Ultimate Championship Wrestling Roster
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Nick McCleud



242 lbs.

Home Town:
Tampa, Florida


Wrestling Style:
High Flyer

Weapon of Choice:
Steel Chair

Entrance Music:
"Feel So Numb" by Rob Zombie


"One Step Closer"
Curtain Call into reversed seated Powerbomb

Favorite Moves

Elevated Texas Cloverleaf




Nick McCleud grew up in a disturbed home, always beaten, always punished, one of the two children in the home next to younger brother Christian. At the age of Seven (7) young Nick ran away from home, it was just to hard for the young child to go on living like that. Never finding a true place to live after and didn't bother looking, Nick slept in dumpsters, on benches, broke into vacant buildings just to have somewhere to stay for alittle while. This went on until Nick turned Nine (9) he wished to return home and hoping his family would take him back in...Nick arrived back to his old home to find cops and medics everywhere ...no sign of his family, until he moved in closer seeing his parents lying on the ground in a pool of blood. But where was his younger brother Christian? the last thing Nick saw before being pulled away was who, to him appeared to e his brother far down by the road starring right up at Nick. That was the last he saw of his family, no place to go now. So he ran back to "His Streets" only to be taken in by a group of runaway kids who called themselves the "Underground in Training"...a few years pass... At the age of 18. Nick McCleud was entered in an "UnderGround" fighting competition."Real Hits, Real Blood, and Real Pain." *The UnderGround composed of wrestling, streetfighting, boxing, and kick boxing.* Making friends and foes, krushing every single opponent who stepped infront of him.


A man stuck in his childhood, with the vision of his parents death stuck inside his head tearing him appart, hears voices, his father's, mother's, and younger brother. Haunting him until this day.


Only One Step More...til' I Break!

Wins - Losses - Draws

0 - 0 - 0

Titles Held
