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The debut of an Ascending Star ». Jennifer Moore .«

People Used

Jennifer, Camera crew

UCW Roster (mainly divas)

(( Foward scene ))

The beginning for the Ultimate Championship Wrestling is still kicking in gear as many superstars have made their presence felt. One of the reporters working for the UCW is seen walking the halls with his camera man trailing closely behind. He greets employees with a hello and a smile before reaching his destination. The man finally stops at a locker room labeled 'Jennifer Moore'. He knocks on the door then steps into the fairly lit room.

(( End foward ))

"Jennifer, may I get a few words from you?"

<< A blonde woman dressed in a low cut black top and a tight skirt with knee high boots sits on a large sofa with her hands neatly folded together below her chest. She nods her head and sinks back into the soft couch. >>

"Well ladies and gentlemen, I am standing just a few feet from the newest edition to the UCW. She's the complete package with knowledge, beauty and skills. Jennifer, now that you have signed a contract with the federation do you have anything to say to the roster?"

<< Jennifer thinks for a minute then looks deeply into the camera filming her >>

Ah yes, the Ultimate Championship Wrestling welcome to the new era of entertainment. Some of you may have a small taste of who I am while others do not. My name is Jennifer Moore. While most women in this day and age are either slapping each other around or pulling hair, I steer clear from their path. You see, hardcore is my game. I live, breathe and define it. Just about anyone can claim themselves to a title but it takes someone special to actually back up their statement. Someone like me.

You see I am not the average woman. Nor am I close to being. Beauty and nails are not the only diversions mingling in my mind. Winning and being known as simply the best in my intentions is all the more gracing freely as I will capture the one title that will be held in the up-most reverence. That of course is the Women’s Championship.

After observing the so called competition here, I see no threat to stop me from claiming what is rightfully mine. I mean lets look at the women presently here. First we have Hawlie, some psychotic mental institution escapee. The only harm she could do is to herself. And then there's Ashley and Tracy. Two young girls putting on some drama about who is the bigger woman.

"You mentioned the UCW Women's Championship, is that your first goal in achieving?"

Yes it is, I specifically signed a deal with this federation to win gold. I'm telling everyone off the bat the reason for my existence. Why else would I be here? Entertaining the fans is a priority but not the top one. Being showered in continual victories is. Quite frankly that's what I'm all about.

"Jennifer, you are very confident when someone mentions that title. It would be rather odd to ask for your views on you winning but do you ever see yourself perhaps being defeated by one of your fellow divas?"

Are you serious? No actually I don't. I have never met a force I couldn't break. These few women here are no exception. It's going to be a matter of days before my reign will begin. I can assure you that.

"Well then good luck with your journey. Thank you for your time, Jennifer"

No problem

The reporter leaves the room along with his camera man who continues to film Jen as he slowly walks away. Jennifer grabs the remote sitting on a table and turns on the television. The camera then fades to black.

Thanks Amy for the banner