Roleplay  Title

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Raw Role Play

Francine, and Molly



 Scream Queen and FUTURE EBWF's Women's Champion

 -][-  Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Those are the words that pop up on the left hand side of the television screen. The cameras view goes over the lush green palm trees lining the white sandy beach which is right next to the clear blue water. The picture changes, moving further down the beach, to a coral colored just a few hundred yard from the shoreline. Inside the house we go, the hard wooden floor shining brightly in the living room area which has been decorated with tasteful plush couches and chairs. A huge entertainment system took up one whole wall with its flat screen television, wall to wall Dolby sounds, dvd player and a stereo player. The camera moved down the halls of the home, past the kitchen, threw the dining room down another hallway where at the end of the hall clothing is flying out the door from inside the room. Closer and closer the camera goes, just narrowly avoiding being hit by the clothing which is being tossed out from a person who is just barely visible from inside a huge walk in closet. Pants, shoes, tops, scarves, you name it, and it is either laying on the floor or being tossed out of the closet with no regard for where it falls. A woman comes onscreen from a door off the side of the room, she walks over the clothing in the floor, her brow arching as she shook her head, clearing her throat, the heavy Jersey accent filling the air as she speaks. ][-

Woman:  Uhh ... is Eminem in there with you helping you 'clean out your closet?'


 -][-The woman dressed in a simple white top had light sandy brown hair that was pulled up in a messy ponytail on the top of her head. The camera got a shot of the rest of the woman who was clad in a pair of white shorts that cut high up so that her 'cheeks' were partially exposed. On that right buttock there was a tattoo that would be familiar to fans of the old ECW. The tattoo was that of a pair of lips, puckering up as if in giving a kiss, that could only mean one person and that person was the "real" Queen of Extreme Francine. So as Fran stood watch the clothing still showered out of the closet finally a head peeked out showing a woman with long jet black hair her voice answered her back and we knew it was none other then Daffney. -][-

Daffney: M & M's? No thanks Fran, trying to find something right now, maybe I will eat some candy with you later.


-][- Daffney slipped back into the closet the camera followed her movements as she took down item after item just tossing them over her shoulder after giving them a brief glance. Francine blinked, then went closer so that she could grab the dark haired girl by the arm and turn her around.  -][-


Francine:  Daff, that was a joke, cleaning out my closet...the white rapper from Detroit know?

-][- Daffney just gave Francine a blank look as if the woman was speaking French or some other foreign language. Francine sighed, running a hand threw her head. -][-

Francine:  Nevermind...what are you looking for? Maybe I can help before you empty the other half of your closet out here on the floor.


-][ -Pushing back some of the stray hair from her face Daffney walks over to a bed, which has clothes on it as well. She pushes the clothes to the floor and plops down on the bed her lips set in a frown. -][-


Daffney:  I need something to wear.


-][- Francine steps over a pile of clothing in the floor, walking over to stand before Daffney. Fran's voice raises slightly as she speaks. -][-

Francine:  Something to wear? Are you kidding me? Look at all these clothes all over here! You have tons of clothes here.

Daffney:  Yeah, I know but see I have a shot at the women's title and I need something to wear.

-][- Francine is clearly confused as she stares blankly at the pouting Daffney. -][-

Francine:  Are you freaking crazy!?

-][- Fran screeched at Daffney. Francine was never known for her patience. -][-

Francine:  Wear your gear for gods sake! Since when do you have to dress up for a match? Why don't you just toss something on?

Daffney:  Because...its a...a... EVENING gown match!

-][- Daffney whined some as she spoke the words "evening gown." She buried her head in her hands, pulling at her hair some. Francine went from looking mad to smirking to outright laughing.  -][-


Francine:  Hahahaha! Oh my gosh! YOU!? In an evening gown match?! Tell me its a pay per view, cause I am willing to shell out money to see it!

-][- Daffney looks up at the laughing Francine, scrambling off the bed she bares her teeth closing in on the other woman with a look like she ready to snap the other girl in half.  -][-

Daffney:  Oh somehow you think that is funny huh?

-][- Francine is no fool, she knows that Daff is angry and could go off the deep end at any given moment. Fran tosses her hands up, and takes a few steps back to give herself some distance from the angry Goth. -][-


Francine:  Whoa hold on there...I didn't mean it like that Daff, calm down.

-][-Daffney uncurls her fist which was down at her sides as she takes a few deep breathes. -][-

Daffney:  Oh yeah then how did you mean it?

Francine:  All I am saying is that you are a wrestler, and besides are so not the evening gown type. Who you are facing must be some bimbo or something?

-][- Daffney shakes her head. -][-

Daffney:  See you are right Fran, I am not the evening gown type...that is my problem. I am facing Molly and I want to take the title from I have to find a better ... evening gown then hers so I can win.

-][- Francine was nodding as she listened to Daffney, up to the point where Daffney said she needed a better gown. Fran shook her head slowly at Daffney with a small smile.  -][-

Francine:  Daffney, honey ... the way to win an evening gown match is to rip the gown off your opponent. It doesn't matter whose gown is better....its just about beating the hell outta the other girl so you can rip her clothes off for the win. You had one before...remember you and Miss Peacock?


-][-Daffney was sitting there listening to Fran as she explained, then when the words finally sank in, Daffney's' face lit up like a Christmas tree. -][-

Daffney:  Francine! You are so right! Damn I was so nervous I guess I wasn't thinking straight! I am so crazy huh? Thinking it was a fashion show! Oh! You brought up that match I had so long ago...I think I still have that dress!


-][-Daffney hops up off the bed running over to the closet where a few more items come sailing out before you can hear her voice calling out happily. -][-


Daffney:  I got it!

 -][-Later on we are back on familiar territory, the EBWF arena is filled to capacity for this house show. Even though this is a house show there are cameras working as if it were a live show. Many great matchups had taken place already, and the crowd had been graced by more then one superstar or diva out to talk about upcoming matches or old rivalries. There was a pause in the action, no one was in the ring, and the fans were trying to take this break to catch their collective breathes, to go visit the gift stands so that they could pick up items to take back to commemorate this night. Some also went to the concession stands, to acquire more food and drink, while others who had already had more then enough to drink...were using the restrooms. But all those people who were not in their seats would hear the cheers of their fellow fans as the lights inside the main part of the arena dimmed. Strobe lights of red, purple and dark green came on sweeping over the crowd bathing them in the dark colors. Over the PA a woman lets loose a long loud ear drum piercing scream. The words, "Who is this irresistible creature who has an insatiable love for the dead?" Directly following this scream is one more followed up by the sounds of the "Super Beast" himself Rob Zombie and his hit song "Living Dead Girl." The house lights come up as a woman clad in all black steps out into view. Daffney walks down the ramp in her long black satin gown the neckline of the gown has a princess style cut that drops down so that the Goth Goddess is showing off a bit of cleavage. Daffney looks darling with the billowy sleeves and the high waisted gown is flowing as she walks. She gets amidst the cheers a few cat calls as she walks in the dress from the men in the crowd she cuts a look over to them. -][-







 -][- Gathering up the yards of the black satin Daffney ducks under the middle rope climbing into the ring, where she poses some as the flashbulbs go off all around her. She moves to the side of the ring getting a microphone handed to her. The music dies down and Daffney paces around the ring some, tugging at her dress a bit. It is very clear that she is not the girlie type so the dress is making her a bit uncomfortable. She looks down, seeing her own exposed white skin, and tugs at the dress some trying to pull it up to no avail. -][-


Daffney:  I can't even remember the last time I wore a real a buddy of mine, you guys may know her, the Original Queen of Extreme, she went out and got me this...thing. How's it look on me?




-][- She lowered the mic and gave a little twirl, her skirt came up just enough so that you could see underneath the dress she had opted for a pair of white socks and her black combat boots. But other then that the accessories she had on were fitting to the dress she had on, a black veil held her long hair back from her face. A simple silver necklace as well as the silver mesh bracelet she wore that came down into a silver ring on her finger all fit so perfectly. And the crowd agreed, giving the young woman a hearty cheer. -][-

Daffney:  Aww thanks you guys! Fran told me this was a killer dress...and I am going to kill her for having me out here with my boobs exposed.

-][- She smirks as the crowd cheers again -][-

Daffney:  Just in case any of you didn't know, I have a match for the Women's title coming up, and it is an evening gown match. Now I will be the first to admit that I would rather be in a nice pair of pants and a top when I wrestler, dresses are not really my thing. But I am not going to complain because a title match is a title match and I said I would do whatever it took to win and if it means wearing a dress then you best believe that is sure as hell what I am going to do!

 -][ Pacing the ring as the crowd cheers in response she continues. -][-


Daffney:  So Molly is the champ, she beat Terri and now holds something that I want, the EBWF women's title. Now I have faced Molly and beaten her in the past, and she will whine and moan about how I cheated, but deep down Molly knows, just like everyone else knows, that I beat her fair and square. But I am going to dwell on that one win I had over her, sure it was a great victory but from here on out you might as well say it doesn't count.


 -][- The crowd and the announcers and anyone listening had to be confused. Not count? Just what the heck was Daffney getting at? -][-

Daffney:  The reason I said that win I have over her doesn't count is because now...its a whole new ball game. Before when I beat her she wasn't the women's champ, and while I do hold a win over her, I would rather go into this thinking that this match is like our first match, so that when I beat her and become the new Women's Champion, this victory will be all the sweeter!

 -][- Pushing the veil back over her shoulder she smiles some into the camera but her face transforms from smiling into a teeth baring snarl. Bringing her hand up to her chest she narrows her eyes some. -][-


Daffney:   I will tell you what is not sweet...not sweet is molly and her little mini me clone, Gail Kim. The two of them have set out on a vendetta against me because they know that alone, they have no chance of beating me, but with them together they could possibly defeat me. I am no fool and I know that Molly is somewhere sweating thinking about having to get into the ring to defend that title against me. I know that she probably has Gail right there so that the two of them can come up with some plan so that Molly walks out with the title Monday night. Well, girls, think long and hard, but there is nothing...and I mean nothing short of killing me that you can do that will stop me from not only ripping your clothes off, embarrassing you Molly in front of the whole world. Speaking of embarrassing...can someone please explain to me how Molly is going to fit that wide load she calls an ass into an evening gown? I didn't have a clue they made evening gowns that could cover something the size of a barn.




 -][- Daffney opens her arms wide making a funny face to indicate the large size of Molly's posterior. People in the crowd can't help but laugh aloud at the black gowned Goth. The camera pans over the crowd showing some signs. Daffney smirks happily walking to one side of the ring leaning on the ropes as she speaks. -][-

Daffney:   I kinda know what Molly uses that big bottom of hers for, I mean other then working part time as a movie screen at the local cineaplex. She uses that thing as a weapon. When she climbs up to the top rope and hurls that thing at you for the Molly-go-round she might as well be hitting someone with a concrete block. Cause something that big and heavy hitting you could damn sure knock you out. But I am not going to worry about that, cause the only way Molly is going to make it to the top rope in our match is if I place her up there. And I am not going to put her up there so that she can do her move, I am going to place her body up there after I have beat her down making her limp with pain. Then I am going to climb up those ropes, punching her as I go until I am up high enough, then I am going to jump up, wrap my legs around her neck and flip her down as I twist my body Molly is going to go crashing down to the canvas courtesy of me and a little move I call the Franken-Screamer!


-][- The crowd is going wild looking forward to this match which they know is going to be great. -][-


Daffney:   But Molly, I know will come out here and talk a bunch of trash, about my looks, and how crazy and dumb I am. See I am crazy yes, but I am not the dumb one here. She is the one lacking brains if she thinks that she can just come out to this ring and beat me in a wrestling match. Molly has some impressive moves in the ring yes, but I can match her hold for hold. And while she and I may match up in the classic style, I can overcome Molly because I am something she can't even begin to understand...I am Hardcore! Miss Pure and Wholesome is no match for me and my hardcore style. Molly can hit me over and over again, and each time I will get up and keep coming back for more.


-][- Daffney's hardcore style was well documented. The Scream Queen a holder of many belts, before but one that she defended most often was the hardcore title. -][-

Daffney:   So this Monday night, Molly is in for the fight of her life. And it doesn't matter to me what kind of match we are having, or where we are having it at. All I know is that I will not give up, I will not quit and when I get my hands on you Molly not only will you be screaming in pain, but when that final bell is rung, I will be the NEW EBWF's Women's Champion!


-][- Daffney tosses back her head letting out one of those screams she is known for. Her music hits and the young woman climbs out the ring as the scene fades to black. -][-