The Elven Kingdom of Arethane and it's constituant Principalities and Duchies.

Nestled amidst the expanse of the ocean, the island kingdom of Arethane is a realm of serene beauty and magical tranquility. Comprising several islands that collectively form its Ten Duchies and Six Principalities, Arethane is located east of the Laridian Continental mainland and consists of mostly forests of Mallorn Trees, as well as Oak, Birch, Willow, Maple and Pine. Here, the elves have woven their civilization into the very fabric of nature.

    Climate and Landscape: The weather in Arethane dances in harmony with the magic that courses through its lands. The summer days are a symphony of warmth, with temperatures gracefully lingering in the mid-70s to low 80s. Spring and fall follow suit with gentle breezes and temperatures in the mid-60s to low 70s. Winter, a serene counterpart to the harshness found elsewhere, seldom dips below the mid-30s. Precipitation takes the form of soft, cleansing rains, gracing the islands in the early evening or just before dawn. Snow, a rare visitor, and severe storms are anomalies unknown to these enchanted lands.

    Kingdom Heraldry

    Population and Harmony:
    The islands are not just a geographical entity but a testament to the harmonious coexistence of diverse races, forging a society where unity and peace prevail. The population, a tapestry woven with threads of various races, contributes to the rich cultural fabric that defines the kingdom.

      • Ruler: Valishar Rhysanus Ariquis with the Assistance of his Royal Council
      • Capital: Teradryn
      • Settlements: Rhyanne, Kos
      • Population: *200,656,422
        1. High Elves: 10% (20,065,642)
        2. Grey Elves: 15% (30,098,463)
        3. Wood Elves: 9% (18,059,078)
        4. Aquatic Elves: 10% (20,065,642)
        5. Gold Elves: 10% (20,065,642)
        6. Moon Elves: 20% (40,131,284)
        7. Shadow Elves: 4% (8,026,257)
        8. Snow Elves: 5% (10,032,821)
        9. Desert Elves: 5% (10,032,821)
        10. Avariel/Winged Elves: 4% (8,026,257)
        11. Drow: 5% (10,032,821)
        12. Other: 3% (6,019,693
        13. The other Races represent a mosaic of races from various corners of the world. Humans, Dwarves, Halflings, Half Elves and other races have found a welcoming home within the isles, contributing to the kingdom's diversity. This melting pot of cultures results in a vibrant exchange of traditions, culinary delights, and artistic expressions.
        *Note: The population figure mentioned excludes the Fae. The Fae creatures of Arethane are too numerous to be accurately counted so is not precicely known. It is estimated to be at the least,3 to 5 times that of the Elven population, and consists of fae and magical creatures of all types. These mystical beings, with their whimsical nature and inherent connection to nature's magic, bring an extra layer of enchantment to Arethane. Fae communities are often nestled in the heart of magical glades, adding to the kingdom's natural wonders.
      • Population Density: 18.43 people per square mile
      • Area: 10,887,489 square miles
      • Military Might: In the serene embrace of Arethane's enchanted isles, the commitment to peace is safeguarded by a formidable military force known for its precision, magical prowess, and unwavering dedication. The military might of Arethane is a harmonious blend of traditional forces, naval prowess, and specialized units, all underpinned by a robust reserve system.
        • Standing Forces: The heart of Arethane's defense lies in its standing forces, a disciplined and well-trained contingent comprising the Guard, Army, Navy, and Special Forces. Each branch is meticulously crafted to meet the unique challenges posed by the kingdom's diverse landscapes, from the verdant forests to the vast seas. The standing military consists of approximately 250,000 well-trained and equipped soldiers. They are organized into various units, including:
          • Guard: The guardians of Arethane, the Guard, are stationed within the capital and crucial strategic locations across the isles. Clad in enchanted armor and armed with weapons forged in the kingdom's renowned forges, the Guard is not only a symbol of security but a formidable deterrent against any who would threaten the kingdom.
          • Army: The elven army of Arethane is a mobile and adaptable force, proficient in both conventional and magical warfare. Trained in the arts of archery, swordsmanship, and coordinated spellcasting, the army stands ready to defend the kingdom's borders and venture into the heart of any threat.
            • Infantry
            • Cavalry
            • Knights
            • Paladins
          • Special Forces: The Special Forces of Arethane are an elite cadre, trained in stealth, magical reconnaissance, and unconventional warfare. Whether infiltrating enemy lines or neutralizing magical threats, these units operate with precision and secrecy, serving as the kingdom's unseen protectors.
            • Specialized Units (Pegasus Cavalry, Unicorn Cavalry, Gryphon Cavalry, Eagle Riders)
            • Dragon Riders
            • Magical Forces (War Mages, Elementalists)
            • Clergy
          • Navy: Arethane's naval forces are a graceful fleet of enchanted ships, expertly crafted for both war and exploration. Equipped with magical enhancements to navigate treacherous waters and withstand magical assaults, the navy ensures the security of the kingdom's coastal territories and maintains a presence on the high seas.The standing navy comprises 50,000 skilled sailors and marines. It includes a fleet of 100 warships, equipped for naval warfare.
          • Reserve: A testament to Arethane's unwavering commitment to security is its sizable reserve military force. Comprising an additional 1.6 million individuals, the reserve is a well-trained and ready-to-mobilize contingent that can swiftly reinforce the standing forces in times of need. The reserve navy includes an additional 200 warships and the necessary personnel to operate them.
          • The military might of Arethane is not only a deterrent against aggression but a testament to the kingdom's commitment to maintaining a secure and tranquil environment. In this realm, the guardians stand ready, their watchful eyes ensuring that the magic and harmony of Arethane endure through the ages and that the actions that lead up to the Retreat will never happen again.
        • Languages: Elven, Common, Fae, Dragon
        • Religion: The Seldarine, Dragonright, Thoth
        • Exports, Industry and Resources: Arethane provides a rich tapestry of prosperity meticulously woven through an array of diverse industries and resources, marking the kingdom as a distinguished force in the world of trade. Besides the typical trade of Jewellery, Exotic and Magical Items, Wool, Weapons and Armour, Arethane stands as a testament to the convergence of nature's abundance and elven artistry, offering a variety of unique and sought-after commodities:
          • Arethane has earned its reputation as a paragon of masterful craftsmanship, particularly in the realm of weapons and equipment. Mallorn Trees, revered in elven culture, provide the raw material for bows meticulously carved by elven bowyers. Blades, forged with precision and imbued with enchantments, transcend the mundane to become artifacts coveted across realms. Passed down through generations, the crafting techniques bear the signature touch of elven magic, creating weapons that are not only instruments of war but also expressions of artistic brilliance.
          • Arethane is a sanctuary for a menagerie of mystical creatures, some of which contribute to the kingdom's vibrant trade in exotic fauna. While Equs, with their blend of mammalian and reptilian attributes, take center stage, they share the spotlight with other extraordinary beings, turning Arethane into a haven for those seeking unique and magical companions.
            • Equs: Standing out as the epitome of elegance and intelligence, Equs are a fascinating species bred and exported from Arethane. Their sleek builds, scaly hides, and an uncanny ability to comprehend languages elevate them beyond mere beasts, making them sought-after companions and mounts. The Equs come in various species, each with its own unique qualities adding to the diversity of Arethane's exotic trade:
              • Greymanes: The most common among Equs, Greymanes are known for their sturdy builds and surprising strength. With a dusty-grey hide and mane, they may lack the luster of their counterparts, but their resilience and reliability make them favored mounts for long-distance travel.
              • Silvermanes: Revered for their swiftness, Silvermanes are built for speed, making them the fastest among Equs. Their silvery hides and manes add a touch of elegance, though their endurance might be slightly lacking. However, the breathtaking speed makes them prized companions, even if some hunt them for their unique qualities.
              • Snowmanes: Adapted to endure frigid climates, Snowmanes are white in coloration and possess superior endurance. While not as swift as Silvermanes, their sure-footedness on ice and snow makes them invaluable in treacherous terrains.
              • Darkmanes: The least common of all Equs, Darkmanes are surly and aggressive beings with coal-black manes and hides. Known for their sharp hooves and fangs, they are often used as warsteeds, particularly by High Orcs. Darkmanes bring an element of ferocity to the Equs species.
              • Bloodmane: Similar to Silvermanes but larger and extremely hardy, Bloodmanes are often favored as warsteeds for their resilience in battle.
            • Cooshee: Also known as the "elven hound," the Cooshee is a large, silver-furred creature resembling a cross between a wolf and a large Husky. With exceptional powers of detection and telepathic communication, Cooshees are often sought after by elves as guards, companions, and familiars. Their presence adds an element of protection and mystical connection to Arethane's exotic offerings.
            • Owl Bear: A monstrous fusion of a giant owl and a bear, the Owl Bear's reputation for ferocity and aggression makes it one of the most feared predators in the wild. As a symbol of untamed strength, the Owl Bear becomes a unique addition to Arethane's animal trade, captivating those seeking creatures with an aura of primal power. The convergence of these mystical beings creates a captivating ensemble of animals that not only enriches Arethane's trade but also serves as a testament to the kingdom's harmonious relationship with the magical creatures inhabiting its enchanted isles.
          • Magical Alloys: The forges of Arethane resonate with the harmonious symphony of metals being shaped into magical alloys. These alloys, blending conventional metals with rare magical components, result in armaments of extraordinary quality. Swords that shimmer with an ethereal glow and armor that weaves protective spells into its very fabric are the hallmarks of Arethane's metallurgical prowess.
          • Exquisite Textiles: The lush forests provide a plethora of resources for textile production. Wool, Spidersilk, and fibers from rare plants create textiles that are not just garments but conduits for magical energies. Elven garments are renowned for their elegance and enchanting properties, adding a touch of mystique to the wearers.
          • Arethane over many centuries, has birthed a thriving shipbuilding industry. Elven ships, gracefully sailing through the waters, are crafted with a fusion of magical and maritime expertise. These vessels not only traverse the seas with unparalleled grace but are often enchanted for protection against storms and sea creatures. THose lucky enough to be graced with an Elven ship can testify that no ship of any other race can match the craftsmanship and overall performance and functionality of an elven vessel. It should be noted that the Elves never trade or sell Military vessels.
          • The enchanted climate and fertile lands od Arethae contribute to the cultivation of exquisite grapes and other magical ingredients, fostering a flourishing winemaking industry. Arethane's wines and spirits are not only enjoyed for their taste but are often infused with magical essences, creating libations that are as much a delight to the senses as they are to the spirit.
          • At the heart of Arethane's intellectual prosperity stands Teradryn's University. This venerable institution is a nexus of magical education, research, and discovery. Arcane scholars, wizards, and enchanters converge within its hallowed halls to unravel the mysteries of magic and push the boundaries of elven knowledge. The university is not only a beacon of learning but a wellspring of magical talent that fuels Arethane's advancements.

          The intertwining of thevarious industries of Arethane creates a symbiotic relationship, where the prosperity of one sector enhances the capabilities of others. Enchanted textiles find their way into the crafting of magical armaments, and magical alloys contribute to the construction of ships with enhanced resilience. The magic imbued in every facet of Arethane's industries enhances both functionality and aesthetics. Industries are not merely economic pursuits; they are expressions of elven artistry and the harmonious marriage of nature and magic and as the elven isles continue to flourish, so too will the magical echoes of their industrious endeavors reverberate throughout the world.

        • Imports: None officially, but the Elves of Arethane, like any other civilization, will often engage in trade and import goods from other races to meet various needs or desires.:
          1. Metals and Minerals: Elves may import metals and minerals that are not readily available in their own territories. This could include rare metals for crafting magical items or materials for architectural purposes.
          2. Exotic Woods: Despite their affinity for forests, elves might import rare or exotic types of wood that are not found in their own lands. These special woods could be used for crafting unique items or building structures with magical properties.
          3. Gemstones: Elves may import precious gemstones for both practical and ornamental purposes. These gems could be used in jewelry, magical artifacts, or as components in their mystical practices.
          4. Spices and Herbs: Elves might trade for exotic spices and herbs to enhance their cuisine or for their medicinal properties. This could be especially true if certain plants are unique to other regions.
          5. Magical Artifacts: If other races possess unique magical artifacts or technologies, elves might import these items to study or integrate them into their own society.
          6. Fine Crafts and Artwork: Elves, known for their craftsmanship and artistic skills, may appreciate the fine crafts and artwork of other races. This could include sculptures, paintings, or other cultural artifacts.
          7. Books and Knowledge: Elves, being a wise and scholarly race, might import books, scrolls, and other forms of knowledge from other civilizations to expand their understanding of various subjects.
          8. Specialized Equipment: If other races have developed specialized tools or equipment that align with elven needs, they might import these items for practical purposes.
          9. Textiles and Clothing: Elves might trade for unique textiles and clothing styles that differ from their own traditional garments.
          10. Rare Animals or Plants: Elves may be interested in importing rare magical creatures or plants for both aesthetic and magical purposes, such as in their gardens or for use in rituals.
          There is heavy trade between all the duchies and principalities of Arethane as well as it's remaining settlements.

      Capital: Teradryn - Jewel of the Isles: Teradryn, the Capital city, is a testament to the harmonious fusion of Elven elegance and the robust stonecraft of the Dwarves. This extraordinary collaboration between two distinct cultures has given rise to a living masterpiece that defies traditional boundaries, embodying the best of both worlds.
      • The architecture gracefully intertwines the airy elegance of Elven spires with the sturdy, stone-carved structures that hallmark Dwarven craftsmanship. The cityscape narrates a tale of symbiosis, where the unique strengths of both races weave together to create a harmonious whole. Reflecting the diversity of its inhabitants, Teradryn's craftsmanship is unparalleled. Elven artisans weave intricate magical enchantments into every detail, while blacksmiths meticulously contribute to the stone-carved buildings. Weapons, armor, and magical artifacts showcase a synthesis of styles, resulting in creations that are not just functional but also aesthetically unmatched. The landscape itself is a canvas painted with the hues of Elven greenery and stone. Towering Mallorn Trees coexist alongside sturdy stone towers. The city's planners have skillfully integrated these elements, creating a landscape that is both enchanting and resilient, a testament to the unity forged by its inhabitants.
      • Coinage: Although there are many different types of coins and currencies in the world, all prices and treasures in the palladium rules are given in standard coinage. Your GM may have specific names for different coins and may have different rates of exchange, but this is material particular to his campaign. He will tell you if there are differences from the coins listed here. The standard rate of exchange for each coin is given in the following table:

        Standard Exchange Rates
        Coinage Base: Silver
        Exchange Rates
        Back / Front
        Copper Piece (CP)
        Copper Sheild
        Tin Piece (TP)
        Tin Dagger
        Brass Piece (BP)
        Brass Cup
        Bronze Piece (BZP)
        Bronze Unicorn
        Steel Piece (STP)
        Steel Sword
        Silver Piece (SP)
        Gold Piece (GP)
        Platinum Piece (PP)
        Mithral Piece (GP)

        The basic coins are the copper piece (CP) and the silver piece (SP). These form the backbone of the monetary system and are the coins most frequently found in the hands of the common folk.

        However, remember that not all wealth is measured by coins. Wealth can take many forms--land, livestock, the right to collect taxes or customs, and jewelry are all measures of wealth. Coins have no guaranteed value. A gold piece can buy a lot in a small village but won't go very far in a large city. This makes other forms of wealth, land for instance, all the more valuable. Indeed, many a piece of jewelry is actually a way of carrying one's wealth. Silver armbands can be traded for goods; a golden brooch can buy a cow, etc. In your adventures, wealth and riches may take many different forms.
        Government: Semi-Ecclesiocratic Monarchy: In the radiant heart of Arethane, the governance structure unfolds as a unique tapestry, weaving together the threads of both the secular and the divine into a seamless blend that shapes the destiny of the elven kingdom. This distinctive system, known as the semi-ecclesiocratic monarchy, is a testament to the elves' profound connection with both the material and the mystical. At the core of this governance model is the acknowledgement and integration of divine authority. The Pantheon of the Seldarine, revered by the elves, plays a pivotal role in shaping the rules, laws, and decisions that govern the enchanting isles. The divine gaze of these gods guides the monarch and the ruling class, ensuring that their decrees align with the fundamental principles of elven society. The Valishar serves as the earthly bridge to the divine realms. Endowed with both elven wisdom and a connection to the divine, the Valishar's decisions are considered not just as royal decrees but as manifestations of divine will. The monarch's reign is seen as a sacred duty, a responsibility to maintain the balance between the ethereal and the material. The ecclesiocratic aspect involves the active participation of the clergy in the governing processes. Clerics, priests, and scholars of the Seldarine are consulted on matters of state, morality, and divine significance. Temples and sacred sites are integral to the governance centers, with the divine energies infusing these spaces becoming conduits for inspiration and guidance.

        Legal System and Morality: Laws and moral codes are intricately tied to the teachings of the Seldarine. Legal decisions often have a spiritual dimension, and divine principles are incorporated into the legal system to ensure justice is aligned with the divine order. The harmony between the secular laws and the divine teachings fosters a society where the moral compass is finely attuned. Ceremonies and rituals play a significant role in the governance rituals. Coronations, treaties, and significant decisions are often sanctified through elaborate ceremonies conducted by the clergy. The blending of earthly pomp with divine reverence elevates these events, reinforcing the interconnectedness of the mortal realm and the divine realms. The Valishar is surrounded by a council of both mortal advisors and divine oracles. The oracles, often blessed with visions from the Seldarine, offer insights that guide strategic decisions. This amalgamation of mortal wisdom and divine foresight enhances the kingdom's ability to navigate challenges with both pragmatism and spiritual insight. The populace, deeply reverent towards the divine, views the monarch as not only a political leader but a spiritual figurehead. The monarch's deeds are scrutinized not just for their political acumen but for their alignment with the divine principles that underpin elven existence. The semi-ecclesiocratic monarchy in Arethane stands as a testament to the elves' commitment to balance and harmony, where the secular and divine realms coalesce to guide the kingdom on its journey through the ages. In the dance of governance, the elves gracefully tread the path where the material and the magical intertwine, ensuring that the enchantment of Arethane persists through generations.

      Allies and Adversaries: Arethane maintains a posture of peace with most neighbors, seeking alliances with the mainland kingdoms. The Kingdom of Rhyanne stands as a steadfast ally, while the Kingdom of Harak is marked as a potential adversary.
      Gods and Faiths: The intricate divine tapestry of Arethane is crafted from the interwoven threads of the esteemed Pantheon of the Seldarine, the venerable Church of Dragonwright, and the enlightened Church of Thoth. The benevolent gaze of these deities serves as a guiding light, steering the elves on their path of harmonious coexistence and ensuring the perpetuation of Arethane's enchantment through the eons, while simultaneously overseeing its perpetual expansion.

      In a mysterious and celestial phenomenon, numerous elven realms from disparate worlds have found themselves inexplicably transported across the vastness of space and the currents of time. These ethereal lands, diverse in their origins and histories, have been seamlessly merged into the cohesive collective of islands that constitutes Arethane. The reasons behind this divine orchestration remain shrouded in the mystical veil, known only to the gods who have woven the destinies of these elven domains into the fabric of the extraordinary realm. As the celestial threads intertwine, the elves of Arethane embark on a journey shaped by the divine, embracing the enigmatic confluence of worlds and weaving a unique narrative within the expansive tapestry of their shared existence.

View entire map here.

Duchies and Principalities

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