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~Moon ball(helps trasformation)~
~Oozaru(transforms into a ape like creature, and u dont get it till u have 10,000 PL)~
~Giji Super Saiyan(This power-up move is almost identical to the Super Saiyan, the only diffirence is that the energy is white, not gold and this form is isn't even nearly as powerfull as the Super Saiyan form. Saiyans learn this move when they have 15,000 PL)~
~Saiyan Heratage(When a saiyan is almost dead and gets heald agian he gets a huge powerboost)~
~Oozaru(transforms into a ape like creature, and u dont get it till u have 10,000 PL)~
~Saiyan Heratage(When a saiyan is almost dead and gets heald agian he gets a huge powerboost)~
Humans: None but get 1 extra attack
~Sword attack(Konatsa begin with a sword that is given trow there famillie for generations)~
~Ocarina Ability(Learn to play the ocarina which can be used to quell the vicious monster forms and Oozarus, bringing them to peace and reverting them to their previous form, have to have 8,000 PL to use)~
~Heal(Used to heal the user or someone else. A Namek will have this move from the beginning)~
~Regeneration(An Namek's ability to regenrate almost his hole body back, except for his head, Namkes will learn this move when they have 10,000 PL)~
Organic Androids:
~Being Absorbtion(The ability to absorb the physical material composite of a fallin opponent.(for every 1000 opponents stats=100 stats gained)
~Regeneration(An Namek's ability to regenrate almost his hole body back, except for his head, Namkes will learn this move when they have 10,000 PL)~
Mechanical Androids:
~Energy Absorbtion(Used to absorb the ki attacks that your opponent fires.)~
~Ki Regenarator(An Android's ability to regenrate his energy using a special chip)~
~Self distruct(A android has a chip in him with lets the android explode and kill enemy's and others close to him)~
-Need 15,000 PL
-once a battle
-Bring your ki to 0 and life to 1%
~Body weapon(A weapon pulled from the body.It is extremely powerful)
~Breathe in space(A Changeling has the ability to breathe in space,making him able to travel to diffirent planets)~
~Imprisonment Ball(Used to capture the opponent in an energy ball they can't get out of for a while and then explodes.Changelings will learn this move when they have 15,000 PL)~
~Natural Strength(changlings are one of the most feared and dangerous races in the universe they have what can be only decribed as only Natural Strength)~
~Body Change(Allows the user to switch body's with whomever he is able to do the trick on. After switching the power levels in the bodies will remain the same. When facing face to face with your foe, spreading both arms out and yelling Change!)~
Demons: None but get 1 extra attack
~Majin Natural strength~
~Kyu shu(He absorbs you into himself gaining your power, or he can throw a piece of himself at you and absorb you)
~Henka beam(With the antena on your head you shoot a beam at your opponent to change him into a candy and then you eat him)