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The Storyline

A desert world. This is the world of Trigun. Water is precious, and greenery is provided only by the effects of ancient and powerful generators, powered by Plants. These Plants are powerful, anceint beings, having an almost infinate lifespan, and an ability to give out incredible amounts of energy. They are the lifeblood of the humans, they keep this world going. It is a world of dust. A world of dark, secret plots. A world where two brothers faught for the fate of mankind. In this dry land exists yet a powerful government, capable of placing fabulous rewards on the head of any who they deem a threat. This is the world to which humans landed on after they had rendered Earth uninhabitable. Because of this many of the most powerful weapons have not been made again, by any hand, but handguns and handgrenades are the weapons of the day...

This is the world of Trigun!

Choose a race and a profession, and search for life and prosperity in this foresaken land. A game for lovers of the show, and those who have never heard of it. Welcome to the world of Trigun: Saga of the Dark Gun!

Complete Story of the RPG (Contains show spoilers!)