The Houses and Clans of Arethane

Noble Rank Standing

Houses and clans marked with + are of the Low Nobility.
Houses and clans marked with ++ are of the Middle Nobility.
Houses and clans marked with +++ are of the High Nobility.
Houses and clans marked with * are of the Lesser Royalty.
Houses and clans marked with ** are of the High Royalty.
+Mayor: Saaden
++Viscount: Si`Kath
+++Count: Kath
* Principality Prince or Ruler: Coronal
**King: Valishar
+Potector: Alimar
++Viscountess: Si`Katha
+++Countess: Katha
* Duke: Kiran
**Queen: Valishara
+Knight: Kanoste
++Lord: Alor
+++Baron: Ekar
* Duchess: Kirana
**Prince: Shorntane
+Knight Captain: Ti`Kanoste
++Lady: Alora
+++Baroness: Ekara
**Princess: Sharna
+Knight-Ranger: Daquin
++High Protector: Te`Alimar
+++Primate: Lyn`Estair
**Arch Duke: Lyn`Kiran
+Knight-Ranger Captain: Ti`Daquin
++Grand Knight: Te`Kanoste
+++Royal Council Member
**Arch Duchess: Lyn`Kirana
+Mage-Knight: Armathor
++Grand Knight: Te`Kanoste
+Mage-Knight Captain: Ti`Armathor
++Grand Knight-Ranger: Te`Daquin
+High Priest: Te`Estia
++Grand Mage-Knight: Te`Armathor
+High Priestess: Te`Estiana
++Paladin: Adrashtai

Grey/High/Moon/Desert/Gold/Shadow Elven Houses:
Wood/Snow/Aquatic/Avariel/Desert Elven Clans:
Surface Drow