Ultimate Championship Wrestling Roster
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Treymane Javon Rico



220 lbs.

Home Town:
San Diego, California


Wrestling Style:
High Flyer

Weapon of Choice:
Steel Chair

Entrance Music:
"Hit 'Em High"


Jumping Flat-liner

Favorite Moves

"TJ Drop"
Top Rope Leg drop onto opponent with chair laying on face.

"Treymane Train"
Puts opponent in a Tree of Woe and wedge a steel chair between the ropes and across their chest. This is followed by a running dropkick to the chair.

Dudley Dogg

Top Rope Frakensteiner


Born and raised in a wealthy family on the outskirts of San Diego, Evan grew up watching wrestling since he was 4. He began training at the age of 15, learning the basics. By the time he was 17, he was working in a very small promotion in downtown Philadelphia, which didn't go too far. After 2 years of jumping from feds such as the LWF, ICW, and TWF, he found himself at the UCW, where he plans on making a name for himself.


Young, talented, and very cocky. Loves to party with the ladies, but sometimes seems to find himself in trouble with the law for underage drinking. His competitiveness sometimes get himself into situations he wishes he wasn't in, but always finds a way outta things. Very skilled wrestler for his young age, and can compete with the biggest, baddest, and the best around.


You can take my money, my clothes, and my cars. But you'll never take away pride!

Wins - Losses - Draws

1 - 1 - 0

Titles Held
