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The child ran through the halls. Small leather shoes, clapping against the polished stone of the floor. Her hair was done up in a pony-tail of sorts, high atop her head. Vibrant red curls bouncing as she ran. Behind her, was a man, also running. He was a large man, and the childs guard.

"I am going to turn ye over my knee, Lass!"

The man had shouted. He didn't mean it. He never meant it. The child giggled, as she rounded a corner. Poor Serge. The man had been guarding the child since she was born - and he was getting old. In a desperate attempt, Serge stopped running, and dropped to his knees. His hands rose, resting over his chest, as he flopped over onto his back. Tyrael stopped, when she no longer heard Serge's boots hitting to the floor. As she peeked around the corner, she saw Serge on the floor. Her game was forgotten, and she ran back to Serge.

As Tyrael neared the fallen guard, she bent over, looking at his face upside down. Serge's eyes popped open, and his hands darted up - grabbing Tyrael. Tyrael squeeled and then giggled, as Serge brought her down to lay on his chest. Tyrael laid her head down, listening to the steady rythm of Serge's heart. Serge smiled softly, stroking a large hand over the small back.

"Ye wear this old man out, Princess."

Tyrael giggled once more, patting Serge's arm.

"No, I keep you young."

Serge laughed. It was a comforting rumble. Tyrael's small form bouncing on the large mans chest. Iyari, Tyrael's mother, rounded the corner at that moment. Iyari was a cruel woman. She cared for nothing but the power she held, having married Eamon, Tyrael's father. Iyari shreiked.

"Guards! Guards!"

Tyrael lifted her head and looked to Iyari, her tri-colored eyes wide. What was the woman yelling about now? Tyrael rolled her eyes. Iyari was always raving about something or another. The guards came running to the Queen's call. Iyari pointed towards Serge.

"Take him into custody! He was doing -things- to the Princess!"

Serge got to his feet, his face a mask of rage. How dare he be accused of such! Why, Serge would never harm a hair on Tyrael's head. Tyrael looked at Iyari, her eyes narrowing. Her tiny hands curled into fists - lightly glowing.

"You lie! Serge did nothing to me!"

Tyrael was somewhat of a willful child. Then again, she simply hated her mother. Iyari's eyes widened in fake astonishment. Though, within the woman's eyes - triumph. Tyrael screamed as Serge was dragged away by the guards, and thrown into the dungeons.

"I will tell Daddy!"

Iyari smirked. She was not worried about Eamon. There were ways around that mans anger. Tyrael ran from Iyari's sight, straight down to the dungeons - and Serge's tiny cell. Her small hands curled around the bars. Little fingers reaching out for her companion.

"Daddy will fix it, Serge."

She whispered as she cried. A guard came behind her, just as Serge's fingers had touched to Tyrael's. The guard then lifted the child up and carried her away kicking and screaming 'Serge'. The old man sat down in his cell. Why the Queen had done such a thing, he was not sure. It could be because, even though Serge was getting on in years, he was still a very handsome man. Iyari had made her advances towards Serge - and Serge had refused. Iyari did not take kindly to being refused. Her revenge - could very well cause an old mans death, and broke the heart of a child.

Iyari was sure to keep Tyrael away from her father, and away from the dungeons. It was many days later, when she was finally able to get a moment alone with Eamon. Eamon sat in the throne room, on his throne. Before him was his scribe, dutifully writing out a letter which Eamon dictated. Tyrael poke her head into the room, and looked around. No Iyari! As fast as she could, Tyrael ran to Eamon and climbed up onto his lap. Her little face was a mask of sorrow and determination.

"Daddy, I need to talk to you. Fast."

The child gave Eamon no time to speak. She rattled off the story of what Iyari had done to Serge. The more she spoke, and the more tears that fell - the angrier Eamon got. At the finishe of the story, Eamon stood, still holding Tyrael. Together, the two went down to the dungeons. Tyrael automatically called out for Serge. She received no reply. Lifting her hand, she pointed towards Serge's cell.

"He's in there, Daddy!"

The two moved to the pointed out cell, but - it was empty. Where was Serge? Eamon called out for a guard, and in a flash the man was standing there.

"Yes, your Majesty?"

"Where is Serge?"

Eamon demanded.

The guard gulped. How did he tell the King that Serge was dead? The guard lowered his gaze.

"Dead, Majesty."

Eamon's eyes darkened. Tyrael burst into tears and buried her face to her Fathers neck. Her best friend, other than her sisters - Dead.

Many years later, the sisters - Tyrael, Delica, and Elysia, and Kalexia, were sitting in the sewing room. They hated sewing, But, Iyari made them do it, simply because she knew they hated it. The girls all had new guards. They had them since they were teenagers. Right now, as they all sat sewing, Iyari entered into the room. Each girl groaned silently, and turned to look to Iyari. She showed not an ounce of remorse, as she spoke.

"Girls, I am afraid I have bad news. Your Father is dead."

She then looked to each girl, before turning and walking from the room. The girls all looked at eachother. Dead? How could that be? They had seen him just the night before, and he was well. Tyrael was the first to speak.

"She lies."

Tyrael spat in disgust and shoved the sewing away from her. Delica came next.

"Did you see her? She didn't even look upset."

The girls all nodded, before Elysia spoke.

"How can we have come from her.."

Not a question, more a statement. One no one could comment to. It was odd, after all. The girls were -nothing- like their Mother. Granted, Tyrael and Delica had their mean streaks, but they had hearts. Iyari had no heart. Tyrael was convinced of that. So, the girls mourned on their own. Staying away from Iyari as much as possible. They were only nice to her to begin with, because Eamon had asked them to be.

It was many years after the death of their Father, when the Princess' had all come into their power. Seperate, their powers far exceeded Iyari's. Together, they were unstoppable. Iyari, knowing only trouble could come from the girls, she tried to have them imprisoned. Her first mistake. Iyari's second mistake was trying to imprison the sisters in the Castle.

You see, the girls had all snuck out late at night - at one time or another. They knew the castle better than Iyari did. Together, with their brothers, they all escaped. To the land of Tyrant they went. To start their own Unseelie court in the name of their Father, Eamon. Unfortunately, Iyari - together with her son Pallen - found the girls there. What would happen next? No one truely knew. One thing was for certain. Iyari and Pallen needed to watch their backs.