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The best there is... The best there was... And the best there ever will be
~~~~~~~The end has drawn near~~~~~~~

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OOC Note:

Read and Find out,You will be surprised

Read and see

Won WCW World Championship,One half wcw tag champs and one half wwf tag champs

Singles: Who knows,Who cares

~I promise this to all the readers of this final rp from me {Anthony}will be a shocker you might not like it but oh well it's time to move on now without further ado bring on the magic!!!~


~{The speculation has been building in the past few days about the wwf/wcw/ecw crumbling. The arena is not in its usual state because no matches are taking place its as if life without vince isn't the same especially the wrestling world.Jr is not as so happy and go lucky and is very upset}~

Jr~Well what can i say i mean when vince handed the fed over to torrie he expected it to go on.Instead,by the looks of it.its's falling and falling hard.I mean there hasn't been a card for god knows how long steve austin quit,who will be next to join the unemployment line maybe that person will be me.The wcw world champ hasn't been heard from since he won the right to become torries tag partner and one half wwf champ.What has the wwf/wcw/ecw come to.

~{Most fans in the arena are still hopeful that this fed will return to normal,but by the looks of it it's hopeless.Then with a gleamer of desire and hope the titantron flickers on to show a distressed bret hart riding in his limo with a cap over his head and the three belts laying on the seat next to him he wakes up and tosses his cap off}~

Bret~Ahhh what a nice nap.You know i've realized something very important in the past few days and that is:The fed has died.Yes it is true.It took me a while to come to this but here it is....I QUIT!!!!!!!!Yes its true i have quit the wwf/wcw/ecw to move on to bigger and better things.Am i better off this way i would like to think so.Torrie this comment is directed towards you and take no offense:When vince gave up hid president rights and handed them over to you he wanted you to continue the era and move on without him but instead what has happen is the fed has demolished no one is showing up fof work anymore including myself.Now you can ask yourself why bret why well thats simple i wasn't booked in a match and haven't been for a while.Hey torrie its hard being a president and i know that so i give you alot of credit for even accepting the position and i hope to see you in the future.Ok now the question that probably remains on peoples mind is what will happen to the titles i have .Well this is the answer today i have alot of things to do so my first stop is the head office of wwf/wcw/ecw i think we should just about be there.

~{The limo screeches to a stop and out steps bret places his sunglasses on and grabs the three belts that he worked so hard for and proceeds to the building entrance and walks in.He then places the sunglasses on his shirt and speaks to the clerk at the desk}~

Bret~Yes i am here to sign my resigning papers i would like to leave the wwf/wcw/ecw where do i go since i have these three belts i would like to relinquish.

Secratery~Ok go down this hall here its the third door on the left.

Bret~Ok thanx.

~{Bret continues down the long hallway and stops at a huge door that states resigning office}~

~{He then swings the door open and walks in a few jobbers are circled around one area .As soon as bret walks in the jobbers gulp in amazment}~

Bret~Does anyone know where i sign myself out of the wwf/wcw/ecw.

~{Jobbers shout all at once where you can't hear anything}~

Bret~Forget it i'll find it myself.

~{Bret walks around the office looking at memorabily from the early days of the wuvf where a young viper won the extreme title he points to that pic and smirks then continues on he discovers another intreging office and walks in sitting in a wide desk is none other than....the co owner of the wwf/wcw/ecw}~

~{Fliping his pen}~

Co owner~I knew you would come sit down so we can get to business.

~{Bret takes a seat with a confused look apon his face}~

Bret~But...but.but how.....

Co owner~Don't worry about that.Ok so you wanna abonded the wwf/wcw/ecw.You wanna leave it out in the cold without champions.You wanna.....

Bret~Hold on right there....

Co owner~No you hold on right there let me finish.I sat good for coming around the fed was headed for disaster anyway.So congradualtions for coming to your senses.

~{Bret scratches his head in total shock wondering why he is saying this}~

Co owner~Well all you have to do is sign this paper.

~{The co owner opens the desk drawer and pulls out a ;long sheet of paper and places it right in front of bret.Then clicks his pen and places it right by bret}~

~{Bret takes a deep breathe and picks up the pen}~

Bret~Well its now or never.

~{Bret signs his name and hands the paper and pen over}~

Co owner~Good choice,real good choice.

~{He says this with a smirk apon his face}~

Co owner~Now one more thing hand over those belts.

~{Bret looks down at the three titles and turns his head and places them on the desk as the co owner takes them then bret stands up}~

~{The co owner extends his hand and bret shakes it as bret is ready to open the door the co owner shouts something}~

Co owner~Hope to see you again maybe sooner than you think.

~{Bret smiles and walks out as the co owner kicks his feet onto the desk and sits back and realxes switches the tv on}~

*Commercial break*

Jr~Well fans its real emmotional for me to see a great go down like this.In my view bret made the right decision.Where will bret be headed next.

~{With fans in a frenzy the titantron flickers on again and shows bret empty hand riding in the company limo heading who knows where}~

Bret~Well next stop on my list is a legends house one all you fans should know.

~{Time flys by and the limo comes to a hault then out steps bret takes a breathe of fresh air and steps up to the proch of a huge mansion and rings the bell}~

~{From inside u can hear a voice yell coming}~

~{Fans in the arena on the edge of there seats awaiting to see who this house belongs to}~

~{The door then swings open and shows a face of a great a face that was the best ever extreme champ this man was none other than Viper}~

Viper~Whats up bret what brings you here.

Bret~I just wanted to say hello to my good friend viper.

Viper~Well don't just stand there come on in.

~{Bret then walks in the house and sits on the couch}~

Viper~Would you like a drink?

Bret~No thanx,i can't stay long i have to go make a final appearance at the arena.

~{Viper looks confused as he grabs a beer from the fridge}~

Viper~What do u mean last?

Bret~O thats right u haven't heard.I am quitting wwf/wcw/ecw.I already handed my three titles over to the co owner.

~{Viper is drinking his beer when he spits it out}~

Viper~Quit but y?

Bret~The fed is going down.There are no more matches vince is gone....

Viper~Are we talking about the same vince here,he quit.

Bret~Yep and then handed it over to....ah....

~{Bret looks hesitant to say this}~

Viper~Spit it out dammitt!

Bret~Ok he handed the fed over to torrie.

~{Viper looks a little depressed}~

Bret~Sorry if i offended u.

Viper~No its ok i have to move on i loved that girl.

Bret~Ok well i have to go to my final destination so i'll talk to u again someday.

Viper~Ok see ya later man!

~{Viper walks bret to the door and bret gets into his limo as viper smiles and shakes his head and the door slams}~

*Commercial Break*

Jr~Well the night ius coming to an end as bret is heading to the arena to address all of these fans.What will he have to say it looks to me as if he said all that needs to be said!

~{The titantron comes on as a limo pulls into the arena the back door opens and out steps bret hart with a sad face on he enters the arena and his theme music starts up in the arena and bret conitunes down the hall as fans start a bret chant he proceeds down the long hallway and walks out in front of the crowd where he is met with a huge ovation he walks down the ramp and circles the ring then sldes in he is respectfully handed a mic and he props the turnbuckle then raises his arms in the air gets down and begins to speak}~

Bret~Well it is great to be here for one final time and be shown respect by each and everyone of you.There isn't much i can say excpet.....

~{Bret lowers his head and tears start to roll down the face of the hitman}~

Bret~With everything i have said there isn't anything to be said except i will leave behind a legacy of the hitman.Thsi hitman has left an impact on this fed and i hope everyone remembers that so i say my fairwell to everyone and wish them the best of luck in there future.Bye,i will always remain to be.....The best there is......The best there was......

And the best there ever will be......

Bret~And most importantly The Excellence of Excution.

~{Bret drops the mic and breaks out in tears as he exits the ring to sound of his music echoing throughout the crowd bret shakes jr's hand and walks up the ramp slapping fans hands he stops at the top turns around and raises his hands as pyros shoot off and purple spot lights zig zag in the crowd,bret then walks in the backstage area passes up his locker room and into the parking lot where the company limo is gone he gets in his bmw backs up out of the parking spot and speeds off but comes to a screeching stop at the gate raises his fist in the air then hits the petal to the metal and is gone in a blink of an eye}~

Jr~You know its really sad to see a legend go out like this,but it was his time to go and he accepted that fact so for me jr i will see you all guys at a later date maybe next time a match will be going on.Bye everyone.

~{Wwf/wcw/ecw music starts up and jr exits the broadcasting postion and walks upt he ramp and into the back,Then they go to a commercial where they show a retro spect of Bret the "Hitman" Hart Entitled, Blood,sweat and tears}~