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Clan News

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Lost Mercenaries



About the Viking Clan


The Viking clan was started in the original Lost Mercenaries (then called "Mercenaries of Astonia" or "v2" as the players coined it) about a year or so before the game went down.  Now that the game is back up (under new management) it has been decided that the clan will follow.

The old Viking clan consisted of many members, that were led by the "Council of Five" (CoF).  Though called the Council of Five, before the game went down there were only 4.  The last member was never instated as the Right-Hand man of the clan.  The old Council of Five consisted of:  Conan (leader), Odinn (warlord), Tharan (Arch-Bishop), and Karranis (Left-Hand of clan).  The Council of Five made decisions on what would happen with the clan, and held clan Live Quests (LQs).  Before we went down, we had planned on voting for 5 members of the "Lesser Council of Five" which would deal more with the clans-members and applications.

That wraps up the past, now onto the future.  The new Viking clan will be under the same leadership, but will include new (and some old) members.  We will plan to get our own clan house, and just help out Aston in anyway possible.

Rules of the Viking clan:

  • Respect all people on Lost Mercenaries; players, staffers, imps and Gods alike.
  • Don't receive any negative tags from the Gods.  If you do receive one then you must petition to the Council of Five telling the reason of getting the tag.  If they deem it appropriate, you may stay in the clan, if not -- you are out.
  • You cannot be in any other clans.  If you are, the Council of Five will decide upon your fate in the clan.
  • Do not steal or harass other players.  Follow every in game rule.  Purples in the clan (Assassins) may be the only ones who loot other players graves (only the ones they kill themselves!).
  • Always be there for fellow clan members.  If they die, and you can help, get their grave!  Remember -- any items you use for good can and will be replaced by your clan mates.  Greenling potions, ice cloaks, and whatever else can be gotten easily.