Ultimate Championship Wrestling Roster
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Ganker Ransolver



165 lbs.

Home Town:
Plymouth, Indiana


Wrestling Style:
High Flyer

Weapon of Choice:
Steel Chair

Entrance Music:
"Hero of the Day" by Metallica


"RSE Vengance"
Frog Splash

Favorite Moves

"Screw Over"
Scoop Reverse DDT

"Van Damninator"
Van Damninator

"Reverse Rock Bottom"
Reverse Rock Bottom

"High Flipping Dropkick"
High Flipping Dropkick


He was born in Seattle, but his parents moved as soon as they saw the bad influence his only true friend Drummer was having on his life. Drummer knew it was the best thing for Ganker Ransolver if he was going to live a great and successful life with a great career. Ganker's parents moved to Plymouth, Indiana in some broke down two-story apartment. It had it's issues, but it was nice. Ganker soon though, probably at age 17, ran away to Portland, Oregon and trained under Rodeo Cole for $50 a week. He got a discount because Rodeo realized how much he wanted it and how poor he really was. He's become the PHCW TV Champion, Tag Team, RSE Cruiserweight, UWF Cruiserweight, and 8x Tag Team Champion. Ganker however, in the beginning of his career in PCW-2, had a tremendous leg injury and was put of action of months. Ganker is just now getting back into the swing of things and looks to be one of thee most unstopp able wrestling forces ever.


Calm, cool, collect, cocky ass son bitch. He has a cool head on his shoulders, but sometimes acts like a jackass in public, but really doesn't even care.


Step into the ring with Ganker Ransolver, there is a one hundred percent chance of gettin' yo ass Jakked-Up!

Wins - Losses - Draws

0 - 1 - 0

Titles Held
