Dreams of the black rose

I go by many names Wyrd Dragonschyld, Dargon Knightsbane, my real names Kevin my buddy says i'm a werewolf if you got this from mike he's lying. welcome to my site, hope you like it

directory of my site

poetry and stories

To view some characters i'm devoloping for both my stories and my games click here

Please come back and visit again, please?
email me or not but i'd like to hear what you think


mail me

poetry and stories from friends

just some things I thought you should think on so ponder this

coming soon:
1. some of my art work just got a scanner so I have to figure out how to make it work
this site is all originals the only others are in my possession
I live for originality
all documents on this site used with creators permission
i'm looking for a publisher if there are any out there that like me

links to friends sites links
rules of wizardry as stated by terry goodkind

I know I am a geek.

those who know, tell.