Ultimate Championship Wrestling Roster
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"The Man" Jory Johnson



267 lbs.

Home Town:
Spokane, Washington


Wrestling Style:
High Flyer

Weapon of Choice:
Steel Chair

Entrance Music:
"Left Behind" by Slipknot


"Can't Touch This"
Rock Bottom

Favorite Moves

"Mile High Club"
Frog Splash

"The Disturber"
Half Boston Crab

"The Manly Drop"
Spinning Rack Pancake

"The Perfect Finish"


"The Man" Jory Johnson has been in feds since March 2000. Trying to make a name for himself wasnt easy for the first few months as he worked in three indy feds known as ICW,FTW,and HAW. After showing impressive skill by winning a combined total of 7 titles including one World Title reign Jory was signed to a popular federation known as CWF where he met current Vice President Lance Perfection and future TWF Hall of Famers Jaden James and Mike Mendez. After a miserable showing in CWF Jory moved on to DWF where after Lance left for a short vacation became the DWF World Champion but was screwed out of it just two weeks later, afterwards Jory went to TCW where he became a two time TCW I.C. Champion and had a great run as TCW Commish. After TCW closed down Jory went to LWF for a short stay as co-commish but was fired after having personal problems with the president Lance Perfection. After a months vacation Jory was recruited into the then popular TWF and sent to the training fed SCW where he held both the SCW TV and IC Titles before being promoted to TWF and winning the TWF TV Title in his second match. While in TWF Jory sent some feelers out and became a Tag Champion in WWFNewEra and started winning titles in many other federations. After an impressive streak in TWF which consisted of two different world title reigns, two different tag title reigns,a tv title reign,a hardcore title reign,and a reign as VP Jory was already considered a legend with his achievments in and outside the TWF and his impressive showings in one of the top feds UEF where he currently holds the record for longest Hardcore Title reign. Also known as one of the greatest tag team wrestlers alive holding many Tag Title reigns under his belt Jory has been asked to come to the UCW to once again bring things up a notch and show everyone why they call him "The Man".


Jory is a cocky man who in his mind thinks he can beat anyone put in his path. Not one to put up with peoples stupidity Jory will speak his mind and hurt anyone foolish enough to step up to him.


You will see why they call me "The Man"!

Wins - Losses - Draws

0 - 0 - 1

Titles Held
