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[Pedestrian] 11/17/02 8:43 PM: Hello There
Hi! New rounds of theories.. I only got 20 submissions this week. This weeks question is:

If someone goes back in time to change the world completely, and it causes us not to live, what would happen to us? Would we dissapear? And what if, once we disapeared, another person came back and changed the future again?

Open free discussion is allowed, try to keep loosely on the subject.

We might be switching servers real soon. It depends on when. But soon. REAL SOON! Thanks. :D

[Eggy] 11/03/02 8:54 PM: More Stuff
Funfest is over and I'm back, working on the site again.. I wrote a lot of new articles, finished the chat section and the staff section, and actually put up the news archive. Sadly, some of the older news was deleted. Tragedy. I'm working on the new *Adfree* forums, so that'll be up in a few weeks..

[Eggy] 10/20/02 8:55 AM: Maitnence and Funfestation
First off, go submit stuff to the funfest because it's cool. I'm running it and so, yeah.

Now I will be doing lots of maitnence with activities along with the past news button, although the site is only me right now. ><;; Look for a big NP Seige update, Mother 3 watch, fourm stuff, and some testing stuff, hopefully people will start coming on, so on. Sidetrack!

[Eggy] 9/29/02 9:52 PM: Later Homeslice
I'll be gone all of October, stopping in once or twice, maybe. When I come back, I better see some new Icons and Words written on this page, or else. Mother 3 watch is updated.. along with an activity bar which has some potential activities on it.

[Eggy] 9/21/02 8:28 PM: The Stuff Formally known as "The Hot Stuff"
Somehow I don't believe it's been this long, but whatever, Mother 3 is coming and now we know it. Here's the scan, heres the Party. What more can I say? Brownie Brown, taking the place of APE inc, will be in charge of some key development points. Although the name sounds.. lets say, kiddie, they aren't n00bs to the bussiness. They were founded from the branch of Squaresoft that made Secret Of Mana.. a 2 player RPG for the SNES, that realy owned. They've had the GBA game "Magical Vaction" which has very impressive graphics. So, its coming, and thats all there is to say. You might also notice the activites bar, but maybe not, it depends on my laziness factor.

There's also announcements of a new Final Fantasy hitting gamecube sometime during 2003 on the same page of EGM.. and all the GBA games announced (FFT namingly) will hit stateside. For RPG people like me.. today is a happy day.. dispite the fact that I have a sickness virus - and excuse to stay inside and play video games!

Old News

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