Vell Kanoste Quarth a vell Mor`Kellos

The Knight Order of the Black Rose

The Council of the Knights of Mor`kellos
The Sub-Order of the Rose
The Sub-Order of the Thorn
The Sub-Order of the Dragon

Listen and learn from those that have gone before.
Only by their wisdom will you find the way.

A Knight of the Order is sworn to valour, both in intent and deed

He avenges the wrong
He defends the weak and innocent
He fights with honour
He never abandons a friend ally, or noble cause.

A Knight of the Order's heart knows only virtue and honour

He always keeps his word of honour
He always maintains his principles
He never betrays a confidence or comrade
He avoids deception
He respects lifeHis blade defends the helpless
His might upholds the weak
His words speak only truth
His wrath undoes the wicked
He lives his life so that it is worthy of respect and honour

A Knight of the Order is sworn to fair play

He will never attack an unarmed foe
He will never charge an unhorsed opponent
He will never attack from behind
He will avoid cheating
He will avoid torture

A Knight of the Order is sworn to nobility

He exhibits self discipline
He shows respect to authority
He obeys the law
He administers justice
He administers mercy
He protects the innocent
He respects women

A Knight of the Order is sworn to courtesy

He exhibits manners
He is polite and attentive
He is respectful of host, authority and women

A Knight of the Order is sworn to loyalty to his gods, sovereign, country, and the codes of chivalry.

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