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Hello, welcome to Harvest Crossing Unlimited (hcu). This is a Harvest Moon and Animal Crossing website, and they are videos games.


+5.15.04+ Sorry it's been so long since the last update! A lot has happened, (one OD, one attempted new layout) and it's made it hard to update here. I deleted my AWL file, so I'll have to start it all over again... Oh well...

+3.21.04+ I got Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life the first day it came out.:) I've put up some the events with Nami, Celia and Muffy. And I got a lot of the pages converted into the new, new layout. XD I'm sorry about the ad at the top, but my computer has a firewall so I can't see it.
(later) I was looking Dusty Moon (another Harvest Moon site) and I found -_- This is getting very stressful. HOW THE HECK CAN YOU AFFORD YOUR OWN DOMAIN NAME!? *sighs heavily* I guess I should start thinking up new names...

+3.19.04+ Do you like the new layout? I sure do. It looks kind of like the Harvest Goddess from FoMT, ja?

+2.19.04+ Uh oh. I was on another Animal Crossing website, checked out the Top Sites thing they are in, clicked on Harvest Moon Net, and found... Can we say odd? I would contact them, but there's not an e-mail on the page. Should I change the site's name? I mean, Animal Moon doesn't sound nearly as good as Harvest Crossing Unlimited. Oh, what to do? I don't know who chose the name first, but my site opened December 21, 2003.




Thanks Tracker Graphics

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Est. December 21, 2003.