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basic rules
the fallen

As you leave behind the village where you had last stayed,you remember the warnings of the people. " Never go to the place where the mists roil ceaselessly",were the last words spoken to you by a dirty,bedraggled old man. Wondering what they ment by their words,you wander aimlessly until you come to a dock,surrounded by roiling mists. As you stare into the mists,trying to see what lies beyond,a shadowy figure steps out onto the dock and beckon to you. Deciding that the villagers are superstious fools you follow the shrouded figure to it's boat at the end of the dock. Then you remember another thing that the old man had said to you..."If you do go to the docks where the mists never leave....DO NOT pay the creature that poles the boat to your destination...DO NOT pay him until you reach the place you wish to be. Shrugging it off you pay the creature the gold it wants for taking you on it's boat. The mists close in and you soon loose sight of the land itself. Turning to look at the hooded creature,you hear moans and shreiks from the mists surrounding you. You ask the creature where he is taking you and he turns and reveals his face which is nothing but a grinning skull beneath the hood of his black,tattered robe. He points and shows you a land that is filled with destruction and death,then points to another place in the middle of this odd land. You see a castle within the destruction of this place and wonder about it. The figure begine to laugh at you and says in it's deep gravelly voice...."You have paid the price and now you belong to the UnHoly Legion.." As you begin to scream in terror the figure stops it's boat at the bank and throws you out onto the ground. "Go to the castle....before other ...less hospitable things come for you" As the figure pushes it's boat away you realize...there is no hope...and you are now in hell....