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The Ultimate HM RPG Site



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The Ultimate HM RPG News Ticker...    (August 11th - August 17th)                                          Next Event - Star Viewing Festival (August 14th)                                          7-Day Forecast - Sunday/Clear...Monday/Clear...Tuesday/Snow Storms...Wednesday/Snowy...Thursday/Clear...Friday/Clear...Saturday/Clear                                          Want your ad here? You can put anything you want here (ad for your store, a happy birthday, a "hello", etc.) for just 300g a week.

Some Changes
[Kai - Sunday, August 11th, 2002 9:13 pm CST]
The ticker was updated for this week. I've put the last two months' updates in a new page called the Archives. Check it out by clicking here. There are two new games; one player Tic-Tac-Toe and two player Tic-Tac-Toe. I also finally updated the Weather and Calendar for August (Winter). The Idiot Test is getting revamped and will be up pretty soon. You'll be able to take it in the Game Corner. You can now put anything you want (no profanity and stuff like that though) in the ticker for just 300g a week. Some ideas are an ad for your store, say happy birthday to someone, or just say a simple "hello" to everyone. Check out the Chat forum at the RPG to signup. I haven't decided if I'll allow links to other sites. I'll let you know what I decide.

Pages Added and Dropped
[Kai - Thursday, August 1st, 2002 11:39 am CST]
The ticker was updated. There are three new things at The Ultimate HM RPG Site; a Downloads page, the Game Corner, and a Chat Room. But a few things were dropped from the site; the Lottery Tickets and the Available Jobs page. If you're planning on making some extra money by taking the Idiot Test, you'd better hurry because it will soon be moved to the Game Corner and there will be no reward for getting all of the answers wrong. Sorry, but it takes too much time to correct all of the tests that are sent in. You can now contact me a lot easier. Click "Contact Kai" and you'll find out how. If you're sick of typing that long URL to get here, you can now type

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