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Valkyrie, women Warriors blessed and created by the hands of Odin, the All Father. They serve him in all aspects of life, yet their main role lays within the land of the Dead. For it is their Domain. Unlike most beings, they can be defined both as passionate, and as cold hearted. When one angers a Valkyrie, they will pay a dear price. The Valkyrie, all Women warriors, are the most feared and the most Respected of All Women Warriors.

The Valkryie powers are divided into 3 different Classes. They are Clerical, Necromancy, and Children of the Shadows (CotS). Valkyrie use their powers based upon Total Hit Points (THP). Each class over powers are ranked from level 1 through 9, and each power in each level will cost different amounts of THP. In addition to these, they also use a few monk arts they have learned along the way.

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Weapons and Monk Arts