths.The rules of Heraldry are simple:
    1. No two men in the same region can wear the exact same coat ofarms (as these are personal symbols, marking an owner's possessionsand rank).
    2. Even a legitimate son cannot wear his father's "arms," but mustput a mark upon it, altering it slightly. Upon the father's death, the eldest son inherits the father's coat of arms from him. Younger sons andtheir descendants have to make some sort of permanent change at thistime; this is called differenceing.
      • Changing Colors
      • Changing colors to metal and metals to color.
      • Adding a new device/emblems or border or both.
      • Any combination of the above.
    3. Illegitimate offspring must have a special mark of difference or anentirely new coat alluding to their sire's.
    Daughters and wives are allowedto wear their father's coats when they marry. They place theirarms besides their husbands on his shield (this is called impaling).If a son wishes to use his mother's "arms" without modification, hemust also take her surname or he must "quarter his shield"; equally exhibitingthe arms its owner has inherited.If no sons are born, daughters become heir to the arms, which can beplaced in the middle of their husband's shield. This is called Escutcheonof Pretense.If a man had several daughters but no son, then all his grandchildrencould eventually quarter his arms with their father's. The shield may bequartered (evenly) indefinitely.
    Base Skill: 20+5% per level of experience.
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    History: This is a basic historical knowledge of the known worldwith an emphasis on the major racial groups: humans, dwarves, elves,and three of choice, as well as a familiarity with the famous Tristine Chronicles. A person with this knowledge is likely to recognize the activitiesand trademarks of these races whenever they are encountered.The elective can be chosen twice; the second time, six additional racesof choice can be selected as areas of knowledge. The base skill percentageindicates the approximate degree of information the character haslearned or can remember.[Literacy]
    Base Skill: 30+5%)
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    Instruction: The ability to instruct others in basic skills and the use of equipment. With this skill the character is familiar with and trained in, the style of mental and physical pedagogy (education.) The character can instruct another individual or group in any skill they possess if it s at least 60%. For every 10% of the base skill, there will be one week worth of training. The trainee will receive upon completion of training, a base skill score in that skill if they successfully roll equal to or beneath the base skill number. (i.e. if the base skill is 56%, then after 6 weeks, 6 days of instruction if they roll 56% or less then they have learned that skill.) Should a trainee not pass the base skill roll then they roll 1d6 per week of training and that will be the number of additional hours of retraining before they can reroll and attempt to gain the skill. For base skills with odd end numbers, round up. If on the 3rd try they still don t pass, they are not eligible for that skill.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Language: Characters with a language skill can understand and speak in a language other than their own native tongue. Language is one of the few skills that can be selected repeatedly in order to select several different languages. Each selection gives the character knowledge of a different language and costs one skill selection each time.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Lip Reading: The character knows how to interpret the spoken word through the movement of the mouth. Characters can observe targets from a distance and understand what they are saying. The target's mouth must be in line of sight and cannot be obstructed by anything. If the moving lips are partially obscured the GM should apply a penalty he/she thinks is appropriate to the situation. This type of art requires the character to speak the language he is attempting to lip read and to have a 80% proficiency or above in that language. Characters must also select this skill in relation to their common tongue first. Other languages selected after this will count as a new skill and must meet the 80% proficiency requirement.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Literacy: The written word is valuabled on the world of Otara, yet, sadly, the majority of the world's population can not read or write. Those who are literate will tipically be members of the elite aristocracy, Clergy or military. Like the language skill, the character may be able to read and write several different languages, but each language counts as a separate skill selection. Gives a +5% to most Lore Skills.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Lore: Creatures/Monsters: This is the study of creatures,supernatural fiends and known monsters throughout the ages andaround the world. It includes the beliefs of ancient and primitive cultures, vampires, were-beasts, ghosts, specters, monstrousgods and demigods, their known habits, appearance, weaknesses,strengths, powers, and abilities, as well as possession, places of magic,places of habitation or attraction, and legends. Themaster of this lore may be able to identify a particular type of monsterby hearing its description, or a description of its actions, seeing adrawing or footprint, or by how it acted, killed, or the exhibition of itspowers
    Base Skill: 20+5% per level of experience.
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    Lore: Farm: This skill is not to be confused with the science of botany in which the character can farm, and identify and grow plants. Farm lore is a knowledge of myths and legends about real and mythological plants, roots, herbs and farming. It also includes a very basic knowledge of how to grow and care for plants, where notable plants (usually poisonous or medicinal/herbal) and mythical plants are said to be found, and adds a bonus of +5% to the skills of Botany, Holistic Medicine and Faerie Lore.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Masonry: A rudimentary understanding of the principles of bricklayingand stone construction. The percentile number indicates the successratio of recognizing deterioration, improper construction, theintended purpose of construction, styles of masonry, approximate age orperiod of construction, identify dwarven and human construction, andgeneral data about mason guilds. The character can also mend masonryand assist in construction and demolitions. The masonry skill adds a bonus of +5% to locatesecret compartments when both skills are known.
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.
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    Military Etiquette: This skill grants a basic understanding of theway the military works, including basic rules of behavior (when to salute,how to address superiors/subalterns, etc.), common routines, basic military procedures, standard issue weapons, common attack and defenseformations, the chain of command and how to deal with militarybureaucracy, who to contact to get things done, and other useful information.
    Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.
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    Oral History: This is a basic historical knowledge of the known world with an emphasis on the major racial groups: humans, dwarves, elves, and Local and Kingdom knowledge, as well as a familiarity with the famous Tristine Chronicles. A person with this knowledge is likely to recognize the activities of these races whenever they are encountered. The elective can be chosen twice; the second time, six additional races of choice can be selected as areas of knowledge. Although generally accurate, timeframes can be shortened or exaggerated, and items of particular interest to the community will be given more prominent focus than may be historically correct. The base skill percentage indicates the approximate degree of information the character has learned or can remember.
    Base Skill: 20+5%
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    Paper/Parchment/Papyrus Crafting : This Skill represents the character's expertise in the ancient and delicate art of creating paper or parchment from various materials. This skill encompasses the entire process, from selecting raw materials to producing high-quality sheets suitable for writing, drawing, or magical inscriptions. This skill requires a deep understanding of materials, meticulous attention to detail, and knowledge of traditional craftsmanship. The character proficient in Crafting is skilled in processing raw materials, such as plant fibers or animal hides, into thin, durable sheets. They excel in techniques like pulping, drying, and finishing to produce paper or parchment of exceptional quality. The character can identify and use a wide range of raw materials, each contributing unique properties to the final product. If the is a user of magic, they can infuse their creations with magical properties, making them more resilient or receptive to enchantments. Characters with this crafting skill may be found in scholarly environments, working as artisans, or even as practitioners of magical arts. The skill reflects not only the character's ability to create writing surfaces but also their knowledge of magical inscriptions and the potential mystical properties of the materials they work with. They are the keepers of an ancient craft, preserving the traditions of paper making while pushing the boundaries of what is possible with magical materials.
    Base Skill: 40+5%
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    Racial Cultures: Knowledge of the diverse races of Otara including their habits, traditions, laws, and mores. The character will be aware of what constitutes proper and improper behaviour in foreign lands, among primitive tries and so forth. It also gives the ability to identify tools, weapons and implements associated with the various cultures. (Gives +5% to Diplomacy Skill)
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of Experience
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    Recognize Weapons Quality: The ability to determine the level of a weapon s quality, including craftsmanship, weight, balance, edge, metal strength and so on. The character can also recognize if the weapon is crafted by a dwarf, kobold or other master weapon smiths, and if it may have bonuses to strike, parry or damage, or other special (magic) properties. Although the person may be able to tell that a weapon is superbly crafted, with bonuses, it is impossible to determine exactly what these bonuses are until used in combat or intense practice. Reduce the skill ability by if the item is not actually handled (seen but not touched/examined.)
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Research: : Training in the use of methods, techniques, and locations for finding information. This skill is helpful in locating information about people, places and things. The GM will ultimately regulate the availability of accessible, known information regarding a particular subject. In some cases, there may be a ton of history and information, while in others, very little or nothing at all (which may reveal something by its sheer lack of info.) The research skill simply gives characters access to available data. ANY CHARACTER CAN ASK QUESTIONS AND DO RESEARCH! However, the research skill will reduce the amount of time by half and the character is trained to notice relevant data that an untrained character is liable to overlook. Thus, for the truly mysterious, secret or difficult or hushed up bits of information, including addresses, obscure and suppressed data. Also note that having the Streetwise skill is strongly recommended, as it puts the character in touch with the appropriate people (+15% bonus with Streetwise)[Literacy]
    Base Skill: 60+5% per level of experience.
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    Rope Works: This is a skill that takes into account the various needs and uses of rope. The character knows a variety of ways to tie knots, the advantages to various types of ropes and cords, their tensile strength and how to weave/make rope. A failed roll to tie a knot means that it is loose and sloppy and easy to untie, slip out of, or likely to unravel or snap when strained. Characters bound/tied by this character are 10% to escape/slip knots.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Sailing: Knowledge about sailing vessels, large and small, as well as the terms and principles of sailing. May be taken twice to denote professional quality.
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.
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    Sculpt/Whittle: The art of molding or carving a three dimensional figure, object or design out of clay, stone or wood. The percentile number indicates the quality of technique and appearance. Taking the skill twice indicates professional quality.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Siege Engineer: This is the knowledge of designing, repairing and properly using siege weapons. This is reflected by the first percentile number. With the proper siege weapons, the character can direct a siege against a castle or fort. The second percentage is the character s skill in countering a siege by anticipating an opponent s stragegies and tactics. A successful roll indicates that the constrction, repair, siege or counter tactics meets with positive results. A failed roll results in problems that lead to failure.
    Base Skill: 25/15+5% per level of experience.
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    Sign Language: Regardless of whether it was developed as a standard language for trade or as a means of communication, due to a lack of hearing or vocal ability, sign languages have a common basis in their standard signs, but a difference in source languages and alphabets. If a character chooses to learn a sign language, the specific language or source of the language must also be given. For every 10 words (or letters, for spelled out words)(doubled for every 5% over 50%)"signed," the sender of the sign language must roll to successfully transmit the message. Likewise, the interpreter must also roll versus their skill in sign for every batch of 10 words (doubled for every 5% over 50%). A failed roll on either end means a misunderstanding. (+10% to Drow Sign Language)
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Weaponsmith: Weaponsmithing is the ability to work metal in a forge, to build Swords, Axes, Spear Hears, etc. Character will know the basics of different (low grade) metals and will be able to work them into a variety of forms. The character has all the abilities of the blacksmith, but with a focus on Weapons crafting
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.

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    Anthropology: This is the behavioral study of man and other intelligentlife forms and their environments. Studies include societies, customsand beliefs, religions, political structures, as well as rudimentaryhistory and archaeological backgrounds. It is important to note that anthropologyis more concerned with the study of modern races and societiesthan it is with ancient ones. This knowledge is especially importantwhen dealing with other races and cultures in the present time, so as toavoid accidentally breaking taboos or codes of behavior. It will also tellthe anthropologist whether he may be dealing with a dangerous people(hate humans, fear technology or magic, are cannibals, worship demons,etc).Areas of anthropological study are divided into six categories. Eachcategory of study requires one skill selection. 1. Humans (all), 2. Ancients(includes elves, dwarves, titans, kobolds, and changelings); 3.Wolfen (includes coyles, kankoran, and bear men); Giants (all true giantsand trolls); 4. Subterranean (includes dwarves, kobolds, goblinsand troglodytes); 5. Monster Races (intelligent monsters like ogres,orcs, sphinx, minotaur, etc.); and 6. Jungle People (+5% to Racial cultures)
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Archaeology: This is the scientific study of relics of ancient civilizations(including elves, dwarves, kobolds, titans, changelings, and theOld Ones) by excavation and analysis of artifacts. Studies includeproper excavation (digs) techniques, preservation, restoration, and datingmethods, as well as rudimentary history.The character can also ascertain whether the item is an ancient artifactor a recent copy, and therefore authentic or a forgery. This alsomeans he can estimate its value and in which kingdoms it might get thebest price.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Astronomy/Navigation: The ability to navigate, from the study of the stars and other celestial bodies, their movements, positions, cycles, alignments, and interrelations, with the earth and each other (including magical worlds, the ebb and flow of mystic energy along ley lines.) Training includes reading maps and following landmarks, and the use of navigational equipment. Includes land, water and air (where appropriate) navigation, as well as piloting by the stars and instruments alone. This ability is ideal for sailors. A failed roll means the navigator is off course.
    • 2d6 miles when traveling on foot
    • 1d6x10 miles when traveling by animal
    • 2d4x10 when using a boat or flying
    A blown roll also results in an improper direction; roll 1d8 for the true course, starting with North-East as 1 and going clockwise through the major compass points, rerolling a result of the direction that is the one actually desired.Roll the error distance and direction once for every hour that one travels after the failed check. If using a landmark, etc. for navigation, making the next chance at 10% can discover the error. If using direction only as the guide, the roll is at normal level to discover the error. If the roll fails, but is still under the normal skill roll in either case, then the navigator is now following a parallel course (off by the distance in error) to the desired one. A second or later consecutive totally failed roll compounds the original deviation resulting in a new random course roll.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Biology: Basic understanding of anatomy, physiology, reproduction,animal behavior, how to identify and classify new organisms, and thelocation, identification and function of known internal organs in manand many humanoids, monsters and animals. The character can alsoperform autopsies and remove and preserve specimens.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Botany: Plants, their identification, categories and functions, andgrowth are studied extensively. Characters will know how to farm,grow and cultivate plants, cross-fertilize and germinate plants, recognizeplants and foods made out of them, make food out of plants, aswell as growing experimental plants. Plus identify plants that are edible,poisonous or which are known to have herbal qualities.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Cartography: The methods and abilities needed for accurate map making and map reading. Inclues a basic undertanding of geology, estimation of distances, and the use of advanced sensors for gaging altitude, distance, depths, etc. Characters will be able to make extremely accurate land and underwater maps, including topography, prevailing wind/currents, terrain type and all other pertinent geographic information. Also includes the ability to accurately read and interpret a map, adding +10% to navigation skills when this skill and a map are present. [Navigation, Literacy]
    Base Skill: 55+5% per level of experience.
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    Gemology: Skill in identifying and appraising the value of preciousmetals (silver, gold, etc.) and stones (jade, ruby, sapphire, diamond,etc.). This ability also enables the person to identify fakes, but at a penaltyof -10%. A failed roll means the character cannot tell whether ornot the item is fake or real, or its value is grossly under or overestimated.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Geography: is the study of the world and its features, inhabitants, and phenomena. Although many geographers are trained in toponymy (study of place-names) and cartography, this is not their main preoccupation. It aims to understand the physical lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, pedosphere and global flora and fauna patterns (biosphere).
    Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.
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    Geology: The science dealing with the structure of planetary crusts, and the formation and development of their various layers, including individual rocks and fossils. Characters are skilled in quantifying rocks and minerals, as well as being able to judge good conditions for finding a particular type of mineral (such as precious metals or stones or fossil fuels.) +10% to gemology [Mathematics: Advanced, Literacy]
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Mathematics- Advanced: Knowledge of all basic and advancedmathematics, including algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, andtechniques for advanced mathematical formulae. [Math: Basic]
    Base Skill: 70+5% per level of experience.
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    Mathematics- Basic: Knowledge of basic math, including the abilityto count, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and fractions.
    Base Skill: 80+5% per level of experience.
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    Metallurgy: This is the science of separating metals from their ores and preparing them for use by smelting, refining, etc. Study includes the behaviour and properties of metallic, ceramic, and composite materials (observe mechanical, thermal, electrical and chemical behaviour.) This also includes brazing, extraction of metals from areas; fabrication and joining processes (metal alloys) and the use of tools, equipment and methods.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Philosophy: The study of the processes governing thought and conduct. Areas can include aesthetics; ethics, logic, metaphysics and so on.
    Base Skill: 35+5% per level of experience.
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    Writing: The ability to write prose (stories, poems, or journalistically (reports, studies, news). Taking the skill twice indicates a professional quality and gets a bonus of +10%. Selecting it once, indicates a talented amateur. A failed roll means an awkward and poorly written work that is boring and/or difficult to understand. Try again. [Literacy]
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.

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A note about Weapon Proficiencies (W.P.): Each W.P. providescombat training with a particular type of weapon. The result is hand tohand combat bonuses to strike and parry whenever that particularweapon is used. All bonuses are accumulative. Each W.P. counts as oneskill. The character may select several W.P.s or a few. Note: Characterswithout a W.P. can use any weapon, but without benefit of the W.P. bonuses. This is considered Non-Proficiency. Rules onWeapons Specialization can be found here
Weapons Specialization Rules.
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    Axe: Battle: Training with all types of large axe weapons, includingsingle blade and double headed axes and picks. Bonuses: +1D6damage at level two! +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 8, 12 and 15. +1 tostrike when thrown or to parry at levels 2, 4, 8, and 12; not designed forthrowing.
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    Axe: Throwing: Training with all types of Hand Axes. Bonuses: +1 to strikeat levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to parry at levels 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12. +1 tostrike when thrown, at levels 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, and 13.
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    Blowgun/Mouth Weapon: Includes blowpipes, mouthdarts, and other weapons that depend on a person's lungs and aim out ofthe mouth. Bonuses: +1 to strike at levels 1, 4, 8 and 12. Rate of Fire:Equal to the character's normal hand to hand attacks per melee round.
    • Blow-gun: 30 ft (.19 m) 1D4 damage

    Blunt: Training with all types of blunt weapons, includingmaces, hammers, cudgels, pipes, staves, and clubs. Bonuses: +1 tostrike and parry at levels 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12. +1 to strike when thrown atlevels 5, 10, and 15; not designed for throwing.
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    Bolos: Training with the bolos to snare/entangle. Bonuses:+1 to strike or entangle at levels 2, 5, 8, 11, and 15. +1 to parryat levels 2, 4, 6, 9, and 12.In addition to the regular entangle attack, there is one other typeof attack possible with a Bolos:Snaring an opponent's weapon: The weapon becomes entangled andis pulled out of the opponent's hand. A natural, unmodified (no bonus)roll of 18, 19, or 20 will disarm an opponent in this way, unless he canroll an equally, unmodified high parry (no bonuses).
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    Bow: Long: Add 20 feet (6 m) to the normal effective rangeper level of the character, +1 to parry with that weapon (effective atlevel one), and +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, and 14.Archery Movement Penalty: The character loses all bonuses andrate of fire is half when running and shooting, flying, when riding onhorse back, or otherwise unbalanced.Archery Rate of Fire: Two at level one, and +1 at levels 2, 3, 5, 7,9, and 12.Average Ranges: Does not include W.P. bonus for range.Bow Type and Ranges Damage Per Arrow/Weapon
    • Long Bow 640 ft (195 m) 2D6 damage
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    Bow: Short: Add 20 feet (6 m) to the normal effective rangeper level of the character, +1 to parry with that weapon (effective atlevel one), and +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, and 14.Archery Movement Penalty: The character loses all bonuses andrate of fire is half when running and shooting, flying, when riding onhorse back, or otherwise unbalanced.Archery Rate of Fire: Two at level one, and +1 at levels 2, 3, 5, 7,9, and 12.Average Ranges: Does not include W.P. bonus for range.Bow Type and Ranges Damage Per Arrow/Weapon
    • Short Bow 340 ft (104 m) 1D6 damage

    Chain: Training with all types of chain weapons, including ordinarylengths of chain, the flail, ball or mace and chain, nunchaku, andsimilar weapons. Bonuses: +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 7, 10, and 13. +1to parry at levels 4, 8, and 12. This weapon cannot be used to entangleand cannot be thrown with any accuracy!
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    Crossbow: Add 20 feet (6 m) to the normal effective rangeper level of the character, +1 to parry with that weapon (effective atlevel one), and +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, and 14.Archery Movement Penalty: The character loses all bonuses andrate of fire is half when running and shooting, flying, when riding onhorse back, or otherwise unbalanced.Archery Rate of Fire: Two at level one, and +1 at levels 2, 3, 5, 7,9, and 12.Average Ranges: Does not include W.P. bonus for range.Bow Type and Ranges Damage Per Arrow/Weapon
    • Light Cross Bow 340 ft (104 m) 2D4 damage
    • Heavy Cross Bow (large) 600 ft (182 m) 2D6 damage
    • Pistol Cross Bow (small) 120 ft (36.5 m) 1D6 damage
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    Grappling Hook: Trained use of a grappling hook for climbing,scaling walls (adds +5% to that skill), boarding vessels, tripping anopponent (by hooking the foot, ankle or leg. Does no damage, butknocks victim to the ground and he loses initiative and one melee attack)and impaling (does 1D6 damage). +1 to strike or entangle at levels3, 6, 9, and 12. This weapon cannot be used to parry!
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    Knife: Training with all types of knives. Bonuses: +1 to strikeat levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to parry at levels 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12. +1 tostrike when thrown, at levels 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, and 13.
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    Lance: Note: The use of the lance is limited to the Knight andPalladin O.C.C.s. It is not normally available to other O.C.C.s. See thedescriptions under The Way of the Lance in each of the respectiveO.C.C.s.
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    Lasso/Net: Primarily a gladiator or slaver's skill, the net is used totrip an opponent (same as grappling hook), parry or snare/entangle. Bonuses:+1 to strike or entangle at levels 2, 5, 8, 11, and 15. +1 to parryat levels 2, 4, 6, 9, and 12.In addition to the regular entangle attack, there are two other typesof attacks possible with a net:Snaring an opponent's weapon: The weapon becomes entangled andis pulled out of the opponent's hand. A natural, unmodified (no bonus)roll of 18, 19, or 20 will disarm an opponent in this way, unless he canroll an equally, unmodified high parry (no bonuses).Snare one's opponent by throwing the net over him: The intendedvictim must dodge or be netted only characters with a spear, polearmor staff can parry a thrown net attack. If caught in the net, the victimis -8 to strike, -10 to parry and dodge, and running is impossible. Itwill require 1D4+1 melee rounds to cut free of the net.If the character dodges or the net thrower misses, it is the net wielderwho will suddenly find himself weaponless. Even if the net has a drawstringattached to it, the thrower will need one melee action/attack topull it back to him or to grab a different weapon; the throwing of a netto capture an opponent requires the use of two hands. However, if thenet is being used to parry, entangle or whip an opponent, it can be usedwith one hand, while the other wields a sword or other weapon; parrythe same as usual. Using the net as a whipping weapon does 1D4 damage.
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    Paired Weapons: Users of paired weapons can:
    1. Strike and parry simultaneously. In other words, warriors skilledin paired weapons can often perform two actions for every one meleeaction/attack.
    2. Twin, simultaneous strikes against the same target. Both weaponshit, but is considered ONE melee attack/action, (roll only once tostrike). The defender can only try to parry one of the weapons in theparry! The other will strike, unless he too is using two weapons, or aweapon and a shield, and has the W.P. paired weapons skill.
    3. Strike two different targets (or strike one and parry the other), simultaneously;both must be within reach.
    4. Weapons are limited to the one-handed types and can be used in anycombination; for example, two short swords, or short sword and broadsword,sword and knife, mace and shield, etc. Two-handed weaponscannot be used as a paired weapon.
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    Polearm: Training with all types of large, bladed spear-likeweapons, including the glaive, sabre halberd, runka, scythe and voulge,among others. Bonuses: +2 damage at levels two and eight! +1 to strikeand parry at levels 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12. +1 to strike when thrown at levels3, 7, and 12; not designed for throwing.
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    Shield: Combat skills with large and small shields used primarilyfor parrying and self defense. Bonuses: +1 to parry at levels 1, 3,6, 9, 12 and 15. A shield can be used in one hand and a weapon in theother. +1 to strike with a shield (1D4 damage) at levels 4, 8, and 12. Nobonus to strike when thrown.Shields! The average small wood & leather shield has 30 S.D.C. andcosts 35 gold. A small wood & metal plated shield has 50 S.D.C. andcosts 65 gold. Small shields can be thrown about 15 feet (4.6 m), inflicting1D6 damage. Hitting or butting somebody with a small or largeshield does 2D4 damage.A large wood & leather shield has 60 S.D.C. and costs 75 gold. Alarge wood & metal plated shield has 100 S.D.C. and costs 110 gold. Alarge iron shield has 130 S.D.C., costs 180 gold, but requires a P.S. of22 or higher to use (otherwise -4 to parry). No large shield can bethrown.Damage to shields (optional): Subtract 10% of the damage thatwould normally be inflicted by a weapon when blocked/parried by ashield. When all S.D.C. is gone, the shield has too many holes, cracksand weaknesses to offer protection. The next strike will punch rightthrough or shatter it and hit the user at full force and full damage.
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    Siege: An understanding of the use and mechanicsof siege weapons, including balista, catapult, onager and trebuchet. +1to strike at levels 2, 5, 9, and 12
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    Sling: Training with all types of sling weapons. Bonuses: +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13.
    • Sling or Slingshot: 80 ft (2.44 m) 1D6 damage
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    Small Thrown Weapons: Expertise with a thrown weaponand proficiency with missile weapons, such as the sling, sling-shot, bolas,boomerangs, throwing sticks, throwing axes (small), throwingknives, shurikens. (the use of the bow is a separateskill; see archery). Bonuses when thrown or slung: +1 to strike at levels1, 3, 5, 7, 10, and 13. Characters who select both W.P. Small Thrown Weapons andW.P. bow, or W.P. crossbow (See W.P. Archery), or W.P. spear get theusual bonuses for that W.P., plus a bonus of +1 tostrike at levels 2, 5, and 10. Rate of Fire: Equal to the character's normalnumber of hand to hand combat attacks. Note: The character losesall bonuses and rate of fire is half when riding on horseback.Typical Effective Range & Damage per Projectile WeaponType:
    • Boomerangs: 60 ft (18 m) 1D6 damage
    • Dart: 30 ft (. 19 m) One point of damage.
    • Throwing Sticks and Knives: 40 ft (12.2 m) 1D6 damage
    • Throwing Irons and Axes: 40 ft (12.2 m) 2D4 damage
    The "Typical" effective range applies to most characters unlessstated otherwise in the description of the Occupational CharacterClasses (O.C.C.s). Greater range and proficiency for an O.C.C. orR.C.C. is typically the result of special training or natural ability.The average giant weapon does one additional die of damage plusP.S. bonus, and range is increased by 20%.
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    Spear/Fork: Includes skill with large and small spears (the use of arifle equipped with a bayonet also falls into this category), the trident, militaryforks, the sai, tiger fork, javelins, and other weapons with tines. Bonuses: Startswith +1 to strike or entangle at levels 1, 3, 5, 8, 11, and 13. +1 to parryat levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 13. +1 to strike when thrown at levels 4, 10,and 15; not designed for throwing.
    • Javelin: 300 ft (9.41 m) normal
    • javelin damage +1D4 Spear: 100 ft (30.5 m) normal spear damage +1D6
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    Staff: Combat skill with large and small staffs. Bonuses: +1 tostrike at levels 1, 3, 7, 10 and 13. +1 to parry at 2, 5, 8, 11 and 14. +1 tostrike when thrown at levels 5, 10, and 15; not designed for throwing.
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    Sword : Combat skills with large and small swords, includingfencing type training. Includes rapiers, sabers, broadswords, twohanded,and short swords. Bonuses: +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12and 15. +1 to parry at levels 2, 4, 7, 10 and 13. +1 to strike when thrownat levels 4, 8, and 12; swords are not designed for being thrown.
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    Targeting/Missile Weapons: Expertise with a thrown weaponand proficiency with missile weapons, such as the sling, sling-shot, bolas,boomerangs, throwing sticks, throwing axes (small), throwingknives, shurikens, javelin, and spear (the use of the bow is a separateskill; see archery). Bonuses when thrown or slung: +1 to strike at levels1, 3, 5, 7, 10, and 13. Characters who select both W.P. targeting andW.P. bow, or W.P. crossbow (See W.P. Archery), or W.P. spear get theusual bonuses for that W.P., plus a bonus (from W.P. targeting) of +1 tostrike at levels 2, 5, and 10. Rate of Fire: Equal to the character's normalnumber of hand to hand combat attacks. Note: The character losesall bonuses and rate of fire is half when riding on horseback or in amoving vehicle.
    Typical Effective Range & Damage per Projectile WeaponType:
    • Blow-gun: 30 ft (.19 m) 1D4 damage
    • Boomerangs: 60 ft (18 m) 1D6 damage
    • Bow, Short: 340 ft (104 m) 1D6 damage
    • Bow, Long: 640 ft (195 m) 2D6 damage
    • Cross Bow, Small (pistol size): 120 ft (36.5 m) 1D6 damage
    • Cross Bow, Light (rifle size): 340 ft (104 m) 2D4 damage
    • Cross Bow, Large (rifle size): 600 ft (182 m) 2D6 damage
    • Dart: 30 ft (. 19 m) One point of damage.
    • Javelin: 300 ft (9.41 m) normal javelin damage +1D4
    • Throwing Sticks and Knives: 40 ft (12.2 m) 1D6 damage
    • Throwing Irons and Axes: 40 ft (12.2 m) 2D4 damage
    • Spear: 100 ft (30.5 m) normal spear damage +1D6
    • Sling or Slingshot: 80 ft (2.44 m) 1D6 damage
    Note: Swords, large axes, (non-throwing) knives, hammers, clubs,maces, pole-arms and most other hand-held weapons are NOT designedto be thrown. Consequently, the average throwing range is a mere 20feet (6.1 m) and the character is -1 to strike. An attacker can try tothrow such weapons farther, but is -3 to strike for every additional 1-10feet (3m) beyond 20 (6.1m).
    Spears, javelins, slings, throwing knives/sticks/axes, and bows, canbe thrown or fired by anybody without penalty at the typical effectiverange listed above.
    The "Typical" effective range applies to most characters unlessstated otherwise in the description of the Occupational CharacterClasses (O.C.C.s). Greater range and proficiency for an O.C.C. orR.C.C. is typically the result of special training or natural ability.The average giant weapon does one additional die of damage plusP.S. bonus, and range is increased by 20%.
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    Unarmed:Training with attacking without any types of weapon save the hands and feet. Bonuses: +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to parry at levels 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12.
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    Whip: Skill at "whipping" or snapping with long, flexible,light weapons, typically made of leather or reeds. Bonuses: +1 to strikeor entangle at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. +1 to damage (special) at levels2, 4, 8, and 12. This weapon cannot be used to parry!

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    Animal Cries: A familiarity with animal calls and cries provides the character the ability to generate and mimic such sounds himself. The first percentage is the ability to recognize the cry the second the ability to reproduce it. (+10% to Hunting)
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Animal Husbandry: This area of study provides the character witha knowledge of the care, feeding, breeding, reproduction, treatment andbehavior of domestic animals. This includes cattle, sheep, goats, horses,ducks, chickens, and similar creatures (see horsemanship for breedinghorses). The percentile number indicates the degree of knowledge andskill one has about animals and their care. Reduce the skill ability byhalf when caring for captive or injured wild animals.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Astronomy/Navigation: The ability to navigate, from the study of the stars and other celestial bodies, their movements, positions, cycles, alignments, and interrelations, with the earth and each other (including magical worlds, the ebb and flow of mystic energy along ley lines.) Training includes reading maps and following landmarks, and the use of navigational equipment. Includes land, water and air (where appropriate) navigation, as well as piloting by the stars and instruments alone. This ability is ideal for sailors. A failed roll means the navigator is off course.
    • 2d6 miles when traveling on foot
    • 1d6x10 miles when traveling by animal
    • 2d4x10 when using a boat or flying
    A blown roll also results in an improper direction; roll 1d8 for the true course, starting with North-East as 1 and going clockwise through the major compass points, rerolling a result of the direction that is the one actually desired.Roll the error distance and direction once for every hour that one travels after the failed check. If using a landmark, etc. for navigation, making the next chance at 10% can discover the error. If using direction only as the guide, the roll is at normal level to discover the error. If the roll fails, but is still under the normal skill roll in either case, then the navigator is now following a parallel course (off by the distance in error) to the desired one. A second or later consecutive totally failed roll compounds the original deviation resulting in a new random course roll.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Boat Building: This skill enables the character to build a variety of rafts, small rowboats, large flatbed boats, and canoes. A small raft (two man) can be made within 1d6+1 hours if the lumber or other suitable materials and tools are readily available. A large raft will take about 4d6 hours a canoe 2d6 days, rowboat 4d4 days, large flatbed 1d4x10 days. Time is doubled or tripled if trees must be cut down and wood prepared. Of course, the time can be reduced if several knowledgeable people are working on the construction. A failed skill roll means the boat has leaks. Trying to patch it will require 4d4 hours.[Carpentry]
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Bowyer/Fletcher: The ability to construct or repair bows and arrows from raw materials. Repairing a bow greatly increases the likelihood it will break again, causing injury to the user and possibly those nearby. Every shot with a repaired bow has a 1 in 6 chance of the bow shattering. User takes damage of 1d6+PS bonus (automatically), roll to strike for nearby characters to take 1d6 dam as well from flying bits.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Carpentry: A fundamental knowledge of working with wood. The character knows how to prepare, treat, and preserve wood, recognize quality craftsmanship, can repair damage wood and wood items, and build chests, chairs, tables, cabinets, houses, etc.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Climbing/Scale Walls: Knowledge of the tools and techniques forclimbing up sheer surfaces, be they natural mountains or man-made.Players should roll once for every 20 feet (6.1 m) of a vertical climb. Ifthe roll fails, it means he is losing his grip; however, every "skilled"climber gets a chance to regain his grip, roll again. Two consecutivefailed rolls means the character falls
    Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.
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    Dowsing: This is the ability to locate fresh water whether it be witha divining rod or by more scientific and logical means. For some (likedruids), it is a mystical ability, while for others (like rangers), it is donethrough deductive analysis and knowledge of nature. The percentagenumber indicates the success ratio of locating fresh water. A person canroll once every melee to sense water, but must roll two consecutive successfulrolls to locate the water.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Falconry: The art of training and handling falcons, and other birdsof prey. The use of these animals is much more limited than many fantasygamers would believe. Falcons were used specifically for the entertainmentof the rich and hunting game fowl. A standard hunt wouldentail a game bird, such as a quail, pheasant, duck, etc., being flushedout into the air by dogs, and the falcon released to strike it down.Players take note! For game purposes, let us presume that theseavian predators can be trained to pursue and attack any, visible, flyingfoe or target, strike down other birds, and return it to its master. Let usfurther suppose that they can be trained to strike at any "moving" targetthat they are directed at. This means a falcon could be sent to fly in theface of an opponent and slash at him with its claws for up to two attacksper melee round before returning to its master or flying into the sky.These trained birds respond to hand signals and whistles. They aretrained to strike and return, little more. Under no circumstance can thesebirds fly alongside its master or follow even simple instructions thisis a dumb bird, not a dog with wings.Note: Falcons or any uncaged bird cannot be taken into undergrounddwellings or inside buildings without panicking. This is one reasonthey are always blinded with a leather hood. Another reason is thatthey instinctively attack any small, moving prey and are easily startled.Furthermore, it is impossible to engage in combat with a falcon onone's wrist or shoulder without injuring the falcon or oneself.Trainers must roll two out of three successful rolls to succceed intraining their bird. Failure means that the animal cannot be broken ofbad habits and training is a general failure.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Fashion Tools/Weapons: Useful tools and weapons can be constructed from readily available material. These crude items are usually made from wood, stone, vines and bones, and include making a simple wood and/or stone hammer, club, and shovel, pick, fishing hook, bone needle, wooden stake, torch, rope, string, fishing line, simple flute, blow gun, staff, wooden spear, bola, throwing stick, arrow, short bow, stone knife, spear and axe head made from chipped stone. The ability to fashion tools is a source of pride for jungle tribesman and wilderness folk. An unsuccessful roll results in a product that is completely useless, try again. It generally takes about 1d4 hours to make a small simple item and 2d4+1 to make a larger, more elaborate item like a stone axe, spear with a stone head, short bow, etc.
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Food Preservation: Knowledge in the preparation of foods for storage and later consumption. Includes canning fresh fruit and vegetables, making jams and honey, drying fruit, vegetables and herbs, drying meat and fish, plus various smoking, salting and pickling methods.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Fresh Water Fishing: The fundamental methods and enjoyment of fresh water fishing. Areas of knowledge include the use of lures, baits, poles, hooks, and lines, as well as the cleaning and preparation of fish for eating. Also includes a basic knowledge of freshwater fish, turtles and amphibians, their habits and taste. Roll once every 20 minutes to see if a fish is successfully captured. A failed roll means it slips off the hook and escapes or it is much too small to clean and eat.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Hunting: The skill of killing and preparing an animal for food. Adds the following bonuses to the appropriate skills: +2% prowl, +5 tracking, +5 skin/prepare animal hides, +5 wilderness survival, and +5 to cook the catch only.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Identify Plants/Fruits: Training in the recognition of the many different types of plants and vegetation and where they grow. The emphasis is placed on edible, herbal and poisonous plants.
    Base Skill: 30+5% per level of experience.
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    Identify Sea Life: Characters with this skill can identify all different kinds of fish, squid, octopus, shellfish, turtles, sea mammals (whales, dolphins, seals) and sea monsters, as well as seaweed, sponges and even swarms of tiny life forms (such as krill, the food source for many whales,) and the different one-celled organisms that give off a visible glow at night. Even more importantly, the character can recognize habitats, or water and weather conditions, that signal the presence of certain kinds of sea life. For example, the character can attempt to determine what kind of fish are feeding below the ship, or what giant schools are traveling nearby, based on the appearance of certain predators such as knowing where to find tuna when certain dolphins are sighted. Includes a knowledge of which sea life is edible, useful as healing herbs, or poisonous. Another important bit of knowledge is being able to identify which barnacles, shipworms and mollusks (which live on the hull under the waterline) are harmless, and which are immediately threatening.(+5% to Deep Sea Fishing)
    Base Skill: 25+5% per level of experience.
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    Land Navigation: This skill enables the person to stay on course while traveling over land by means of observation. It includes mentally marking/recognizing geographic landmarks, estimating distance and movement, recognizing sounds, night travel, and other navigational tricks. The player should roll once for approximately every three miles traveled. A failed roll means the character is drifting off course; 2d10x100 yards/meters. Consecutive failed rolls means the individual does not realize that he s off course and continues in the wrong direction. Note: A group of average men can cover about five miles an hour at a brisk, but relaxed, pace through grassland, along dirt roads or pavement. Travel through dense forest or jungle at a cautious pace, with eyes open for danger, is about one mile an hour. Heavy rain or snow, fog, swamps, etc., will also reduce speed.
    Base Skill: 60+5% per level of experience.
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    Leather Working: The character is skilled at tanning and preserving animal hides. Usually this skill is combined with tailor to enable the character to make leather goods such as clothing, capes, bags, boots, saddles, saddle bags, tack and harness for horses and even leather armour. If this is done the character can fully repair, and make modifications to leather armour. May be taken twice to denote professional quality. Bonuses: +5% for Sew/Tailor and Skin/Prepare Animal Hides.
    Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.
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    Lore: Fauna: Knowledge of various species of animals native to the various regions of the world. This skill gives knowledge of the animals general behaviour and habitat.
    Base Skill: 20+5% per level of experience.
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    Repelling: Ths is a specialized, rope climbing skill used in scaling walls,towers, and cliff facings. For game purposes, rappelling will include ascendingand descending climbs.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Skin/Prepare Animal Hides: Training in the methods andtechniques of skinning, tanning, stretching, and preserving animal hidesas fur or leather. Adds a +5% bonus to the sewing skill.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.
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    Spelunking: The art and practice of exploring caves. Unskilled characters wandering about in a large series of natural caverns have about the same chance of survival as unskilled climbers attempting to scale a major mountain without guidance.
    Base Skill: 55+5% per level of experience.
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    Tracking: Visual tracking is the identification of tracks, and following the path of men or animals by the signs they leave on the ground and vegetation. Tracking is a precise art, requiring much practice. The skill includes the evaluation of tracks, indicating whether the person being tracked is loaded down with equipment, running, moving slowly (by measuring the space between steps), and so on. By this means, the tracker can estimate the person's rate of movement, apparent direction, the number of persons in the party, and whether the person knows he is being followed. Other methods of tracking require recognizing other telltale signs, such as blood and other stains, broken and displaced vegetation, overturned rocks, waste, litter (such as bits of clothing, empty bottles, butts or ash from cigars or pipes, food scraps and bones, wrappers, soiled bandages and signs of a campfire), and even odors carried by the wind. Likewise, the tracks of riding animals and wagons can reveal much, such as the size and type of the animal or wagon, the weight of its load, speed, direction, etc. Counter-Tracking techniques are also known, such as covering one's trail, misdirection, parallel trails, avoiding obvious pitfalls like littering and so on. A failed roll means that the signs are inconclusive, vague or misleading. Additional signs must be found to verify or clarify (roll again). Three consecutive failed rolls means the tracker has completely lost the trail. Roll once every 40 yards/meters when following a trail, unless it is very obvious (like a caravan of wagons, or company of soldiers/120+ troops). Characters attempting to follow a skilled tracker who is deliberately trying to conceal his trail suffer a penalty of -25% to stay on him. However, the character engaged in counter-tracking techniques travels at slow speeds, about half that of a casual rate of speed (or 1/4 his maximum speed).
    Base Skill: 35+5% for both the tracking and counter-tracking abilities.
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    Trap Animals: This skill enables the character totrap animals by using, setting, and disarming snares, clamp traps(like the iron bear trap), pits, nets and similar traps. Disarming any trapsmeant for use against humans is done at half the character's normal skillability.
    Base Skill: 50+5% per level of experience.
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    Wilderness Survival: Techniques for getting water, food, shelter, and help when stranded in wilderness regions: forests, deserts, mountains, etc. Characters without this skill will not be able to stay healthy for more than a few days in the wilderness after their supplies run out. Note: this skill must be taken seperately for each terrain type.
    Base Skill: 40+5% per level of experience.

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