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Shiraoma Aoki

Hey there, I know that some to whom would be checking out this site have been referred by muah. And I'm sure that those who are checking out this sketch are wondering what it is about. It's simple really.. her name is Shiraoma and is a role-play character of mine on an adult role-play site. She's a high elf, and no she's not usually naked like that. I'll create a sketch of her as to how she usually appears, this is just something that was on my mind at the time. Eventually the sketch will be in color, for now pencil will have to do. I'm still in the process of finishing up the sketch, not fully satisfied with it. Like the boulder she is sitting on... I want to add detail to it.. and I have trouble with hands.. so I erased them, but will keep trying to draw her hands until i get them right. The story of the sketch is more noticable with her hands there. ~laughs~

Here's a brief description of her:

Female high elf


120 pounds

crimson hair

jade green eyes

wears a light blue ankle-length satin dress